Jenkins: two slaves vs. one slave two executors - jenkins

Is there any difference between I create two slaves, or one slave with two executors on the same Windows server?

Yes, there is a difference: It's about memory consumption and effort of maintenance/administration.
Starting a slave on a system starts a (main) process. This process costs (private) main memory to run and connects to the master.
Each executor is a sub-process of the main process.
It is therefore apparent that running two executors on one slave costs less memory in total compared to running two slaves (with one executor each), as there would be the memory consumption of the main process twice:
2 * Main Processes + 2 * Executors > 1 * Main Process + 2 * Executors
Moreover, administrating a slave is some more effort than just an executor: Whilst an executor has virtually nothing to worry, there are numerous things to configure for a slave. Additionally, the capabilities of the two slaves are anyhow the same (they are running on the same OS as you said), so there is little value-add to also assign it different labels.
In short, if there are no other boundary conditions, which make me do it differently, I always would prefer running two executors on one slave, as this is easier to administrate and some memory is saved.

A slave is a "machine". An executor is an "OS Process" in the slave.
So ideally we always add executors - they do the work and can run in parallel, and the simple theoretic answer to your question is "2 executors on one slave"
In practice we need to add slaves in several use cases:
We need more resources (more cpu, more memory, more "machines")
We need a different setting (Different OSes, Different hardware)
We have global resources that would create a conflict for executors on same machine (shared browser for a UI testing process)
Make the decision based on your use case.

One benefit which immediately comes to my mind for running 1 executor on given node, is to prevent conflicts between processes run at the same time.
On other hand you could prevent job conflicts using existing Jenkins plugins, ie. Heavy Job, Build Blocker.


Only allow one job on a machine

The way we're using Jenkins requires us to have two nodes defined for each machine. One Jenkins node runs as a normal user (called Normal), and the other runs as the administrator (called Admin). So they show up as two separate nodes, even though they exist on the same slave machine.
But, we're running into a concurrency problem. Because our job switches between the two nodes, there is a possibility of another job (Job B) being assigned to (for example) the Normal node, while the Admin node is working on its part of (e.g.) Job A.
Is there a way to tell Jenkins that if either the Normal node or the Admin node of a machine is being used, then it should NOT give the other node some other job?
To elaborate on this question--we have a test suite that we currently run serially. All of our Jenkins masters have multiple slaves, so naturally we would like to take advantage of parallelization, so the suite doesn't spent 2 hours using one machine while the other ones sit idle. So it's not really a matter of ensuring only one job runs at once, it really is a matter of telling Jenkins not to use a node when its partner node is busy.
The issue is not related to two nodes on the same machine or one privileged or not; it's a matter of blocking one job from running while the other is still running.
I trust you are using labels to restrict what jobs can run on what nodes
You can use Build Blocker plugin to block the job from running while others are . There are other plugin options which may work for you as well.
You can also use the Paramterized Trigger to in-line the execution of the other job. It can be run as a build step or a post-build step.
You can also restrict the number of executors on a given node via ${JENKINS_URL}/computer/myNode/configure | # of executors, so you don't run multiple jobs one the same node if that's an issue.
Here's the way I solved this problem:
Set the number of executors on each slave node to 1.
Force my job to take an executor for the whole length of the job.
Specifically, in the groovy script that we use for all our jobs, at the very top, after we find which two (admin and normal, running on the same slave) nodes we need, we use the following:
//all the rest of the job, including:
//other commands for the admin node
//back to commands for the normal node
//code to run on master
//and so forth
This makes Jenkins not assign any other jobs to this computer until the first job is done.

Jenkins master and slave node configuration

I am new to Jenkins and I have configured master-slave nodes as shown below, but I need help to configure the no of executors in each of the below slave nodes
Currently, I have configured 100 executors in each slave nodes
How many no of executors I can configure in each slave node and what fact(memory, RAM, etc) need to take consider when increasing the no of executors?
Maximum how many no of executors I can configure in each server?
Well it totally depends on your usage. There are multiple factors such as how much cpu and memory is available, how the build are going to execute and what kind of builds, how frequent these build should run etc. But I can clearly say that 100 is too big number. I would suggest go with 20 builds (if builds run frequently and have fair amount of CPU and memory) first and observe if is there any issue with numbers or not then you can increase accordingly.
here is very nice article check this out,to%20build%20two%20different%20tasks.

How to limit concurrent matrix/multi-configuration builds in Jenkins

I have a multi-configuration job that uses a large amount of VMs for testing.
The Axis are something like:
30 VM slaves, 5 configurations, 5 different configurations
I would not like to run these sequentially, as the jobs would take forever. However, the default number of simultaneous runs is using up enough resources that I am getting random failures and disconnects.
Is there are way to specify the maximum number of simultaneous tests within this single running job?
I think you have to use a matrix job to trigger the builds of a separate job doing the real build. Then
you can use the Throttle Concurrent Builds Plugin to limit the number of parallel executions of that job you start by the matrix.
For multi project configuration
First you need to create a throttle category. In this case, the name is qa-aut and I limiting the number of execution to 2 for concurrent builds and concurrent builds per node. The node will have 4 executors available.
In your job configuration, make sure you don't run the multi-project sequentially:
Set up throttling builds, selecting "Throttle this project as part of one or more categories", "Multi-Project Throttle Category"(qa-aut) and "Throttle Matrix configuration builds". You can leave in blank the rest of the values
Make sure your node/master has enough executors available. In this case, the master will have available 4 executors
Execute your multi-project job
Instead of using 4 executors (all the availability), you will see it's using only 2 executors (2 threads) as specified in the category.

Randomise slave load on Mesos

trying to solve some problem with Mesos. I have three build servers for Jenkins. Jenkins schedules jobs on them through Mesos.
For now, Mesos loads one agent(slave) as hard as possible, but I want it to spread jobs across all agents..
As I see, it's better to run three jobs on three agents, than on one.
Is it possible to randomise job scheduling?
Or perhaps, I have such scenario. 2 large servers and one mini. I want to schedule Jobs on mini by default, and if it's not enough resources, then proceed to large servers. How can I achieve this goal? Is it possible to set priority for agents(slaves) to specify on which agent I want job to run at first?
The Mesos plugin for Jenkins attempts to build on the most recently built slave (see this method). This means that once it builds on that machine once, as long as that machine still has available spare resources - it'll schedule additional jobs on that machine until it is full. Right now it looks like that isn't optional (I have filed it as a feature request).

How many Remote Nodes can Jenkins manage

How many Remote Nodes can Jenkins manage ? Are there any limitations/memory issues?
What is more effective:
1) 100 Nodes 1 executor per node ?
2) 5 Nodes with 20 executors per node ?
As far as i know, there is no limitation on # of nodes one can have although your system might feel like saying, enough is enough! Issues such as number of processes per user (we got this issue recently, not with Jenkins but some other application where RAM and disk space were fine but the system stopped responding. We started getting system cannot fork() error), total number of open files etc. Few such issues might still be configurable but may not be allowed/feasible.
If resource (in your case, nodes) is not a constraint, which process wouldn't like to run wild? :) In practical cases, generally you wouldn't have the flexibility to opt for first option. In second case where you have 5 nodes with 20 executors, all you have to make sure is not to tie up jobs to a particular node unless you have a compelling reason.
Some slaves are faster, while others are slow. Some slaves are closer (network wise) to a master, others are far away. So doing a good build distribution is a challenge. Currently, Jenkins employs the following strategy:
If a project is configured to stick to one computer, that's always honored.
Jenkins tries to build a project on the same computer that it was previously built.
Jenkins tries to move long builds to slaves, because the amount of network interaction between a master and a slave tends to be logarithmic to the duration of a build (IOW, even if project A takes twice as long to build as project B, it won't require double network transfer.) So this strategy reduces the network overhead.
You should also have a look at these links:
