How to get the value of a checkbox flipswitch in JQuery Mobile 1.4.5? - jquery-mobile

I'm using following markup to create a checkbox-based Flipswitch in jQuery Mobile 1.4.5:
<label for="flip-1">Checkbox Flip switch:</label>
<input data-role="flipswitch" name="flip-1" id="flip-1" type="checkbox">
Apparently, the same method to get the value for a select-based Flipswitch:
is not working with the checkbox-based version, and i'm getting always the value of "on".
What i'm doing wrong here? Is there a way to get the value as for the select-based version?
Thanks in advance

Instead of reading .val() read the checked property:
Updated FIDDLE


ngModel is not working with value attribute in ngx-material-timepicker with input in Angular7?

I have used ngx-material-timepicker for implementing the time our case time picker is open properly but its not working in the following scenarios:
Case 1 :
1.initially i have set selected time in the input and it working properly now this time i am not using with [(ngModel)]
<input [ngxTimepicker]="defaultValue" [value]="'05:11 pm'" (change)="selectChanged($event)">
<ngx-material-timepicker #defaultValue></ngx-material-timepicker><br>
Case 2 :
2.Now we have add [(ngModel)] for get the selected value that is selected fro the picker but now this time out initially set value is not showing in the input but if i remove the [(ngModel)] its working:
<input [ngxTimepicker]="defaultValue" [(ngModel)]="date1" [value]="'05:11 pm'" (ngModelChange)="selectChanged($event)" >
<ngx-material-timepicker #defaultValue></ngx-material-timepicker><br>
I have also post above issue in the github but get any response,please tell me anyone how to fix above issue.
I've got the same problem but in my case my inputs are into form and i forget about the name propriety.
i just added the name="date" in the input tag
<mat-form-field class="toggle-example" style="width: 100%">
<input matInput [(ngModel)]="time" [ngxTimepicker]="toggleTimepicker" name="time" [format]="24" [disableClick]="true" readonly>
<ngx-material-timepicker-toggle matSuffix [for]="toggleTimepicker"></ngx-material-timepicker-toggle>
<ngx-material-timepicker #toggleTimepicker></ngx-material-timepicker>
I have fixed issue via below code:
<input [ngxTimepicker]="defaultValue" [(ngModel)]="date1 == undefined ? defaultValue : date1" [value]="'05:11 pm'" (ngModelChange)="selectChanged($event)" >
I think the onchange that you were asking is to set the time
You can use [timeset]="(setTime())" inside your ngx-time-picker tag
And in your ts file write the set time method.
I used this step and succeeded
<input aria-label="default time" matInput [ngxTimepicker]="defaultValue" [value]="'9:00 am'" readonly>
<ngx-material-timepicker (timeSet)="setTime($event)" #defaultValue>

JQuery Mobile DateBox TimeBox make read only

I am using JQuery Mobile DateBox with mode timebox as timepicker. It is working perfect. What I want is that I want the timepicket input to be readonly. It should only change the time on clicking the '+' or '-' buttons. I googled much and found solutions asking to add readonly attribute and lockinput. But nothing seems to be working. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the code sample of my time picker.
<input id="service_time" class="create_formobj" value="<?php echo $date ? date('h:i A', strtotime($date)) : '' ?>" type="date" data-role="datebox"
data-options='{"mode": "timebox", "overrideTimeFormat": 12}' />
I had the same problem. What did was, I made the input field of pop up readonly. It will solve your problem
The readonly function can be add like this
$('.ui-datebox-dboxin input').attr('readonly', true);

Can't get onclick on a button to be accepted

I currently have a link in the below form:
In order to fit the look of the site in which I'm adding this link, I want to change it to a button input, as so:
<input type="button" value="Change" onclick="changeNumbers('Numbers', '#Url.Action("ChangeNumbers")')" />
However, I'm running into a snag with this second form: the single quotes around #Url.Action("ChangeNumbers") are being flagged as Unterminated string constant. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing incorrectly and how to fix it?
It didn't occur to me to just try the page - it looks like the second form works. So now my question is - why is Visual Studio flagging this as incorrect?
You're not doing anything "incorrectly" per se, it's just that Razor isn't perfect, and things like quotes within quotes tend to cause it to freak.
One quick fix would be to store the URL in a variable and then use the variable:
#{ var url = Url.Action("ChangeNumbers"); }
<input type="button" value="Change" onclick="changeNumbers('Numbers', '#url')" />
However, an even better fix is to not use the onclick attribute at all. Put this where it belongs: in JS.
$('#myButton').on('click', function () {
changeNumbers('Numbers', '#Url.Action("ChangeNumbers")');
Used jQuery above, since it's included in MVC by default
I've found that to make Visual Studio happy in this scenario, the easiest thing to do is simply change the <input /> element to a <button></button> element and the error will resolve itself:
<button type="button" onclick="changeNumbers('Numbers', '#Url.Action("ChangeNumbers")')">Change</button>
Otherwise, to continue using an <input /> the markup will need to be changed to the following:
<input type="button" value="Change" onclick="#("changeNumbers('Numbers', '" + Url.Action("ChangeNumbers") + "')")" />

Dart: How to close browser window?

How can I close a browser page via eg. an HTML button and Dart?
I've tried
which doesn't appear to do anything;
I've also tried :
using CloseEvent, but I'm not sure how to set that up.
I've also tried HTML and javascript without success.
Please advise how this can be done. It's needed for desktop-type apps IMO.
I used this:
<form method="post">
<input type="button" value="Close Window"
Maybe try
window.focus(); window.close()

get value form simpledialog2 blank mode

I have used JQM SimpleDialog2 in my app. I am having one textbox and button in that dialog. i can't able to get the value from input while click on button in dialog. i have used blank mode.. Here is my code.. I am getting empty value from this code. please correct me.
<div id="myDialog" style="display:none"
<Center>please enter Your Amount here</center>
<input id="txtAmt" name="amy" value="" type="text" placeholder="Amount">
<div data-role="navbar" data-grid="a">
function getAmount()
alert("amount: "+$("#txtAmt").val());
i didnt try this using SimpleDialog but this works just fine for me:
function getAmount(){
alert (document.getElementById('txtAmt').value);
By the way i would recommend using the built-in Popup-Dialog function instead of SimpleDialog. See here:
