Property value prints but when assigned to label it shows nil - ios

Currently working with two view controllers and a swift file dealing with the details of a store such as the phone number. There is a main ViewController and a DetailsViewController.
I currently acquire data from google places api and am able to successfully store the values in a PlaceDetails Class. Testing out the data - I am able to print to the console. However, when I try to assign a value taken from the API to a UILabel the application crashes and shows that the value of the property is nil. I am not sure why this is the case. I feel in the two view controllers I am instantiating the PlaceDetails class correctly and accessing it's properties correctly but there is something I am not aware of that is going wrong.
class ViewController: UIViewController
let placeDetails = PlaceDetails()
let detailsVC = DetailsViewController()
func tapLabel( sender: UITapGestureRecognizer )
// print statement successfully prints out the stored value as - Optional("1 888-555-5555")
// assigning value to label causes a crash stating value is nil
detailsVC.phoneNumberLabel.text = placeDetails.phoneNumber!
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("showDetailsVC", sender: self)
class DetailsViewController: UIViewController
#IBOutlet weak var phoneNumberLabel : UILabel!
let placeDetails = PlaceDetails()
override func viewDidLoad()
//This approach does not cause a crash but outputs nil to the console for both the print statement and the assignment statement
phoneNumberLabel.text = placeDetails.phoneNumber!
class PlaceDetails
override init()
var phoneNumber : String? //viewcontroller actions give this class property its value

You need to assign placeDetails to your destination view controller in prepareForSegue. I know you aren't doing this as you have created placeDetails as a let constant rather than a variable so it can't ever change from the empty PlaceDetails you originally assign.
You should declare it as an optional variable and then unwrap it properly when you use it;
class ViewController: UIViewController
let placeDetails = PlaceDetails()
func tapLabel( sender: UITapGestureRecognizer )
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("showDetailsVC", sender: self)
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject!) {
if (segue.identifier == "showDetailsVC") {
let destVC = segue.destinationViewController as! DetailsViewController
destVC.placeDetails = self.placeDetails
class DetailsViewController: UIViewController
#IBOutlet weak var phoneNumberLabel : UILabel!
var placeDetails: PlaceDetails?
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool)
if let placeDetails = self.placeDetails {
if let phoneNumber = placeDetails.phoneNumber {
self.phoneNumberLabel.text = phoneNumber
You can't use the value in viewDidLoad as this method will execute before the property has been set; the view controller is loaded before prepareForSegue is called, so viewWillAppear is a better place.

Try to cast your phoneNumber in a string.
detailsVC.phoneNumberLabel.text = String(placeDetails.phoneNumber!)
Also, the nil value could come from the encoding method of the response of the API.
I think you have to set the text of your UILabel in the viewDidLoad() method of your showDetailsVC. Declare a string variable in showDetailVC, and then pass your placeDetails.phoneNumber variable to the string you just declare. (Instead of directly set the text in the tapLabel() method). Then in your
showDetailVC set the text to your UILabel in the viewDidLoad()


What does it mean when an optional variable is <uninitialized> in a view controller?

I have a view controller that shows detail for my "SkillGroup" entity. I want to use this for both viewing and editing/creating a "SkillGroup". Thus I have an optional variable skillGroup which is either unset - and nil when you are first creating the SkillGroup and before you save it, OR it is set and you will be simply viewing the SkillGroup. Here is my code
class GroupViewController:UIViewController {
var skillGroup: SkillGroup?
override func viewDidLoad() {
if let skillGroup = skillGroup {
self.title =
and in the previous view controller:
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "createGroupSegue" {
let destination = segue.destination as? GroupViewController
destination?.createOrEdit = true
if segue.identifier == "showGroupSegue" {
if let selectedGroupPath = self.groupsTableView.indexPathForSelectedRow {
let destination = segue.destination as? GroupViewController
destination?.createOrEdit = false
let group = groups[selectedGroupPath.row]
destination?.skillGroup = group
If I set a breakpoint right after the call to super, and I inspect skillGroup, it says its <uninitialized>. I don't think this because its "nil" like a normal optional variable that hasn't been set. Additionally I did set the skillGroup variable in the prepare for segue code.
I really can't find much information on what means. Can someone help me out here?
I think you are inspecting the wrong variable in the debugger (the local variable instead of the instance variable).
I made a quick sample:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
public class TestClass {
var foo: String
var bar: Int
init() {
foo = "foo"
bar = 4711
public var test: TestClass?
override func viewDidLoad() {
test = TestClass()
if let test = test {
When I set a breakpoint on the line if let test = test { I will see the following in the debugger:
Here you can see that it will print <uninitialized> when I print the description of the local test variable because the let statement on that line was not executed yet.
Please note that there is a local variable (only living inside the if scope) and an instance variable. In the debugger you will see the instance variables when you expand the self node.

Nil values passed after segue

I have an issue that has been driving me crazy, i had my values working inside my main VC which is named ViewController for both Age and Gender, i tested this with print statement and it works, this is below
#IBAction func uploadBtnAction(_ sender: UIButton) {
NetworkServices.instance.getGender(image: imageView1.image!) { (gender) in
self.Gender = gender
// print(self.Gender!) // This prints a value
NetworkServices.instance.getAge(image: imageView1.image!) { (age) in
self.Age = age
// print(self.Age!) //This prints a value
performSegue(withIdentifier: "updates", sender: self)
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "updates" {
let destinationVC = segue.destination as! SecondViewController
destinationVC.userImage = image1
destinationVC.genderFromUser = Gender
destinationVC.ageFromUser = Age
but when i segue to another VC named SecondViewController which is below, i suddenly get an error "Thread 1: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value", i have created variables to hold my values which will come from the first VC but this first VC does not pass the values after seque, please help, i have checked stackoverflow and tried all solutions to no avail, i though this should be the easiest part, funny enough, my image successfully passes over from the first VC to second during seque. Please advice.
import UIKit
import CLTypingLabel
class SecondViewController: UIViewController {
var userImage: UIImage?
var genderFromUser: String?
var ageFromUser: Int?
override func viewDidLoad() {
imageView2.image = userImage
genderlabel.text = "Gender:"
ageLabel.text = "Age:"
print(ageFromUser!) // fatal error here
print(genderFromUser!) // fatal error here
print(userImage) // This is always successful
// ageUser.text =
// genderUser.text = userGender
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
#IBOutlet weak var ageUser: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var genderUser: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var imageView2: UIImageView!
#IBOutlet weak var genderlabel: CLTypingLabel!
#IBOutlet weak var ageLabel: CLTypingLabel!
My goal is to set labels to the values passed over from the first VC at the second VC.
The problem is the order of operations. Your NetworkServices.instance.get... methods are asynchronous. I will use numbers to show you the order in which your code actually runs:
#IBAction func uploadBtnAction(_ sender: UIButton) {
NetworkServices.instance.getGender(image: imageView1.image!) { (gender) in
self.Gender = gender // 2 or 3
NetworkServices.instance.getAge(image: imageView1.image!) { (age) in
self.Age = age // 3 or 2
performSegue(withIdentifier: "updates", sender: self) // 1
So the segue is performed, and prepare is called, and the instance variables genderFromUser and ageFromUser are set, before you have set up your self.Gender and your self.Age. Therefore they are set to nil, because that's what they are at the time.
Later, of course, your asynchronous code comes along and does set self.Gender and self.Age, but it's too late; the train has left the station. SecondViewController already exists, and it has been configured with nil values.
Of course, since it does exist, you could now come along and set those instance properties again and get the SecondViewController to update its interface in response. Or you might work out some other solution. In general, this is a tricky problem — the problem of transitioning to another view controller at a time when its data is not ready yet and has to be fetched asynchronously.
[Also, you need to ask yourself, in fashioning a solution, what should happen if the data never arrives. What if the network chooses to go down at the exact moment the user taps the button? Welcome to the wild and wooly world of real life!]

Swift get value data from protocol

i need help with my code for swift 5,
so i make a struct and protocol to store list from uitextfield and now i wanna show that data in a UiTextView in another view controller
struct PatientNote {
var note : String
init(note :String) {
self.note = note
protocol AddNotesDelegate {
func AddNotes(controller : UIViewController, notes: PatientNote)
class AddNotesController: UIViewController {
var delegate : AddNotesDelegate!
#IBOutlet weak var Notes: UITextView!
#IBAction func addNotes(_ sender: Any) {
if let notes = self.Notes.text {
let patientNote = PatientNote(note: notes)
self.delegate.AddNotes(controller: self, notes: patientNote)
and now i wanna show in my view controller but i get this error of "Cannot convert value of type 'PatientNote' to expected argument type 'String'" in this viewController
class NotePatientController: UIViewController, AddNotesDelegate{
func AddNotes(controller: UIViewController, notes: PatientNote) {
let NotesPatient = PatientNote(note: notes) *this is where i get the error
var delegate : AddNotesDelegate!
var pasien : PatientNote!
override func viewDidLoad() {
PatientTextView.text = pasien.note
#IBOutlet weak var PatientTextView: UITextView!
//in this ibaction i edit the notes that i get from the first Vc which is AddNotesController
#IBAction func Save(_ sender: UIButton) {
if let notes = self.PatientTextView.text {
let pasienNotes = PatientNote(note: notes)
self.delegate.AddNotes(controller: self, notes: pasienNotes)
i try to show the note from the AddNotesController to the NotePatientController, and in the NotePatientController i can edit and save the notes in UiTextView.
so i know i must be using the protocol in a wrong way, can someone help me how should i use it? im still kinda new in swift so could probably use any help i can get, Cheer!
Change let notesPatient = PatientNote(note: notes) to let notesPatient = PatientNote(note: notes.note)
It appears PatientNote takes a String as an argument but you passed an already created PatientNote to it instead. The below syntax, using notes.note would be a cleaner solution without involving initialising a new PatientNote.
func AddNotes(controller: UIViewController, notes: PatientNote) {
print(notes.note) // access the note String like this

Passing data between controllers - unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional

I am attempting a very simple task of passing data between two view controllers. I have control-dragged the label into the proper class and allowed the segues to populate with the correct data. Upon clicking the row, the prepareForSegue action is as:
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if segue.identifier == "individualChat" {
if let indexPath = tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow {
let friend: Friend
friend = mappedFriends[indexPath.row]
let controller = segue.destinationViewController as! IndividualChatController
controller.friendChat = friend
and into the residing view controller:
import UIKit
class IndividualChatController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var anotherTestLabel: UILabel!
var friendChat: Friend! {
didSet {
func configureView() {
if let friendChat = friendChat {
anotherTestLabel.text = as? String
Yet, upon clicking the row, the error appears:
fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
on line:
anotherTestLabel.text = as? String
How can this be fixed?
Additional Screen Capture:
When you execute some code in prepareForSegue the next view is not loaded yet so all your outlets are still set to nil; because of this when you try to implicitly unwrap the content of anotherTestLabel at
anotherTestLabel.text = as? String
you get that error.
You can check if your label has been loaded and only if that's the case set its text using
anotherTestLabel?.text = as? String
and then manually calling configureView() in viewDidLoad() of IndividualChatController to proper load the label.
The added ? will check if your label is nil, if so nothing will be done, else it will proceed unwrapping the label and setting the text.

How to call a same variable in class by two difference class in Swift?

I am new to Swift.
I save some variable and function in CouchBase.swift , and there has two swift will call the function and variable in CouchBase.swift.
The ViewController.swift set the uuid in CouchBase.swift and change to the DeviceInfo.swift. But when I call getuuid in the DeviceInfo.swift , it return the empty value;
In CouchBase.swift
class Couchbase {
ar userPassword = "";
var userUUID = "";
func setuuid(uuid: String){
self.userUUID = uuid
func getUserUUID() -> NSString{
return userUUID;
In ViewController.swift
var cbase = Couchbase()
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("DeviceInfo", sender: self) //change to DeviceInfo.swift
In DeviceInfo.swift
import Foundation
class Deviceinfo: ViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
println("cbase.getUserUUID() = \(cbase.getUserUUID())")
The log show cbase.getUserUUID() = , How to use the same variable in two different swift class ?
Why the value is empty when I call cbase.getUserUUID() in DeviceInfo.swift ?
You need to pass the cbase property of ViewController class to Deviceinfo class.
For that you can use the prepareForSegue method, Implement the following method in First view controller class:
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject!)
let destinationVC = segue.destinationViewController as Deviceinfo
destinationVC.cbase = self.cbase
Note: Assuming that cbase is a public property in the Deviceinfo class also.
