Can't Get NameSpace from Parsing XML File Using Nokogiri - ruby-on-rails

I'm looking to parse a RSS feed such as using Nokogiri. However despite how many different ways I try to parse the document, I'm unable to get the data elements I want.
For example, if I want to get the itunes:name block, I've tried the following below and none of these is returning what I want.
page = HTTParty.get('')
parse_feed = Nokogiri::HTML(page)
#tried 1
#tried 2
#tried 3
Am I just way off here on my xpath or css searches to get the block I'm looking for?

It worked for me by switching Nokogiri::HTML(page) with Nokogiri::XML(page). Then, I could use xpath to extract the itunes:name block:
page = HTTParty.get('')
parse_feed = Nokogiri::XML(page)
itunes_name = parse_feed.xpath("//itunes:name")
# do stuff


Ruby on Rails - How to convert to images some elements from a word document

In our platform we allow users to upload word documents, those documents are stored in google drive and then dowloaded again to our platform in HTML format to create a section where the users can interact with that content.
Rails 5.0.7
Ruby 2.5.7p206
selenium-webdriver 3.142.7 (latest stable version compatible with our ruby and rails versions)
Some of the documents have charts or graphics inside that are not processed correctly giving wrong results after all the process.
We have been trying to fix this problem at the moment we get the word document and before to send it to google drive.
I'm looking for a simple way to export the entire chart and/or table as an image, if anyone knows of a way to do this the advice would be much appreciated.
Edit 1: Adding some screenshots:
This screenshot is from the original word doc:
And this is how it looks in our systems:
Here are the approaches I have tried that haven't worked for me so far.
Approach 1
Using nokogiri to read the document and found the nodes that contain the charts (we've found that they are called drawing) and then use Selenium to navigate through the file and take and screenshot of that particular section.
The problem we found with this approach is that the versions our gems are not compatible with the latest versions of selenium and its web drivers (chrome or firefox) and it is not posible to perform this action.
Other problem, and it seems is due to security, is that selenium is not able to browse inside local files and open it.
options = '/usr/bin/firefox', headless: true)
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox, options: options
path = "#{Rails.root}/doc_file.docx""file://#{path}")
# Here occurs the first issue, it is not able to navigate to the file
puts "Title: #{driver.title}"
puts "URL: #{driver.current_url}"
# Below is the code that I am trying to use to replace the images with the modified images
drawing_elements = driver.find_elements(:css, 'w|drawing')
modified_paragraphs = []
drawing_elements.each do |drawing_element|
paragraph_element = drawing_element.find_element(:xpath, '..')'paragraph.png')
modified_paragraph ='paragraph.png')
modified_paragraphs << modified_paragraph
file =, 'doc_file.docx'))
doc = Nokogiri::XML(file)
drawing_elements = doc.css('w|drawing')
drawing_elements.each_with_index do |drawing_element, i|
paragraph_element = drawing_element.parent
new_doc_file = File.write('modified_doc.docx', doc.to_xml)
s3_client.put_object(bucket: bucket, key: #document_path, body: new_doc_file)
Approach 2
Using nokogiri to get the drawing elements and the try to convert it directly to an image using rmagick or mini_magick.
It is only possible if the drawing element actually contains an image, it can convert that correctly to an image, but the problem is when inside of the drawing element are not images but other elements like graphicData, pic, blipFill, blip. It needs to start looping into the element and rebuilding it, but at that point of time it seems that the element is malformed and it can't rebuild it.
Other issue with this approach is when it founds elements that seem to conform an svg file, it also needs to loop into all the elements and try to rebuild it, but the same as the above issue, it seems that the element is malformed.
response = s3_client.get_object(bucket: bucket, key: #document_path)
docx =
Zip::File.open_buffer(docx) do |zip|
doc = zip.find_entry("word/document.xml")
doc_xml =
doc = Nokogiri::XML(doc_xml)
drawing_elements = doc.xpath("//w:drawing")
drawing_elements.each do |drawing_element|
node = get_chil_by_name(drawing_element, "graphic")
if node.xpath("//a:graphicData/a:pic/a:blipFill/a:blip").any?
img_data = node.xpath("//a:graphicData/a:pic/a:blipFill/a:blip").first.attributes["r:embed"].value
img = Magick::Image.from_blob(img_data).first
node.replace("<img src='#{img.to_blob}'/>")
elsif node.xpath("//a:graphicData/a:svg").any?
svg_data = node.xpath("//a:graphicData/a:svg").to_s
Prawn::Document.generate("node.pdf") do |pdf|
pdf.svg svg_data, at: [0, pdf.cursor], width: pdf.bounds.width
puts "unsupported format"
# update the file in S3
s3.put_object(bucket: bucket, key: #document_path, body: doc)
Approach 3
Convert the elements since its parents to a pdf file and then to an image.
Basically the same issue as in the approach 2, it needs to loop inside all the elements and try to rebuild it, we haven't found a way to do that.

How to find text on a page using Nokogiri

I am trying to find the best way to find a word on a page using Nokogiri.
I have a page which has the following text.
<p>Modelo: ABC123-A</p>
I would like to find the "Modelo:" text, and then get the model number after it.
I have had a look around but can't seem to find. So, I thought I would post on here and see if anyone with experience of Nokogiri could shed some light on this for me.
Use p:contains selector and get the matching p nodes.
doc = Nokogiri::HTML('<html><body><p>Modelo: ABC123-A</p><br/><p>Nothing here</p><p>Modelo: 4321</p></body></html>')
doc.css('p:contains("Modelo")').map { |x| x.text.split(': ').last }
#=> ["ABC123-A", "4321"]
A simple example:
doc = Nokogiri::HTML('<html><body><p>Modelo: ABC123-A</p></body></html>')
doc.css('p').first.content # => Modelo: ABC123-A
str.split( ': ' )[-1] # => ABC123-A
You could also try Oga, it's lighter than Nokogiri.

How to scrape images from eBay and Amazon using XPath in Nokogiri from JSON

I'm trying to scrape images from websites using Nokogiri and XPath, so far with limited success. For a typical website whose HTML has img and src, I can use:
tmp2 = Nokogiri::HTML(open(site_url))
tmp2.xpath("//img/#src").each do |src| whatever
However, some sites like Amazon and eBay only trigger certain images with JavaScript. If I look at the code I can see the data in arrays. For example, from Amazon:
<script type="text/javascript">
P.when('jQuery', 'cf').execute(function($, cf){
P.when('A', 'jQuery', 'ImageBlockATF', 'cf').register('ImageBlockBTF', function(A, $, imageBlockATF, cf){
var data = {"indexToColor":[],"burjImageBlock":0,"isSwatchHoverConsistent":1,"heroFocalPoint":null,"visualDimensions":["color_name"],"productGroupID":"apparel_display_on_website","newVideoMissing":0,"useIV":0,"useClickZoom":null,"useChildVideos":0,"numColors":7,"logMetrics":0,"defaultColor":"initial","airyConfig":{"enableContinuousPlay":null,"installFlashButtonText":"Install Flash Player","contentTitle":null,"autoplayCutOffTimeSeconds":null,"ageGate":{"monthNames":["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],"deniedPrompt":"We're sorry. You are not old enough to watch this video.","submitText":"Submit","prompt":"This video is not intended for all audiences. What date were you born?"},"videoAds":null,"videoUnsupportedPrompt":"Sorry, this video is unsupported on this browser.","desiredMode":null,"swfUrl":"","isAutoplayEnabled":null,"installFlashPrompt":"Adobe Flash Player is required to watch this video.","isLiveStream":null,"regionCode":"NA","contentId":null,"playbackErrorPrompt":"Sorry, an error has occurred while attempting video playback. Please try again later.","contentMinAge":null,"isForesterTrackingDisabled":null,"streamingUrls":null,"parentId":null,"foresterMetadataParams":{"client":"Dpx","requestId":"1MX7VHFRVAS6TWY64BXC","marketplaceId":"ATVPDKIKX0DER","session":"182-9511970-7757812","method":"Apparel.ImageBlock"},"jsUrl":""},"mainImageMaxSizes":null,"staticStrings":{"playVideo":"Click to play video","rollOverToZoom":"Roll over image to zoom in","images":"Images","video":"video","clickToZoom":"Click on image to zoom in","touchToZoom":"Touch the image to zoom in","videos":"Videos","close":"Close","pleaseSelect":"Please select","clickToExpand":"Click to open expanded view","allMedia":"All Media"},"notThumbnailClickImmersiveView":1,"gIsNewTwister":1,"title":"Threads 4 Thought Women's Tabitha Basic Tank Top","ivRepresentativeAsin":{"6":"B00T46V76W","4":"B00WM3O7ES","1":"B00T46YZES","3":"B00WM3NLPE","2":"B00T46VD16","5":"B00T46VGXQ"},"mainImageSizes":[[342,445],[385,500],[425,550],[466,606],[522,679]],"isQuickview":0,"ipadVideoSizes":[[340,444],[384,500]],"colorToAsin":{"Coral Dreams":{"asin":"B00T46V76W"},"Heather Grey":{"asin":"B00WM3NLPE"},"Black":{"asin":"B00T46YZES"},"White":{"asin":"B00T46VGXQ"},"Deep Blue Sea":{"asin":"B00T46VD16"},"Sea Glass":{"asin":"B00WM3O7ES"}},"thumbExperimentEnabledValue":1,"showLITBOnClick":0,"videoSizes":[[342,445],[384,500]],"stretchyGoodnessWidth":[1280,1440,1640,1800],"autoplayVideo":0,"hoverZoomIndicator":"","sitbReftag":"","useHoverZoom":1,"staticImages":{"zoomOut":"","hoverZoomIcon":"","zoomIn":"","zoomLensBackground":"","videoThumbIcon":",0,0,38,50_.gif","spinner":"","zoomInCur":"","videoSWFPath":"","arrow":"","zoomOutCur":""},"videos":[],"gPreferChildVideos":0,"altsOnLeft":1,"ivImageSetKeys":{"Coral Dreams":"6","Heather Grey":"3","Black":"1","initial":0,"White":"5","Deep Blue Sea":"2","Sea Glass":"4"},"useHoverZoomIpad":"","isUDP":1,"alwaysIncludeVideo":0,"widths":[1280,1440,1640,1800],"maxAlts":7,"useChromelessVideoPlayer":1,"mainImageHeightPartitions":null};
data["customerImages"] = eval('[]');
data["colorImages"] = {"Coral Dreams":[{"large":"","variant":"MAIN","hiRes":"","thumb":",50_.jpg","main":{"":["466","606"],"":["522","679"],"":["423","550"],"":["342","445"],"":["385","500"]}},{"large":"","variant":"BACK","hiRes":"","thumb":",50_.jpg","main":{"":["385","500"],"":["522","679"],"":["342","445"],"":["466","606"],"":["423","550"]}}],"Heather Grey":[{"large":"","variant":"MAIN","hiRes":"","thumb":",50_.jpg","main":{"":["466","606"],"":["385","500"],"":["423","550"],"":["522","679"],"":["342","445"]}},{"large":"","variant":"BACK","hiRes":"","thumb":",50_.jpg","main":{"":["342","445"],"":["423","550"],"":["385","500"],"":["522","679"],"":["466","606"]}}],"Black":[{"large":"","variant":"MAIN","hiRes":"","thumb":",50_.jpg","main":{"":["423","550"],"":["342","445"],"":["522","679"],"":["385","500"],"":["466","606"]}},{"large":"","variant":"BACK","hiRes":"","thumb":",50_.jpg","main":{"":["385","500"],"":["522","679"],"":["342","445"],"":["466","606"],"":["423","550"]}}],"White":[{"large":"","variant":"MAIN","hiRes":"","thumb":",50_.jpg","main":{"":["423","550"],"":["522","679"],"":["385","500"],"":["342","445"],"":["466","606"]}},{"large":"","variant":"BACK","hiRes":"","thumb":",50_.jpg","main":{"":["466","606"],"":["342","445"],"":["522","679"],"":["385","500"],"":["423","550"]}}],"Deep Blue Sea":[{"large":"","variant":"MAIN","hiRes":"","thumb":",50_.jpg","main":{"":["342","445"],"":["522","679"],"":["423","550"],"":["385","500"],"":["466","606"]}},{"large":"","variant":"BACK","hiRes":"","thumb":",50_.jpg","main":{"":["342","445"],"":["385","500"],"":["522","679"],"":["466","606"],"":["423","550"]}}],"Sea Glass":[{"large":"","variant":"MAIN","hiRes":"","thumb":",50_.jpg","main":{"":["342","445"],"":["522","679"],"":["466","606"],"":["385","500"],"":["423","550"]}},{"large":"","variant":"BACK","hiRes":"","thumb":",50_.jpg","main":{"":["385","500"],"":["342","445"],"":["522","679"],"":["466","606"],"":["423","550"]}}]};
data["heroImage"] = {};
data["landingAsinColor"] = 'Coral Dreams';
data["shouldApplyResizeFix"] = false;
return data;
The filenames I want to grab don't have src (i.e. In this case, the array is called data["colorImages"]. But I can't hard-code anything because the same thing happens on eBay.
The filenames I need here are in enImgCarousel.
On a side note, when I use the following JavaScript bookmarklet for each URL to get images, I'm able to get the correct images:
for (b=0;b<document.images.length;b++){
a+='<img src='+document.images[b].src+'><br>'};
alert('No images!')
Back to Nokogiri and XPath, I've also tried:
tmp2.xpath("//img").each do |src|...
tmp2.xpath("html//img").each do |src|
Any ideas how I should do this or which direction to go in?
This is alternative way to solve what you want; you can use Capybara and Poltergeist.
I assume you don't have to dive into JavaScript with this solution.
If you scrape, I recommend that you consider Capybara with Poltergeist, you can find many sources to reference.
This is the code I tried:
require 'capybara'
require 'capybara/dsl'
require 'capybara/poltergeist'
Capybara.register_driver :poltergeist_debug do |app|, inspector: true)
Capybara.javascript_driver = :poltergeist_debug
Capybara.current_driver = :poltergeist_debug
# Amazon Case
doc_amazon = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(page.html)
doc_amazon.xpath("//img/#src").each do |src|
p src.value
#ebay case
doc_ebay = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(page.html)
doc_ebay.xpath("//img/#src").each do |src|
p src.value
If you want to dig into it:
# => ""
# => ""
Are you trying to generate a database of competitors items with pricing, etc.?
Are you trying to grab entire categories or individual sellers?
The reason why I ask is you can get an RSS feed of items each seller lists if they have turned that feature on. This way, you do not have to waste time scraping a page when you can get the central data from an RSS feed.
When parsing webpages, depending upon where you are in the webpage (you mentioned carousel) the indices you are encountering are from the stash of thumbnails representing the larger images.
I recommend looking at the eBay API and the Amazon API and finding the RSS feeds for the sellers first.
As far as getting past any Javascript issues, the webpage loads rotating slideshows and carousels dynamically, so you will have to use Mechanize (as RAJ suggested above) or Beautiful Soup or Selenium to get fully rendered web pages in which all images are in a scrapable state.
Feel free to post your source if there is anything else I can help with.
Sorry, as I am posting the answer from mobile phone, I can't write full code right away, however, I can give you a way. You should use Mechanize with selenium-webdriver & watir instead of only Nokogiri.
Using Mechanize, you will be able to handle elements coming from JavaScript. You can mock the actual moves on browser i.e. you can code for clicking on links/buttons, you can wait for image load and then can scrape it. And all this can be done using Mechanize very easily.

How to parse og meta tags using httparty for rails 3

I am trying to parse og meta tags using the HTTParty gem using this code:
link =
# link =
resp = HTTParty.get(link)
ret_body = resp.body
# title
og_title = ret_body.match(/\<[Mm][Ee][Tt][Aa] property\=\"og:title\"\ content\=\"(.*?)\"\/\>/)
og_title = og_title[1].to_s
The problem is that it worked on some sites (yahoo!) but not others (usa today)
Don't parse HTML with regular expressions, because they're too fragile for anything but the simplest problems. A tiny change to the HTML can break the pattern, causing you to begin a slow battle of maintaining an ever expanding pattern. It's a war you won't win.
Instead, use a HTML parser. Ruby has Nokogiri, which is excellent. Here's how I'd do what you want:
require 'nokogiri'
require 'httparty'
].each do |link|
resp = HTTParty.get(link)
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(resp.body)
Which outputs:
Jets fire offensive coordinator Tony Sparano
Chicago lottery winner's death ruled a homicide
Perhaps I can offer an easier solution? Check out the OpenGraph gem.
It's a simple library for parsing Open Graph protocol information from web sites and should solve your problem.
og_title = ret_body.match(/\<[Mm][Ee][Tt][Aa] property\=\"og:title\"\ content\=\"(.*?)\"[\s\/\>|\/\>]/)
og_title = og_title[1].to_s
Trailing whitespace messed up the parsing so make sure to check for that. I added an OR clause to the regex to allow for both trailing and non trailing whitespace.

Opening and decompressing an XML URL in Rails

I'm building a rails app that takes information about products from an XML datafeed hosted on a 3rd party server. This XML is sent gzipped, and I'm having serious difficulty in getting anywhere with it.
I've spent a fair bit of time with Google on this, but the results of my searching seem to be more about Sending Gzipped output rather than receiving a Gzipped input.
The closed I've come to a solution came from StackOverflow, but I'm still getting errors.
What I'm trying to do in the first instance is print the XML data to the browser, then I can start with the processing of it. Here's my current code:
def load_data
url = ""
xml_input = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(url))
zstream =
#xml_output = zstream.inflate(xml_input)
The error I'm getting from it is:
Zlib::DataError in Cron/get datafeedController#load_data
incorrect header check
I guess this means that the data isn't in the format that is expected, but I can't find information about how to do this properly anywhere. Two things I've ruled out is that the URL is valid and the response is Gzipped, but I'm stuck with how to get past this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated :-)
file = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(url))
gz =
whole_xml =
Then to load into Hpricot to do the XML parsing:
hp = Hpricot(whole_xml)
