Layout issues in iOS 8 - ios

I have an app compatible with iOS 8 and iOS 9. In iOS 9 it works good but when I tried it in the simulator for iOS 8 there's a lot of layout issues (not just in one screen, in the whole app). I know it's really answer to predict without seeing the code but it's happening in a lot of places so I'm not sure how to debug it. Does anybody had this problem? Can someone give me an idea of where to start looking at? I re-did the view constraints again but without luck.
ios 8 images on an iPhone 6
Same views on iOS 9


IOS 9 Simulator very laggy in comparision to IOS 11 Simulator

I am trying to make my current application compatible to IOS 9 devices. The very first thing I have noticed running the app for the first time on an IOS9 Simulator was that the app is running extremely slow. That means that all animations and segues are laggy although on the IOS 11 Simulator and on a real device it is running flawlessly. Unfortunately I have currently no testing device running IOS 9 on it. Additionally I can mention that the UITableView got a weird behavior. When scrolling through the tableview it seems that the cell are snapping in although I have set a estimated row height and there is an additional spacing after the last cell which is not existent on IOS 11.
Strangely I have not seen any users complaining about this problem. Just questions the other way around where users are complaining about a slow IOS 11 simulator. Maybe somebody has experienced the same problem? Or am I maybe missing some settings in Xcode?

Modal ViewController Appearing Black in Xcode 9 Beta 4 on Multiple iOS Versions

I'm writing my app using Xcode 9 beta 4 and I'm randomly getting a black screen whenever my modal pops up. I've tried various ways to fix it and I was wondering if any of you have suggestions. Right now I just use the basic '[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"toVC" sender:nil];' and I've got the segue and such setup properly. The biggest issue is that it's seemingly random! As in sometimes the view loads perfectly fine and sometimes it just loads black.
The black image
I have absolutely zero idea why this is happening. I've tested on the iOS 10.0 simulator and the iOS 11.0 beta 4 simulator and it happens in both places. If any of you have any insight as to why this is happening then please let me know.
Release notes:
Simulator devices will show as all black on some hardware. (32436030)
defaults write FramebufferRendererHint 1
to force use of Metal. If that doesn't work, try 2 (force use of OpenCL).
from Apple Dev Forums

Weird issues with xcode 7

when I use Xcode 6 my apps works fine. When I update to new Xcode 7 my apps It has some problems. Scrollview for news does not work. In Tableview when I tap one record Simulator or iPhone freeze. What is the problem?
I had a similar problem with Xcode 7. if your app runs on ios 9 please refer to the iOS 9 release notes for possible issues:
sometimes, recreating your problematic view controllers in story board will solve the problem, as in Xcode 7 the outlets in the storyboard work differently than the way they used to work in previous versions. (as someone who worked with the Xcode 7 beta for quite some time, I can tell you how annoying it can get...).

Autolayout issue on iPhone 4S running iOS 8.3

I've been testing one of my apps in all iOS devices that I have access to. The autolayout constraints that I added using storyboard works fine in all of them but in a iPhone 4S which is running iOS 8.3. I made the same test in another iPhone 4S running iOS 7 and works fine as well.
Does anyone have any idea what may be going? Is there any bug related to auto-layout on iOS 8 for iPhone 4S?
I appreciate any help!
uhm I try to help you.
So the only "problem" that I had already encountered with Autolayout and iOS 7 is relative to the constraints to margins. This feature is developed for iOS 8 and in some case I had some UI problems with iOS 7, but I'm not sure that is your problem: check eventually if you use this feature and set constraints not to margins.
I read the contraints that you use, it's hard to understand really your situation but first of all, do you really need the set some priority for few constraints?
..and please, add comment or edit your question with more info: we need to understand what is the real problem; in iOS 8.3 with iPhone 4S what's happen to your layout? :)

iphone 6 and 6 plus size scaling

I am surprised how I was unable to find anything on this matter clearly addressing the How-To's rather than what to expect from Apple in the new iOS.
I am developing an application from scratch now and whenever I use the simulator of iphone 6 and iphone 6 plus in the xcode IDE, i get things misplaced in the screen such as shown in attached screenshots.
How can I build an app that would work on all iPhones the same way (autoscale or auto-resize)? If this has been answered before, please lead me to that topic/thread since I wasn't able to find anything decent and clear explaining this.
It's all about autolayouts.
Here is good article for You:
Or the official Apple: Auto Layout Guide
