Openshift Jenkins configuring for a Visual studio project - jenkins

I'm working on configuring Jenkins in Openshift for a visual Studio project.
I need to set the MSBuild path.
Can anyone tell me the value for that or a workaround?
Here is a reference i used.

OpenShift Online does not run Window, nor does it support running Windows executables (*.exe files). OpenShift will also not support running a .NET project on it, which is what it looks like you are trying to do...

Not sure he said Openshift Online, however Openshift can run dotnet core applications on Openshift.


Build SSIS projects in a docker container

Currently we use devenv to compile SSIS projects and to create an ispac file.
I'm trying to acheive the same using a docker container. I tried installing VS 2017 in docker using commandline but running devenv just hangs and does not produce any output.
Different to the above issue, our acutal SSIS projects are built on legacy VS2013 and haven't been moved to 2017 yet. Is there a way of achieving this in docker container? Does anyone have experience of this?
From what I understand this is not currently supported and from Microsoft side there are no plans yet to support SSIS running on Docker.
On Docker side, the issue to support SSIS is still open as well

How to debug .net Core project with Docker support, using Visual Studio on a remote docker server

There are many similar questions like this, but my scenario is slightly different.
I use Visual Studio Enterprise 2017, dotnet Core app 2.0, on a Windows 10 Pro machine, where is running docker for windows.
I can run and debug my applications in my local machine's docker server, but now I would like to configure visual studio, for my current project only, to run the application in another docker server.
So in practice instead of running commands such as docker run, docker build and so on, I would like it to use docker --tls -H={theotherdockerserver} build ...
I could not find so far any parameter or configuration section that allows me to do so.
You need to have all your files accessible from remote server. One way to do this is to put your code in GitHub repository and run command: docker --tls -H={dockerserver} build{user}/{repository}.git
Documentation for GitHub build.
Do you need an option without GitHub repository?

Could not find SDK SQLite.UWP.2015 when building UWP application using Hosted TFS pool

I have build a UWP application using Sqlite. On my local machine I had to install the following SQLite for Universal Windows Platform Visual Studio Extension to get it to build. I followed this blog when using sqlite on UWP
I am now trying to implement Continuous integration with Visual Studio Team Services (was Team Foundation Server Online).
I am using a Hosted pool to build my application but I get the following message:
C:\Program Files
error MSB3774: Could not find SDK "SQLite.UWP.2015, Version=3.12.2".
and it breaks the build.
How can I fix this on a hosted pool? I do not have physical access to the machine as this is managed by TFS online
After finding this is a library that is installed on my local machine (through the Visual Studio Extension) and so doesnt exist on my hosted machine meaning the reference is broken I am trying to add the respective files to source control and reference it directly from source control. But I have no idea what dll it is actually referencing as it doesnt say. The properties of the reference are as follows:
Actually there is a simple solution that has worked perfectly for us:
Copy the Microsoft SDKs folder to your repo (or submodule).
Add this to the end of your csproj file:
<SDKReferenceDirectoryRoot>$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\..\..\..\..\Microsoft SDKs;$(SDKReferenceDirectoryRoot)</SDKReferenceDirectoryRoot>
From now on the build process will first check this directory for the required extensions and then fallback to the locally installed extensions. This works perfectly on VSTS hosted agents and doesn't require you to install all the extensions on every dev machine.
There isn't any way to install the extension on Hosted Build Agent.
Q: Does your build depend on software other than this software that is
installed on hosted build resources?
A: No. Then you can use the hosted pool.
Here is the software installed on Hosted Build Agent: Software on the hosted build server.
The work around is deploy your own build agent. With this build agent, you can install the software you want to build your project.
You can not install extra extension in a Hosted VSTS. I tried with TS support and there is no way to do it right now.
You can use difference CI service like Appveyor with give you some control over installing extension via powershell.
Or you can wait for Windows 10 Anniversary with include Sqlite.
Download SQLite for Universal Windows Platform SDK from here
Install it by double clicking.
This solved same issue with my UWP project.

Azure on TFS 2010 best practics

I'm trying to get our TFS server to build a solution with an azure project. To get up to speed fast, I installed the azure SDK 1.6 on the build server/agent. I only needs to build and not publish the project for the moment. But I get the error below.
The imported project "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Windows Azure Tools\1.6\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
Both the development machine and the build agent is x64, but on the development machine the azure stuff was installed in to "programfiles (x86).
Now I really need an advice on how to get the build agent to build the project, do I really need to include some dll's in the project, or how do I best fix this?
Up and running. A quick and dirty installation of the azure sdk and azure tools for visual studio did the trick.

How can I use MSBuild to deploy to a folder in TeamCity?

On my local dev machine this works perfectly:
msbuild /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:DeployTarget=PipelinePreDeployCopyAllFilesToOneFolder /p:_PackageTempDir="c:\proyectos\folder1\deploy" /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=false
I'm trying to configure a Build step in TeamCity with MSBuild, in the "Command line parameters" I'm putting this:
/p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:DeployTarget=PipelinePreDeployCopyAllFilesToOneFolder /p:_PackageTempDir="c:\proyectos\folder1\deploy" /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=false
It runs, no errors are displayed, but files are not copied to "c:\proyectos\folder1\deploy"
Edit: I'm having the same issues with MSBuild on the command prompt, so it's not teamcity. My local dev machine is on windows 7 and the server is windows 2003
Run with /v:d or v:diag to get logging.
(Get it working local first but... In TeamCity, view the agent in the console and look at the agent detail logs for similar such logs (or just pass the same /v: flag to MSBuild via TeamCity))
You'll want to ensure that the user running the "TeamCity Build Agent Service" has write access to the relevant directories.
(FWIW, I believe the LocalSystem account has different group memberships in Server 2003 and Windows 7. We run all of our TeamCity build agents under their own "teamcity" accounts to more explicitly control permissions and allow access to network shares.)
Installing Visual Studio 2010 DOES fix this problem. But, you can also fix it by copying the appropriate build targets to your machine. Typically, on your dev machine they'll be at (Or take away the (x86) for 32 bit machines):
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web
In there you'll find a bunch of Microsoft.Web.Publishing.* targets.
Just copy those over to the equivalent location on your build machine and all will be well.
Installing Web deploy tool through web platform in the server works for me. Actually visual studio installation installs web deploy, It might be the reason why it works for #himinaya.
