Converting AppleMaps Coordinates to Google Place IDs - ios

I'm afraid this is a general question, no code as such just yet.
I've built my app to date with Apple MapKit, and it is generating locations (strings & coordinates). I don't want to rebuild this with Google Maps SDK for iOS.
I'm looking to use Firebase as the back-end and they have some useful analytics when passing in Google Place IDs.
My question is therefore whether you can convert coordinates into Google Place IDs and therefore what my best option would be to achieve this?
It would obviously best if this did not involve using the SDK and I could somehow use an online API to convert the coordinates to place IDs...

Yes if you have address of coordinate then use in below api and you able to get the PlaceID,+Mountain+View,+CA&key=YOUR_API_KEY
check more detail in below link


Get Popular Locations close by - Google Maps/Places SDK for iOS

I'm investigating how and if there is a way to get a list of popular locations near you (or within an area) using the Google Maps/Places API. Please see the attached screenshot for what I am referring to:
You'll notice the "Popular Locations in Toronto, On" section. Is there a way to get a list of these by passing in your current location, whether that be with coordinates or simply an address? I'm trying to understand how this was achieved in the above screenshot. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
You can use this web service api,(longitude)&radius=5000&key=(api_key)
to get all the nearby places. It also contains mechanisms to filter, keyword, etc.
You can check out this link to see a list of required and optional parameters that you can pass additionally.
In case you want to use native iOS sdk this is a good place to start.

I need an API to plot waypoints and give me a route through them, and to give me city population. Which API should I use?

I'm making an iOS app that needs to be able to find the most populated cities within a radius from a certain point, and to calculate a route that passes through a certain number of those cities, that satisfy a certain time constraint. I'm planning to use Google to give me polylines that I can put directly on an Apple Map in the Mapkit for Xcode. I've looked into the Google Maps SDK for iOS, and Google Places. Google also has a Directions API, and a Distance Matrix API. With so many API's, I'm slightly confused about which one I should use, and for what.
Additionally, do Google API's provide city population, or should I find that via another database?
You can use Google Maps URL Scheme to get directions for Google Maps iOS.
If you are ever confused about which API to use for Google Maps, you can use API picker.
There is no Google API that give city population, so you would need to find it with a another database.

Obtaining locations around user API?

I'm attempting to retrieve locations around a user upon retrieving their current location. Is anyone familiar with which API's/Frameworks are best to accomplish this? I've tried Foursquare2 but it seems that half the locations don't return addresses. I need a better API to use, preferably one that will return addresses, and can't seem to find any others. I came across Google Places, but it appears to be in beta and not available unless I submit a form and wait. Is there a way to do this with Google Maps or the Facebook graph perhaps?
Depending on which device you use. For example if you want to retrieve location data from android use this api, for an ios device, use read the my location section in this doc. Hope this gives you some idea.

Confused with Apple Map Vs Google Map

This might be a very stupid question for some people but I want to be make sure about this.
In iOS6 Apple has updated its Map application and added his own map. Now if I develop any native application and include map(MKMapView) into this so are their any changes which I should be aware of them?
Previously, I was using Google web service to fetch the latitude and longitude between two locations and draw direction. Does Apple provide its own web services for the same?
are their any changes which I should be aware of them?
MKMapView will still work fine, but the map it displays will look a little different. Also, if you limit your app to iOS versions that use only Apple's maps, you might not be subject to Google's terms and conditions. Read your agreements.
Does Apple provide its own web services for the same?
There's CLGeocoder. It's a class, not a web service, but that just makes it easier to use.
Using MKMapView framework didn't change just because the images are different. It should work fine.
Google's Terms Of Service say that you can't show their data on someone else's maps. So if your app is still getting data from a Google webservice you'll need to use the Google Map SDK that they have put out, not the usual MKMapView on iOS 6+.
If you are only using Google's webservice to turn a human readable address into lat/long then you can do that using CLGeocoder as Caleb suggested, but Google offer other services too.

Google Places API Violation

I am using Google Places API to pull a list of resturants, and I am displaying them on map. However, since Apple has switched there map services over from Google in iOS 6.0, I am now in violation of Google's terms of use, which states that you must display Google data on a Google map.
"If your application displays Places API data on a map, that map must be provided by Google."
I obviously need to change the map, because I am not going to release an application that is in violation. Any thoughts or suggestions on what to do? Should I go Google Maps with a web view? Does apple have some sort of Google Places API alternative?
Using Google Maps through a web view is a hassle, i'd like to find an alternative to that, although it would technically work.
I decided to use Google Maps JavaScript API. Although, it is a little more difficult to deal with, mainly the JavaScript through Objective-C, it is a solution. The map is displayed through a web view, and I use JavaScript to interact with the map.
I will wait to accept this answer, to see if anyone else has any thoughts. I just wanted to post this, in case it helps someone else.
Google recently released a Maps SDK for iOS, this is the better solution now.
I would try to directly contact Google, explaining the situation, and ask them for written permission to use Apple's maps. This is more a legal question than programming. One would think that Google is aware that you can no longer display their maps using Apple's API and that, even regardless of the map, they would want you to use their places, as doing so generates advertising revenue for them.
Agree with #Owen here - you could get permission to leave your app unchanged until some possible future date when you might have to change it, or could you definitely go to the effort of changing it now and then possibly have to change it again in the future for some other reason.
If you could get a 100% guarantee that you could change it once and never have to change it again then I'd say do it now, but nothing's certain.
