Circular dependency detected while autoloading constant Concerns::<NameOfConcern> - ruby-on-rails

Note: Before you think of marking this question as a duplicate of an other similar question, do note this thing that this question is being asked about concerns in Rails, while the other questions that I've searched deal with controllers. No question I've found out, that deals with concern.
I've a file named comments_deletion.rb inside app/models/concerns, and it contains the following code:
module CommentsDeletion
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
after_save :delete_comments, if: :soft_deleted?
def soft_deleted?
status == 'deleted'
def delete_comments
comments.each &:destroy
And I'm trying to mix the file in my model by writing the following code:
class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base
include CommentsDeletion
# all the other code
Just doing this, and then upon invoking rails console, it gives me the following error:
Circular dependency detected while autoloading constant Concerns::CommentsDeletion
I'm using Rails 4.0.2, and this thing has driven me nuts, and I'm unable to figure out what's wrong with my code.

Very strange that the following thing hasn't been mentioned anywhere in Rails documentation, but with it, my code works without any problems.
All you have to do is to replace CommentsDeletion with Concerns::CommentsDeletion. Put otherwise, you have to put Concerns before the name of your module that you would like to mix into your models later on.
Now, that's how my module residing inside concerns directory looks like:
module Concerns::CommentsDeletion
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
after_save :delete_comments, if: :soft_deleted?
def soft_deleted?
status == 'deleted'
def delete_comments
comments.each &:destroy

In my case, my code likes like:
class User < ApplicationRecord
include User::AuditLog
module User::AuditLog
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
it works fine in development environment, but in production it got error as title. When I change to this it works fine for me. Rename the folder name in concern if it has the same name with models.
class User < ApplicationRecord
include Users::AuditLog
module Users::AuditLog
extend ActiveSupport::Concern


Dynamic concerns with inheritance not loading twice, but only once

We are loading code dynamically with concerns, based on some environment variables, which works pretty nice.
Something like this:
# User class
class User
include DynamicConcern
module DynamicConcern
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
if "Custom::#{ENV["CUSTOMER_NAME"].camelize}::#{}Concern".safe_constantize
include "Custom::#{ENV["CUSTOMER_NAME"].camelize}::#{}Concern".constantize
# custom code
module Custom::Custom123::UserConcern
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
We are using this since years and it worked absolutely fine in models. Some days ago we tried to use the same approach with Controllers, but realized that this approach doesn'
t work fine with inheritance, where the parent class inherits the concern as well as the inherited class:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# this gets loaded and includes the right dynamic module
include DynamicConcern
class ShopController < ApplicationController
# this is NOT getting loaded again and skipped,
# since it has been loaded already in the parent controller
include DynamicConcern
Is there a way to tell rails that it should include/evaluade the concern a second time, since the second time it would have another class name which would include another module?
I'm not looking for other solutions, since a lot of our code is based on this approach and I think it's possible to solve this without rewriting everything.
You are only trying to dynamically include modules based on the class name.
It's not necessary to make a concern but it can be a normal class, and the include action can be a normal method. Every time you want to call it, just call it like any other method.
Because you have already written your code with ActiveSupport::Concern in an include fashion. I guess the following refactor may work even though I cannot guarantee it. The idea is simple:
Just make it a normal method with the target class as the parameter. You can include it (it automatically calls dynamic_include in included hook).
If the module is already included in the ancestor hierarchy chain, just invoke the dynamic_include will immediately call the method and do the dynamic includes.
Please give it a try and let me know if it works for your scenarios.
module DynamicConcern
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
def self.dynamic_include(klass)
if "Custom::#{ENV["CUSTOMER_NAME"].camelize}::#{}Concern".safe_constantize
klass.include "Custom::#{ENV["CUSTOMER_NAME"].camelize}::#{}Concern".constantize
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# this gets loaded and includes the right dynamic module
include DynamicConcern
class ShopController < ApplicationController
# this is NOT getting loaded again and skipped,
# since it has been loaded already in the parent controller
Actually it's a feature of Rails that the same module doesn't get loaded multiple times.
We started to use the normal ruby module inclution hooks and it worked fine!
module CustomConcern
def self.included(base)
custom_class_lookup_paths = [
].map{|class_string| class_string.safe_constantize }.compact
custom_class_lookup_paths.each do |class_string|
base.send :include, class_string

Rails namespacing concerns based on model name

I am looking to separate concerns for some subset of function specific to a model.
I have referenced here and followed this pattern
module ModelName::ConcernName
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
# class macros
# instance methods
def some_instance_method
module ClassMethods
# class methods here, self included
However, when I try to start the server it would result in the following error
Circular dependency detected while autoloading constant ModelName::ConcernName
I am wondering what is the best way to do concerns for some subset functions of a model.
Providing the model code:
path: app/models/rent.rb
Now I have a lot of checking logic in my model
class Rent < ActiveRecord::Base
def pricing_ready?
# check if pricing is ready
def photos_ready?
# check if photo is ready
def availability_ready?
# check if availability setting is ready
def features_ready?
# check if features are set
I want to separate it in concern
class Rent < ActiveRecord::Base
include Rent::Readiness
And organise the concern by namespace
path: app/models/concerns/rent/readiness.rb
module Rent::Readiness
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
# class macros
# instance methods
def pricing_ready?
# check if pricing is ready
module ClassMethods
# class methods here, self included
Now I got it working if I just do class RentReadiness with the path in app/models/concerns/rent_readiness.rb
You can scope it to Rents and place to concerns/rents/readiness.rb:
module Rents
module Readiness
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
# class macros
And in model:
class Rent < ActiveRecord::Base
include Rents::Readiness
You can make it work by just moving the folder with model-specific concerns from concerns to models. So, you would have:
I like this convention of using the model as the namespace for its concerns because it lets you remove some redundancy from code:
Since you are defining the concern within the model class, in the model you can write include Readiness instead of include Rent::Readiness
When defining the concern, you can use module Rent::Readiness instead of
class Rent < ApplicationRecord
module Readiness
Which would be another way of fixing the circular dependency problem you mentioned in your question.
Rails uses activesupport to load classes and modules as they are defined by inferring the file path based on the class or module name, this is done as the Ruby parser loads your files and come across a new constant that has not been loaded yet. In your case, the Rent model is parsed up to the Rent::Readlines reference, at which point activesupport goes off to look for the rent/readlines.rb code file that matches the name. This file is then then parsed by ruby, but on the first line, The still unloaded Rent class is referenced, which triggers activesupport to go off and look for the code file that matches the name.

Why do functions from my Rails plugin not work without specifically requiring?

I need some help with my plugin. I want to extend ActiveRecord::Base with a method that initializes another method that can be called in the controller.
It will look like this:
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
robot_catch :title, :text
My attempt at extending the ActiveRecord::Base class with robot_catch method looks like following. The function will initialize the specified attributes (in this case :title and :text) in a variable and use class_eval to make the robot? function available for the user to call it in the controller:
module Plugin
module Base
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
module ClassMethods
def robot_catch(*attr)
##robot_params = attr
self.class_eval do
def robot?(params_hash)
# Input is the params hash, and this function
# will check if the some hashed attributes in this hash
# correspond to the attribute values as expected,
# and return true or false.
ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, Plugin::Base
So, in the controller, this could be done:
class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
def create
#article =[:article])
if #article.robot? params
# Do not save this in database, but render
# the page as if it would have succeeded
My question is whether if I am right that robot_catch is class method. This function is to be called inside a model, as shown above. I wonder if I am extending the ActiveRecord::Base the right way. The robot? function is an instance method without any doubt.
I am using Rails 3.2.22 and I installed this plugin as a gem in another project where I want to use this functionality.
Right now, it only works if I specifically require the gem in the model. However, I want it the functionality to be included as a part of ActiveRecord::Base without requiring it, otherwise I'd have to require it in every model I want to use it, not particularly DRY. Shouldn't the gem be automatically loaded into the project on Rails start-up?
EDIT: Maybe callbacks ( would be a solution to this problem, but I do not know how to use it. It seems a bit obscure.
First, I would suggest you make sure that none of the many many built in Rails validators meet your needs.
Then if that's the case, what you actually want is a custom validator.
Building a custom validator is not as simple as it might seem, the basic class you'll build will have this structure:
class SpecialValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
# Fill this with your validation logic
# Add to record.errors if validation fails
Then in your model:
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :title, :text, special: true
I would strongly suggest making sure what you want is not already built, chances are it is. Then use resources like this or ruby guides resources to continue going down the custom validator route.
I found out the solution myself. Bundler will not autoload dependencies from a gemspec that my project uses, so I had to require all third party gems in an engine.rb file in the lib/ directory of my app in order to load the gems. Now everything is working as it should.
Second: the robot_catch method is a class method.

Include Railtie initialization in seeds.rb in Rails 3.1

I have created a simple railtie, adding a bunch of stuff to ActiveRecord:
0 module Searchable
1 class Railtie < Rails::Railtie
2 initializer 'searchable.model_additions' do
3 ActiveSupport.on_load :active_record do
4 extend ModelAdditions
5 end
6 end
7 end
8 end
I require this file (in /lib) by adding the following line to config/environment.rb before the application is called:
require 'searchable'
This works great with my application and there are no major problems.
I have however encountered a problem with rake db:seed.
In my seeds.rb file, I read data in from a csv and populate the database. The problem I am having is that the additions I made to ActiveRecord don't get loaded, and seeds fails with a method_missing error. I am not calling these methods, but I assume that since seeds.rb loads the models, it tries to call some of the methods and that's why it fails.
Can anyone tell me a better place to put the require so that it will be included every time ActiveRecord is loaded (not just when the full application is loaded)? I would prefer to keep the code outside of my models, as it is code shared between most of my models and I want to keep them clean and DRY.
Putting the extend there just adds it to ActiveRecord::Base.
When a model class is referenced, via Rails 3.1 autoloading/constant lookup, it will load the class. At that point, it is pure Ruby (nothing magic) as to what happens, basically. So I think you have at least a few options. The "bad" option that kind of does what you want it to hook into dependency loading. Maybe something like:
module ActiveSupport
module Dependencies
alias_method(:load_missing_constant_renamed_my_app_name_here, :load_missing_constant)
def load_missing_constant(from_mod, const_name)
# your include here if const_name = 'ModelName'
# perhaps you could list the app/models directory, put that in an Array, and do some_array.include?(const_name)
load_missing_constant_renamed_my_app_name_here(from_mod, const_name)
Another way to do it would be to use a Railtie like you were doing and add a class method to ActiveRecord::Base that then includes stuff, like:
module MyModule
class Railtie < Rails::Railtie
initializer "my_name.active_record" do
ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do
# ActiveRecord::Base gets new behavior
include ::MyModule::Something # where you add behavior. consider using an ActiveSupport::Concern
If using an ActiveSupport::Concern:
module MyModule
module Something
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
# this area is basically for anything other than class and instance methods
# add class_attribute's, etc.
module ClassMethods
# class method definitions go here
def include_some_goodness_in_the_model
# include or extend a module
# instance method definitions go here
Then in each model:
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
However, that isn't much better than just doing an include in each model, which is what I'd recommend.

how to define/attach rails validations in multiple generations of modules

I've found a way to make this work, but am curious about a better way / the Rails 3 way. (I'm using 2.3.5 still, but hope to migrate around New Year's.)
The situation: I've got two layers of module inheritance, the second layer gets mixed into a Rails model. Both modules define validation methods and I'd like both of them to attach the validations to the base class, but because of the two levels of inheritance, the following doesn't work:
def self.included(base)
base.validate :yadda_yadda
When that module is included by another module, the interpreter grinds to a screeching halt because Modules don't know about ActiveRecord::Validations. Including the validations module begs the question of "where is save?" thanks to alias_method.
The following works, as long as you remember to call super whenever you override validate(). I don't trust myself or future maintainers to remember that, so I'd like to use the validate :yadda_yadda idiom instead, if possible.
module Grandpa
def validate
def must_be_ok
errors.add_to_base("#{self} wasn't ok")
module Dad
include Grandpa
def validate
def must_be_ok_too
errors.add_to_base("#{self} wasn't ok either")
class Kid < ActiveRecord::Base
include Dad
validate :must_be_ok_three
def must_be_ok_three
errors.add_to_base("#{self} wasn't ok furthermore")
Suggestions? Tips for Rails 3 approach? I don't think the validations API has changed that much.
I solved it (when I ran into the same problem, but with something other than validation).
Short answer: you can call send(:included, base) on the module you want to bring in. Within the higher-up included() definition, you need to check whether the base is a Class or a Module.
Why would you ever want to do this? Well, I've got some modules that extract some common functionality out of my models. For instance, the module HasAllocable sets up a polymorphic belongs_to relationship, and a getter/setter pair for a virtual attribute. Now I have another module that needs to pull in HasAllocable, to spare the base classes from having to remember it.
I'd be interested to know whether this smells funny to anyone. I haven't seen anything like it on the web, so I wonder if multiple layers of model inheritance is more of an antipattern.
module Grandpa
def self.included(base)
if base.kind_of?(Class)
base.validate :must_be_ok
module Dad
include Grandpa
def self.included(base)
if base.kind_of?(Class)
# you can do this
#base.send(:include, Grandpa)
# you can also do this
Grandpa.send(:included, base)
# this does not invoke Grandpa.included(Kid)
base.validate :must_be_ok_too
class Kid < ActiveRecord::Base
include Dad
validate :must_be_ok_three
