How to define and deliver Fiori rolese/launchpads for own SAPUI5 apps? - sap-fiori

Multiple SAPUI5 apps are build
they should be deliverable (via SAP transport system, potentially over transport files) into different clients
technical steps to create roles and launchpads are known
a SAP namespace is registered and available
Is there any guide to design the launchpads/roles for these apps especially to make it deliverable to different customers?

There are guidelines in the FLP documentation.
This documentation describes how to create your own Fiori Launchpad content, such as catalogs, groups, and so on. Delivery however differs depending on whether its ABAP on premise, HCP, the delivery channel, and so on.


Advice needed on table architecture for storing information about external integration in a Ruby on Rails API application with postgresql

How can I design a database for storing custom integrations for each client in an application where different clients can have integrations with different services (e.g. ATS, HRIS), the catch is Client Alpha can have integration with ATS service X where as client Beta can have integration with service HRIS Y or ATS Z.? I have a single database with a company_id in most of the tables.
Looking for a solution to manage the integration information efficiently. I really appreciate it if someone can shed some light on how I can store the integration information for each client. Thanks in advance.
What you describe is a many-to-many (M:M) relationship Clients and Services. This typically results in 3 tables:
clients: information about the individual client.
services: information about each service offered.
client_services: a resolution table having clients and their selected services and any attribute(s) requiring the combination.
It also permits, but does not require, multiple clients to have the same service.
Demo here.

How can I use Microsoft.Security/complianceResults in Azure Policy?

I have noticed that some built-in Azure policies use "Microsoft.Security/complianceResults" for auditing. For example, the "The NSGs rules for web applications on IaaS should be hardened" is using "unprotectedWebApplication" from "Microsoft.Security/complianceResults".
Where can I find the compliance rules available in "Microsoft.Security/complianceResults"?
Can I use this to define my own policy rules?
The only field aliases that I can find for compliance results is Microsoft.Security/complianceResults/resourceStatus. You can use that to check the resource status for the type compliance Results. To see the rules that I had, I used the vs code extension by policy because it breaks down the resources and you can see the alias. If you want to see all the available rules, it would be through Azure Security center.

Xamarin.Forms and azure mobile apps with existing sql database

I have an MVC application in production, hosted on Azure. Now I would like to develop Mobile app using Xamarin.Forms and Azure Mobile apps. The goal is to use the same database on both mobile and web. After reading available documentation online, I haven't found the way that would suffice my needs. I would like to know what is the fastest and best way to achieve that.
Is it enough to add necessary fields to existing entities that I would use in my mobile apps? Meaning adding fields like: Version, CreatedAt, UpdatedAt, Deleted and add another Id field of type string ex. MobileId (because current database uses autoincrement ids of type integer). Is this approach Ok, or should I do it some other way?
Any suggestion/advice would be much appreciated.
Azure Mobile apps is an accelerator and a way for devs not familiar with backend development to quickly create a backend for mobile apps. Since you already have a backend, you can simply add API methods in your MVC app that your mobile app will call. You will not benefit from some of the features that the SDK provides but you won't have to change your database structure.
You don't need to create a backend mobile app and in most cases you probably shouldn't. Is your app hosted in app services? If so there really wouldn't be any major differences between leveraging (and expanding as needed) the controller layer of your application. In most cases the datastore won't need to change to accommodate a mobile app vs a web app. Usually you want the datastore to change and evolve based on the features that you want your application to support as opposed to the plataforms that are consuming those features. It's usually a good idea to add an abstraction layer(s) to shield the datastore from platform specific requirements.
That being said there are a few Azure services that you should consider adding to make your life easier when developing Xamarin apps:
Notification Hub (provides an abstraction layer over the platform specific push notification services for ios and android).
App center (provides very useful telemetry data about crashes and errors that occur in your Xamarin clients).
App insights, it provides really good additional telemetry data with very powerful out-of-the-box visualization and querying capabilities for both web apps and mobile apps (I would configure app center to feed its telemetry data to App Insights).
If you provide me with more details about the application I would be happy to give you more detailed suggestions but the recommendations above serve as a good starting point for almost all the mobile application projects that I have encountered.

What is the use of particular WSO2 Product

I am new to WSO2 Products. To Secure a REST web service using OAuth2, There are different combinations used of WSO2 products. I need to know what is the Exactly role and need of Identity Server, When we required WSO-ESB, when we required Data Services Server and when we need Application Server.
WSO2-IS You can use this as the IDP for all your applications. WSO2 Identity Server is the central backbone that connects and manages multiple identities across applications, APIs, the cloud, mobile, and Internet of Things devices, regardless of the standards on which they are based.
WSO2-ESB ESB is an architecture. It is a set of rules and principles for integrating various applications (mostly heterogeneous systems) together over a bus to achieve a purpose. WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus is a lightweight, high performance, and comprehensive ESB. It effectively addresses integration standards and supports all integration patterns, enabling interoperability among various heterogeneous systems and business applications.
WSO2-DSS Behind most application silos are heterogeneous data stores. Most businesses require secure and managed data access across these federated data stores, data service transactions, data transformation and validation. An organization's data exposed as a service, decoupled from the infrastructure where it is stored, is called data services in service oriented architecture (SOA).
You can refer to WSO2 docs for more information regarding each product

Bluemix IoT Foundation - read-only access?

With and API Key/Token combination we can connect from an application and subscribe/publish to any topic.
Is there a way to prevent an application from publishing to a topic (eg. read-only access) ?
Is it possible to limit the topics an application can connect to ?
The topic space in which devices and applications operate is scoped within a single organization. The IoT Foundation uses the org ID to isolate topics so data from one organization is not accessible by another. Is that what you are asking or do you want to specifically prohibit applications that authenticate within the same org from publishing to a topic within the same org space?
Speaking in terms of applications and devices, are you wanting applications to only be able to subscribe to topics (events) for devices, rather than publish to topics (commands) for devices? Also, do you want to control which applications can work with (publish / subscribe) to a certain set of devices?
Currently this functionality is not available, they expect to add it in the very near future
