SYMFONY FORM ChoiceType, multiple=>true. How to by pass the need to implement Data Transformers - symfony-forms

In a SYMFONY FORM (ORM is not use (PDO is used for DB query instead)).
I have a class MyEntityType in which the buildForm function has:
'label'=>'Multiple Select on my attribute'
My attribute is an array of an entity named MyEntity which has:
* #Assert\NotBlank()
private $myAttribute;
With a getter and a setter for that variable $myAttribute.
When I submit the form in the Controller, it doesn't pass the validation check and logs this error:
Unable to reverse value for property path "myAttribute" : Could not find all matching choices for the given values.
When I start to look for solution around this error message, it leads to something named "How to Use Data Transformers" in SYMFONY Cookbook; And it seems a solution would involve to create new Class and write a lot of code for something that one should be able to by-pass in a much straight forward way.
Does anyone have an idea?

My problem was that my array $listForMyAttribute was defined in the buildForm() function and its definition was relying on some conditional.
The conditional to make the array were met when this one was displayed for the first time.
After pushing the submit button, the buildForm was regenerated in the Controller, this second time, the condition were not met to make the array $listForMyAttribute as it was on the first display. Hence the program was throwing a "contraint not met error" because the value submited for that field could not be find.

Today I face exactly the same problem. Solution is simple as 1-2-3.
1) Create utility dummy class DoNotTransformChoices
namespace AppBundle\DataTransformer;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\ChoiceList\ChoiceListInterface;
class DoNotTransformChoices implements ChoiceListInterface
public function getChoices() { return []; }
public function getValues() { return []; }
public function getPreferredViews() { return []; }
public function getRemainingViews() { return []; }
public function getChoicesForValues(array $values) { return $values; }
public function getValuesForChoices(array $choices) { return $choices; }
public function getIndicesForChoices(array $choices) { return $choices; }
public function getIndicesForValues(array $values) { return $values; }
2) Add to your field the following additional option:
'choice_list' => new DoNotTransformChoices,
3) Congratulations!


Customize sorting in criteria

I found grails criteria and want to customize sorting options.
E.g. I have domain Book and I want to make some criteria:
Book.createCriteria().list {
//some code like ilike('name', 'book')
order(params.sort, params.order)
I want to make specific sorting rule, e.g. by name.trim().
How can I do this?
Based on a solution provided here, by extending the hirbernate Order class, you can customize it to accept functions and use it with createCriteria.
I wont be surprised, if there is a nicer and easier approach since this source is pretty old and also Grails is cooler than this :D
First you need a class extending Hibernate Order:
Originally by:spostelnicu
public class OrderBySqlFormula extends Order {
private String sqlFormula;
protected OrderBySqlFormula(String sqlFormula) {
super(sqlFormula, true);
this.sqlFormula = sqlFormula;
public String toString() {
return sqlFormula;
public String toSqlString(Criteria criteria, CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery) throws HibernateException {
return sqlFormula;
public static Order sqlFormula(String sqlFormula) {
return new OrderBySqlFormula(sqlFormula);
Then you can pass instance of this class to your createCriteria:
def ls = Domain.createCriteria().list {
order OrderBySqlFormula.sqlFormula("TRIM(name)")
Note1: You can pass any formula to sqlFormula as long as the underlying database accepts it.
Note2: Using such approach might cause migration challenges.
Hope it helps

Validating 2 forms in the action/view

I have 2 forms on a page, that I'd like to validate separately.
I have the following:
public function executeNew(sfWebRequest $request)
$this->propertyForm = new AdminNewPropertyForm();
$this->propertyCsvForm = new AdminNewPropertyImportForm();
$this->processForm($request, $this->propertyForm, $this->propertyCsvForm);
protected function processForm(sfWebRequest $request, sfForm $propertyForm, sfForm $propertyCsvForm)
$this->getUser()->setFlash('success', 'The property was successfully updated.');
} else {
$this->getUser()->setFlash('error', 'The property could not be saved.');
else {
I am then displaying both forms in the view.
The problem is, I'm getting an error when passing the forms in processForm()
Strict standards: Declaration of propertyActions::processForm() should be compatible with that of autoPropertyActions::processForm()
Am I passing the forms correctly?
As the error message says you are obviously not doing it correctly ;)
As your propertyActions class extends an abstract class autoPropertyActions there are some strict standards on implementing the functions declared in the abstract class. That's why it's complaining that you have made some unexpected alterations.
In fact - do you really have to use the processForm function? After all you are calling this function yourself, so you can call it whatever you like and the class won't complain then (as the original processForm will stay intact).

how to add form validation from controller in zend framework 2

I tried to add a validation from my controller like below. but it always shows this
if ($request->getPost('ownerType') == "Company") {
shows error. I confused with below error.
Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to Zend\Validator\ValidatorChain::addValidator() must implement interface Zend\Validator\ValidatorInterface, string given, called in E:\xampp\htdocs\hossbrag\module\WebApp\src\WebApp\Controller\JobController.php on line 177 and defined in E:\xampp\htdocs\hossbrag\vendor\zendframework\zendframework\library\Zend\Validator\ValidatorChain.php on line 100
My controller is here
namespace WebApp\Controller;
use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;
use Zend\View\Model\ViewModel;
use WebApp\Entity\User;
use Zend\View\Model\JsonModel;
use vendor\mpdf\mpdf;
class JobController extends AuthenticatedController
public function createAction()
$form = new \WebApp\Form\JobpostingForm();
$checkAgreement = true;
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->getPost('ownerType') == "Company") {
What should to change in my controller to get appropriate solution.
If you encounter such a clear error, simply check out the sources ;)
First one to check would be Zend\Validator\ValidatorInterface. The Error shows you, that a Class implementing this interface is excepted. Looking at the code you'll see, the function wants a Class, not just a string.
But since you're used to ZF a little it becomes clear that you know there's other ways to add stuff. So let's take a look at Zend\InputFilter\InputFilter#add(). You'll see that the first param of the add() function indeed asks for a class implementing ValidatorInterface. But it also accepts some other stuff:
* Add an input to the input filter
* #param array|Traversable|InputInterface|InputFilterInterface $input
* #param null|string $name
* #return InputFilter
public function add($input, $name = null)
It also accepts array, Traversable, InputInterface and InputFilterInterface. So choices are there.
Now, i have never done this myself and i sincerely hope this works (if not i suck!), but assuming you're using the array-syntax, all you have to do is this:
'type' => 'Zend\Validator\NotEmpty'
Let me know if this worked out for you ;)

How to access other filter values inside of a custom addXXXColumnCriteria?

I have a request to create a form filter that has two fields, one a freeform text
and the other a select. The value in the select will determine how to handle the value of the text is turned into a criteria.
I can create a custom addXXXColumnCriteria for either field, but how can I access the other field from within this function?
I suggest you not to use de addXXXColumnCriteria, but overwrite the FormFilter doBuildCriteria (Propel) or doBuildQuery(Doctrine) methods.
I have never used Propel, but I guess that works as good as for Doctrine.
For example:
class yourPropelFormFilter extends anyKindOfSfFormFilterPropel {
public function doBuildCriteria(array $values) {
$criteria = parent::doBuildCriteria($values);
// ... change the criteria behaviour with the $values array (do some print_r to $values to see how the data array is formatted)
return $criteria;
For Doctrine (remember to use the getRootAlias query method):
class yourDoctrineFormFilter extends anyKindOfSfFormFilterDoctrine {
public function doBuildQuery(array $values) {
$q = parent::doBuildQuery($values);
$rootAlias = $q->getRootAlias();
if(...) {
$q->innerJoin($rootAlias.'.RelationX rx')
->addWhere('rx.value = ?',$values['...']);
return $q;
Please, remember to return the criteria/query modified object!

Problem with GRAILS select - trying to insert a number for a field that appears as text in dropdown list

Here is the domain class I have defined:
package mypackage
public enum UFModeType {
Integer mode
public UserFileModeType(Integer mode) {
this.mode = mode;
static list() {
[I, O, R]
This is a property of another domain Parent where it is as follows:
package mypackage
class Parent {
String name
... ... ...
UFModeType uFMode
static mapping = {
table 'parent_table_with_ufMode_col_as_number'
version false
tablePerHierarchy false
id generator:'sequence', params:[sequence:'myseq']
columns {
id column:'parentid'
uFMode column: 'UFMODE'
static constraints = {
userFileMode(nullable: true)
The gsp call for this looks like this:
g:select name="uFMode" from="${mypackage.UFModeType?.list()}" value="${parentInstance?.uFMode?.name()}" /
I have tried a lot of variants of the above in the gsp call but I am getting error that the db insert fails saying the entry of ufmode is invalid number, thus this is not being passed as a number. I printed the params in the controllers save and it shows this:
Params in save=[uFMode:I ...
I am sure I may be missing some minor thing in syntax, but I have tried a lot of things without much success, so any inputs will be greatly appreciated.
Try changing
From the definition of UFModeType you give you do not have a name attribute.
