Can not open scheme url (tel: for example) in a Crosswalk project -

In a Crosswalk project compiled using service, links with "tel:" scheme calls don't work anymore.
<a href:"tel:01223344">Call Me</a>
If I don't use Crosswalk compile but normal Android run mode, it works.

The Crosswalk team are currently working on this, see:


Angular route is not working with Cordova iOS

I'm facing an issue with Cordova, Cordova-ios 6.2.0 and Angular 12.0.
When I'm building my app with Cordova and launch it in an emulator (or with a device), I'm arriving to a white screen.
I did some research and try some "fix" but nothing worked.
Finlly, I've find that it could be because of the balise.
So, I tried to play with the tag and modify the href with ., ./, / but nothing worked.
I've tried without and it worked, but without routing.
Has someone already had this problem?
The Angular router needs the app to be hosted on a "proper" HTTP scheme and does not work with file: URLs. You can check how your app runs, if you open the JavaScript console for your app running on an iOS device with Chrome and typing location.href. If you see file: you need to set up a custom scheme.
Please checkout the documentation and this announcement

is it possible to open a link from ionic cordova app from ios platform in microsoft-edge browser

I have an ionic cordova app, on ios platform , i want to open some links in edge browser rather than the inappbrowser or the default browser.
i have gone through a number of articles, and have tried a lot of things but nothing seems to work for me.
I have also made changes in info.plist of project and added the urlschema. the code i'm using to open link is mentioned below
const browser ='microsoft-edge:'+ '' ,'_blank');
But you could try the following
OSX Quirk
At the moment the only supported target in OSX is _system.
So if device system browser set to edge

Embed Cordova-Webview and Plugin

I'm trying to embed Cordova in my native iOS application. I only need a tiny part of my application to use cordova. From now I managed to show a CordovaViewController with some HTML in there, but I can't find out how to add cordova plugins (ex. cordova-plugin-network-information) in the project.
I installed it using cocoapods, but I can't find in the Cordova's documentation how to wire it up with my www folder so that navigator.connection would not be undefined
Thank you for your help!

Not Implemented in Portable Class Library. Using Riverts with Xamarin in iOS app

I have a problem in Xamarin project. I use VS2015 and I try add App Link to my iOS app.
I found a tutorial here. When I try to open my link in Safari everything works fine, but when debugger is in the OpenUrl function, I get this exception:
System.NotImplementedException: Not Implemented in Portable Class Library. Use a platform specific assembly instead.
The code is:
var rurl = new Rivets.AppLinkUrl(url.ToString());
The URL has the address which I added in Safari. Any ideas?
The Rivets component that you are using cannot invoke the platform-specific code to work with the AppLink. Make sure you have also added the Rivets component or DLL to your iOS project, not just your PCL project.

Phonegap working with Android but not with iOS, Error Code

I am getting this error code when i open a phonegap html site in iOS:
It is working with Android perfectly.. i am using cordova 2.7.0.
What´s that supposed to mean?
You must add the correct cordova-2.7.0.js file that is specific to iOS. This error usually occurs when you add cordova JS file which is not specific to a particular platform. In other words, you should add the iOS specific cordova-2.7.0 JS file to your iOS PhoneGap project.
Possible scenario:
You might have wrongly included the Android specific cordova-2.7.0 JS file in your iOS project.
Just remove the current cordova JS file and add the cordova-2.7.0.js file from iOS folder in the downloaded Phonegap-2.7.0 folder
