What are hidden units in individual LSTM cells? - machine-learning

I am new to Neural Networks and found the concept of "hidden units" in individual LSTM cells. I understood the concept of having "gates"(input/output/forget etc.), but what are hidden units? I also understand that this is different from the number of unrolled LSTM cells in each layer(which is equal to the number of timesteps).

Even though its a old question i would like to answer this question.
When i started learning LSTM even i couldn't understand Hidden Unit,Return Sequence ,Return State in LSTM .
Check the above diagram that i drew which would help you understand it.
It is the representation of 3 Hidden Unit LSTM Layer
inp = Input(shape=(2,))
x = Embedding(50000, 5)(inp)
x = LSTM(3,return_sequences=True)(x)
For detailed information check my detailed blog on Medium https://medium.com/#raqueebilahi/


NumHiddenUnits in LSTM

When we create an LSTM layer in matlab then we specify numHiddenUnits as layer = lstmLayer(numHiddenUnits). I have two questions about it.
(1) : What is mean by numHiddenUnits?
Does it represent the number of LSTM cells? If yes then are these cells connected serially or parallel(having no interaction between them).
Unfortunately, there is no way to visualize the (RNN)network. I understand how one LSTM cell works but i have no idea how the following architecture looks like.
My networks is made up of these layers.
`layers = [ ...
(2): How does this architecture looks like?
My approach: I tried to sketch it and i think it should look like this.
Let me explain the significance of numHiddenUnits:
LSTM is generally used where we deal with the sequences. Suppose that, you provide one english sentence as input to your LSTM network. Here input will be passed to the network word by word, not entire sentence at the same time.
Suppose that at time t0 word "stack" is the input of the network. Word "stack" will be decoded into some 1-D vector form before feeding into the network. Let suppose that vector size is 10 so, number of hidden units will be 10. In nutshell number of hidden units is equal to the vector dimension.

Why is there an activation function in each neural net layer, and not just one in the final layer?

I'm trying to teach myself machine learning and I have a similar question to this.
Is this correct:
For example, if I have an input matrix, where X1, X2 and X3 are three numerical features (e.g. say they are petal length, stem length, flower length, and I'm trying to label whether the sample is a particular flower species or not):
x1 x2 x3 label
5 1 2 yes
3 9 8 no
1 2 3 yes
9 9 9 no
That you take the vector of the first ROW (not column) of the table above to be inputted into the network like this:
i.e. there would be three neurons (1 for each value of the first table row), and then w1,w2 and w3 are randomly selected, then to calculate the first neuron in the next column, you do the multiplication I have described, and you add a randomly selected bias term. This gives the value of that node.
This is done for a set of nodes (i.e. each column actually will have four nodes (three + a bias), for simplicity, i removed the other three nodes from the second column), and then in the last node before the output, there is an activation function to transform the sum into a value (e.g. 0-1 for sigmoid) and that value tells you whether the classification is yes or no.
I'm sorry for how basic this is, I want to really understand the process, and I'm doing it from free resources. So therefore generally, you should select the number of nodes in your network to be a multiple of the number of features, e.g. in this case, it would make sense to write:
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.models import Dense
model = Sequential()
What I don't understand is why the keras model has an activation function in each layer of the network and not just at the end, which is why I'm wondering if my understanding is correct/why I added the picture.
Edit 1: Just a note I saw that in the bias neuron, I put on the edge 'b=1', that might be confusing, I know the bias doesn't have a weight, so that was just a reminder to myself that the weight of the bias node is 1.
Several issues here apart from the question in your title, but since this is not the time & place for full tutorials, I'll limit the discussion to some of your points, taking also into account that at least one more answer already exists.
So therefore generally, you should select the number of nodes in your network to be a multiple of the number of features,
The number of features is passed in the input_dim argument, which is set only for the first layer of the model; the number of inputs for every layer except the first one is simply the number of outputs of the previous one. The Keras model you have written is not valid, and it will produce an error, since for your 2nd layer you ask for input_dim=3, while the previous one has clearly 6 outputs (nodes).
Beyond this input_dim argument, there is no other relationship whatsoever between the number of data features and the number of network nodes; and since it seems you have in mind the iris data (4 features), here is a simple reproducible example of applying a Keras model to them.
What is somewhat hidden in the Keras sequential API (which you use here) is that there is in fact an implicit input layer, and the number of its nodes is the dimensionality of the input; see own answer in Keras Sequential model input layer for details.
So, the model you have drawn in your pad actually corresponds to the following Keras model written using the sequential API:
model = Sequential()
where in the functional API it would be written as:
inputs = Input(shape=(3,))
outputs = Dense(1, activation='linear')(inputs)
model = Model(inputs, outputs)
and that's all, i.e. it is actually just linear regression.
I know the bias doesn't have a weight
The bias does have a weight. Again, the useful analogy is with the constant term of linear (or logistic) regression: the bias "input" itself is always 1, and its corresponding coefficient (weight) is learned through the fitting process.
why the keras model has an activation function in each layer of the network and not just at the end
I trust this has been covered sufficiently in the other answer.
I'm sorry for how basic this is, I want to really understand the process, and I'm doing it from free resources.
We all did; no excuse though to not benefit from Andrew Ng's free & excellent Machine Learning MOOC at Coursera.
It seems your question is why there is a activation function for each layer instead of just the last layer. The simple answer is, if there are no non-linear activations in the middle, no matter how deep your network is, it can be boiled down to a single linear equation. Therefore, non-linear activation is one of the big enablers that enable deep networks to be actually "deep" and learn high-level features.
Take the following example, say you have 3 layer neural network without any non-linear activations in the middle, but a final softmax layer. The weights and biases for these layers are (W1, b1), (W2, b2) and (W3, b3). Then you can write the network's final output as follows.
h1 = W1.x + b1
h2 = W2.h1 + b2
h3 = Softmax(W3.h2 + b3)
Let's do some manipulations. We'll simply replace h3 as a function of x,
h3 = Softmax(W3.(W2.(W1.x + b1) + b2) + b3)
h3 = Softmax((W3.W2.W1) x + (W3.W2.b1 + W3.b2 + b3))
In other words, h3 is in the following format.
h3 = Softmax(W.x + b)
So, without the non-linear activations, our 3-layer networks has been squashed to a single layer network. That's is why non-linear activations are important.
Imagine, you have an activation layer only in the last layer (In your case, sigmoid. It can be something else too.. say softmax). The purpose of this is to convert real values to a 0 to 1 range for a classification sort of answer. But, the activation in the inner layers (hidden layers) has a different purpose altogether. This is to introduce nonlinearity. Without the activation (say ReLu, tanh etc.), what you get is a linear function. And how many ever, hidden layers you have, you still end up with a linear function. And finally, you convert this into a nonlinear function in the last layer. This might work in some simple nonlinear problems, but will not be able to capture a complex nonlinear function.
Each hidden unit (in each layer) comprises of activation function to incorporate nonlinearity.

Dimensions of LSTM variant in Deep Mind's Differentiable Neural Computer (DNC)

I'm trying to implement Deep Mind's DNC - Nature paper- with PyTorch 0.4.0.
When implementing the variant of LSTM they used I encountered some troubles with dimensions.
To simplify suppose BATCH=1.
The equations they list in the paper are these:
where [x;h] means a concatenation of x and h into one single vector, and i, f and o are column vectors.
My question is about how the state s_t is computed.
The second addendum is obtained by multiplying i with a column vector and so the result is either a scalar (transpose i first, then do scalar product) or wrong (two column vectors multiplied).
So the state results in a single scalar...
With the same reasoning the hidden state h_t is a scalar too, but it has to be a column vector.
Obviously I'm wrong somewhere, but I can't figure out where.
By looking at Wikipedia LSTM Article I think I figured it out.
This is the formal implementation of standard LSTM found in the article:
The circle represents element-by-element product.
By using this product in the corresponding parts of DNC equations (s_t and o_t) the dimensions work.

Caffe: what backward function should calculate?

I'm trying to define custom loss function for Caffe using Python layer but I can't clarify what is a required output.
Let's a function for the layer is defined as L = sum(F(xi, yi))/batch_size, where L is loss function to be minimized (i.e. top[0]), x is a network output (bottom[0]), y is ground truth label (i.e. bottom[1]) and xi,yi are i-th samples in a batch.
Widely known example with EuclideanLossLayer (https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/blob/master/examples/pycaffe/layers/pyloss.py) shows that backward level in this case must return bottom[0].diff[i] = dL(x,y)/dxi. Another reference I've found shows the same: Implement Bhattacharyya loss function using python layer Caffe
But in other examples I have seen that it should be multiplied by top[0].diff.
1. What is correct? bottom[0][i] = dL/dx or bottom[0].diff[i] = dL/dxi*top[0].diff[i]
Each loss layer may have loss_weight: indicating the "importance" of this specific loss (in case there are several loss layers for the net). Caffe implements this weight as top[0].diff to be multiplied by the gradients.
Let's back off to basic principles: the purpose of back-propagation is to adjust the layer weights according to the ground-truth feedback. The most basic parts of this include "how far off is my current guess" and "how hard should I yank the change lever?" These are formalized as top.diff and learning_rate, respectively.
At a micro level, the ground truth for each layer is that top feedback, so top.diff is the local avatar of "how far off ...". Thus at some point, you need to include top[0].diff as a primary factor in your adjustment computation.
I know this isn't a complete, direct answer -- but I hope it continues to help even after you solve the immediate problem.

Does the Izhikevich neuron model use weights?

I've been working a bit with neural networks and I'm interested on implementing a spiking neuron model.
I've read a fair amount of tutorials but most of them seem to be about generating pulses and I haven't found any application of it on a given input train.
Say for example I got input train:
Input[0] = [0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1]
It enters the Izhikevich neuron, does the input multiply a weight or only makes use of the parameters a, b, c and d?
Izhikevich equations are:
v[n+1] = 0.04*v[n]^2 + 5*v[n] + 140 - u[n] + I
u[n+1] = a*(b*v[n] - u[n])
where v[n] is input voltage and u[n] is a general recovery variable.
Are there any texts on implementations of Izhikevich or similar spiking neuron models on a practical problem? I'm trying to understand how information is encoded on this models but it looks different from what's done with standard second generation neurons. The only tutorial I've found where it deals with a spiking train and a set of weights is [1] but I haven't seen the same with Izhikevich.
[1] https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/mt422587.aspx
The plain Izhikevich model by itself, does not include weights.
The two equations you mentioned, model the membrane potential (v[]) over time of a point neuron. To use weights, you could connect two or more of such cells with synapses.
Each synapse could include some sort spike detection mechanism on the source cell (pre-synaptic), and a synaptic current mechanism in the target (post-synaptic) cell side. That synaptic current could then be multiplied by a weight term, and then become part of the I term (in the 1st equation above) for the target cell.
As a very simple example of a two cell network, at every time step, you could check if pre- cell v is above (say) 0 mV. If so, inject (say) 0.01 pA * weightPrePost into the post- cell. weightPrePost would range from 0 to 1, and could be modified in response to things like firing rate, or Hebbian-like spike synchrony like in STDP.
With multiple synaptic currents going into a cell, you could devise various schemes how to sum them. The simplest one would be just a simple sum, more complicated ones could include things like distance and dendrite diameters (e.g. simulated neural morphology).
This chapter is a nice introduction to other ways to model synapses: Modelling
Synaptic Transmission
