Jenkins inside docker loses configuration when container is restarted - jenkins

I have followed the next guide to download the docker image with Jenkins.
When I start my container using docker start CONTAINERNAME command, I can access to Jenkins from localhost:8080.
The problem comes up when I change Jenkins configuration and restart Jenkins using docker stop CONTAINERNAME and docker start CONTAINERNAME, my Jenkins doesn't contain any of my previous configuration changes..
How can I persist the Jenkins configuration?

You need to mount the Jenkins configuration as a volume, the -v flag will do just that for you. (you can ignore the --privileged flag in my example unless you plan on building docker images inside your jenkins docker image)
docker run --privileged --name='jenkins' -d -p 6999:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v /home/jan/jenkins:/var/jenkins_home jenkins:latest
The -v flag will mount your /var/jenkins_home outside your container in /home/jan/jenkins maintaining it between rebuilds.
--name so that you have a fixed name for the container to start / stop it from.
Then next time you want to run it, simply call
docker start jenkins

My understanding is that the init script
/sbin/tini -- /usr/local/bin/
is reseting jenkins configuration on startup within the folder provided through the
wether mounted outside the docker vm or not.
It is but possible to store the configuration on github using
configure/"Configure System"/"SCM Sync configuration"/Git
See possible detailed configuration here

You can use this docker-compose file:
version: '3.1'
image: jenkins:latest
container_name: jenkins
restart: always
- ./jenkins_host:/var/jenkins_home
- 8080:8080
tty: true
You only need to share the jenkins volume ./jenkins_host:/var/jenkins_home with host folder

Besides the obvious, like running parameters that clear up the image that you should disable, you can do a few things:
use docker commit and reuse the commited container
mount the part where you write to the local file system with docker volumes
my favorite : use command :
docker container restart containername
Depending on your needs you can pick one.
I use the latter for example when testing jenkins plugins and it retains the data inside.
Source of the latter that is also useful for updates:


Restart entire docker compose stack from one of the containers

Is there any proper way of restarting an entire docker compose stack from within one of its containers?
One workaround involves mounting the docker socket:
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
and then use the Docker Engine SDKs (
However, this solution only allows restarting the containers itselves. There seems to be no way to send compose commands, like docker compose restart, docker compose up, etc.
The only solution I've found to send docker compose commands is to open a terminal on the host from the container using ssh, like this: access host's ssh tunnel from docker container
This is partly related to How to run shell script on host from docker container? , but I'm actually looking for a more specific solution to only send docker compose commands.
I tried with this simple docker-compose.yml file
version: '3'
image: nginx
- 3000:80
Then I started a docker container using
docker run -it --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $(pwd):/work docker
Then, inside the container, I did
cd /work
docker-compose up -d
and it started the container up on the host.
Please note that you have an error in your socket mapping. It needs to be
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
(you have a period instead of a slash at one point)
As mentioned by #BMitch in the comments, compose project name was the reason why I wasn't able to run docker compose commands inside the running container.
By default the compose project name is set to the directory name, so if the docker-compose.yml is run from a host directory named folder1, then the commands inside the container should be run as:
docker-compose -p folder1 ...
So now, for example, restarting the stack works:
docker-compose -p folder1 restart
Just as a reference, a fixed project name for your compose can be set using name: ... as a top-level attribute of the .yml file, but requires docker compose v2.3.3 : Set $PROJECT_NAME in docker-compose file

Zeppelin Docker Interpreter Configuration

I have created a Zeppelin docker image in my local system and configured the Spark Interpreter through maven repositories and runned the Zeppelin It worked. But when I stop the Docker and runned again the Interpreter binding was gone. How to solve this Issue ? I want that Interpreter binding one-time so that when ever I stop the docker and run again It has to store those interpreter Binding as it is.
You need 3 volumes for persisting configurations, notebooks and logs.
Note: If you added custom interpreters, you need an additional volume for your interpreter binaries.
docker volume create zeppelin-conf
docker volume create zeppelin-notebook
docker volume create zeppelin-logs
docker volume create zeppelin-interpreter
Run the container with above volumes mounted.
docker run -d --restart always -p 8080:8080 -v zeppelin-conf:/zeppelin/conf -v zeppelin-notebook:/zeppelin/notebook -v zeppelin-logs:/zeppelin/logs -v zeppelin-interpreter:/zeppelin/interpreter apache/zeppelin:0.8.1
If you just want to persist configurations you can use following lines:
docker volume create zeppelin-conf
docker run -d --restart always -p 8080:8080 -v zeppelin-conf:/zeppelin/conf apache/zeppelin:0.8.1
Notebooks: /zeppelin/notebook
Logs: /zeppelin/logs
Interpreters: /zeppelin/interpreter
Edit: The /zeppelin directory is the default home directory for docker images. See Dockerfile. Therefore, you don't need to specify ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_DIR, ZEPPELIN_LOG_DIR or ZEPPELIN_INTERPRETER_DIR environment variables.
Mount file into docker run is easy - just pass it into --volume parameter. But in zeppelin case there some parameters pre-configured there, so replace it with empty file is most likely is not what you want achieve. So I could recommend first get that file with default content from container and then mount to it in next run. Please follow step-by step instructions:
First we prepare default config for nest runs.
Run default container temporary:
sudo docker run -d --name zeppelin-test apache/zeppelin:0.8.1
And get default config from it:
mkdir -p conf
sudo docker zeppelin-test cat /zeppelin/conf/interpreter.json > conf/interpreter.json
Note 1: It will not be used for work, so most parameters unimportant. It need to be done once for setup only!
Note 2: Because that config populated on start unfortunately you can't obtain it on single run like: sudo docker run --rm apache/zeppelin:0.8.1 cat /zeppelin/conf/interpreter.json
Now we can provide use it as bind-mount.
If you use direct docker run method without docker-compose, add option, among others: --volume $(pwd)/conf/interpreter.json:/zeppelin/conf/interpreter.json
But I recommend use docker-compose, so there option placed under volumes: key like - ./conf/interpreter.json:/zeppelin/conf/interpreter.json. Full example:
version: '3.7'
image: apache/zeppelin:0.8.1
- "7077:7077"
- "8080:8080"
- ./logs:/logs
- ./notebook:/notebook
- ./conf/interpreter.json:/zeppelin/conf/interpreter.json
And then just run from that directory:
docker-compose up -d
Interpreter bindings are stored in conf/interpreter.json. Need use external interpreter.json file.

Docker on Windows10 home - inside docker container connect to the docker engine

When creating a Jenkins Docker container, it is very useful to able to connect to the Docker daemon. In that way, I can start docker commands inside the Jenkins container.
For example, after starting the Jenkins Docker container, I would like to 'docker exec -it container-id bash' and start 'docker ps'.
On Linux you can use bind-mounts on /var/run/docker.sock. On Windows this seems not possible. The solution is by using 'named pipes'. So, in my docker-compose.yml file I tried to create a named pipe.
version: '2'
image: jenkins-docker
context: ./
dockerfile: Dockerfile_docker
- "8080:8080"
- "50000:50000"
- jenkins
- jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home
- \\.\pipe\docker_engine:\\.\pipe\docker_engine
# - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
# - /path/to/postgresql/data:/var/run/postgresql/data
# - etc.
Starting docker-compose with this file, I get the following error:
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is
the docker daemon running?
How can I setup the docker-compose file so that I can use the docker.sock (or Docker) inside the started container?
On Linux you can use something like volumes: /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock. This does not work in a Windows environment. When you add this folder (/var) to Oracle VM Virtualbox, it won't get any IP forever. And on many posts
You can expose the daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS in the settings. This way you can configure Jenkins to use the Docker API instead of the socket. I encourage you to read this article by Nick Janetakis about "Understanding how the Docker Daemon and the Docker CLI work together".
And then there are several Docker plugins for Jenkins that allows this connection:
Also, you can find additional information in the Docker plugin documentation on
def dockerCloudParameters = [
connectTimeout: 3,
containerCapStr: '4',
credentialsId: '',
dockerHostname: '',
name: 'docker.local',
readTimeout: 60,
serverUrl: 'unix:///var/run/docker.sock', // <-- Replace here by the tcp address
version: ''
I don't know if it is useful, but the Docker Daemon on Windows is located to C:\ProgramData\docker according to the Docker Daemon configuration doc.
You need to say explicitly the container to use the host network because you want to expose both Jenkins and Docker API.
Following this documentation, you only have to add --network=host (or network_mode: 'host' in docker-compose) to your container/service. For further information, you can read this article to understand what is the purpose of this network mode.
First try was to start a Docker environment using "Docker Quickstart terminal". This is a good solution when running Docker commands within that environment.
When installing a complete CI/CD Jenkins environment via Docker means that WITHIN the Jenkins Docker container you need to access the Docker daemon. After trying many solutions, reading many posts, this did not work. #Paul Rey, thank you very much for trying all kinds of routes.
A good solution is to get an Ubuntu Virtual Machine and install it via the Oracle VM Virtualbox. It is then VERY IMPORTANT to install Docker via this official description.
Before installing Docker, of course you need to install Curl, Git, etc.

How to configure a dockerfile and docker-compose for Jenkins

Im absolutely new in Docker and Jenkins as well. I have a question about the configuration of Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml file. I tried to use the easiest configuration to be able to set-up these files correctly. Building and pushing is done correctly, but the jenkins application is not running on my localhost (
If I understand it correctly, now it should default running on port 50000 (ARG agent_port=50000 in jenkins "official" Dockerfile). I tried to use 50000, 8080 and 80 as well, nothing is working. Do you have any advice, please? Im using these files:
The second question is, whats the best way to handle the crashes of the container. Lets say, that if the container crashes, I want to recreate a new container with the same settings. Is the best way just to create a new shell file like "" and provide there the information, that I want to create new container with the same settings? Like is mentioned in here:
Thank you for any advice.
docker-compose for Jenkins
version: '2'
image: jenkins:latest
- 8080:8080
- 50000:50000
# uncomment for docker in docker
privileged: true
# enable persistent volume (warning: make sure that the local jenkins_home folder is created)
- /var/wisestep/data/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home
# mount docker sock and binary for docker in docker (only works on linux)
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
- /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker
Replace the port 8080, 50000 as you need in your host.
To recreate a new container with the same settings
The volumne mounted jenkins_home, is the placewhere you store all your jobs and settings etc..
Take the backup of the mounted volume jenkins_home on creating every job or the way you want.
Whenever there is any crash, run the Jenkins with the same docker-compose file and replace the jenkins_home folder with the backup.
Rerun/restart jenkins again
List the container
docker ps -a
Restart container
docker restart <Required_Container_ID_To_Restart>
I've been using a docker-compose.yml that looks like the following:
version: '3.2'
image: jenkins-docker
build: .
restart: unless-stopped
- target: 8080
published: 8080
protocol: tcp
mode: host
- jenkins-home:/var/jenkins_home
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
container_name: jenkins-docker
My image is a locally built Jenkins image, based off of jenkins/jenkins:lts, that adds in some other components like docker itself, and I'm mounting the docker socket to allow me to run commands on the docker host. This may not be needed for your use case. The important parts for you are the ports being published, which for me is only 8080, and the volume for /var/jenkins_home to preserve the Jenkins configuration between image updates.
To recover from errors, I have restart: unless-stopped inside the docker-compose.yml to configure the container to automatically restart. If you're running this in swarm mode, that would be automatic.
I typically avoid defining a container name, but in this scenario, there will only ever be one jenkins-docker container, and I like to be able to view the logs with docker logs jenkins-docker to gather things like the initial administrator login token.
My Dockerfile and other dependencies for this image are available at:
HyperV with docker for Windows.
In that case, you must be sure you port-forward any published port (like 5000).
Open HyperV manager, and right-click on the machine defined there: you will be able to add port-forwarding rules in order for localhost:5000 to access your VM:5000.

Running docker container in Jenkins container, How can I set the volume from host?

I'm running a container with jenkins using "docker outside of docker". My docker compose is:
version: '2'
context: .
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
- /dev/urandom:/dev/random
- /home/jj/jenkins/jenkins_home/:/var/jenkins_home
- "8080:8080"
So all containers launched from "jenkins container" are running in host machine.
But when I try to run docker-compose in "jenkins container" in a job thats needs a volume, it takes the path from host instead of jenkins. I mean, when I run docker-compose with
- .:/app
It is mounted in /var/jenkins_home/workspace/JOB_NAME in the host but I want that it is mounted in /home/jj/jenkins/jenkins_home/workspace/JOB_NAME
Any idea for doing this with a "clean" mode?
P.D.: I did a workaround using environments variables.
Docker on the host will map the path as is from the request, and docker-compose will make the request with the path it sees inside the container. This leaves you with a few options:
Don't use host volumes in your builds. If you need volumes, you can use named volumes and use docker io to read in and out of those volumes. That would look like:
tar -cC data . | docker run -i --rm -v app-data:/target busybox /bin/sh -c "tar -xC /target". You'd reverse the docker/tar commands to pull data back out.
Make the path on the host match that of the container. On your host, if you have access to make a symlink in var, you can ln -s /home/jj/jenkins/jenkins_home /var/jenkins_home and then update your compose file to have the same path (you may need to specify /var/jenkins_home/. to follow the symlink).
Make the path of the container match that of the host. This may be the easiest option, but I'm not positive it would work (depends on where compose thinks it's running). Your Dockerfile for the jenkins master can include the following:
RUN mkdir -p /home/jj/jenkins \
&& ln -s /var/jenkins_home /home/jj/jenkins/jenkins_home
ENV JENKINS_HOME /home/jj/jenkins/jenkins_home
If the easy option doesn't work, you can rebuild the image from jenkins and change the JENKINS_HOME variable to match your environment.
Make your compose paths absolute. You can add some code to set a variable:
export CUR_DIR=$(pwd | sed 's#/var/jenkins_home#/home/jj/jenkins/jenkins_home#'). Then you can set your volume with that variable:
- ${CUR_DIR:-.}:/app
