Demonstrating iOS in-development application [closed] - ios

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm developing iOS application for my customer. At final point he asked me to share "preview" of an app via link before he could pay me for it. How do I do that?
How do I show my iOS app to someone, is there any other way aside from uploading it to AppStore and therefore making it public and needing developer account (I don't have at the moment)?
If I upload an app to AppStore, is it possible for my customer to "steal" and save it (through installing to jailbroken device for example and copying app with file manager), I suppose this is how users of jailbroken devices download and install paid apps for free using torrents?
What is the common practice of doing this, I mean demonstrating app in development to customer? On my own device? Bringing laptop with Xcode installed and using customer's device?

1 - How do I show my iOS app to someone, is there any other way aside from uploading it to AppStore and therefore making it public and needing developer account (I don't have at the moment)?
The recommended method is to use testflight or Diawi if you can get an account from client?
If not, then you are limited to very few options, either arrange a physical meeting and demonstrate the app to the client, or make a video call and share the screen with the client while on call.
2 - If I upload an app to AppStore, is it possible for my customer to "steal" and save it (through installing to jailbroken device for example and copying app with file manager), I suppose this is how users of jailbroken devices download and install paid apps for free using torrents?
Though i didn't get what you are asking here, but let me make things clear on what i understand. Customer won't be able to steal the app, it will be downloaded from the AppStore using TestFlight. And what's he going to do with the app ? you have the source code, so i guess don't worry on this.
3 - What is the common practice of doing this, I mean demonstrating app in development to customer? On my own device? Bringing laptop with Xcode installed and using customer's device?
As already mentioned in point 1, you can not install the application to any non jailbroken device untill you have the Apple development account. Once you have it you can create the ipa file and distribute it using any distribution services, like Apple's own Testflight or Diawi.


How to check whether apps that enable off-store download but don’t require full jailbreak are installed: iNoJB, TweakBox, Zestia, Emus4u in Ios device

I am trying to detect the jail break on the application startup and don't know how to check for the application other then the cydia like Tweakbox, iNoJB etc are installed or not.
This question is different from other jailbreak question which detect for only cydia app not tweakbox and other is because i want to look all the application like cydia not just only cydia. and other answers in stack overflow are just checking for the cydia application and access for certain files that exist in sandbox
Those apps have nothing to do with jailbreak, full or not. All of them are properly signed iOS apps. For example, GBA4iOS is signed with "Meridian Medical Network Corp." enterprise certificate allowing it to be installed on any device. That violates ToS and can get your account terminated but works.
Given that and the fact that recent iOS versions closed private APIs for getting a list of installed applications, there's no way to achieve what you want. Furthermore, Tweakbox, iNoJB, AppValley are not even apps. They're websites with links to enterprise signed applications. Some of them require you to install configuration profile but its only purpose is to put a web link on the SpringBoard that leads to their website. You can download the profile and check its contents in any text editor, it's just a plist with signature at the end.
There are two methods:
Download Apps without App Store via iOSEmus App
Download Apps without App Store via AppValley
Method 1; iOSEmus is designed to enable users to download different kinds of apps on your devices without jailbreak and it won’t even prompt people to enter their Apple ID.
Method 2; AppValley is one of the popular tools that enables users to download countless apps without jailbreak. It also requires no Apple ID. With it, you can get as many paid apps as you want for free.

Update Enterprise App in the background [duplicate]

I have an iOS enterprise app that we are wirelessly distributing to our devices. Currently the app polls our server once a day to see if there is an app update. If there is, we try to install it by having the app call the following code:
NSURL *installUrl = [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=%#", plistUrl]];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:installUrl];
This causes the app to prompt the user with an alert dialog to install the update. If they click install, the app closes and the update is downloaded and installed.
I am wondering if there is anything for enterprise apps for iOS 7 similar to the AppStore's automatic updates? I would like to be able to update our app without the user having to press an update button and be able to update at a time when the user won't have to wait for it to install.
The answers in these questions will give you a correct answer:
Auto-updated iOS application for enterprise distribution
Update In-House Apps -- iOS Enterprise Developer Program
Updating iOS apps automatically with an MDM + Enterprise license
There is a solution for this though by Stephen McMahon, but I did not test it.
EDIT: I realise now that I misread the brief, the OP was asking for background automatic updates. Not possible for enterprise apps, but (relatively) easy to do upon first open. I'll leave this here as this was the info I came looking for when I found this question.
Here's what I did for my project. I exported the app in Enterprise mode against our In House Distribution certificate and uploaded the folder to public web space. Have your app check for updates (the method to use is an exercise for the developer) and when one is detected, open a web browser to a URL like the following:
You'll see a screen not unlike the one below:
If you use Cordova/PhoneGap to develop your app, be sure to include an allow-navigation rule for these types of apps.
Sorry, but there is no way how to download the updates on the background for enterprise apps.

how to create first IOS mobile app? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am beginner at iOS and i want to create my first iOS mobile app. What is the software requirements needed to create my first app and what are the concepts and programming language that needed?
You'll need:
a Mac: any Mac that can run a recent version of MacOS X (10.7 or 10.8) will be fine
Xcode: this is Apple's development environment; you can download it from the Mac app store for free
Once you have that, go through Apple's introduction: Your First iOS App
You don't need an iOS device to get started -- you'll be able to run your apps in the simulator that's provided with Xcode. Eventually, though, you'll also want to have:
an iOS device: any device that runs iOS 6 will be fine to get you started, and if it's one of the devices that's expected to run the upcoming new version of iOS, that's better
a developer program subscription: in order to run your app on your device, and to be able to eventually submit your app to the app store, you'll need to sign up for one of Apple's developer programs. The standard individual subscription costs $99.
a graphics program: (optional) it's possible to build apps out of nothing but standard parts, but being able to design your own graphics will give you a lot more flexibility; anything that can edit PNG and/or JPEG files will be fine
That is a very broad question. I'll try to summarize...
First off, you'll need a Mac and install Xcode if you want to develop a native iOS app with Objective-C or Cocoa.
Some people choose to make an HTML5/CSS3/Javascript app and build it into an iOS app, in which case your life could me made easier by using something like PhoneGap.
In either case, you'll need to join the Apple Developer Program which will run you $99/year. From there you'll need to generate a development key and eventually submit your app to Apple for review. You can find more information on that program here.
As far as "concepts" go... again, that's a very broad question. I do not know your technical background so it's very hard to elaborate without that context. If you're not a die hard programmer and/or your app is fairly simple, you could consider the HTML5/CSS3/Javascript approach, in which case I'd recommend this book.
I hope this helps.
First of all you need an apple computer.
Once you have that you will need to download xcode which is an IDE (integrated development environment)
Then you can start coding your apps in objective-c
To put the apps onto the app store you will need to get an apple developer license which costs 99/year

Is demo account mandatory for apple submission? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
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Im actually getting ready to post my app to iTunes .
The app is a WiFi based app and it is dependent on an other hardware device to be up and running in the same WiFi network. So without this hardware device the user will not be able to login into the app and use it.
Hence I would not be able to provide in a demo account to Apple as they will not be having the needed hardware with them.
So the question is that, Will my app get rejected if the demo account is not provided?
My app was rejected because of that. So we had to find a way to let Apple test the whole app. The easiest way will be to provide a demo mode which enable/simulate all of your feature.
I recently went through a similar situation with my company. We have hardware that the app connects with and controls so we had to make a demo account for Apple to use that used hardware in our office in order for them to go through the app.
With hardware you will also be forced to either send your hardware in for apple to test with the app so they can see it actually working with the app or create a video that shows the app interacting with the hardware.
I think that it will depend on what hardware you have and how the app works but we were able to get our app approved by just making a video that demonstrates the app and hardware working together.
I think for this you need to register your hardware for MFi Program. After that you can upload your app in App Store.
Short answer - If your app requires login then yes unless no.
Descriptive answer - If your app needs some type of login then you are required to submit a demo account using which app QA engineers can test your app before approving it. It is necessary for them because they test around 700 apps in a day and out of those more than 50% apps requires a login. It is nearly impossible for them to create new accounts with pre-filled data to test app. For example If your app has subscription of 10 USD per month then they are not going make in-app purchase to test that feature.

Creating bespoke iOS apps for our customers [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
iPhone app without AppStore
I work for a software company which creates bespoke applications for customers - currently just ASP.NET internal applications. Due to the growth of mobile, we've been considering creating mobile apps for our customers. These apps would be extremely specific to a customer so we would not want these in any app stores.
While with Android this is obviously relatively simple, but seeing as the distribution of iOS apps is restricted to the App Store (as far as I know!) we would be unable to create iOS apps. Am I missing anything - i.e. is there a way to distribute apps without using the App Store?
There are two schemes designed for this scenario.
First, there's Enterprise. This is (kind of) like delivering ad hoc builds. There are restrictions but it doesn't go through the App Store or a review processes.
More recently, there is also a special B2B channel. Your customers download from the App Store, but the app isn't public. Other than having to go through review, the other disadvantage is that the scheme is not available in all countries. This may not be a problem for you, of course.
A lot of clients I work for want the "publicity" of being in the app store but don't want everyone to have access. The way around this is to create an app that requires a login, with credentials that you control server side.
Consider building an HTML5 app. This way you can distribute it yourself (and the user can easily add it to their device as a link (which looks like an App icon).
