How to use Count function in Conditional Split Transformation in SSIS - ssis-2012

Can someone help me here with the SSIS Conditional Split Transformation. I want to do a Count(Column). The requirement is ;
"If the record count exceed 100 records, then move to one output, else move to another output".
I am trying to use this, but not able to get it done.
COUNT(FirstName1) > = 100
Appreciate your help on this.

You can achieve this with the use of COUNT(*) OVER() window function. Change your source query to return the no of rows from the result set and use that field in the conditional split.
SELECT FirstName, LastName, COUNT(FirstName) OVER() AS NoOfRows FROM TableName
And now in the Conditional split add these conditions
Outputname: LessThan100 Condition: NoOfRows < 100
Outputname: MoreThan100 Condition: NoOfRows > 100


How to pass a table name as a parameter in BigQuery procedure?

I am trying to build bigquery stored procedure where I need to pass the table name as a parameter. My code is:
----step 1
FROM table_name XX
FROM `analytics-mkt-cleanroom.Master.EDW_ECR_ECR_MAPPING`
ON XX.HH_ID = A.HH_ID----one (HH) to many (ecr)
CALL MKT_DS.PXV2DWY_CREATE_PROPERTY_FEATURES(`analytics-mkt-cleanroom.MKT_DS.Home_Services_Multi_Class_Aesthetic_Baseline_Final_Training_Sample`);
I followed a couple of similar questions here and here, tried writing an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE version of the above but not able to work out the right syntax.
I think issue is; the SELECT statement in my code is selecting multiple columns XX.HH_ID, A.ECR_PRTY_ID, XX.ANCHOR_DT and the EXECUTIVE IMMEDIATE setup is meant to work only for one column. But I'm not sure. Please advise. Thank you.
I am basically trying to write stored procedures for data pipeline building.
Hope below is helpful.
pass a parameter as a string.
CALL MKT_DS.PXV2DWY_CREATE_PROPERTY_FEATURES(`analytics-mkt-cleanroom.MKT_DS.Home_Services_Multi_Class_Aesthetic_Baseline_Final_Training_Sample`);
CALL MKT_DS.PXV2DWY_CREATE_PROPERTY_FEATURES('analytics-mkt-cleanroom.MKT_DS.Home_Services_Multi_Class_Aesthetic_Baseline_Final_Training_Sample');
use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE since a table name can't be parameterized as a variable in a query.
----step 1
FROM `%s` XX
FROM `analytics-mkt-cleanroom.Master.EDW_ECR_ECR_MAPPING`
ON XX.HH_ID = A.HH_ID----one (HH) to many (ecr)
""", table_name);
escape % in a format string with additional %
LIKE 'U%%'
see PARSE_DATE not working in FORMAT() in BigQuery

How to get the number of entries in a measurement

I am a newbie to influxdb. I just started to read the influx documentation.
I cant seem to get the equivalent of 'select count(*) from table' to work in influx db.
I have a measurement called cart:
time status cartid
1456116106077429261 0 A
1456116106090573178 0 B
1456116106095765618 0 C
1456116106101532429 0 D
but when I try to do
select count(cartid) from cart
I get the error
ERR: statement must have at least one field in select clause
I suppose cartId is a tag rather than a field value? count() currently can't be used on tag and time columns. So if your status is a non-tag column (a field), do the count on that.
This works as long as no field or tag exists with the name count:
SELECT SUM(count) FROM (SELECT *,count::INTEGER FROM MyMeasurement GROUP BY count FILL(1))
If it does use some other name for the count field. This works by first selecting all entries including an unpopulated field (count) then groups by the unpopulated field which does nothing but allows us to use the fill operator to assign 1 to each entry for count. Then we select the sum of the count fields in a super query. The result should look like this:
name: MyMeasurement
time sum
0 47799
It's a bit hacky but it's the only way to guarantee a count of all entries when no field exists that is always present in all entries.

How to convert SQL statement "delete from TABLE where someID not in (select someID from Table group by property1, property2)

I'm trying to convert the following SQL statement to Core Data:
delete from SomeTable
where someID not in (
select someID
from SomeTable
group by property1, property2, property3
Basically, I want to retrieve and delete possible duplicates in a table where a record is deemed a duplicate if property1, property2 and property3 are equal to another record.
How can I do that?
PS: As the title says, I'm trying to convert the above SQL statement into iOS Core Data methods, not trying to improve, correct or comment on the above SQL, that is beyond the point.
Thank you.
It sounds like you are asking for SQL to accomplish your objective. Your starting query won't do what you describe, and most databases wouldn't accept it at all on account of the aggregate subquery attempting to select a column that is not a function of the groups.
I had initially thought the request was to delete all members of each group containing dupes, and wrote code accordingly. Having reinterpreted the original SQL as MySQL would do, it seems the objective is to retain exactly one element for each combination of (property1, property2, property3). I guess that makes more sense anyway. Here is a standard way to do that:
delete from SomeTable st1
where someID not in (
select min(st2.someId)
from SomeTable st2
group by property1, property2, property3
That's distinguished from the original by use of the min() aggregate function to choose a specific one of the someId values to retain from each group. This should work, too:
delete from SomeTable st1
where someID in (
select st3.someId
from SomeTable st2
join SomeTable st3
on st2.property1 = st3.property1
and st2.property2 = st3.property2
and st2.property3 = st3.property3
where st2.someId < st3.someId
These two queries will retain the same rows. I like the second better, even though it's longer, because the NOT IN operator is kinda nasty for choosing a small number of elements from a large set. If you anticipate having enough rows to be concerned about scaling, though, then you should try both, and perhaps look into optimizations (for example, an index on (property1, property2, property3)) and other alternatives.
As for writing it in terms of Core Data calls, however, I don't think you exactly can. Core Data does support grouping, so you could write Core Data calls that perform the subquery in the first alternative and return you the entity objects or their IDs, grouped as described. You could then iterate over the groups, skip the first element of each, and call Core Data deletion methods for all the rest. The details are out of scope for the SO format.
I have to say, though, that doing such a job in Core Data is going to be far more costly than doing it directly in the database, both in time and in required memory. Doing it directly in the database is not friendly to an ORM framework such as Core Data, however. This sort of thing is one of the tradeoffs you've chosen by going with an ORM framework.
I'd recommend that you try to avoid the need to do this at all. Define a unique index on SomeTable(property1, property2, property3) and do whatever you need to do to avoid trying to creating duplicates or to gracefully recover from a (failed) attempt to do so.
DELETE SomeTable
FROM SomeTable
SELECT MIN(RowId) as RowId, property1, property2, property3
FROM SomeTable
GROUP BY property1, property2, property3
) as KeepRows ON
SomeTable.RowId = KeepRows.RowId
KeepRows.RowId IS NULL
A few pointers for doing this in iOS: Before iOS 9 the only way to delete objects is individually, ie you will need to iterate through an array of duplicates and delete each one. (If you are targeting iOS9, there is a new NSBatchDeleteRequest which will help delete them all in one go - it does act directly on the store but also does some cleanup to eg. ensure relationships are updated where necessary).
The other problem is identifying the duplicates. You can configure a fetch to group its results (see the propertiesToGroupBy of NSFetchRequest), but you will have to specify NSDictionaryResultType (so the results are NOT the objects themselves, just the values from the relevant properties.) Furthermore, CoreData will not let you fetch properties (other than aggregates) that are not specified in the GROUP BY. So the suggestion (in the other answer) to use min(someId) will be necessary. (To fetch an expression such as this, you will need to use an NSExpression, embed it in an NSExpressionDescription and pass the latter in propertiesToFetch of the fetch request).
The end result will be an array of dictionaries, each holding the someId value of your prime records (ie the ones you don't want to delete), from which you have then got to work out the duplicates. There are various ways, but none will be very efficient.
So as the other answer says, duplicates are better avoided in the first place. On that front, note that iOS 9 allows you to specify attributes that you would like to be unique (individually or collectively).
Let me know if you would like me to elaborate on any of the above.
Group-wise Maximum:
select t1.someId
from SomeTable t1
left outer join SomeTable t2
on t1.property1 = t2.property1
and t1.property2 = t2.property2
and t1.property3 = t2.property3
and t1.someId < t2.someId
where t2.someId is null;
So, this could be the answer
delete SomeTable
where someId not in
(select t1.someId
from SomeTable t1
left outer join SomeTable t2
on t1.property1 = t2.property1
and t1.property2 = t2.property2
and t1.property3 = t2.property3
and t1.someId < t2.someId
where t2.someId is null);
Sqlfiddle demo
You can use exists function to check for each row if there is another row that exists whose id is not equal to the current row and all other properties that define the duplicate criteria of each row are equal to all the properties of the current row.
delete from something
id in (SELECT
sometable sm
exists( select
sometable sm2
sm.prop1 = sm2.prop1
and sm.prop2 = sm2.prop2
and sm.prop3 = sm2.prop3
and !=
I think you could easily handle this by creating a derived duplicate_flg column and set it to 1 when all three property values are equal. Once that is done, you could just delete those records where duplicate_flg = 1. Here is a sample query on how to do this:
--retrieve all records that has same property values (property1,property2 and property3)
SELECT someid
WHEN property1 = property2
AND property1 = property3
END AS duplicate_flg
FROM SomeTable
) q1
WHERE q1.duplicate_flg = 1;
Here is a sample delete statement:
FROM something
WHERE someid IN (
SELECT someid
SELECT someid
WHEN property1 = property2
AND property1 = property3
END AS duplicate_flg
FROM SomeTable
) q1
WHERE q1.duplicate_flg = 1
Simply, if you want to remove duplicate from table you can execute below Query :
delete from SomeTable
where rowid not in (
select max(rowid)
from SomeTable
group by property1, property2, property3
if you want to delete all duplicate records try the below code
WITH tblTemp as
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() Over(PARTITION BY Property1,Property2,Property3 ORDER BY Property1) As RowNumber,* FROM Table_1
DELETE FROM tblTemp where RowNumber >1
Hope it helps
Use the below query to delete the duplicate data from that table
delete from SomeTable where someID not in
(select Min(someID) from SomeTable
group by property1+property2+property3)

How to get row Count of the sqlite3_stmt *statement? [duplicate]

I want to get the number of selected rows as well as the selected data. At the present I have to use two sql statements:
one is
select * from XXX where XXX;
the other is
select count(*) from XXX where XXX;
Can it be realised with a single sql string?
I've checked the source code of sqlite3, and I found the function of sqlite3_changes(). But the function is only useful when the database is changed (after insert, delete or update).
Can anyone help me with this problem? Thank you very much!
SQL can't mix single-row (counting) and multi-row results (selecting data from your tables). This is a common problem with returning huge amounts of data. Here are some tips how to handle this:
Read the first N rows and tell the user "more than N rows available". Not very precise but often good enough. If you keep the cursor open, you can fetch more data when the user hits the bottom of the view (Google Reader does this)
Instead of selecting the data directly, first copy it into a temporary table. The INSERT statement will return the number of rows copied. Later, you can use the data in the temporary table to display the data. You can add a "row number" to this temporary table to make paging more simple.
Fetch the data in a background thread. This allows the user to use your application while the data grid or table fills with more data.
try this way
select (select count() from XXX) as count, *
from XXX;
select (select COUNT(0)
from xxx t1
where t1.b <= t2.b
) as 'Row Number', b from xxx t2 ORDER BY b;
just try this.
You could combine them into a single statement:
select count(*), * from XXX where XXX
select count(*) as MYCOUNT, * from XXX where XXX
To get the number of unique titles, you need to pass the DISTINCT clause to the COUNT function as the following statement:
COUNT(DISTINCT column_name)
For those who are still looking for another method, the more elegant one I found to get the total of row was to use a CTE.
this ensure that the count is only calculated once :
WITH cnt(total) as (SELECT COUNT(*) from xxx) select * from xxx,cnt
the only drawback is if a WHERE clause is needed, it should be applied in both main query and CTE query.
In the first comment, Alttag said that there is no issue to run 2 queries. I don't agree with that unless both are part of a unique transaction. If not, the source table can be altered between the 2 queries by any INSERT or DELETE from another thread/process. In such case, the count value might be wrong.
Once you already have the select * from XXX results, you can just find the array length in your program right?
If you use sqlite3_get_table instead of prepare/step/finalize you will get all the results at once in an array ("result table"), including the numbers and names of columns, and the number of rows. Then you should free the result with sqlite3_free_table
int rows_count = 0;
while (sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW)
// The rows_count is available for use
sqlite3_reset(stmt); // reset the stmt for use it again
while (sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW)
// your code in the query result

Faster search for records where 1st character of field doesn't match [A-Za-z]?

I currently have the following:
User (id, fname, lname, deleted_at, guest)
I can query for a list of user's by their fname initial like so:
User Load (9.6ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (users.deleted_at IS NULL) AND (lower(left(fname, 1)) = 's') ORDER BY fname ASC LIMIT 25 OFFSET 0
This is fast thanks to the following index:
CREATE INDEX users_multi_idx
ON users (lower(left(fname, 1)), fname)
WHERE deleted_at IS NULL;
What I want to do now is be able to query for all Users that do not start with the letter's A-Z. I got this to work like so:
SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (users.deleted_at IS NULL) AND (lower(left(fname, 1)) ~ E'^[^a-zA-Z].*') ORDER BY fname ASC LIMIT 25 OFFSET 0
But the problem is this query is very slow and does not appear to be using the index to speed up the first query. Any suggestions on how I can elegantly make the 2nd query (non a-z) faster?
I'm using Postgres 9.1 with rails 3.2
Updated answer
Preceding question here.
My first idea idea (index with text_pattern_ops) did not work with the regular expression in my tests. Better rewrite your query to:
FROM users
WHERE deleted_at IS NULL
WHERE lower(left(fname, 1)) < 'a' COLLATE "C"
OR lower(left(fname, 1)) > 'z' COLLATE "C"
ORDER BY fname
Besides from these expressions being faster generally, your regular expression also had capital letters in it, which did not match the index with lower(). And the trailing characters were pointless while comparing to a single char.
And use this index:
CREATE INDEX users_multi_idx
ON users (lower(left(fname, 1)) COLLATE "C", fname)
WHERE deleted_at IS NULL;
The COLLATE "C" part is optional and only contributes a very minor gain in performance. It's purpose is to reset collation rules to default posix collation, which just uses byte order and is generally faster. Useful, where collation rules are not relevant anyway.
If you create the index with it, only queries that match the collation can use it. So you might just skip it to simplify things if performance is not your paramount requirement.
As an alternative to #ErwinBrandstetter's general solution, PostgreSQL supports partial indexes. You can say:
CREATE INDEX users_nonalphanumeric_not_deleted_key
ON users (id)
WHERE (users.deleted_at IS NULL) AND (lower(left(fname, 1)) ~ E'^[^a-zA-Z].*');
This index won't help for any other lookups, but it will precompute the answer for this particular query. This technique is often useful for queries that return a small, predefined subset from a much larger table, since the resulting index will disregard the vast majority of the table and contain only the rows of interest.
