So I am using the CZWeatherKit library to grab weather data from
When I get results, it sends a climacon UInt8 char, which should match to an icon if the climacon font is installed. I did that but it only shows the char, not the actual icon. Here is the code, it prints a quote i.e. " which is the correct mapping to ClimaconCloudSun, but the icon doesn't show. I followed these instructions to install the climacons.ttf font
request.sendWithCompletion { (data, error) -> Void in
if let error = error {
} else if let weather = data {
let forecast = weather.dailyForecasts.first as! CZWeatherForecastCondition
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
// I get back good results, this part works
let avgTempFloat = (forecast.highTemperature.f + forecast.lowTemperature.f) / 2
let avgTemp = NSDecimalNumber(float: avgTempFloat).decimalNumberByRoundingAccordingToBehavior(rounder)
self.temperatureLabel.text = String(avgTemp)
self.weatherLabel.text = forecast.summary
// this part does not work, it has the right char, but does not display icon
// I tried setting self.climaconLabel.font = UIFont(name: "Climacons-Font", size: 30) both in IB and programmatically
let climaChar = forecast.climacon.rawValue
let climaString = NSString(format: "%c", climaChar)
self.climaconLabel.text = String(climaString)
I solved the exact same issue, the problem was the font file. Replace your current font with the one provided here:
You've probably moved on from this problem by now, but I'll leave this here for future use.
You need to call setNeedsLayout on the label after you change the title text to the desired value, and the label will change to the corresponding icon.
My indexed data don't have a photo, so I don't want to show a photo, I only want the title and description:
I have tried to set:
attributes.thumbnailData = nil
But it stil shows this blank image.
static func setupSearchableContentForSpotlight() {
let realm = try! Realm(configuration:Constants.realmConfigration.wordsConfigration)
var words: Results<Word>!
words = realm.objects(Word.self)
var searchableItems = [CSSearchableItem]()
words?.forEach { word in
let attributes = CSSearchableItemAttributeSet(itemContentType: kUTTypeData as String)
attributes.title = word.defination
attributes.contentDescription = word.meaning
attributes.thumbnailData = nil
let searchableVegetable = CSSearchableItem(uniqueIdentifier: nil, domainIdentifier: nil, attributeSet: attributes)
CSSearchableIndex.default().indexSearchableItems(searchableItems) { (error) -> Void in
print("indxing completed")
UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "spotLightIndexed")
if let error = error {
I expect to for example the result to be with only:
without this blank image.
note: the app already has display icons.
An image is always shown next to a Core Spotlight result. If you don't supply a thumbnail image, then iOS will show your app icon.
Ensure that you have the right size icons in your icon set. You need a 40x40 icon at standard, 2x and 3x resolutions.
The problem solved by restarting my iPhone.
Extra tip: if you are dealing with CoreSpotlight, restaurant your iPhone after significant changes.
UILabel.text is not updated inside the main thread. labelOne is updated but labelTwo which is to show translated word is not updated. When I print translatedWord it prints right string to console but UILabel is not updated.
datatask = session.dataTask(with: request, completionHandler: {data, response, error in
if error == nil {
let receivedData = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: []) as? [String: Any]
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.labelOne.text = wordTobeTranslated
let data = "\(String(describing: receivedData!["text"]))"
let all = data.components(separatedBy: "(")
let afterAll = all[2]
let last = afterAll.components(separatedBy:")" )
self.translatedWord = last[0]
self.labelTwo.text = self.translatedWord
Some tips to debug your issue:
Try to set some hard coded string to labelTwo and check whether it
is displaying. (or)
Update any value for labelTwo in Storyboard and check whether is is
If string is displayed from any of the above steps, then labelTwo is configured correctly in storyboard.
You can also try self.labelTwo.layoutIfNeeded() method after updating the text to force update the UI.
If none of the steps helps you, check the Font color of UILabel. If it is same as background color, it would not be seen.
Looking at your code sample, it would appear that you’re trying to retrieve:
describing: receivedData!["text"]
\(String(describing: receivedData!["text"]))
The problem is that the \(...) in a String literal results in string interpolation where the expression inside \( and ) will be evaluated and that’s what will be place in the string. And the String(describing: ...) will interpret the value and return a string representation. So, let’s say that receivedData!["text"] contained the word “Foo”. Then
let data = "\(String(describing: receivedData!["text"]))"
Would result in data containing the string, Optional("Foo").
If you want to remove that Optional(...) part, you should either unwrap the optional or use a nil-coalescing operator, ??. And frankly, rather than using string interpolation at all, I’d just do:
let data = String(describing: receivedData?["text"] ?? "")
I know this is an old question, but for new searchers: Try setting number of lines of UILabel to Zero. It might be a constraints issue.
I want to retrieve the image that is stored in the storage of an user and place it next to his name in a custom UITableViewCell. The problem now is that the tableview will load when the images aren't done downloading (I think?), causing the application to crash because the image array is nil. So what is the correct way to load the tableview? I think, for the user experience, it is important that the tableviewcell image should be shown even if the images aren't done downloading, and present them a default image that is saved in the assists. I thought about making an array with UIImages that links to the default asset of loading an image and changing the image to the profile picture when it is done downloading. But I really have no clue how to do that. This is what I got so far about downloading the image:
let storage =
let storageRef = storage.reference(forURL: "")
channelRef?.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
if let snapDict = snapshot.value as? [String:AnyObject]{
for each in snapDict{
let UIDs = each.value["userID"] as? String
if let allUIDS = UIDs{
let profilePicRef = storageRef.child((allUIDS)+"/profile_picture.png") 1 * 500 * 500) { data, error in
if let error = error {
if (data != nil)
self.playerImages.append(UIImage (data: data!)!)
let userNames = each.value["username"] as? String
if let users = userNames{
This is in the cellForRow
cell.playersImage.image = playerImages[indexPath.row] as UIImage
My rules, haven't changed it from the default rules:
service {
match /b/ {
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow read, write: if request.auth != null;
Thank you.
Regarding user experience, you are correct. It is standard to have some sort of default image when loading an image from a URL. A great library to use for image caching and using default assets in its' place is AlamofireImage
Vandan Patel's answer is correct in saying you need to ensure your array is not nil when loading the tableview. You will be given a completion block to handle any extra work you would like to do with your image, using the AlamofireImage library.
This is all assuming you are getting a correct image URL back for your Firebase users.
You should call tableView.reloadData() when the images are done downloading. One important thing, initialize your playerImages as playerImages = [UIImage]() instead of playerImages: [UIImage]!. if it's empty, it wouldn't show your array is nil.
if let players = playerImages {
The documentation is not really clear to me. So far I reckon I need to set up a CGPDFOperatorTable and then create a CGPDFContentStreamCreateWithPage and CGPDFScannerCreate per PDF page.
The documentation refers to setting up Callbacks, but it's unclear to me how. How to actually obtain the content from a page?
This is my code so far.
let pdfURL = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource("titleofdocument", withExtension: "pdf")
// Create pdf document
let pdfDoc = CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL(pdfURL)
// Nr of pages in this PF
let numberOfPages = CGPDFDocumentGetNumberOfPages(pdfDoc) as Int
if numberOfPages <= 0 {
// The number of pages is zero
let myTable = CGPDFOperatorTableCreate()
// lets go through every page
for pageNr in 1...numberOfPages {
let thisPage = CGPDFDocumentGetPage(pdfDoc, pageNr)
let myContentStream = CGPDFContentStreamCreateWithPage(thisPage)
let myScanner = CGPDFScannerCreate(myContentStream, myTable, nil)
// Search for Content here?
// ??
// Release Table
It's a similar question to: PDF Parsing with SWIFT but has no answers yet.
Here is an example of the callbacks implemented in Swift:
let operatorTableRef = CGPDFOperatorTableCreate()
CGPDFOperatorTableSetCallback(operatorTableRef, "BT") { (scanner, info) in
print("Begin text object")
CGPDFOperatorTableSetCallback(operatorTableRef, "ET") { (scanner, info) in
print("End text object")
CGPDFOperatorTableSetCallback(operatorTableRef, "Tf") { (scanner, info) in
print("Select font")
CGPDFOperatorTableSetCallback(operatorTableRef, "Tj") { (scanner, info) in
print("Show text")
CGPDFOperatorTableSetCallback(operatorTableRef, "TJ") { (scanner, info) in
print("Show text, allowing individual glyph positioning")
let numPages = CGPDFDocumentGetNumberOfPages(pdfDocument)
for pageNum in 1...numPages {
let page = CGPDFDocumentGetPage(pdfDocument, pageNum)
let stream = CGPDFContentStreamCreateWithPage(page)
let scanner = CGPDFScannerCreate(stream, operatorTableRef, nil)
You've actually specified exactly how to do it, all you need to do is put it together and try until it works.
First of all, you need to setup a a table with callbacks as you state yourself in the beginning of your question (all code in Objective C, NOT Swift):
CGPDFOperatorTableRef operatorTable = CGPDFOperatorTableCreate();
CGPDFOperatorTableSetCallback(operatorTable, "q", &op_q);
CGPDFOperatorTableSetCallback(operatorTable, "Q", &op_Q);
This table contains a list of the PDF operators you want to get called for and associates a callback with them. Those callbacks are simply functions you define elsewhere:
static void op_q(CGPDFScannerRef s, void *info) {
// Do whatever you have to do in here
// info is whatever you passed to CGPDFScannerCreate
static void op_Q(CGPDFScannerRef s, void *info) {
// Do whatever you have to do in here
// info is whatever you passed to CGPDFScannerCreate
And then you create the scanner and get it going, while passing it the information you just defined.
// Passing "self" is just an example, you can pass whatever you want and it will be provided to your callback whenever it is called by the scanner.
CGPDFScannerRef contentStreamScanner = CGPDFScannerCreate(contentStream, operatorTable, self);
If you want to see a complete example with sourcecode on how to find and process images, check this website.
To understand why a parser works this way, you need to read the PDF specification a bit better. A PDF file contains something close to printing instructions. Such as "move to this coordinate, print this character, move there, change the color, print the character number 23 from the font #23", etc.
The parser gives you callbacks for each instructions, with the possibility to retrieve the instruction parameters. That's all.
So, in order to get the content from a file, you need to rebuild its state manually. Which means, recompute the frames for all characters, and try to reverse-engineer the page layout. This is clearly not an easy task, and that's why people have created libraries to do so.
You may want to have a look at PDFKitten , or PDFParser which is a Swift port with some improvement that i did.
I have a Swift-based application that currently implements the Tesseract OCR framework (similar to the form in this tutorial: So upon taking a picture and employing Tesseract, I obtain the following output in a UITextField object:
Subtotal 155.60
Tax 14.02
Total 169.82
So now I would like to separate the text from the numbers in the UITextField. I was considering using the "contain" function built into Swift on a matrix containing all values in price format ([0.01 0.02, etc.]) but this will only return a boolean as outlined in this post (How to have a textfield scan for all values in an array individually in swift?). Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this? Cheers!
Tesseract Implementation
func performImageRecognition(image: UIImage)
// 0
// 1
let tesseract = G8Tesseract()
// 2
tesseract.language = "eng"
// 3
tesseract.engineMode = .TesseractCubeCombined
// 4
tesseract.pageSegmentationMode = .Auto
// 5
tesseract.maximumRecognitionTime = 60.0
// 6
tesseract.image = image.g8_blackAndWhite()
// 7
textView.text = tesseract.recognizedText
textView.editable = true
Sounds like you might want to look into using Regular Expressions
func seperate (text: String) -> (text: String?, value: String?) {
// You might want to do an extra check here to ensure the whole string is valid
// i.e., nothing in between the two parts of the string
let textMatch = text.rangeOfString("^([A-Z]|[a-z])+", options: .RegularExpressionSearch)
let priceMatch = text.rangeOfString("[0-9]*.[0-9]{2}$", options: .RegularExpressionSearch)
// You might want to adjust regex to handle price edge cases, such as 15 (rather than 15.00) etc
if let textMatch = textMatch, priceMatch = priceMatch {
let textValue = text.substringWithRange(textMatch)
let priceValue = text.substringWithRange(priceMatch)
return(textValue, priceValue)
} else {
return (nil, nil)
seperate("Subtotal 155.60") // -> Subtotal, 155.60