Reliable String interpolation in Rails - ruby-on-rails

What is the best way to ensure that a model exists before doing string interpolation? I have a variable user, and I need to see what the user's major is. A table in between named user_attributes has the user's info.
The user may not have specified a major yet, in which case they wouldn't have a major model instance yet. So when I try and get the name of the major, I would get an "undefined method on nil class type" error. Any advice on how to safely do this?

You could avoid try and add a method to your model or decorator..
def major_name
user_attribute.major &&
def major_name if user_attribute.major?

You can use try method:
# if model is present
{user.user_attribute.major.try(:name)} # => "<MAJOR_NAME>"
# if model is NOT present
{user.user_attribute.major.try(:name)} # => ""
You can read more about try.

You could use the lonely operator. It is like try, but slightly less functional (which doesn't matter in your case).

This might well be the 'worst' answer to ruby puritans, but it works for me in some scenarios:
"#{ rescue nil}"


Rails to_param - Without ID

I want to create param /users/will-smith, so here's my code:
def to_param
Parameterize will convert "Will Smith" to "will-smith"
So in the controller, the param won't match the find statement, thus return nil
# User with full_name "will-smith" not found
#user = User.find_by_full_name(params[:id])
Most of the solutions I found is by changing the param to #{id}-#{full_name.parameterize}. But I don't want the URL to contain the ID.
The other solutions is adding permalink column in the database, which I don't really like.
Any other solution?
Here's a gem called FriendlyId. It will give you more options to play with.
The problem with your code is that you need to convert that parameter back to original, or use the same kind of transformation on your column during the search. FriendlyId, basically, helps you to achieve the same effect.
Also, I'm not sure, but you could miss that gist. It contaits lots of info on the topic.

Validation: how to check for specific error

I know how to check an attribute for errors:
Is it possible to check which validation failed (for example "uniqueness")?
Recently I came across a situation where I need the same thing: The user can add/edit multiple records at once from a single form.
Since at validation time not all records have been written to the database I cannot use #David's solution. To make things even more complicated it is possible that the records already existing in the database can become duplicates, which are detected by the uniqueness validator.
TL;DR: You can't check for a specific validator, but you can check for a specific error.
I'm using this:
# The record has a duplicate value in `my_attribute`, detected by custom code.
if my_attribute_is_not_unique?
# Check if a previous uniqueness validator has already detected this:
unless #record.errors.added?(:my_attribute, :taken)
# No previous `:taken` error or at least a different text.
#record.errors.add(:my_attribute, :taken)
Some remarks:
It does work with I18n, but you have to provide the same interpolation parameters to added? as the previous validator did.
This doesn't work if the previous validator has written a custom message instead of the default one (:taken)
Regarding checking for uniqueness validation specifically, this didn't work for me:
#post.errors.added?(:title, :taken)
It seems the behaviour has changed so the value must also be passed. This works:
#post.errors.added?(:title, :taken, value: #post.title)
That's the one to use ^ but these also work:
#post.errors.details[:title].map { |e| e[:error] }.include? :taken
#post.errors.added?(:title, 'has already been taken')
Ref #34629, #34652
By "taken", I assume you mean that the title already exists in the database. I further assume that you have the following line in your Post model:
validates_uniqueness_of :title
Personally, I think that checking to see if the title is already taken by checking the validation errors is going to be fragile. #post.errors[:title] will return something like ["has already been taken"]. But what if you decide to change the error message or if you internationalize your application? I think you'd be better off writing a method to do the test:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
def title_unique?
Post.where(:title => self.title).count == 0
Then you can test if the title is unique with #post.title_unique?. I wouldn't be surprised if there's already a Rubygem that dynamically adds a method like this to ActiveRecord models.
If you're using Rails 5+ you can use errors.details. For earlier Rails versions, use the backport gem:
is_duplicate_title = #post.errors.details[:title].any? do |detail|
detail[:error] == :uniqueness
Rails Guide:

What is the best way to obfuscate numerical IDs in an application

Given I've got a site where most of the resources have numerical IDs (i.e. etc.) but that like the Germans looking back on WWII I'd rather not reveal these to the observers, what's the best way to obfuscate them?
I presume the method is going to involve the .to_param and then some symmetric encryption algorithm but I'm not sure what's the most efficient encryption to do and how it'll impact lookup times in the DB etc.
Any advice from the road trodden would be much appreciated.
I published a Rails plugin that does this called obfuscate_id. I didn't need it to be secure, but just to make the id in the url non-obvious to the casual user. I also wanted it to look cleaner than a long hash.
It also has the advantage of needing no migrations or database changes. It's pretty simple.
Just add the gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'obfuscate_id'
And add call the obfuscate id in your model:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
This will create urls like this:
# post 7000
# post 7001
# post 7002
You also don't need to look up the records in any special way, ActiveRecord find just works.
More information here:
I usually use a salted Hash and store it in the DB in an indexed field. It depends on the level of security you expect, but I use one salt for all.
This method makes the creation a bit more expensive, because you are going to have an INSERT and an UPDATE, but your lookups will be quite fast.
Pseudo code:
class MyModel << ActiveRecord::Base
MY_SALT = 'some secret string'
after_create :generate_hashed_id
def to_param
def generate_hashed_id
self.update_attributes(:hashed_id => Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("--#{MY_SALT}--#{}--"))
Now you can look up the record with MyModel.find_by_hashed_id(params[:id]) without any performance repercussions.
Here's a solution. It's the same concept as Wukerplank's answer, but there's a couple of important differences.
1) There's no need to insert the record then update it. Just set the uuid before inserting by using the before_create callback. Also note the set_uuid callback is private.
2) There's a handy library called SecureRandom. Use it! I like to use uuid's, but SecureRandom can generate other types of random numbers as well.
3) To find the record use User.find_by_uuid!(params[:id]). Notice the "!". That will raise an error if the record is not found just like User.find(params[:id]) would.
class User
before_create :set_uuid
def to_param
def set_uuid
self.uuid = SecureRandom.uuid
Hashids is a great cross-platform option.
You can try using this gem,
it obfuscates your id and at the same time giving each model it's own obfuscated code so all no. 1 id won't have the same hash. Also, it does not override anything on the rails side, it just provides new method so it doesn't mess up your rails if your also extending them.
Faced with a similar problem, I created a gem to handle the obfuscation of Model ids using Blowfish. This allows the creation of nice 11 character obfuscated ids on the fly. The caveat is, the id must be within 99,999,999, e.g. a max length of 8.
To use with Rails, create an initializer in config/initializers with:
require 'obfuscate/obfuscatable'
Obfuscate.setup do |config|
config.salt = "A weak salt ..."
Now add to models that you want to be Obfuscatable:
class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
obfuscatable # a hash of config overrides can be passed.
To get the 11 character obfuscated_id, which uses the Blowfish single block encryption:
message = Message.find(1)
obfuscated = message.obfuscated_id # "NuwhZTtHnko"
clarified = message.clarify_id( obfuscated ) # "1"
Message.find_by_obfuscated_id( obfuscated )
Or obfuscate a block of text using Blowfish string encryption, allowing longer blocks of text to be obfuscated:
obfuscated = message.obfuscate( "if you use your imagination, this is a long block of text" ) # "GoxjVCCuBQgaLvttm7mXNEN9U6A_xxBjM3CYWBrsWs640PVXmkuypo7S8rBHEv_z1jP3hhFqQzlI9L1s2DTQ6FYZwfop-xlA"
clarified = message.clarify( obfuscated ) # "if you use your imagination, this is a long block of text"

Using a rails custom validation to modify data

I would like to add some logic to my model to ensure there is a consistent string representation of a serial number in the database of devices. Below is an example of the sort of thing I'm thinking of: call a custom validation and do formatting on the data in the object before saving it to the database.
class Device < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :serialNumber
validate :validate_sn
def validate_sn
if !serialNumber.nil? && serialNumber !~ /-/
serialNumber = serialNumber.scan(/.{4}/).join('-')
I'm having two problems with this code. First, it will throw an error that says
NoMethodError: undefined method `scan' for nil:NilClass
on line 6, which is baffling to me. I can work around this by changing that line to:
sn = serialNumber; serialNumber = sn.scan(/.{4}/).join('-')
But if someone could explain why that works but the first doesn't I'd appreciate it. The real problem is that the data is saved without dashes (after that fix above is applied). Am I forgetting or misunderstanding something fundamental here? Does anyone have a better solution for this?
def validate_sn
if !self.serialNumber.nil? && self.serialNumber !~ /-/
self.serialNumber = self.serialNumber.scan(/.{4}/).join('-')
The first way doesn't work because you are using serialNumber in two different contexts.
In this line
if !serialNumber.nil? && serialNumber !~ /-/
you're using the method serialNumber, since this method doesn't exist, ruby will delegate to method_missing which will get the value from the #attributes hash.
But, in this line:
serialNumber = serialNumber.scan(/.{4}/).join('-')
you're using the serialNumber variable that you've just declared. This variable is of course nil.
One way of achieving what you want is:
self.serialNumber = self.serialNumber.scan(/.{4}/).join('-')
But as another user already said, modifying the data in a validation is not a good practice. So, this code should be in a before_save filter.

model name to controller name

How can I get the controller name out of the object if I don't know what the object is?
I am trying to do:
but Rails says:
undefined method `tableize' for #<Class:0xb6f8ee20>
I tried adding demodulize with same result.
For semantic reasons, you might want to do: #=> 'FooBar'
You can also use tableize with this sequence, like so: #=> 'foo_bars'
I prefer it that way due to readability.
As well, note that tableize also does pluralization. If unwanted use underscore.
Hope it helps anyone, even if it's an old thread :)
