Connecting IBM Mobile App Builder to GoogleSheets bluemix-mobile-services - oauth-2.0

I am trying to access Google Sheets with the IBM Bluemix Mobile App Builder tool and I think something isn't working with the OAuth. I understand that the tool is currently experimental, but here is what happens. I select Google Sheet as a data source, I give it the name of a Google Sheet that exists in my Google account called "TeamsGoogle". The Oauth2 screen comes up asking "IBM Mobile App Builder would like to: Have offline access." I select Allow and then it returns to Mobile App Builder and has a message of "We couldn't find any data in your worksheet! "

We've just launched the new Bluemix Mobile dashboard, and this bug has been fixed.


Google Ads API - End-to-end to set up app conversion measurement

We're trying to set up a conversion event using available API.
The steps are the following:
Link account with 3rd party analytics service. Once you link your app with the service, it generates a Link ID.
Create a Conversion Action - select the app that was previously connected in 1), and set up the parameters that you want.
Has somebody previously done that?

Google Assistant Account Linking via OAuth does not transfer from Speaker to Phone

I am working on an Action on Google for one of our customers.
We are currently trying to transition from pure Google SignIn to Google SignIn + OAuth (Auth Code - docs).
For that we use the OAuth implementation of said customer, which works fine.
When testing on the phone or the Google Assistant App, there is a pop-up that allows to link the action to the Auth provider. This works as intended.
However when testing on the speaker (Google Home + Google Home mini), the documentation says, that it should trigger a transfer to the phone via a notification on the device.
This does not happen unfortunately - we do not get any activity on our device.
We already asked the (AoG) support for help or known issues, but they could not help us with this and asked us to post our question over here.
More Information:
both devices are logged in with the same Google Account
Google Assistant App + Google Home App is installed
tested with Google Workspace account + with #gmail account
tested on iOS (14.5.1 - iPhone 11)
Notifications for Google Assistant are turned on
Web & App Activity is turned on (activity)
"include Chrome History" is also checked
Did someone of you encounter a similar problem in the past?
If so, were you able to solve it?
Would be happy to hear from you.
Thanks in advance!

How to get Google Accounts Chooser in Ionic 3 iOS

I used Ionic Google Plus plugin to develop this.
However I could not find a way to get the Google Accounts Chooser like in Android.
In other native apps that feature is there.
But when used with Cordova Google Plus Plugin it just loads a SafariViewController with the Google Login screen. I tried trySilentLogin() function as well. But it just saves the login state after the first login. I want the user to select a logged in Google Account using the Google Account Chooser without entering passwords.
If it's not possible using Cordova Google Plus plugin what are the other alternatives to implement this?
I found out the problem of why account is not shown in google accounts chooser (at least after upgrading the ios sdk to SFAuthenticationSession, I don't know if it happened from same reason before upgrade):
The google sso authentication accounts are saved in safari data and if you clear safari cache then the accounts are removed. This can be easily reproduced by logging in, in one app (such as yelp, tripadvisor and others) and then you WILL see accounts in other apps on google login. Then clean safari cache and offline data and then you will not see the accounts in other apps on google login. Facebook solved it using custom scheme redirect in a "open in app" button displayed in the SFAuthenticationSession.
When the user logs out, if we call GIDSignIn.sharedInstance()?.signOut(). Next time, then the email selection screen will appear.
It works for us

Google spreadsheet publish as Atom

I am trying to publish a Google spreadsheet as an RSS feed using Google Chrome. When I go to File → Publish to web and the go to Get a link to the published data, the Atom/RSS feed is not displayed.
When I tried to use my personal gmail account, this feature is visible but when I use the business one it does not work. Also please note that I am the admin of the account so I don't think it is an issue of rights.
Can you tell me how to publish it as an Atom/RSS feed, please?
Chrome does not have built-in support for RSS feeds by default, but google have developed an extension. You can add this one:

How can I test Google AdSense for iOS

I am iOS developer and make project with Google AdSense.
This is documentation - how to integrate AdSense to application.
AdSense iOS
But when I read it the documentation says that I should have client ID and give me link to create it. After this I try to crate my client ID. The system says that I need to wait few days, because my application is considered. After some time I get message we're unable to accept you into AdSense at
this time.
Insufficient content
But my question is:
How can I create test iOS project without client ID or with a test client ID, because I can't wait while Google approve my application.
Thanks all!
Use AdMob instead, it's easy, belongs to Google, displays Google Ads plus other AdSense certified networks and you don't need app approval. Sign in with your Google Account. Link: AdMob
