Let's imagine I have a Firebase setup like this, except with 10,000 users:
"users" : {
"user 1" : {
"latitude": 1234567,
"Longitude": 7654321,
"name": "Name 1"
"user 2" : {
"latitude": 1234567,
"longitude": 7654321,
"name": "Name 2"
"user 3" : {
"latitude": 1234567,
"Longitude": 7654321,
"name": "Name 3"
"user 4" : {
"latitude": 1234567,
"Longitude": 7654321,
"name": "Name 4"
What would be the least data-intensive way to generate a list of the 5 users closest to me? Very new to this, so the only solutions I can think of would require querying all 10,000 users.
I am very new to this subject, therefore I can only point you in the right direction. Essentially the way you're storing user location is not optimal. The best way to do it is to use GeoFire a newish addition to the Firebase service. How it works is you should have a large location object and you store the geolocation of those users using that users key. Here's an example.
Locations: {
-KH35xPkJmX0UTSG8DuM : {
"g" : "randomID",
"l" : {
"0" : "latitude",
"1" : "longitude"
Users: {
-KH35xPkJmX0UTSG8DuM : {
"username" : "Joe Sloan"
Your locations object will have 10,000 users keys and geoLocations. the value of "g" and "l" object are set when you use
geoFire.setLocation(CLLocation(latitude: 37.7853889, longitude: -122.4056973), forKey: "firebase-hq")
Google has optimized the query for users within a similar location.
let center = CLLocation(latitude: 37.7832889, longitude: -122.4056973)
// Query locations at [37.7832889, -122.4056973] with a radius of 600 meters
var circleQuery = geoFire.queryAtLocation(center, withRadius: 0.6)
The circleQuery variable should contain a Firebase dictionary of the closest users. As I said I haven't had a chance to really delve deeper but this should give you a start.
I don't understand how to filter the data lists
my db has the following form
"numbers": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
"models": {
"random_string_key": {
"name": "model_name",
"value": "some_value"
"random_string_key-2": {
"name": "Name",
"value": "any value"
How i can get array from numbers where all values < 3?
How i can filter models and get array models where value == "some_value"?
I would like to understand what I am doing wrong
let ref = Database.database().reference()
let refNumbers = ref.child("numbers")
.getData(completion: { error, snapshot in
// snapshot.value == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
// OK
.queryEnding(beforeValue: 2)
.getData(completion: { error, snapshot in
error: Unable to get latest value for query FQuerySpec (path: /numbers, params: {
en = "[MIN_NAME]";
ep = 2;
i = ".value";
}), client offline with no active listeners and no matching disk cache entries
let modelsRef = ref.child("models")
.getData(completion: { error, snapshot in
// snapshot.value == NSDictionary
// OK
"key": String
"value": NSDictionary
.queryEqual(toValue: "some_value", childKey: "value")
.getData(completion: { error, snapshot in
error: null
snapshot.value == nil
.queryOrdered(byChild: "value")
.queryEqual(toValue: "some_value")
.getData(completion: { error, snapshot in
Unable to get latest value for query FQuerySpec (path: /models, params: {
ep = some_value;
i = value;
sp = some_value;
}), client offline with no active listeners and no matching disk cache entries
I tried all the options that I found on the Internet but the result is 0
Either I get all the data from the list and filter it in the app, or I get nothing
Is it possible to filter the data upon receipt?
It is a bit difficult to give you a solution to the issues you described above but I can tell you where you're going wrong.
For #1, when you do the below
.queryEnding(beforeValue: 2)
.getData(completion: { error, snapshot in
refNumbers is not an array of numbers, it is an 'object'. And queryOrderedByValue() will not work on this 'single object', neither will .queryEnding(beforeValue: 2). You either need to do what you're doing, which is to get the entire data, convert to swift native types and filter, or you need to restructure your data on the DB side.
Similarly, in-case of #2, the object modelsRef is composed of a number of objects with random keys. So, when you perform a .queryEqual(toValue: "some_value", childKey: "value") operation, it will not find the child-key named 'value'. This child key is actually a child-key for the objects that modelsRef is composed of.
So, again, either you need to get all this data, type cast to native swift types and then filter, or somehow restructure your data.
So, the answer to your question is essentially either continue what you're doing (get data to the app and filter using native swift API which may present scalability challenges later depending on the amount of data), or, restructure your data.
Example with queryStarting & queryEnding
As requested, here is what works for me.
Database design
I have an event based app, using Firebase Realtime Database, with one parent node, lets call it events for now, because the real example is mainly in German.
Under events there is one child for each event, obviously:
"events": {
"-L_nMRK8mzXal47IE54x": {
"endDate": 1568715118,
"lat": 48.4382387,
"lon": 10.0499972044298,
"name": "Exampletown - event",
"city": "Exampletown",
"zip": "12345",
"startDate": 1568325600,
"street": "Street 11"
"-L_nMRK8mzXal47IE54y": {
"endDate": 1568715118,
"lat": 49.4382387,
"lon": 10.0499972044298,
"name": "Exampletown - event 2",
"city": "Exampletown",
"zip": "12345",
"startDate": 1568325600,
"street": "Street 12"
Swift 4.2
Inside a method I use the following to query the database for all past events based on the current timestamp:
let ref = Database.database().reference()
let query = ref.child("events").queryOrdered(byChild: "endDate").queryStarting(atValue: diffInterval, childKey: "endDate").queryEnding(atValue: now, childKey: "endDate")
// observe single event is sufficient for my app
query.observeSingleEvent(of: .value) { (snapshot) in
if snapshot.childrenCount > 0 {
for snap in snapshot.children {
// create an object for each of the objects of the snapshot
guard let eventData = self.getEventsFromSnapshot(snap: snap as! DataSnapshot) else {return}
// do something with eventData
} else {
// custom logging and return of empty array
I've got this JSON data (not verbatim) that I get from the backend. It contains the actual data and an array of strings describing the sequence of cells to be shown:
"data": [
"name": "text",
"data": {
"text": "some text"
"name": "pic",
"data": {
"url": "https://somepic.jpg",
"text": "picture"
"name": "switcher",
"data": {
"id": 1,
"options": [
"id": 0,
"text": "option 1"
"id": 1,
"text": "option 2"
"id": 2,
"text": "option 3"
"view": [
The problem is that I can't get my head around how to configure cellForRowAt: and get the right order of cells in one section. (i.e. text, pic, selector, text).
I tried a couple of things:
Looping through "view" array and switching on each individual view string to dequeue a specific cell but that doesn't seem to work since returning a cell from a switch case gives a "unexpected non-void return value in void function" error.
I was also thinking about turning a "view" array into a dictionary and then, based on keys in it, dequeue a specific cell but then again, a dictionary should have unique keys meaning that I will not have 2 "text" entries, one of them will be lost.
So, the questions is: how can I dequeue specific cells based on the array of strings? It's also important to understand that it should be done in one section. I'm feeling that it's somehow not that difficult to implement but I'm kinda lost right now. Thanks!
you need to transform your view list and data array into an array of cell contents that you can use inside the TableViewDelegate and TableViewSource method :
var cellsContents : [Int] = []
for aView in view {
var found = false
var index = 0
for aData in data {
if !found {
if let name = aData["name"] as? String {
if aView == name {
found = true
index = index + 1
Then :
number of rows : cellsContents.count
type and contents for a row : data[cellsContents[indexPath.row]]["name"] and data[cellsContents[indexPath.row]]["data"]
I am attempting to find each instance of the string name: being different.
As for the example of JSON below I want to pull Alamo Draft House Lamar and Alamo Draft House Ritz and place them into an array.
"tmsId": "MV011110340000",
"rootId": "15444050",
"subType": "Feature Film",
"title": "Bohemian Rhapsody",
"releaseYear": 2018,
"releaseDate": "2018-11-02",
"titleLang": "en",
"descriptionLang": "en",
"entityType": "Movie",
"genres": ["Biography", "Historical drama", "Music"],
"longDescription": "Singer Freddie Mercury, guitarist Brian May, drummer Roger Taylor and bass guitarist John Deacon take the music world by storm when they form the rock 'n' roll band Queen in 1970. Surrounded by darker influences, Mercury decides to leave Queen years later to pursue a solo career. Diagnosed with AIDS in the 1980s, the flamboyant frontman reunites with the group for Live Aid -- leading the band in one of the greatest performances in rock history.",
"shortDescription": "Singer Freddie Mercury of Queen battles personal demons after taking the music world by storm.",
"topCast": ["Rami Malek", "Lucy Boynton", "Gwilym Lee"],
"directors": ["Bryan Singer"],
"officialUrl": "https://www.foxmovies.com/movies/bohemian-rhapsody",
"ratings": [{
"body": "Motion Picture Association of America",
"code": "PG-13"
"advisories": ["Adult Language", "Adult Situations"],
"runTime": "PT02H15M",
"preferredImage": {
"width": "240",
"height": "360",
"uri": "assets/p15444050_v_v5_as.jpg",
"category": "VOD Art",
"text": "yes",
"primary": "true"
"showtimes": [{
"theatre": {
"id": "9489",
"name": "Alamo Drafthouse at the Ritz"
"dateTime": "2018-11-10T19:15",
"barg": false,
"ticketURI": "http://www.fandango.com/tms.asp?t=AAUQP&m=185586&d=2018-11-10"
}, {
"theatre": {
"id": "9489",
"name": "Alamo Drafthouse at the Ritz"
"dateTime": "2018-11-10T22:30",
"barg": false,
"ticketURI": "http://www.fandango.com/tms.asp?t=AAUQP&m=185586&d=2018-11-10"
}, {
"theatre": {
"id": "5084",
"name": "Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar"
"dateTime": "2018-11-10T12:00",
"barg": false,
"ticketURI": "http://www.fandango.com/tms.asp?t=AATHS&m=185586&d=2018-11-10"
}, {
"theatre": {
"id": "5084",
"name": "Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar"
"dateTime": "2018-11-10T15:40",
"barg": false,
"ticketURI": "http://www.fandango.com/tms.asp?t=AATHS&m=185586&d=2018-11-10"
Here is my api code:
var shows = [Shows]()
struct Shows: Codable {
let showtimes: [Showtimes]
struct Showtimes: Codable {
let theatre: Theater
struct Theater: Codable {
let id: String
let name: String
func loadShowtimes() {
let apiKey = ""
let today = "2018-11-10"
let zip = "78701"
let filmId = "MV011110340000"
let radius = "15"
let url = URL(string: "http://data.tmsapi.com/v1.1/movies/\(filmId)/showings?startDate=\(today)&numDays=5&zip=\(zip)&radius=\(radius)&api_key=\(apiKey)")
let request = URLRequest(
url: url! as URL,
cachePolicy: URLRequest.CachePolicy.reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData,
timeoutInterval: 10 )
let session = URLSession (
configuration: URLSessionConfiguration.default,
delegate: nil,
delegateQueue: OperationQueue.main
let task = session.dataTask(with: request, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) in
if let data = data {
do { let shows = try! JSONDecoder().decode([Shows].self, from: data)
self.shows = shows
How would I approach sorting through the array and finding each instance of name: being different, then take each name and place them into a new array?
There are several ways to iterate through your array of Shows and their array of Theater to get the complete list of names. Once you have the full list of names you can get a unique list of those names.
Here is one approach:
let names = Array(Set(shows.map { $0.showtimes.map { $0.theatre.name }}.reduce([]) { $0 + $1 }))
Let's split that up to better explain what is going on.
let allNames = shows.map { $0.showtimes.map { $0.theatre.name }}.reduce([]) { $0 + $1 }
let uniqueNames = Array(Set(allNames))
The shows.map iterates through each Shows in shows. The inner map in turn iterates each Theatre in each of those Shows returning its name. So the inner map gives an array of names. The first map results in an array of arrays of names. The reduce merges those arrays of names into a single array of names leaving allNames with a single array containing every name.
The use of Array(Set(allNames)) first creates a unique set of the names and then it creates an array from that set.
If you want the final result to be sorted alphabetically then add .sorted() to the end.
If you need to keep the original order you can make use of NSOrderedSet and remove any use of sorted.
let names = NSOrderedSet(array: shows.map { $0.showtimes.map { $0.theatre.name }}.reduce([]) { $0 + $1 }).array as! [String]
I am trying developing an application like Taxi booking and storing data on Firebase.
But, I am facing problem while querying data for RideDetail(History) from Firebase.
I want to fetch ride_detail for specific "customer_id" in pagination form.
My Firebase DataStructure:
"ride_details": {
"NuEoP2WNPwigsbY1FQy9M150131918189233": {
"customer_id": "tstebwLlf4OCRdWhNKO9XCO08xY2",
"destination_address": "New Ranip\nNew Ranip\nAhmedabad\nGujarat 380081\nIndia",
"destination_lang": 72.55924470000001,
"destination_latg": 23.0930152,
"discount": "10%",
"driver_id": "cIyZQIJ7tsdvF1a9KpRrKucF2o62",
"drop_time": "2017-07-29 09:12:21 +0000",
"fare": "13.16 Rs.",
"payment_time": 150149034812771,
"pickup_time": "2017-07-29 09:10:38 +0000",
"priceperkm": "10.00 Rs.",
"ride_confirm_time": "2017-07-29 09:06:21 +0000",
"source_address": "Vastrapur\nVastrapur\nAhmedabad\nGujarat\nIndia",
"source_lang": 72.5293244,
"source_latg": 23.0350073,
"tax": "10%"
"RH0oZ0Ypbkur3wJM3HMvM150147833457957": {
"customer_id": "aYQFbwLlf4OCRdWhNKO9XCO08xY2",
"destination_address": "Sarovar Park Plaza Hotels and Resorts Private Limted\nNo 1\nSector 10\nCBD Belapur\nWadala West\nWadala\nMumbai\nMaharashtra 400614\nIndia",
"destination_lang": 72.8561644,
"destination_latg": 19.0176147,
"discount": 0,
"driver_id": "cIyZQIJ7tsdvF1a9KpRrKucF2o62",
"drop_time": "",
"fare": 0,
"payment_time": 150149034812772,
"pickup_time": "",
"priceperkm": 0,
"ride_confirm_time": "2017-07-31 05:18:54 +0000",
"source_address": "Smokin Joe's Fresh Pizza\nShop No. 2\n3\nGround Floor\nAbhiman II\nWadala West\nThane West\nMumbai\nMaharashtra 400602\nIndia",
"source_lang": 72.8561644,
"source_latg": 19.0176147,
"tax": 0
Here "payment_time" is timestamp when payment done.
And the response I want is like:
"RH0oZ0Ypbkur3wJM3HMvM150147833457957": {
"customer_id": "aYQFbwLlf4OCRdWhNKO9XCO08xY2",
"destination_address": "Sarovar Park Plaza Hotels and Resorts Private Limted\nNo 1\nSector 10\nCBD Belapur\nWadala West\nWadala\nMumbai\nMaharashtra 400614\nIndia",
"destination_lang": 72.8561644,
"destination_latg": 19.0176147,
"discount": 0,
"driver_id": "cIyZQIJ7tsdvF1a9KpRrKucF2o62",
"drop_time": "",
"fare": 0,
"payment_type": 150149034812772,
"pickup_time": "",
"priceperkm": 0,
"ride_confirm_time": "2017-07-31 05:18:54 +0000",
"source_address": "Smokin Joe's Fresh Pizza\nShop No. 2\n3\nGround Floor\nAbhiman II\nWadala West\nThane West\nMumbai\nMaharashtra 400602\nIndia",
"source_lang": 72.8561644,
"source_latg": 19.0176147,
"tax": 0
"1trcf0Ypbkur3wJM3HMvM150147833457957": {
"customer_id": "aYQFbwLlf4OCRdWhNKO9XCO08xY2",
"destination_address": "Sarovar Park Plaza Hotels and Resorts Private Limted\nNo 1\nSector 10\nCBD Belapur\nWadala West\nWadala\nMumbai\nMaharashtra 400614\nIndia",
"destination_lang": 72.8561644,
"destination_latg": 19.0176147,
"discount": 0,
"driver_id": "cIyZQIJ7tsdvF1a9KpRrKucF2o62",
"drop_time": "",
"fare": 0,
"payment_type": 150149034812778,
"pickup_time": "",
"priceperkm": 0,
"ride_confirm_time": "2017-07-31 05:18:54 +0000",
"source_address": "Smokin Joe's Fresh Pizza\nShop No. 2\n3\nGround Floor\nAbhiman II\nWadala West\nThane West\nMumbai\nMaharashtra 400602\nIndia",
"source_lang": 72.8561644,
"source_latg": 19.0176147,
"tax": 0
I want first 10 records for specific "customer_id" that I pass in query orderedBy "payment_time". Also I want to do pagination for the same. i.e. in second query call, it must return 11-20 records and so on.
The question and comments have some different criteria but let me address it at a high level;
The first answer is: Firebase cannot be queried for the value of one child and then ordered by another.
The simple query function expresses that:
let query = ridesRef.queryOrdered(byChild: "cust_id").queryEqual(toValue: "cust id 4")
To accomplish that task, query for the child data you want, in this case all customer id 4 nodes, and then order in code. Here's an example
class RideClass {
var key = ""
var cust_id = ""
var pay_time = ""
init(key: String, cust_id: String, pay_time: String) {
self.key = key
self.cust_id = cust_id
self.pay_time = pay_time
var rideArray = [RideClass]()
func populateRideArray() {
let usersRef = self.ref.child("ride_details")
let query = usersRef.queryOrdered(byChild: "cust_id").queryEqual(toValue: "cust id 4")
query.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { snapshot in
for child in snapshot.children {
let snap = child as! DataSnapshot
let dict = snap.value as! [String: Any]
let key = snap.key
let custId = dict["cust_id"] as! String
let payTime = dict["pay_time"] as! String
let ride = RideClass(key: key, cust_id: custId, pay_time: payTime)
for ride in self.rideArray { //unsorted example
self.rideArray.sort { $0.pay_time < $1.pay_time } //sort
for ride in self.rideArray { //sorted example
In this example, we create a RideClass which stores some info about the ride, and then an array of rides which could be used as a tableView dataSource.
Then query for all rides that are for cust id 4. We have a loop to show what was retreived unsorted and then this little gem
self.rideArray.sort { $0.pay_time < $1.pay_time }
which sorts the ride array in place by pay_time, which answers the question.
Suppose though, there are 100,000 ride child nodes. Loading in all of that data and sorting in code could be challenging memory wise. What do you do?
We leverage a compound value; along with the child nodes of cust_id and pay_time, we also include id_time. Here's a possible structure:
"ride_details" : {
"ride_0" : {
"cust_id" : "cust id 4",
"id_time" : "cust id 4_172200",
"pay_time" : "172200"
"ride_1" : {
"cust_id" : "cust id 2",
"id_time" : "cust id 2_165500",
"pay_time" : "165500"
"ride_2" : {
"cust_id" : "cust id 1",
"id_time" : "cust id 1_182300",
"pay_time" : "182300"
"ride_3" : {
"cust_id" : "cust id 3",
"id_time" : "cust id 3_131800",
"pay_time" : "131800"
"ride_4" : {
"cust_id" : "cust id 4",
"id_time" : "cust id 4_132200",
"pay_time" : "132200"
and then some code to read in the cust id 4 nodes in the correct order
let ridesRef = self.ref.child("ride_details")
let query = ridesRef.queryOrdered(byChild: "id_time")
.queryStarting(atValue: "cust id 4_")
.queryEnding(atValue: "cust id 4_\\uf8ff")
query.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { snapshot in
for child in snapshot.children {
let snap = child as! DataSnapshot
let dict = snap.value as! [String: Any]
let key = snap.key
let custId = dict["cust_id"] as! String
let payTime = dict["pay_time"] as! String
let ride = RideClass(key: key, cust_id: custId, pay_time: payTime)
for ride in self.rideArray { //unsorted example
Two things to note:
The snapshot must be iterated over to maintain the child sequence
"\uf8ff" is a character at a very high code level in Unicode - because of that it encompasses all of the preceeding characters.
There are two basic approaches that may work for your requirements:
construct a query that orders by payment_time, limits to include only the first 10 records, then holds a reference to the 10th record so that you can make subsequent pagination calls with the queryStartingAtValue filter.
Setup a firebase cloud function with a database trigger listening to the payment_time node, such that every time your empty sting is updated with a value in the database you transform the data so that it's organized in such a way that makes it trivial to consume for your needs here. For example - I would organize the new data at a path that looks like this: customer_ride_details/{{customer_id}}/{{ride_id}}. And since you are triggering the function when you replace the payment_time empty string with a timestamp. The keys should be ordered already for you to consume. You will still need to manage your pagination like we did with option 1.
I'm learning Core Data and I need to create an Entity called Country. I'm getting this response from my API and I'm not sure how to create and store the JSON response in my country entity.
"results": [
"name": "Spain",
"population" : 45.000,
"location" : {
"latitude" : 29.567423,
"longitude" : -5.675326
"name": "France",
"population" : 25.000,
"location" : {
"latitude" : 29.567423,
"longitude" : -5.675326
"name": "Germany",
"population" : 15.000,
"location" : {
"latitude" : 29.567423,
"longitude" : -5.675326
The parent fields (name, population) are not problem, but how can I set the child fields (location key) in the entity graph? With an NSDictionary maybe?
There are many possibilities.
You can create two separate attributes like (latitude, longitude) having type (double, double) and at fetch time create location with both values or you can create CGPoint with both of values and then create string from CGPoint and store them
CGPoint location = CGPointMake(latitude, longitude);
NSString *stringLocation = NSStringFromCGPoint(point);
store that string and fetch it and then again convert into CGpoint and use it
CGPoint myPoint = CGPointFromString(stringLocation);