Open link from DropBox app to My App - ios

Is there any way to open link from dropbox app to my own App ?
I want to play audio file from dropbox app to my app.

The solution for this isn't specific to Dropbox.
You need to setup your app to indicate that it can open certain types of files (such as audio files). Once you do that, then any app, such as the Dropbox app, that offers an "Open In" option for those types of files will show your app as one of the options.
To learn how to register your app for certain types of files, see How do I associate file types with an iPhone application?


Opening file in an app from URL

I'm trying to create a link that, if clicked on a mobile device (ios), will open a PDF in a FileExplorer mobile app (or the App store if they don't have one installed). I've tried finding apps with their own URL scheme (similar to Facebook's "fb://" or YouTube's "youtube://"), but I'm not having any luck.
I've reviewed the content in the following pages and still have not found an answer:
iPhone apps: Can I open an app from a link in a website?
How to open ios app using url?
Opening an app from URL schema
There is the option to open the Files app at a specific location using the shareddocuments:// URL scheme, as described in this article.
There's no direct solution. Your best best is to let the user decide what to do with the PDF. Use a UIActivityViewController setup with the PDF. Then the user can choose. Typical options will be email, print, iBooks, Preview, other apps that handle PDFs, and as of iOS 11, the standard Files app.
You are not going to find URL schemes for "file explorer" apps in general. And there's little point to finding URL schemes to a few specific such apps. Any such apps the user may already have should appear in the activity view.

Is there a way to open an editor app in ios and receive edited results?

I have an app that downloads files from a web server. Our customer wants the ability to edit those files on their mobile devices and upload the edited version to our servers. Is this possible in iOS? I have figured out how to allow users to view the files in external apps, but I don't see a way to bring back their changes if the file was modified as it seems to copy the file into the other app's space, so my app is left with the unaltered version.
iOS has a sandbox mechanism, so for sure you can not modify any file in another app.
The only way to transfer data from different app is using sharing.
This is a sample project I wrote for implement sharing on iOS, check it:
Sample for sharing on iOS
Hope it can help you.

List apps in the App Store that can support a given file type

I am working on a app which needs to open/preview a file using UIDocumentInteractionController. One of the clients requirement is that, in case there is no installed app which can support a given file type, then the app should redirect the user to the App Store, displaying a list of apps which can open the file.
Is that possible? If yes, could you give me a step-by-step approach ?
The app store does not have any list of apps can open a given file type.
You will have to build the list yourself.

How to choose files from iPhone?

In my app I have to upload files to server.
For that I need to view and choose files from my iPhone and iPad. (any kind of files i.e pdf , doc,dock , mp3 etc etc).
How can I get the path for these files and how can I choose them in my application.
Generally in iPhone Where are these files are stored? how we can fetch them in our application?
Is there any thing like UIImagePickerController to pick file from iPhone?
There are classes that allow you to interact with various media types that may be on an iOS based device.
As you mention UIImagePickerController.
For music, you can use a similar class: MPMediaPickerControllerDelegate.
With regard to other arbitrary documents;
There is no device-wide document store, and you cannot access files stored inside another app's app bundle, thus you cannot access saved PDF/doc files. There is no shared place for the user to save such PDFs in the first place. Which is why media libraries have specific APIs to access them because they are device-wide libraries.
The most you can do is register your app as a viewer of PDF documents. This would allow other apps to open a PDF in your app if they use a UIDocumentInteractionController.
Your best option is probably to use File Sharing which will allow your application to own files on the device which can be synced via iTunes.
This will enable you to create your own UI, to present these files from your applications document folder.
Further reading: iOS File System Basics, File System Programming Guide.

How can you import text files into an iPad application?

For a school project, I am writing an iOS iPad application in which the user is capable of inputting sentences into core data that are used elsewhere in the system; however, my professor has now asked for another feature in which the user is capable of somehow entering sentences from some other interface than the iPad's keyboard. For instance, the most desirable solution is to be able to write sentences into text files and import them into the application through iTunes.
I have seen a few different apps capable of receiving files through iTunes, such as the VLC app in which the user can place videos into the VLC app's video storage. This allows VLC to then load the videos. I'm wondering if there is a good way or even if it's possible to do this with text files in my app, so that I may then read them into core data.
This is possible... First of all you need to add a value to your info.plist file which enables iTunes file sharing (like with VLC etc.) "UIFileSharingEnabled -> YES"
Then you can store files through iTunes. These files are put into your applications "Documents" - directory... When launching your application, you will need to check if new files are available and handle these changes...
You can also add document types / extensions, so that when you are sent an email with a txt file, it can be opened with your application. How do I register a custom filetype in iOS
