Using UIStackView with a UITextView with dynamic height - ios

I just found out about UIStackView, and I'm trying to see if it can finally make it easier to lay out expanding content.
Specifically, I want to do the following:
|-- UITextView ------------|
| some dynamic text here, | I want the text view's height to change
| it could be short, or it | depending on the height of the text
| could be tall | (set later, in code)
|-- UIView ----------------|
|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| I want this view to expand to fill the
|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| vertical space.
|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| It should start right below the
|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| bottom of the UITextView
I think I know how to do this with regular constraints. Is it possible to do with UIStackView? I might be understanding the purpose of UIStackView, but I would love to be able to create layouts like this more easily.
When I put both of these into a UIStackView, Interface builder says "Needs constraints for: Y position or height" for both views.

Programmatically it looks like this:
#IBOutlet private var stackView: UIStackView!
didSet {
lazy var titleTextView: UITextView =
let textView = UITextView()
textView.isScrollEnabled = false
return textView
You don’t need anything else for the UITextView to expand automatically. This shouldn’t complain about ambiguities.

You can add a stackview then inside that add a textview, then set scrollable false, it will automaticaly handle your problem

Calculate the text height in textview add a height constraint on uitextview say 20 and when you calculate the height just change the height constraint.Give the below view constraint of top 0 from textview and you issue will be resolved.
Calculate height using this function
let height = string.boundingRectWithSize(CGSizeMake(CGFloat.max,textviewwidth), options: .UsesLineFragmentOrigin, attributes: [NSFontAttributeName: font!], context: nil).size.height

Try using an UILabel with lines = 0 instead of an UITextView.


UILabel breaks early inside UIStackView

Given the view hierarchy:
The label breaks too early, even if it can be fit to a single line.
Setting numberOfLines = 1 forces the label to be laid out correctly.
How to make UILabel perform line break only when needed?
private lazy var title: UILabel = {
let v = UILabel()
v.numberOfLines = 0
return v
private lazy var toggle = UISwitch()
private lazy var stack = UIStackView(axis: .horizontal,
distribution: .equalSpacing,
alignment: .center,
views: [title,
func setupConstraints() {
stack.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in
Setting numberOfLines = 1 gets me what I'd like to achieve, but the label looses its multi-line functionality:
How to force the desired behavior without losing support for multi-line labels?
When there is a lot of horizontal space, the label gets laid out correctly no matter of the numberOfLines property:
Set your UISwitch's content hugging and resistance priority to 1000.
And stack view distribution and alignment to fill.
Extra Note - If you want label and switch to be top aligned, then set alignment to top.
In your stack view you can give a constraint to your label and switch...
1) give your label leading, top , trailing and bottom constraint. Don't give Width constraint. In trailing constraint take second item Switch.
2) give your switch trailing, top, bottom and Fix width.
Hope it Will work.
Add label inside another stack view.

How to get resizing tableView cell with different content without deleting constraints in iOS

I have tableView cell with different content(views, labels, imageViews) in one cell. But in something cells content can be not full. How can i use resizing cells without removing and adding always constraints? Thanks.
One of possible solutions for this problem:
Add constraints for hidden state with priority 1000
Add extra constraints for resized state with lower priority (ex 750)
Save constraints that is ONLY for hidden state into IBOutlet collection
Save constraints that is ONLY for resized state into another IBOutlet collection
#IBOutlet var hiddenConstraints: [NSLayoutConstraint] = []
#IBOutlet var visibleConstraints: [NSLayoutConstraint] = []
func hide(_ hide: Bool) {
for hiddenConstraint in self.hiddenConstraints {
hiddenConstraint.isActive = hide
for visibleConstraint in self.visibleConstraints {
visibleConstraint.isActive = !hide
There is faster solution:
Move content that can be hidden into container view
Set height constraint for container view
Change from code height constraint constant to 0 if hidden or to proper height if visible
#IBOutlet var heightConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
func hide(_ hide: Bool) {
self. heightConstraint.constant = hide ? 0 : 150 //Estimated height
This is not a good approach, as it will lead to constraint crashes at runtime. So I prefer to use first one.
Also you will need to update your cell from table to move other cells up or down.
Ray Wenderlich has a fantastic tutorial on dynamic sizing of table cells that can be found here:
TL;DR You need to make sure your cell's content is pinned on all four sides to the cell's content view, as well as setting as high priority vertical hugging, greater than or equal to height constraint on your label.

Dynamic height UITableViewCell

I have cells that consist of a title, date and a number of hashtags.
Here's the storyboard's screenshot:
Custom cell in storyboard
I've set the following in my ViewDidLoad:
tableView.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension
But haven't given any estimatedHeight for the tableView which I'll explain why.
Here's my customCell:
#IBOutlet weak var title: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var date: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var hashtagsView: UIView!
var item: Item? {
didSet {
func configureCell() {
if item = item {
title.text = item!.title
date.text = item!.date
// The part where I calculate the sizes of hashtags to fit them in hashtagsView
let totalWidth = CGRectGetWidth(hashtagsView.frame)
print("TotalWidth: \(totalWidth)")
print("Content: \(self.contentView.frame)")
print("HashtagsView: \(self.hashtagsView.frame)")
Here's the results:
With tableView.estimatedHeight = 150
TotalWidth: 240.0
Content: (0.0, 0.0, 240.0, 119.666666666667)
HashtagsView: (0.0, 0.0, 240.0, 128.0)
Without estimatedHeight
TotalWidth: 240.0
Content: (0.0, 0.0, 414.0, 43.6666666666667)
HashtagsView: (0.0, 0.0, 240.0, 128.0)
When there is an estimatedHeight, cell's contentView doesn't print a correct width, but displays the cell's contents well like nothing's wrong (except for the hashtagsView).
When there's not an estimatedHeight, cell's contentView does actually print the correct width, which lets me calculate the hashtags frames, but the cells display with their default 44 height.
Detailed Info
Since I don't know how many hashtags there is, I'm trying to use the blank UIView to add the UIButtons programmatically. And for calculation purposes of the hashtags' buttons, I need to have the "width" of the cell's contentView, or the hashtagsView's, but when I set tableView.estimatedHeight, cell's width will be some arbitrary number (e.g. 240 in 6s Plus Simulator). And I just can't get the hashtagsView's width, even though I have no auto-layout issues.
And when I don't give tableView.estimatedHeight an estimation, I get the following:
Custom cells without estimatedHeight
Updated - An update asked by #EarlGray in the comments
The hashtags are actually UIButtons I add them to the hashtagsView dynamically. I need to stretch the hashtagsView's height so it'll fit more than one line of hashtags.
I think I'll either need to subclass UIView and override layoutSubviews() to achieve fit vertical layout or add constraints to each subview (UIButtons) programmatically.
Doing what #VinodVishwanath said, setting estimatedRowHeight combined with explicit heights and vertical space constraints gives me this:
Which unables me to get the width of the hashtagsView. During the calculations of the UIBUttons' frames, I need the cell.contentView's width, but somehow, setting the estimatedRowHeight gives me the following coordinates for the cell.contentView.frame
Content: (0.0, 0.0, 240.0, 119.666666666667)
Which is incorrect, because it has to give 414, and that's why my hashtags start from half of the screen.
Commenting out tableView.estimatedRowHeight gives me the correct coordinates:
Content: (0.0, 0.0, 414.0, 43.6666666666667)
But messes my tableView like so:
Update #2 - Here's my constraints for the cell.contentView
ContentView's constraints
Update #3 - A breakpoint on my configureCell method
HashtagsView's superview returns nil!!
I don't get it, my UIView IBOutlet is connected, I double checked.
All of the contentView.subviews have incorrect frames. So does the superview-less hashtagsView.
But when I remove estimatedRowHeight, it suddenly considers hashtagsView as a subview of cell's contentView. Except for contentView, it's subviews frames' still return incorrect and negative values.
When you don't provide the estimated row-height, the cell height defaults to 44, and that's why you're getting a content height of 43.667.
You need to provide the estimated row height, which will be the height when there are no tags in the field provided. Then all that's needed to set the correct height dynamically is the right set of autolayout constraints to provide the contentView's intrinsic size.
This will happen when you set a vertical space constraint between all the subviews of contentView, including a topSpaceToSuperview and bottomSpaceToSuperview to enable the AutoLayout engine to calculate the intrinsic content size.
I have analysed your constraints from the screenshot, and here are the relevant constraints you have added to calculate the cell height: = topMargin + 8
bottomMargin = Share Button.bottom
Link.centerY = Share Button.centerY
Hashtags = Title.bottom = Hashtags View.bottom + 15
Now here's a visual representation of these constraints:
Hashtags View
!!! broken link !!!
Link — Share Button
The broken link prevents the Layout Engine from calculating the cell height. You need to fix the broken link in the vertical layout, for instance, by setting Date.centerY = shareButton.centerY, or by setting = HashtagsView.bottom.

How to let TextView be able to scroll horizontally

I know the TextView is embedded in a ScrollView. And if there is a fairly long String(Which contains no "\n")
The TextView will automatically do the line-wrap, according to the width of the TextView.
If TextView's height is short, then we are able to scroll it vertically.
How do you disable the auto line-wrap? Such that, if there are no "\n" encounters, it does not line wrap. Rather, it lets the user scroll horizontally to view the text.
How can I implement this?
I figure out how to do this with many helps of you guys :D, thanks, and here we go!
1. So, firstly, We need a longlonglong String, right?
let displayStr = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20\n1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 "
2. Assume we have a UIScrollView which is linked by #IBOutlet or got by calling the .viewWithTag(xxx) .We will let it be named as scroll :
3. It's time to get the size of our string, here is a key function we'll use it:
Oh! I almost forget to define what kind of Font( this's a crucial parameter ) we will use, and What is the max-size of our string's size
let maxSize = CGSizeMake(9999, 9999)
let font = UIFont(name: "Menlo", size: 16)!
//key function is coming!!!
let strSize = (displayStr as NSString).boundingRectWithSize(maxSize, options: NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin, attributes: [NSFontAttributeName : font], context: nil)
4. OK, now we can put the string into a textView, you need to programmatically create a new UITextView, so that we can define the frame which is identical to the string's size(Oh, maybe a little bigger :D) :
let frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, size.width+50, size.height+10)
let textView = UITextView(frame: frame)
textView.editable = false
textView.scrollEnabled = false//let textView becomes unScrollable
textView.font = font
textView.text = displayStr
5. Back to our scroll, we will set its contentSize:
scroll.contentSize = CGSizeMake(size.width, size.height)
6. Finally, addSubview:
You can see, textView is embed in a scrollView, which allow it to
scroll with 2 directions.
B.T.W. My implement is just a demo for
static String. if you want user to use a textView which will not line
wrap if he doesn't input any "\n", you may need dynamically calculate
the string size. :D
[I hope this will help]
[myTextView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(width, myTextView.frame.size.height)];
The width of the content extends past the width of the textView's frame or else it won't scroll.
Turn off all the scroll options on the UITextView, then embed it in another UIScrollView. Reference:- DualScrollTextView
#IBOutlet weak var scrollView: UIScrollView!
#IBOutlet weak var textView: UITextView!
var yourText: String = "Whatever your text is going to be."
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
self.scrollView.contentSize = self.textView.bounds.size
override func viewDidLoad() {
textView.text = yourText
textView.sizeThatFits(CGSizeMake(textView.frame.size.width, 80)) //height to equal the actual size of your text view.
I think this should plug and play, but I know for sure that textView.sizeThatFits works. You have to make sure that you constrain your text view to it's parent scrollview for it to work. (Leading, Trailing, Top, Bottom and the Height.)
The accepted answer didn't work with AutoLayout so I'll share my approach:
1. Add a UIScrollView with a UITextView inside it and pin all the edges for both of them
2. Add width and height constraints for your UITextView (doesn't matter what you set them to)
3. Create IBOutlets for the UITextView, the height constraint, and the width constraint
4. Uncheck 'Scrolling Enabled' on the TextView
5. When you update the text, calculate the bounding size of the text and update the height and width constraints with the bounding size
#IBOutlet weak var textView: UITextView!
#IBOutlet weak var textViewHeightConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
#IBOutlet weak var textViewWidthConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
let displayText = "Your text here."
override func viewDidLoad() {
let maxSize = CGSize(width: 10000, height: 30000)
let textRect = displayText.boundingRect(with: maxSize, options: .usesLineFragmentOrigin, attributes: [.font : self.textView.font!], context: nil)
self.textView.text = displayText
self.textViewHeightConstraint.constant = textRect.height
self.textViewWidthConstraint.constant = textRect.width
UPDATE: I discovered that this approach uses a lot of memory for large amounts of text (I was seeing over 1GB used). Here's how I reduced the memory impact from 1GB to 100MB:
1. Set the edge constraints just like step 1 above.
2. Add a width constraint to the TextView for the scrollable content width (I used 2000 but you can adjust it to your liking, the wider you go the more memory you'll use though).
3. Add a constraint to make the TextView and ScrollView have equal heights
That's it! The scrollable width will be constant and once you set the text for the TextView the scrollable height will automatically adjust.
Note: Some caveats of this approach:
The scrollable width will always be the width you set but you can use a hybrid approach with the first solution if you want to make it sized based on the text
You can't see the vertical scroll bar (unless you're scrolled all the way to the right) but it's possible to get it back by adjusting the scroll bar inset of the TextView.

How to easily collapse vertical space around label when its text is nil?

Suppose I have three labels that are laid out below each other in a column. The uppermost label's top edge is pinned to the superview's top edge. All following labels' top edges are pinned to the preceding label's bottom edge. The leading and trailing edges of all labels are pinned to the leading and trailing edge of the superview. Here's what it looks like in Interface Builder (I added a blue background on every label to visualize its extent).
In the simulator the result looks like this.
All labels are connected to outlets in a view controller.
#IBOutlet weak var label1: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var label2: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var label3: UILabel!
When I set the text of label2 to nil
label2.text = nil
the label itself collapses.
However, the top and bottom spaces around the label do not collapse. This is evident by the fact that there is no blue background on the middle label in the last screenshot. As a result, the space between label1 and label3 is double the space of the layout in the first screenshot.
My question is - on iOS8 - what is the easiest way to collapse either the middle label's top or bottom space so that the two remaining labels still use the vertical spacing defined in the original layout? To be clear, this is the result I want to achieve.
Options I've found so far:
Bottom/Top Spacing Constraint Outlet
Define an outlet for the middle label's top or bottom spacing constraint.
#IBOutlet weak var spacingConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
Store the constraint's initial constant into a variable (e.g. in awakeFromNib or viewDidLoad).
private var initialSpacing: CGFloat!
override func viewDidLoad() {
initialSpacing = spacingConstraint.constant
Set the constraint's constant to zero whenever the text is set to nil or back to its initial value when the text is not nil.
spacingConstraint.constant = label2.text == nil ? 0 : initialSpacing
This approach feels a bit clumsy since it requires two additional variables.
Height Constraint Outlet
Set the vertical spacing around the middle label to zero and increase its height by the same amount. Define an outlet for the height constraint and proceed as above, setting the height to zero when the text is nil and back to it's initial value when the height is not nil.
This is still as clumsy as the previous approach. In addition, you have to hardcode the spacing and cannot use the built-in default spacings (blank fields in Interface builder).
This is not an option since UIStackView is only available on iOS 9 and above.
I'm using this UIView category for this purpose.
It extends UIView by adding two more property named fd_collapsed and fd_collapsibleConstraints using objective-c runtime framework. You simply drag constraints that you want to be disabled when fd_collapsed property set to YES. Behind the scene, it captures the initial value of these constraints, then set to zero whenever fd_collapsed is YES. Reset to initial values when fd_collapsed is NO.
There is also another property called fd_autocollapsed
Not every view needs to add a width or height constraint, views like UILabel, UIImageView have their Intrinsic content size when they have content in it. For these views, we provide a Auto collapse property, when its content is gone, selected constraints will collapse automatically.
This property automatically sets fd_collapsed property to YES whenever specified view has content to display.
It's really simple to use. It's kinda shame that there is no builtin solution like that.
Your solutions are good enough for me and I'd do Bottom/Top Spacing Constraint Outlet solution but since you want something different. You can use this third party: It has iOS7+ support and do exactly what you need.
This is low-key a pain all perfectionist devs learn about when trying to stack a bunch of labels. Solutions can get too verbose, annoying to folow, and really annoying to implement (ie. keeping a reference to the top constraint... gets annoying once you do it multiple times, or just change the order of the labels)
Hopefully my code below puts an end to this:
class MyLabel: UILabel {
var topPadding: CGFloat = 0
override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) {
var newRect = rect
newRect.origin.y += topPadding/2
super.drawText(in: newRect)
override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
var newIntrisicSize = super.intrinsicContentSize
guard newIntrisicSize != .zero else {
return .zero
newIntrisicSize.height += topPadding
return newIntrisicSize
let label = MyLabel()
label.topPadding = 10
// then use autolayout to stack your labels with 0 offset
Granted, its only for top padding, but that should be the only thing you need to layout your labels properly. It works great with or without autolayout. Also its a big plus not needing to do any extra mental gymnastics just to do something so simple. Enjoy!
