Unmanaged C# calls to a static library - ios

I'm using swig to generate C# wrappers for some C code base to be used from C#. When I run swig, it generates a wrapper c file that exposes all the functionality to the generated PInvoke C# file... For example:
// This is in KodLogic_wrap.c
SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_DMGameMode_timeLimit_set(void * jarg1, unsigned short jarg2) { ... }
// This is in KodLogicPInvoke.cs
[global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("KodLogic", EntryPoint="CSharp_DMGameMode_timeLimit_set")]
This works great when I am building a dynamic library. However, I need to support iOS now, so I've prepared a static library, and passed in the -dllimport '__Internal' option to swig for that to work.
Unfortunately, I am getting linking errors such as:
"_DMGameMode_timeLimit_set", referenced from:
RegisterMonoModules() in RegisterMonoModules.o
(maybe you meant: _CSharp_DMGameMode_timeLimit_set)
Indeed, I did mean "CSharp_DMGameMode_timeLimit_set", but that's the point of the "entrypoint" argument?
So, since this error is thrown by the Xcode project Unity generated, I am not quite sure what's the source of the failure. Does it fail for static libraries? Is this something to be fixed on Unity side or swig side?
Update: After digging more into this, I think I have a slight idea of what's going on here..
The main issue seems to be from the AOT compiler, which tries to compile all the CS code to an ARM assembly. This seems to be required for iOS, so during Unity's AOT compilation, it generates a file RegisterMonoModules.cpp, which attempts to define access functions to the native code. RegisterMonoModules.cpp doesn't honor the entrypoint parameter, which causes undefined symbol errors to be thrown...
Still attempting to find a proper workaround.

The main issue seems to be from Unity, and not Swig nor Mono. As mentioned above, Unity performs AOT compilation that doesn't honor the entry point argument. This produces cpp code that calls the function name, not the entry point name..
I've confirmed this by switching the scripting backend to IL2cpp, and the entry point name was honored there.
Let's switch over to callbacks. Not exactly related to the question, but it definitely fits the context of Unity + Native plugins + iOS.
AFAIK, you can't have a managed method marshaled to native land on iOS using Mono 2x. I previously had to delete all the string callback and exception handlers from the swig generated files. Fortunately, IL2Cpp supports callbacks, after a little tweaking:
Add using AOT;
Decorate callbacks with [MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(method_signature))]
You can use this script, just use it to process the generated swig files:
def process_csharp_callbacks(pinvoke_file):
"""Process PInvoke file by fixing the decorators for callback methods to use:
# prepare requirements
with open(pinvoke_file) as f:
content = f.read()
callback_methods_regex = re.compile(r"( +)static (?:void|string) (?:SetPending|CreateString)\w*\([\s\w\,]+\)")
callback_decorator = "[MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(ExceptionDelegate))]"
callback_arg_decorator = "[MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(ExceptionArgumentDelegate))]"
callback_str_decorator = "[MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(SWIGStringDelegate))]"
# add use AOT
content = content.replace("\n\n", "\nusing AOT;\n", 1)
# fix callback methods
def method_processor(match):
match_string = match.group()
indentation = match.captures(1)[0]
if match_string.find(",") != -1:
fix = callback_arg_decorator
elif match_string.find("static string") != -1:
fix = callback_str_decorator
fix = callback_decorator
return indentation + fix + "\n" + match_string
content = callback_methods_regex.sub(method_processor, content)
# write it back
with open(pinvoke_file, "w+") as f:
For anyone looking for help converting their generated swig CSharp PInvoke file to something mono 2x scripting backend will allow, stick this somewhere in your build process, after the CSharp files are generated:
pinvoke_template = """{extern_prefix} CSharp_{method_signature};
{normal_prefix} {method_signature} {{
def process_csharp_wrapper(csharp_dir):
"""Reads the PINVOKE csharp file, and performs the following:
1. Remove EntryPoint="xxx" from the decorators
2. Make the methods match their native counterpart name
3. Add a C# method with the original name, for compatability
# prepare requirements
pinvoke_file = os.path.join(csharp_dir, "KodLogicPINVOKE.cs")
with open(pinvoke_file) as f:
content = f.read()
decorator_regex = re.compile(r', EntryPoint=".*?"')
method_regex = re.compile(r"(public static extern \w+[\w:\.]+)\s(([^S]\w+)\((?:([\w:\. ]+)\,?)*\));")
# fix decorators
content = decorator_regex.sub("", content)
# fix method definitions
def method_processor(match):
extern_prefix = match.captures(1)[0]
return pinvoke_template.format(
normal_prefix=extern_prefix.replace("extern ", ""),
return_statement=("return " if extern_prefix.find("void") == -1 else ""),
method_args=", ".join(map(lambda s: s.strip().split()[1], match.captures(4)))
content = method_regex.sub(method_processor, content)
# write it back
with open(pinvoke_file, "w+") as f:


How to integrate C/C++ analysis tooling in Bazel?

I have a code analysis tool that I'd like to run for each cc_library (and cc_binary, silently implied for rest of the question). The tool has a CLI interfaces taking:
A tool project file
Compiler specifics, such as type sizes, built-ins, macros etc.
Files to analyze
File path, includes, defines
Rules to (not) apply
Files to add to the project
Options for synchronizing files with build data
JSON compilation database
Parse build log
Analyze and generate analysis report
I've been looking at how to integrate this in Bazel so that the files to analyze AND the associated includes and defines are updated automatically, and that any analysis result is properly cached. Generating JSON compilation database (using third party lib) or parsing build log both requires separate runs and updating the source tree. For this question I consider that a workaround I'm trying to remove.
What I've tried so far is using aspects, adding an analysis aspect to any library. The general idea is having a base project file holding library invariant configuration, appended with the cc_library files to analysis, and finally an analysis is triggered generating the report. But I'm having trouble to execute, and I'm not sure it's even possible.
This is my aspect implementation so far, trying to iterate through cc_library attributes and target compilation context:
def _print_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
# Make sure the rule has a srcs attribute
if hasattr(ctx.rule.attr, 'srcs'):
# Iterate through the files
for src in ctx.rule.attr.srcs:
for f in src.files.to_list():
if f.path.endswith(".c"):
print("file: ")
print("includes: ")
print("quote_includes: ")
print("system_includes: ")
print("define: " + define)
print("local_defines: ")
print("") # empty line to separate file prints
return []
What I cannot figure out is how to get ALL includes and defines used when compiling the library:
From libraries depended upon, recursively
copts, defines, includes
From the toolchain
features, cxx_builtin_include_directories
How do I get the missing flags, continuing on presented technique?
Can I somehow retrieve the compile action command string?
Appended to analysis project using the build log API
Some other solution entirely?
Perhaps there is something one can do with cc_toolchain instead of aspects...
Aspects are the right tool to do that. The information you're looking for is contained in the providers, fragments, and toolchains of the cc_* rules the aspect has access to. Specifically, CcInfo has the target-specific pieces, the cpp fragment has the pieces configured from the command-line flag, and CcToolchainInfo has the parts from the toolchain.
CcInfo in target tells you if the current target has that provider, and target[CcInfo] accesses it.
The rules_cc my_c_compile example is where I usually look for pulling out a complete compiler command based on a CcInfo. Something like this should work from the aspect:
load("#rules_cc//cc:action_names.bzl", "C_COMPILE_ACTION_NAME")
load("#rules_cc//cc:toolchain_utils.bzl", "find_cpp_toolchain")
[in the impl]:
cc_toolchain = find_cpp_toolchain(ctx)
feature_configuration = cc_common.configure_features(
ctx = ctx,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
requested_features = ctx.features,
unsupported_features = ctx.disabled_features,
c_compiler_path = cc_common.get_tool_for_action(
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
action_name = C_COMPILE_ACTION_NAME,
[in the loop]
c_compile_variables = cc_common.create_compile_variables(
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
user_compile_flags = ctx.fragments.cpp.copts + ctx.fragments.cpp.conlyopts,
source_file = src.path,
command_line = cc_common.get_memory_inefficient_command_line(
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
action_name = C_COMPILE_ACTION_NAME,
variables = c_compile_variables,
env = cc_common.get_environment_variables(
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
action_name = C_COMPILE_ACTION_NAME,
variables = c_compile_variables,
That example only handles C files (not C++), you'll have to change the action names and which parts of the fragment it uses appropriately.
You have to add toolchains = ["#bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_type"] and fragments = ["cpp"] to the aspect invocation to use those. Also see the note in find_cc_toolchain.bzl about the _cc_toolchain attr if you're using legacy toolchain resolution.
The information coming from the rules and the toolchain is already structured. Depending on what your analysis tool wants, it might make more sense to extract it directly instead of generating a full command line. Most of the provider, fragment, and toolchain is well-documented if you want to look at those directly.
You might pass required_providers = [CcInfo] to aspect to limit propagation to rules which include it, depending on how you want to manage propagation of your aspect.
The Integrating with C++ Rules documentation page also has some more info.

Kotlin File in Native iOS Project with Kotlin/Native

I would like to include a Kotlin file that only performs data processing and network operations in an existing iOS project, while keeping native iOS UI code.
While I thought that this may be achievable with Kotlin/Native, the iOS samples (1,2) that I found that use Kotlin/Native seem to take over the iOS UI code as well.
Is including a Kotlin file for data transfer in iOS possible with Kotlin/Native without touching the UI code, and if so, what are the steps to do so?
Yes, it is possible in a cross-platform project to transfer data between Kotlin and native iOS UI Code by using Kotlin/Native. This allows to have a common code base for the data model based on Kotlin, while e.g. continuing to use native UI code for iOS.
The original proof:
The project https://github.com/justMaku/Kotlin-Native-with-Swift pointed me in the right direction, since it shows the essential steps to do so:
In a Swift UIViewController, it calls a wrapper function that shall receive a string from a Kotlin function. The call is mediated through a C++ layer, which itself starts the Kotlin runtime, passes the request to a Kotlin function, receives the string from it, and passes it back to the Swift UIViewController, which then displays it.
On the technical level, the project contains a script that compiles the Kotlin, C++, and Kotlin/Native part into a static library, which then can be called from the native iOS project.
To get the code to run, I had (after cloning from git) to perform a "git submodule sync" before running "./setup.sh".
To transfer data with a data model based on Kotlin, I would like to have a generic function, that can pass data to Kotlin, modify that data, and return the result back to the native iOS code. As a proof of principle, that such a function can be build, I extended the project to not only receive a string from Kotlin, but send one to Kotlin, append it, and send the result back.
Extension of the project:
Since there were some roadblocks in this seemingly simple extension, I lay out the steps for anybody interested. If you follow along, you should get the following displayed:
The text may be stupid, but it tells you, what happens.
The changes in ViewController.swift in the function viewDidAppear are:
let swiftMessage: String = "Hello Kotlin, this is Swift!"
let cStr = swiftMessage.cString(using: String.Encoding.utf8)
if let retVal = kotlin_wrapper(cStr) {
let string = String(cString: retVal)
You see the text that Swift sends to Kotlin in the wrapper function (in the end, the resulting 'string' variable will be displayed). One could directly pass the Swift String to the wrapper, but I wanted to highlight that the wrapper will consider the input and output as c-strings. Indeed, the file Kotlin Native-Bridging-Header.h inside the native iOS project now becomes:
extern const char* kotlin_wrapper(const char* swiftMessage);
On it goes to the file Launcher.cpp. Since the original file used a KString as result value of kotlin_main, I tried for some time to convert const char* to KString and pass that to kotlin_main. In the end I found, that it is much simpler to directly transfer the const char* variables to Kotlin, and do the transformation there with the functions that are given to us by Kotlin/Native.
My Launcher.cpp then became more compact than the original. Here is the complete file:
#include "Memory.h"
#include "Natives.h"
#include "Runtime.h"
#include "KString.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
extern "C" const char* kotlin_main(const char* swiftMessageChar);
extern "C" const char* kotlin_wrapper(const char* swiftMessageChar) {
RuntimeState* state = InitRuntime();
if (state == nullptr) {
return "Failed to initialize the kotlin runtime";
const char* exitMessage = kotlin_main(swiftMessageChar);
return exitMessage;
You see how the wrapper first starts the Kotlin runtime and then calls the function kotlin_main, which resides in the file kotlin.kt:
import konan.internal.ExportForCppRuntime
import kotlinx.cinterop.CPointer
import kotlinx.cinterop.ByteVar
import kotlinx.cinterop.cstr
import kotlinx.cinterop.nativeHeap
import kotlinx.cinterop.toKString
fun kotlin_main(cPtr: CPointer<ByteVar>): CPointer<ByteVar> {
val swiftMessage = cPtr.toKString()
val kotlinMessage = "Hello Swift, I got your message: '$swiftMessage'."
val returnPtr = kotlinMessage.cstr.getPointer(nativeHeap)
return returnPtr
The pointer is converted to a Kotlin String, and then used in the creation of the kotlinMessage (the example of a data transformation). The result message is then transformed back to a pointer, and passed through the wrapper back to the Swift UIViewController.
Where to go from here?
In principle, one could use this framework without touching the C++ layer again. Just define pack and unpack functions, that pack arbitrary data types into a string and unpack the string to the respective data type on the other side. Such pack and unpack functions have to be written only once per language, and can be reused for different projects, if done sufficiently generic. In practice, I probably would first rewrite the above code to pass binary data, and then write the pack and unpack functions to transform arbitrary data types to and from binary data.
You can use kotlin as a framework if you want, so the kotlin code stays in framework file so you can use some common code on both android and iOS without writing your complete iOS app in kotlin.
Use gradle to build your kotlin code in objc/swift compatible framework
In your build.gradle file
buildscript {
ext.kotlin_native_version = '0.5'
repositories {
maven {
url "https://dl.bintray.com/jetbrains/kotlin-native-dependencies"
dependencies {
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-native-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_native_version"
group 'nz.salect'
version '0.1'
apply plugin: "konan"
konan.targets = ["iphone", "iphone_sim"]
konanArtifacts {
It will generate two .framework files, one for simulator other for the actual device, put the framework in your project and link that to your project as any other third party framework.
Cmd: ./gradlew build
Note: Every time you change your kotlin files build and replace your
framework file as well(you can create a shell script and add that to
build phases to do that automatically).
Cheers !!!

VCLua library fault to load

I have downloaded VCLua library here. I created new file named program.lua and typed there code that is in tutorial:
require "vcl"
mainForm = VCL.Form("mainForm")
mainForm.Caption = "My first VCLua application"
mainForm._= { position="podesktopcenter", height=400, width=600}
mainForm.onclosequery = "onCloseQueryEventHandler"
function onCloseQueryEventHandler(Sender)
return true -- the form can be closed
mainMenu = VCL.MainMenu(mainForm,"mainMenu")
{name="mmfile", caption="&File",
{name="mmOpen", caption="Open...", onclick="onMenuOpenClick", shortcut="Ctrl+O"},
{caption="Exit", onclick="onMenuExitClick", shortcut="Alt+F4"},
{name="mmhelp", caption="&Help", RightJustify=true,
submenu = {
{caption="Help", shortcut="F1", checked=true},
mainMenu:Find("mmhelp"):Add("mmAbout")._= {caption="About", onclick="onMenuAboutClick", enabled=false}
function onMenuExitClick()
mainToolbar = VCL.ToolBar(mainForm,"mainToolbar")
{name="mtbOpen", onclick="onMenuOpenClick"},
{name="mtbExit", onclick="onMenuExitClick"},
But when i want to run it (i have both vcl.dll and vcl.so files in directory where lua interpreter is), it writes lua: error loading module 'vcl' from file 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Programs\lua\vcl.dll':. Stack trace dont say anything useful. So can anyone tell me, how to solve my problem?
Dynamic libraries for Lua are usually compiled against Lua DLLs; you may get this error in a case when the dynamic library can't find the Lua DLLs it's linked against. You can see why/how it fails using a tool like dependency walker, which can show you both what other DLLs your library depends on and also what run-time error you get when you load it (you can use "Profile" mode to see that).

Sharing const variables across FAKE fsx scripts

Is there any way to share a variable by including a fsx script within another fsx script.
e.g script buildConsts.fsx contains
let buildDir = "./build/"
I want to reference this in other build scripts e.g.
#load #".\buildConsts.fsx"
let testDlls = !! (buildDir + "*Test*.dll")
When I attempt to run the script the 'buildDir' variable the script fails to compile.
This is a fairly common approach that is used with tools such as MSBuild and PSAKE to modularise scripts. Is this the correct approach with FAKE ?
What you're doing should work - what exactly is the error message that you're getting?
I suspect that the problem is that F# automatically puts the contents of a file in a module and you need to open the module before you can access the constants. The module is named based on the file name, so in your case buildConsts.fsx will generate a module named BuildConsts. You should be able to use it as follows:
#load #".\buildConsts.fsx"
open BuildConsts
let testDlls = !! (buildDir + "*Test*.dll")
You can also add an explicit module declaration to buildconsts.fsx, which is probably a better idea as it is less fragile (won't change when you rename the file):
moule BuildConstants
let buildDir = "./build/"

How to build Unity3d Plugin for iOS

I have a very tiny Objective-C library built for iOS and I want to export it to Unity. I understand the basic process of writing a csharp wrapper that marshals all the invocations to native library, but I completely have no idea where to start. Could anyone please explain step-by-step how to create a unity package with my library so I could also distribute it to other developers.
Unity3d documentation is pretty brief and does not explain anything.
Okay, after playing few days with Unity3d on Mac I finally figured it out. All the code in this guide is dummy. I have written this stuff in 15 minutes or so, so don't be bothered by mistakes and typos.
1) Open Unity, create new project (File -> New Project) and save it somewhere
2) When the project is generated it has the following structure:
ProjectName/Assets (That's what you need)
ProjectName/Library (Nevermind what's there)
ProjectName/ProjectSettings (You don't care about it)
ProjectName/ProjectName.sln (MonoDevelop project)
3) Go to ProjectName/Assets and create the following folders: Plugins/iOS, so in the end you'll have a folder structure like this: ProjectName/Assets/Plugins/iOS
4) Put your compiled library (.a) file and necessary headers inside of ProjectName/Assets/Plugins/iOS or copy the source code of your library there (.mm, .h, .m, etc..). Remember, normally you can only access C-functions from C#, so you'll have to wrap your Objective-C stuff in C-code somehow, in my case all Objective-C objects were implemented in a form of Singleton so it wasn't hard to make a C-style wrapper around, for instance:
extern "C" void MySDKFooBarCFunction();
#import "CWrapper.h"
#import "MyObjectiveCLibrary.h" // your actual iOS library header
void MySDKFooBarCFunction() {
[MyObjectiveCLibrary doSomeStuff];
5) Then go to ProjectName/Assets and create a folder for CSharp wrapper class(es), call it whatever you want, for example: ProjectName/Assets/MySDK
6) Inside of MySDK folder create MySDK.cs file, the dummy example of C# wrapper would look like this:
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class MySDK
// import a single C-function from our plugin
[DllImport ("__Internal")]
private static extern void MySDKFooBarCFunction();
// wrap imported C-function to C# method
public static void FooBarCFunction() {
// it won't work in Editor, so don't run it there
if(Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor) {
7) Create a shell script to pack this stuff into .unitypackage and put it next to your project folder (not inside). Adjust EXPORT_PATH and PROJECT_PATH variables in the script for your needs.
WORKDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
$UNITY_BIN -batchmode -quit \
-logFile export.log \
-projectPath $PROJECT_PATH \
8) Run the created bash script to get your package build. All stuff from Assets will be included in XCode project for your Unity Project when you generate it via File -> Build Settings in Unity Editor. You can use generated package to distribute your code to other developers so they can simply include your library to their Unity projects by double clicking on the package file.
Don't forget to shutdown Unity Editor when you run this script, otherwise it may fail to build a package.
If you have some issues and package does not show up, this script always prints log to export.log
Next steps make sense only if you want to make a Demo unity project for your library (good for testing at least)
9) You can put created Unity project (ProjectName.unity) to Assets/MySDKDemo so you have a demo inside of your package.
10) Create a simple script for your Demo Unity3d scene at Assets/MySDKDemo/MySDKDemo.cs, for example:
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
public class MySDKDemo : MonoBehaviour
private GUIStyle labelStyle = new GUIStyle();
private float centerX = Screen.width / 2;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
labelStyle.fontSize = 24;
labelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.black;
labelStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
void OnGUI ()
GUI.Label(new Rect(centerX - 200, 20, 400, 35), "MySDK Demo", labelStyle);
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(centerX - 75, 80, 150, 35), "DoStuff"))
11) Go to Unity Editor. Find the "Main Camera" in left sidebar in Unity Editor, select it and in the bottom of Inspector panel (right sidebar) click on AddComponent, select Scripts -> MySDKDemo script
12) Build the XCode project and run on device.
Few notes
1) Plugins don't work in Unity Editor, simply because they're not compiled in the real-time, well, not sure but probably until you use C# in your plugins, probably C# stuff gets linked immidiately and works in Editor environment.
2) This post does not cover marshaling, or data/memory management between native <-> managed code, as it is very well documented.
Interop with Native Libraries # Mono project
3) Callbacks from C# to C can be passed using C# delegates, on C-side you use standard functions declarations, on C# side you declare delegates with the same signature. It seems that booleans, integers and strings (C: char*) are marshalled flawlessly (I don't talk about memory management policy and who's responsible to release memory or return value policies).
However it will not work on iOS builds out-of-box due to platform limitations, but C#-to-C callbacks still can be implemented using MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute, useful links on this topic:
Reverse Callbacks # Xamarin Docs
MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute example # Xamarin Forums
Actually in Unity 4 there's AOT.MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute already implemented, it's limited to static delegates that can be passed to unmanaged code, but still better than nothing.
4) There's a way to get Unity RootViewController using UnityGetGLViewController function. Just declare this function in your implementation file, i.e.:
extern UIViewController *UnityGetGLViewController();
And use UnityGetGLViewController() whenever you need to get an access to RootViewController.
5) There's much more magic and ugly stuff in details, keep your C interfaces as simple as possible otherwise marshalling can become your nightmare and also keep in mind that managed-to-unmanaged is generally expensive.
6) You definitely use some frameworks in your native code and you don't want linker problems. For example, if you use Keychain in your library then you need to include Security.framework into Xcode project.
I suggest to give a try to XUPorter, it helps Unity to integrate any additional dependencies into Xcode project.
Good luck!
