Does it make sense to separate Rails API and Rails app? - ruby-on-rails

I have a project that involves both mobile and web clients. The mobile clients will mainly get content and post user updates, while the web client is mainly for creating content. As such, the web client and API share a lot of the same models and validation.
I am trying to decide the best approach in this case:
JSON-only Rails API + separate Rails web client that calls API.
Single Rails app with separation of API and client side (somehow).
The pro for me in terms of option N°1 is the separation of concerns, as I can work on the API while someone else do the web client. The con seems to be lots of duplicated code in terms of validation.
N°2 could make more sense in terms of reducing code duplication but it would get messy if more than one person is working on the same code base and setting up a process to resolve code conflicts is not something I want to do at this point since we're an early stage startup and want to get out something quickly.
Is there anything I'm missing?

The best practice is use ONE rails application for API and Web Interface
To separate those parts, just create a namespace for API like it's described there

Do it in one.
The con seems to be lots of duplicated code in terms of validation.
No, you would not have duplication the validation happens in the model, which is shared by your API <=> web controllers. Of course, you will have separate implementations for the actual authorization/session handling (if you have those), but these will not likely be duplicate but a bit different for your two access layers.


Integrating Rails APIs with Forms

I've read quite a few articles on good design for Rails APIs. However, I can't seem to find what I'm trying to do. And it's different enough that I'm not sure what to do.
So this Rails site has forms for generating various records for my various tables. It all works fine. No problem there. This is all admin-level stuff.
However, a few of these forms need to be also be available as an API. Right now my APIs work fine but it's poor design (I think). Currently the user will make an API request to do some action and pass some information in (i.e. add record to Foo).
My method inside the API, special_new_foo, more or less duplicates my create inside the foo controller that a form would route to. Is there a way I can reuse my standard create method? The API would then just check for good data, etc. and pass the information onto the controller...
I was thinking about just making an HTTP request to the local server on the machine (which is basically how the forms work, except they're two separate machines). Is this good practice?
One option is to allow you controller to respond with different formats, depending on the request. I think this is what rails generates on scaffolding. However i barely saw any real world app doing this. See also my answer to Is it necessary to build a separate API endpoint for mobile apps to access a Rails web app?
A better solution is to make an extra ServiceObject or FormObject dealing with business logic of your controllers and reuse this object in both endpoints

creating a web application with different server side languages

I been practicing developing an application in .NET and with other languages and server, and now I want to start sketching out an architecture I want to implement.
The reason why I want to separate the two is because I cannot focus on a specific thing when everything is Jumbled into one server. I would like to be able to have the freedom to offer features that would otherwise bottleneck one server and not another(ex. notification, chatting)
What brought me here to ask this question is because I am totally confused on why everything on the UI is always called MVC. When searching for solutions to a distributed architecture that I can implement I keep running across frameworks that use an MVC pattern.
How does this actually work when you already have your API models? Isn't an MVC pattern just going to duplicate all of the models on the API (ex django, mvc or ruby on the rails)?
One scenario that threw me off and brought me to research a whole lot more, is when I wanted to create a registration form that has steps, validating the username uniqueness was on one step and zip code was on another. I found myself wanting the tweak the API based on how I wanted to present my view and thought about having to do that for different types of clients(mobile, different user agents) and quickly backed off that idea. The problem is those fields need some sort of call to the back end and every view wont have that way of registering.
The main question is how do I implement a UI layer that I can customize toward certain views, without changing the way my API is structured?
You might be interested in this article from LinkedIn dev team.

Routing: in AngularJS or .NET MVC?

We are starting a major upgrade of a large WebForms application. The logic will be split between AngularJS on the front end and .NET MVC on the back end. What are the criteria about where to put routing? I can put it in RouteConfig.cs on the server and have .NET to be responsible for routing; or I can use ng-route on the client, and use only WebApi calls to the server.
I see pros and cons both ways, and I was wondering if anybody has any decision criteria. Or some articles that I missed (Google has plenty on implementing the routes; but not on the decision to pick one over another).
I would argue for full separation of concerns, so routing on the client. Doing the routing on the client puts the client in control of what is being displayed. The server would only serve the raw data via rest.
This also allows you more flexibility in the future as well. Say in 2 year you want to ditch Angular for the next new client framework. All you need are client developers to implement the UI calling the existing endpoints, the server code would not need to be touched. Want to move away from .NET backend? No problem, just implement the endpoint in the new framework, not client could would need to be changed.
You should use both as your application is large.
let say your screens are divide on the bases of rule.
When Admin will login you will load all files related to that functionality and after that take benefit of ng-view and make that functionality as a single page app.
So in this way you don't need to load all files once. by ng-view you can also share data between different screens.

Breeze and Web API (gui and no gui)

I'm building a new SPA, and I'm having some problems dealing with what appear to be conflicting concerns.
So, on the surface, the SPA is fairly basic CRUD. However, there's a catch: They also want all of the functionality to be available as Web API.
That sounds like a fit, given that Breeze works on top of Web API, but I keep feeling that I'm pounding a square peg into a round hole. Can someone give me a tow?
Example of the issue:
Suppose I have a screen for creating/adding widgets.
There are some validations
There are some business rules (if the widget weighs over 5 lbs, call another web service that sends an email)
So, with Breeze, that's pretty easy. I just hook up my EFContext Provider, and hook the BeforeSaveEntity(ies) events and go to town.
This is great, but they want a CreateWidget web API. It's not going to be acceptable for the client to have to build a Breeze compatible JObject bundle to simulate the save.
The API would seem to want a conventional DTO/Domain Service sort of thing. Something like:
string CreateWidget(widgetDto)
Breeze's client side library is fantastic, and I want to be able to use it for my GUI app. However, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to use Breeze and still separate concerns on my server side so that the domain services are usable from an imperative API, and so that they will support unit testing.
(I know you can override SaveCore, and I've looked at the NoDb example, but the important part just says something like "// your code would go here". Every avenue that I try smells like a huge hack, because really, Breeze wants control of the whole vertical stack on the server, and I just want it to decode the breeze client posts back to my DTOs so that I can map to the same domain services that my API will use, and then I want to traffic errors raised by my services back to the client (which we surface with the really excellent wzValidate angular directive).
I have read a lot of posts of people saying that if you really feel that you need DTOs, then you can use them, but I have come up empty searching for a working example that also incorporates business logic on the server. Can someone point me to a good resource?

Combining Ruby on Rails and Backbone

I was wondering this for quite a while and haven't really found an answer for this yet.
Why would you use Backbone.js exaclty inside a Rails application? Is it to extend functionality, have a more MVC pattern for your JS, build better API's...?
At the moment I can't see a reason why you would want to use it for something, because I don't think I understand the concept of Backbone.js
The big advantage of rails is that you have one platform and one language that you use that will handle the server-code and can generate the client-code (using the views).
Undoubtedly this theoretical advantage quickly starts slipping once you want to improve your user-experience with javascript and jquery. So actually you still have to learn two languages.
But still: all your models, business-rules, ... is handled on the server-side in Ruby. This also means that the server always has to be reachable.
What a javacript/client MVC (like Backbone.js, Sproutcore, ...) can offer you is a more native application feel. A single web-page application, like e.g. Gmail.
Depending on your requirements there are some very valid use-cases for such a platform. E.g. in places or devices with low connectivity it could be very useful (with HTML5) to have a web-application that does not need to be "online" all the time. It could save data and edits to the local storage and sync back to the server/database when the device is back online.
But, there is a big disadvantage when developing client MVC applications in combination with Rails: you will have to do some double development (it is the same when you are using flex/silverlight). Your models will need to be defined both on the server and on the client. I can imagine that some improvements could be made, like on the client MVC you are actually using presenter-classes, which on the server-side could be stored in different models/tables. But still there will be duplication of logic, models, ...
So that's why I think that for most applications, at the moment, it is not wise to switch to some client MVC framework. It will be a lot more work.
But when you do need the look and feel of a real native application, or a one-page-web application, then a javascript client MVC framework is the way to go. And if you do need a client MVC framework, I would propose Sproutcore.
To simply ajaxify your current rails application (reduces load-time of every single page), take a look at pjax-rails.
(better late than never - hope this is useful to someone)
The description on backbonejs's website seems like a lot of words thrown together without much meaning. There is a big hype around it but what's all the fuss about?
The premise behind backbone is that modern day, single page web apps (think gmail) quickly become a very complex interaction between syncing dom elements, UI events and the backend. You could easily find yourself storing data within the dom elements, and then having to somehow extract the data again to update the database. If you don't structure your code very carefully, you'll quickly end up with spaghetti code full of complex bindings, or code without backbone.
Using backbone's models, collections and views gives you a well thought out structure to work within, allowing you to build large apps without being overwhelmed by their complexity. What's more, it ties in beautifully with a restful backend.
