Run controller test on two different Rails applications - ruby-on-rails

I'm helping to migrate a Rails 2 app to Rails 4, and I have come in towards the end of the project. The Rails 2 app has no tests.
Obviously we need tests to make sure the Rails 4 app works, but we don't want to write the tests in Rails 2 syntax, and then go through the pain of migrating the tests to Rails 4. We currently use RSpec on other projects.
I thought of writing them in Rails 4 as feature tests, and using Capybara.app_host to re-route the requests to a running Rails 2 application instance. Problem is, that the application is an API, and Capybara is not meant for testing APIs.
Is there any way of routing RSpec controller tests to another server instance?

Thanks again for the comments.
I think we have a plan. We tried to get cucumber and cucumber-api-steps running on our old project, but we realised that it was going to be hard work getting old gem versions to work nicely together.
The solution I'm trying now is using RSpec 1.3 and creating a spec/requests folder and adding controller tests to it.
I got this idea from a post from - thanks Matthew. I don't see request specs in the docs until RSpec 2, so we make our controller tests pretty close to integration tests using integrate_views, then check the contents of the body returned by the controller.
As for the syntax, maybe we can include an expect(..) helper to return an object that calls #should from a #to method in the Rails 2 project and remove it when we port the Rails 4 project.


rails 6 upgrade and FixtureSet seems fail

Upgrading from Rails 4 to Rails 6.
All the cucumber tests start to fail after upgrading.
At the beginning of all the test scenarios, i am using
ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.create_fixtures(fixtures_folder, fixtures)
to generate the mock test data. And I tested the code with rails console, i can successfully get all the table/data in fixture files.
However, if I start a real scenario test run, the test is not able to find the related data in table. (actually the table is empty at all)
i tried
pp(ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.create_fixtures(fixtures_folder, fixtures))
to make sure the fixtureSet works before each scenario.

how would I go about 'starting over from scratch' with Rails tests?

I have an existing Rails app that I built using Rails 3, Mongoid/Mongodb and Devise. The app is running fine. I'd now like to add some tests to it (sure, shoulda done this in the beginning but the learning curve for just Rails was enough...).
I've used several pages to get it going, especially the Rails guide and this blog post about Mongo and Cucumber/Rspec. My concern here is that between all of the "add this to this and such file" that I've done to try and get this working (and it's not) I've made such a mess of things that it might be better to start over from scratch. With the testing portion of the app.
I thought I would just delete the spec and test directories and re-gen the tests but I can't find a command to do that (the regen).
I've built a very simple test (assert true) but I'm getting:
D:/Dev/TheApp/test/test_helper.rb:10:in `<class:TestCase>':
undefined method `fixtures' for ActiveSupport::TestCase:Class (NoMethodError)
I think the real issue here is that I'm using MongoDb and the test architecture in Rails seems to really really want to do ActiveRecord. Not sure if those two are compatible.
Is there a quick way to build a barebones test directory? My short term solution is to just roll back those directories. Hoping for a better solution.
The blank tests are really worthless. If you didn't have tests/specs of value, then just start from scratch. And if you want to start over, you should just delete them and start new.
You could treat your code as "legacy code" as defined by Michael Feathers in Working Effectively with Legacy Code -- that is, code without tests.
Take a look at this getting started with rails testing guide over at 10gen:

RSpec/Gem development: Stubbing rails templates

I'm currently working on a couple of different gems both of which mainly consist of rails view helpers.
My problem is that some of these helpers require rendered rails templates to test the output - but I am unsure of the best way to stub a template, without a rails application. I presume that I should be able to leverage rspec-rails in some capacity, but i've been having trouble getting that to work without a rails app present.
Am I approaching this the wrong way? What's the current best-practice to test rails-specific features (in particular - things that happen only in the view) during gem development?
I use the excellent enginex gem, which helps you in setting up a gem skeleton with an embedded rails application for testing. This way you can easily test any rails dependency inside that application. To generate rspec tests run it as follows (default is test-unit):
enginex -t rspec your-gem-name
What I did to incorporate this into my gem, was run this inside some test folder, and copied the necessary files over to my gem. As an example, you could check it out inside my cocoon gem.
Hope this helps.

Testing Sinatra Applications inside Rails

I've created a simple application to assist me in learning Rails.
Because I like a challenge, I've also started to build, inside this application, a Sinatra app (to handle API calls without the overhead of the full Rails stack).
I've come to the point where I want to start testing both applications before I move any further, but I'm not sure where to write the tests for my Sinatra app. It's presently located under lib/api - should I create a tests folder underneath that, or use the main Rails test folder at the root?
You can test this sinatra app in request of rspec by example or by integration test.
In this part you just need define which url you want request and see the result.

ActiveRecord dependency with Ruby, Rails, Cucumber, & RSpec

We are writing a Rails application that is using CouchDB as its data store. We're BDD/TDD'ing with RSpec and Cucumber, which is using WebRat for webpage testing
I'm trying to remove ActiveRecord as one of the resources that is being loaded by rails but its causing the cucumber tests to fail. I've removed all references that I can find (fixtures, environment files, etc...) but it still fails without it.
Has anyone seen this? The application runs fine without, but the test don't.
I did remove the framework in env file, I also removed all the transactional fixture code. We're using the latest version of rspec and rspec-rails.
First stab at the problem.
Really I need a little more information, but...
Assuming you have done this in config/environment.rb:
# Skip frameworks you're not going to use. To use Rails without a database
# you must remove the Active Record framework.
config.frameworks -= [ :active_record ]
and are using rspec-rails 1.2.6, you would be getting an error like uninitialized constant Spec::Matchers::Change::ActiveRecord
which was brought up in ticket #810. It was fixed for 1.2.7, which was released only two weeks ago.
If that turns out not to be your problem, could you post the errors you've been getting and maybe some more information about your test environment?
