UIView subclass with its own controller - Design pattern - ios

As far as i know, to follow MVC pattern guidelines, you shouldn't have controllers inside a view (ie. server requests, delegates, etc.), however some of the Apple's sample codes have animations inside the view (mainly CABasicAnimation instances in order to animate its layer).
My question is if having some controller logic inside your view violates the MVC design pattern, and if so, what's the best alternative, for example if we want a UIView that it will always animate (ie. bounce) when doing some action, and you don't want to implement that logic for each UIViewController that has an instance of the view.

You can simply create a UIViewController that contains the logic of animation of the view, beeing the view owner.
After this you use it like a singleton, and add its view to all the places you want, by having the controller always animating the view.
BUT to answer at your first question, yes it breaks the pattern if you put controller code inside a view.


MVC: Is a custom UITableViewCell a view or controller or both?

I used to consider a CustomUITableViewCell.xib as the view and the corresponding CustomUITableViewCell.swift class as the controller of a table view cell.
Is this correct? A youtube video I stumbled upon considers the class as the view: https://youtu.be/n06RE9A_8Ks?t=177
To clarify the question: Which one of the following is the view and controller? Are both considered the view?
I'd absolutely consider it a "view" (in terms of MVC). It's of the group of logic that (along with the .xib) handles 1 particular view of information, rather than orchestrating some aspect of the general logic of the app.
I also consider a UIViewController as belonging to the "view" part of MVC for the same reason. Of course, if you put far more business logic into your view controllers than that which is necessary to support the single view, then your view controller is some mix of MVC. For example, if your view controller chooses what scene of the app comes next, your view controller then participates in controller logic and it's not really following MVC. Your view controller is forced to do a lot of single view-related work, though, because there's a single view it's responsible for and that the view-work is more practically done in the UIViewController rather than the UIView.
So when you ask about a cell view class's stance in MVC, if it's doing single view work, then it's a "View". If you mix in controller work or model work, then you've muddied up the separation of responsibilities that MVC espouses.
In my personal opinion it is a view. It should be handling only UI components in the class. Think of both files as a complete view. One cannot be without the other. Thus I consider them one.

Using the master .h / .m for a secondary Popup view - Xcode 5

So I have a "main" View linked with my main .h/.m ViewController files.
In a process of the application, a second View is called that overlays part of my main View in a "popup" style.
I'm wondering if it's a good idea to use the original main ViewController .h/.m files for both the main View, and the second View? If not, I'm genuinely interested in why that is not to be considered a good idea. If this is in-fact a standard practice, what is the cleanest way to do so?
It's typically good practice for your view controller to "control" what comes on and off the displayed view its responsible for. If you are just presenting something very simple, it would be fine leaving it (the code) in your view controller - an example of this might be a background view with a different color.
If however, your view has many responsibilities, such as responding to touch events, you may want to create a subclass of UIView and put your code in that file. Then back in your original view controller, you would simply import that subclass and instantiate the view and present it (add subview) when needed.
Using a common pattern like delegation, your subclassed UIView would control it's own logic and perhaps via delegation, send messages back to the view controller when needed for items like dismiss, or save or any number of functions it might do. A common example of this is UITableView.
hope that helps

transitionFromView:toView:duration:options:completion: confusion

I am trying to utilize transitionFromView:toView:duration:options:completion: but in uiview class reference this point is confusing me. What it means?
This method modifies the views in their view hierarchy only. It does
not modify your application’s view controllers in any way. For
example, if you use this method to change the root view displayed by a
view controller, it is your responsibility to update the view
controller appropriately to handle the change.
Please view the sample project https://anonfiles.com/file/521cbb41b086eae987fe27eb98278aba
In this project I just called transitionFromView:toView:duration:options:completion: and everything is working fine and did nothing what is mentioned in the above point.
You are more likely asking for an explanation of Apple's documentation than a specific question, if I understand your posting correctly.
Nevertheless I'll give you this explanation and I hope, it will help you:
You write:
Everything is working fine..
and that is, because you a doing well here!
According to the MVC design pattern (Model-View-Controller), you are using the classes UIViewController (the "C") and UIView (the "V") in your code.
A view contains the visual representation of objects (like labels, buttons, subviews, ...) without an logic for their behavior.
A viewcontroller provides the logic, e. g. IBAction methods and any other methods that you may implement.
Each UIViewController has its own "view" property containing the view, whose behavior the controller does manage. This view normally contains additional views, e. g. labels, images and buttons. They are subviews and are stored in the view's "subviews" array property. Btw, each view has such a subviews property - that is, how we can implement complex view hierarchies.
In your situation (multiple subviews that are managed by one common viewcontroller), the method
hides "fromView" and unhides "toView" with the support of animations. It is a transition between to views. The paragraph from the documentation shall prepare you as a developer, that this method only manages the change of the visual representation and does not provide additional "services" for your view controller for the further management for the participating views.
That means, that you have to manage e. g. the state of the views (which view actually provides interaction for the user) by your own code. It seems to me, that you have managed this well!
In a wider scope, iOS supports UIViewController container as well - they can contain child view controllers (which again contain their view with its subviews). In such an architecture, there is another transition method from the SDK,
which allows you to implement transitions not between two views, but between two view controllers.
I hope this is not too much text and helps to make things clearer for you.

Do I need a ViewController container or a composite view?

I need to implement an accordion control for iOS. By accordion, I mean a UI like this:
I see two basic ways to do this, but I'm not sure which one to choose.
Method #1: Create a ViewController container, something like a UITabBarController, except that instead of showing tabs at the bottom, I draw a vertical stack of buttons, and when you tap one, the corresponding panel opens and shows the corresponding view controller's view.
Method #2: Create a composite view, add a bunch of views directly to it, and show/hide them as needed.
How do I choose here? What would make me want to treat the sub-units as view controllers vs views?
Generally speaking, if I can avoid it I try not to subclass UIView and instead do everything within UIViewController subclasses. A controller is usually required anyway (model/view glue code, user interaction, delegate stuff, notification handling, etc.), so if no custom drawing is needed it is usually possible to do without a UIView subclass.
In your case I could envision one reusable UIViewController subclass that represents a list entry. It has the following responsibilities:
Create two alternate view hierarchies (collapsed/button, expanded/panel)
Toggle between the view hierarchies in reaction to user interaction (with/without animation)
And another UIViewController subclass that represents the entire list. It has the following responsibilities:
Override the appropriate methods from UIViewController to make it into a container VC
Add/remove child VCs as appropriate to the internal model
Possibly adjust the container view in reaction to collapse/expand events in its child VCs

iOS MVC architecture - separate view other than the view of view controller

I am doing an iOS project using the MVC architecture. Pardon my ignorance, I am just confused, I am looking for a good design.
The view I am planning to use will have some buttons on it and some labels and text fields. My view wouldn't need any custom
implementation of drawRect.
All my logic as to what needs to be done when a button is pressed or event occurs is in my view controller
I have a couple of doubts:
for the above scenario, is it still better (good practice) to create a separate view (a view other than view controller's view) ? If so why ?
Other than drawing and displaying the view (in my project, I don't have much of it) what else should a view's implementation code
contain ?
I would like to disable a set of buttons when the user touches on a textfield and the keyboard comes up.
a) So should I place this logic of disabling some buttons in the separate view's implementation (view created in question 1) ?
b) From my parent view (view created in question 1), can I create outlets to the buttons (which are subviews) to disable some of the buttons ? I am not able to do this. Or should I use the method subviews and loop through the button that i am looking for ?
My understanding
Model contains the data
View is responsible for displaying and shouldn't contain business
View controller is the only one to interact between the model and the view and contains the business logic
There's no need to create a separate view -- the view controller's view (usually just a plain UIView) can certainly contain your buttons and text fields. If you did want to put some of those in a separate container (perhaps so that you could move them as a group), you could use a plain old UIView for that.
Views are responders, so UIView subclasses can override the touch handling methods if you want to do any special touch handling.
a) It's common to put the code that manages views (such as disabling buttons) in the view controller. b) Again, you'd normally put the outlets for your buttons in the view controller.
When people talk about "business logic" they usually mean the logic that's required to maintain and operate on the data that the application deals with. That sort of thing is often best placed in the model. On the other hand, code that manages views, such as enabling or disabling buttons or moving data from the model into views (or vice versa) belongs in the view controller.
Q1. for the above scenario, is it still better (good practice) to create a separate view (a view other than view controller's view) ? If so why ?
If you create your view by Interface Builder, that's a separate view I think. ;) But if you try to create a view hierarchy programmatically without using a n/xib, you can put all your view layouts in loadView method, and populate the data in viewDidLoad, that's what the View-Controller does. And also, you can create a UIView class to implement the layout of the view, just like n/xib, but programmatically.
As the DOC said,
... One can merge the MVC roles played by an object, making an object, for example, fulfill both the controller and view roles—in which case, it would be called a view controller. ...
... A view controller is a controller that concerns itself mostly with the view layer. It “owns” the interface (the views); its primary responsibilities are to manage the interface and communicate with the model. Action methods concerned with data displayed in a view are typically implemented in a view controller. An NSWindowController object (also part of the document architecture) is an example of a view controller. ...
The MVC in Cocoa is a litte different as what you known. You can refer the official doc HERE.
Q2. Other than drawing and displaying the view (in my project, I don't have much of it) what else should a view's implementation code contain ?
You can customize your view, e.g., set text color or font style for your button, etc.
Q3.a. So should I place this logic of disabling some buttons in the separate view's implementation (view created in question 1)
It is better to put logic in controller (or view-controller), just as MVC prefer.
Q3.b. From my parent view (view created in question 1), can I create outlets to the buttons (which are subviews) to disable some of the buttons ? I am not able to do this. Or should I use the method subviews and loop through the button that i am looking for ?
You can set tag (setTag:) for your buttons and get the right one you want. But keep in mind, firstly you need to let the button shown to parent.
