Is it possible to display progress on App icon - ios

Is there a way to display progress on Ios App icon on the launcher/ main screen like they have default when installing or downloading an app from App store?
I have content that is being downloaded/uploaded in the background. I want to display continuous progress on app icon.
A circular progress bar is not important. I am just looking if there is any provision for such situations.

This is not possible.
Apple does expose any API methods for adding a layer to the app icon on the springboard.
Also changing your apps icon to include the progress will not work, since the app icon is in your apps main bundle which is readonly.

i don't know if it is still possible to use these red numbers like for whatsapp when you receive a message.
Maybe that would be an idea. You could Show the "%" of the upload/download that way.


How to set a custom icon to an IOS push notification?

I'm currently adding notifications to my Flutter app for IOS, I wanted to add something similar to a largeIcon on Android, so far I didn't find a way to do that, only adding an image which is not a solution since I only want an icon at the right even if the user expands the notification (the image will expand too in this case which is undesirable for my use case).
As an alternative, I was wondering if I could change the notification app icon. As far as I looked around, this is not possible either, but at the same time I saw this image of notifications (the first one and the last one) that have a custom image and the app icon is smaller.
How can I do this in my app? I couldn't find any way in the documentation on how to do it.
You can do this with communication notifications. From HIG:
The system automatically displays a large version of your app icon at
the leading edge of each notification; in a communication
notification, the system displays the sender’s contact image — or
avatar — badged with a small version of your icon.
Here is the documentation on how to implement communication notifications in your app.

Change text in status bar while app in background

I want to change the text of red bar shown below, how do I do it? I see it when my swift app is currently using the microphone and is in the background.
You cannot change it yourself.
This is a system level event that occurs when your app is running in
background stage and using services like location, audio, etc. This
link discusses about the types of background services an app can

How to hide the app icon programatically in iphone app

I am making an app in which i will track user location.
so the point is that whenever user install the app, after installation the app will be hide and works in background and give data of user location through gps to server.
so i want how to hide app icon and works done in background.
please help.
You can't remove your App icon from the home screen completely, you can make it invisible. However, the icon, while invisible, can still be tapped.
Here is how you make your App invisible:
Create a completely transparent PNG file, and use it as Icon. Enable the "Prerendered" checkbox to make sure no gradient is applied to your icon.
In your .plist file, remove the string "${PRODUCT_NAME}" from "Bundle display name"
Also, your App would never be approved for the App Store that way.

Can i get current lock screen background image in iOS?

Is it possible to get current lock screen background image in iOS?
I see some apps edit lock screen background.
Can anyone tell about this?
Unfortunately it's not possible. Apple does not allow you to do this. Maybe you can try using some private APIs, but you can not submit your App to the official App Store.

How To Implement Apparently System-Wide Changes (Status Bar, Dock) in iOS7?

I recently noticed that there are some apps in the iOS app store which claim to be able to change the color of both the status bar and the dock of the iOS Springboard. This seems impossible because such system-wide changes are almost never allowed by Apple, and after some googling I have found no answer. Here is an example of a dock color changing app, and here is an example of a status bar changing app.
Searching SO appears to bring up code for changing the status bar in the app, which is not very difficult, but not outside of the app. However, this functionality has clearly existed for a while, for example in the Voice Memos native iOS app, which turns the status bar red while recording.
Lastly, apps such as voice Memos and the native Music app appear to bring up special controls or animations when in use on the lock screen. It is possible to use the built-in iPod lock screen controls for other music apps, (see here), but I have seen no examples of custom lock screen app controls that made it through the app store.
Sorry to pack so many questions in one, but these are all examples of apparent across-system functionalities which I and likely many others would like to replicate, and thus merit attention.
As a postscript, is it possible that the color changes in dock and status bar are done but changing those parts of the wallpaper extremely so that when seen through the translucent UI they look like less bright but still noticeable colors? Thanks!
All of the examples app you have given just change your background. Since the statusbar and dock are translucent they change color when you set the background made with these app as you background.
The red bar from the voice memos is a system indication that some app is recording, this is not something you can change. The The status bar will become green when you there is an active phone call going and you open any app. The same with tethering.
You can not add any custom lock screen controls, there is no option for this in the SDK.
