This is confusing me no end.
In a rake task, I am saving new records on the DailyScore model with the following code:
def save_record_as_daily_score_object(data)
#ds = DailyScore.where(date: data[:date]).first_or_create!
The pry output is as follows:
[10] pry(main)> data
=> {:date=>"2015-09-02",
[11] pry(main)> #ds
=> #<DailyScore:0x000001098121a8
id: 4975,
mail: nil,
telegraph: nil,
times: nil,
average: nil,
guardian: nil,
independent: nil,
express: nil,
date: nil,
created_at: 2016-05-16 13:10:03 UTC,
updated_at: 2016-05-16 13:10:03 UTC>
[12] pry(main)> #ds.average
=> -3.4
[13] pry(main)>
=> "2015-09-02"
[14] pry(main)> #ds.persisted?
=> true
[15] pry(main)> DailyScore.last
=> #<DailyScore:0x000001086810d8
id: 4975,
mail: nil,
telegraph: nil,
times: nil,
average: nil,
guardian: nil,
independent: nil,
express: nil,
date: nil,
created_at: 2016-05-16 13:10:03 UTC,
updated_at: 2016-05-16 13:10:03 UTC>
[16] pry(main)> DailyScore.last.average
=> nil
What is going on here? Why can't Pry access my variable attributes? And is the record actually being saved or not?
Checking in the console, the behaviour is the same if I simply create a new object. I'm using the Padrino framework, and a Postgres db.
2.0.0 :001 > ds ="2016-01-01")
=> #<DailyScore id: nil, mail: nil, telegraph: nil, times: nil, average: nil, guardian: nil, independent: nil, express: nil, date: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
2.0.0 :002 >
=> "2016-01-01"
2.0.0 :003 > ds
=> #<DailyScore id: nil, mail: nil, telegraph: nil, times: nil, average: nil, guardian: nil, independent: nil, express: nil, date: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
Is it a problem with the model? Here is the original migration:
class CreateDailyScores < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :daily_scores do |t|
t.float :average
t.datetime :date
t.float :express
t.float :independent
t.float :guardian
t.float :telegraph
t.float :mail
t.float :times
def self.down
drop_table :daily_scores
Have now added another column day:date - using :date instead of :datetime - to check if it was a quirk with :datetime, but behaviour is the same.
This happens because you called attr_accessor in your model with your model attributes, which overrode default accessors provided by Rails (the accessors are called by update and new methods). Note this doc, for reference, if you do want to override accessors one day.
Removing attr_accessor from your model will do the trick!
Mongodb and rails
Parent object has_many :children
Child has a parent_id of class BSON::ObjectId
=> BSON::ObjectId('59031cd92936094d04000d31')
I can not find the Parent with that _id
Parent.where(_id: '59031cd92936094d04000d31').first
=> nil
The Parent object looks like this
=> #<Parent _id: 5a959865c8aedf03c1000007, _type: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, id: nil, name: nil, description: nil, type: nil, starts_at: nil, children_hash: nil>
I`m trying to use String as Primary/Foreign key on a small crawler that I'm making. But I keep receiving the following error when I try to use the Associations methods (eg.: a.crawler_details - Where a is an object called Asin):
RangeError: 8532503039 is out of range for ActiveRecord::Type::Integer with limit 4
Record example:
#<Asin asin: "8532503039", title: "O FĂsico", image_url: nil, active: false, created_at: "2015-05-04 03:30:29", updated_at: "2015-05-04 03:30:36">
Here are the details:
2.1.2 :001 >
=> #<Asin asin: nil, title: nil, image_url: nil, active: true, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
2.1.2 :002 >
=> #<CrawlerDetail id: nil, amazon_price: nil, feed_price: nil, first_place: nil, second_place: nil, third_place: nil, fp_price: nil, sp_price: nil, tp_price: nil, run: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
class Asin < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :crawler_details, :foreign_key => 'id', :primary_key=> 'asin'
self.primary_key = 'asin'
class CrawlerDetail < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :asin, :foreign_key => 'asin', :primary_key => 'id'
I also tried the belongs_to relation but with no luck. Any ideas here?
I think that is not association error , did you defined field name "asin" type integer in your database table ?
it may help please try to alter your database table from type integer to string .
When I comment out my after_save call back, my ActiveRecord associations work just fine. In Rails Console, you'd see:
> #report = Report.create :name => "foo"
=> #<Report id: 9, name: "foo", created_at: "2013-03-05 09:51:55", updated_at: "2013-03-05 09:51:55">
> #question = #report.questions.create :description => "bar"
=> #<Question id: 18, standard_id: nil, description: "bar", element_id: nil, condition_id: nil, blueprint_name: nil, blueprint_url: nil, created_at: "2013-03-05 09:52:32", updated_at: "2013-03-05 09:52:32", additive: false, instructions: nil>
> #report.questions
=> [#<Question id: 18, standard_id: nil, description: "bar", element_id: nil, condition_id: nil, blueprint_name: nil, blueprint_url: nil, created_at: "2013-03-05 09:52:32", updated_at: "2013-03-05 09:52:32", additive: false, instructions: nil>]
> #question.reports
=> [#<Report id: 9, name: "foo", created_at: "2013-03-05 09:51:55", updated_at: "2013-03-05 09:51:55">]
However, the associations stop working when I add the following after_save callback to question.rb:
def create_matching_surveys
self.reports.each do |report| do |review|
review.competitors.each do |competitor|
Then, in Rails Console, you get:
> #report = Report.create :name => "foo"
=> #<Report id: 13, name: "foo", created_at: "2013-03-05 10:20:51", updated_at: "2013-03-05 10:20:51">
> #question = #report.questions.create :description => "bar"
=> #<Question id: 24, standard_id: nil, description: "bar", element_id: nil, condition_id: nil, blueprint_name: nil, blueprint_url: nil, created_at: "2013-03-05 10:21:02", updated_at: "2013-03-05 10:21:02", additive: false, instructions: nil>
> #report.questions
=> [#<Question id: 24, standard_id: nil, description: "bar", element_id: nil, condition_id: nil, blueprint_name: nil, blueprint_url: nil, created_at: "2013-03-05 10:21:02", updated_at: "2013-03-05 10:21:02", additive: false, instructions: nil>]
> #question.reports
=> []
This happens whether or not the report has reviews that have competitors.
The strange thing is I thought the callback was meant to happen after the question was saved? So by rights the association should save too before any of this happens, right?
How do I fix it?
I think I have to call the callback in the right spot in the object's life cycle, but I can't find that spot. Here's why I think this:
> #report = Report.create :name => "foo"
=> #<Report id: 20, name: "foo", created_at: "2013-03-05 12:29:35", updated_at: "2013-03-05 12:29:35">
> #question = #report.questions.create :description => "bar"
=> #<Question id: 31, standard_id: nil, description: "bar", element_id: nil, condition_id: nil, blueprint_name: nil, blueprint_url: nil, created_at: "2013-03-05 12:30:14", updated_at: "2013-03-05 12:30:14", additive: false, instructions: nil>
> #question.reports
=> []
> #question.update_attributes :description => "foo"
=> true
> #question.reports
=> [#<Report id: 20, name: "foo", created_at: "2013-03-05 12:29:35", updated_at: "2013-03-05 12:29:35">]
BTW, the method is now in question_observer.rb:
class QuestionObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
def after_save(model)
model.reports.each do |report| do |review|
review.competitors.each do |competitor|
return true
The answer was to use a neat new callback hook called after_commit which was introduced with Rails 3.
The only issue is after_commit doesn't work "out of the box" with transactional fixtures, but there are plenty of solutions out there, and I found this one worked well for me:
If you look at the four method calls below, Service.first returns a Service object, Salon.first returns a Salon object, etc. But TransactionItem.first returns a Service object. Why could this be?
ruby-1.8.7-p334 :001 > Service.first
=> #<Service id: 147, name: "Fub", salon_id: 2, created_at: "2011-08-10 18:00:07", updated_at: "2011-08-10 18:00:12", price: nil, active: true, archived: true>
ruby-1.8.7-p334 :002 > Salon.first
=> #<Salon id: 1, name: "The Cheeky Strut", created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, address_id: nil, email: nil>
ruby-1.8.7-p334 :003 > Product.first
=> #<Product id: 1, name: "Herbal Essences Shampoo", retail_price: #<BigDecimal:10305f1f0,'0.1E2',9(18)>, wholesale_price: nil, sku: "", salon_id: 2, created_at: "2011-07-08 01:35:48", updated_at: "2011-07-08 01:35:48", archived: false>
ruby-1.8.7-p334 :004 > TransactionItem.first
=> #<Service id: 63, created_at: "2011-08-30 20:05:57", updated_at: "2011-08-30 20:05:57", price: #<BigDecimal:10303eba8,'0.18E2',9(18)>>
ruby-1.8.7-p334 :005 >
This is what my app/models/transaction_item.rb looks like:
class TransactionItem < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :transaction
belongs_to :stylist
I blew away the TransactionItem table via a migration, then created a brand new migration to re-create it. That seems to have fixed the problem.
I'm trying to use Rails(2)'s to_json model serializing mechanism to emit some data from associated models. As my guide I'm referencing the following essentially identical documentation URLs:
Here is some of the relevant model code:
class WorkEffortAssignment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :work_effort
belongs_to :assigned_to, :polymorphic => true
belongs_to :assigned_by, :polymorphic => true
Here is the controller code, I'm just trying to dump some JSON for initial testing purposes:
def dump_work_effort_assignments
WorkEffort.include_root_in_json = false
all_assignments = WorkEffortAssignment.all
options = {:include => [:work_effort, :assigned_to, :assigned_by], :only => [:work_effort_id, :assigned_to_id, :assigned_by_id]}
ext_json = "{data:#{WorkEffortAssignment.all.to_json(options)}}"
render :inline => ext_json
Here's the first record of Json data with empty hashes for work_effort, assigned_to and assigned_by:
{data:[{"assigned_to":{},"work_effort_id":"9","assigned_to_id":3,"assigned_by":{},"work_effort":{},"assigned_by_id":3}, //etcetera
But below is my console session showing the associations that I'd like to represent in my Json. So what am I doing wrong in my controller when trying to specify the include option for to_json, such that I can easily send associated model data back to the browser. Thanks in advance
>> assignment = WorkEffortAssignment.first
=> #<WorkEffortAssignment id: 1, assigned_at: nil, assigned_from: nil, assigned_
thru: nil, unassigned_at: nil, assigned_to_id: 3, assigned_to_type: "Party", ass
igned_by_id: 3, assigned_by_type: "Party", created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, wor
k_effort_id: "9">
>> assignment.work_effort
=> #<WorkEffort id: 9, description: "Software Architecture Document", type: nil,
started_at: nil, finished_at: nil, projected_completion_time: nil, actual_compl
etion_time: nil, created_at: "2011-08-18 13:39:30", updated_at: "2011-08-25 13:3
9:30", facility_id: nil, facility_type: nil, work_effort_record_id: nil, work_ef
fort_record_type: nil, projected_cost_id: nil, actual_cost_id: nil, parent_id: n
il, lft: 1, rgt: 2>
>> assignment.assigned_to
=> #<Party id: 3, description: "George Jempty", business_party_id: 2, business_p
arty_type: "Individual", list_view_image_id: nil, enterprise_identifier: nil, cr
eated_at: "2011-08-29 14:21:41", updated_at: "2011-08-29 14:21:41">
>> assignment.assigned_by
=> #<Party id: 3, description: "George Jempty", business_party_id: 2, business_p
arty_type: "Individual", list_view_image_id: nil, enterprise_identifier: nil, cr
eated_at: "2011-08-29 14:21:41", updated_at: "2011-08-29 14:21:41">
The :only specifier you have there is throwing it off. The following will include the child-objects:
def dump_work_effort_assignments
WorkEffort.include_root_in_json = false
all_assignments = WorkEffortAssignment.all
options = {:include => [:work_effort, :assigned_to, :assigned_by]}
ext_json = "{data:#{WorkEffortAssignment.all.to_json(options)}}"
render :inline => ext_json
...but will not filter out the attributes of the parent. If you want to do that, it may be simpler to just build a hash and convert it to json:
def dump_work_effort_assignments
data = {|wea| {
:work_effort => wea.work_effort,
:assigned_to => wea.assigned_to,
:assigned_by => wea.assigned_by
ext_json = "{data:#{data.to_json}}"
render :inline => ext_json