How do you load an LMDB file into TensorFlow? - machine-learning

I have a large (1 TB) set of data split over about 3,000 CSV files. My plan is to convert it to one large LMDB file so it can be read quickly for training a neural network. However, I have not been able to find any documentation on how to load an LMDB file into TensorFlow. Does anyone know how to do this? I know TensorFlow can read CSV files, but I believe that would be too slow.

According to this there are several ways to read data in TensorFlow.
The simplest one is to feed your data through placeholders. When using placeholders - the responsibility for shuffling and batching is on you.
If you want to delegate shuffling and batching to the framework then you need to create an input pipeline. The problem is this - how do you inject lmdb data into the symbolic input pipeline. A possible solution is to use the tf.py_func operation. Here is an example:
def create_input_pipeline(lmdb_env, keys, num_epochs=10, batch_size=64):
key_producer = tf.train.string_input_producer(keys,
single_key = key_producer.dequeue()
def get_bytes_from_lmdb(key):
with lmdb_env.begin() as txn:
lmdb_val = txn.get(key)
example = get_example_from_val(lmdb_val) # A single example (numpy array)
label = get_label_from_val(lmdb_val) # The label, could be a scalar
return example, label
single_example, single_label = tf.py_func(get_bytes_from_lmdb,
[single_key], [tf.float32, tf.float32])
# if you know the shapes of the tensors you can set them here:
# single_example.set_shape([224,224,3])
batch_examples, batch_labels = tf.train.batch([single_example, single_label],
return batch_examples, batch_labels
The tf.py_func op inserts a call to regular python code inside of the TensorFlow graph, we need to specify the inputs and the number and types of the outputs. The tf.train.string_input_producer creates a shuffled queue with the given keys. The tf.train.batch op create another queue that contains batches of data. When training, each evaluation of batch_examples or batch_labels will dequeue another batch from that queue.
Because we created queues we need to take care and run the QueueRunner objects before we start training. This is done like this (from the TensorFlow doc):
# Create the graph, etc.
init_op = tf.initialize_all_variables()
# Create a session for running operations in the Graph.
sess = tf.Session()
# Initialize the variables (like the epoch counter).
# Start input enqueue threads.
coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord)
while not coord.should_stop():
# Run training steps or whatever
except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
print('Done training -- epoch limit reached')
# When done, ask the threads to stop.
# Wait for threads to finish.


How to split and load huge dataset that doesn't fit into memory into pytorch Dataloader?

I'm training a deep learning model to do multi label classification of diseases in NIH's Chest Xray-14 dataset using Google's Colab. I can't load all images into Dataloader at once, given around 112k training examples and limited RAM.
Is there a way to just store path of images in pytorch's DataLoader, reading only those images needed for current iteration during training, and once iteration is complete, the images are unloaded from memory, so on so forth until one epoch is complete.
Yes, the default behavior for the ImageFolder is to create a list of image paths and load the actual images only when needed. It doesn't support multiclass labels. However, you can write your own Dataset to support multi-label, referencing the ImageFolder class for details.
During __init__ you construct a list of image paths and a corresponding list of labels. Images should only be loaded only when __getitem__ is invoked. Below is a stub of such a dataset class, the details will depend on the organization of your files, image types, and label format.
class CustomDataset(
def __init__(self, args):
""" Construct an indexed list of image paths and labels """
def __getitem__(self, n):
""" Load image n in the list of image paths and return it along with its label.
In the case of multiclass the label will probably be a list of values"""
def __len__(self):
""" return the total number of images in this dataset """
Once you've created a valid dataset instance an instance of DataLoader should be created, providing your dataset as an argument. A DataLoader is responsible for sampling its dataset, i.e. invoking the __getitem__ method you wrote, and putting individual samples into mini-batches. It also handles parallelized loading and defines how the indices are sampled. The DataLoader itself doesn't store more than it needs. The maximum number of samples it should hold in memory at any time is batch_size * num_workers (or batch_size if num_workers == 0).

How to put datasets created by torchvision.datasets in GPU in one operation?

I’m dealing with CIFAR10 and I use torchvision.datasets to create it. I’m in need of GPU to accelerate the calculation but I can’t find a way to put the whole dataset into GPU at one time. My model need to use mini-batches and it is really time-consuming to deal with each batch separately.
I've tried to put each mini-batch into GPU separately but it seems really time-consuming.
You won't save time by moving the entire dataset at once.
I don't think you'd necessarily want to do that even if you have the GPU memory to handle the entire dataset (of course, CIFAR10 is tiny by today's standards).
I tried various batch sizes and timed the transfer to GPU as follows:
num_workers = 1 # Set this as needed
def time_gpu_cast(batch_size=1):
start_time = time()
for x, y in DataLoader(dataset, batch_size, num_workers=num_workers):
x.cuda(); y.cuda()
return time() - start_time
# Try various batch sizes
cast_times = [(2 ** bs, time_gpu_cast(2 ** bs)) for bs in range(15)]
# Try the entire dataset like you want to do
cast_times.append((len(dataset), time_gpu_cast(len(dataset))))
plot(*zip(*cast_times)) # Plot the time taken
For num_workers = 1, this is what I got:
And if we try parallel loading (num_workers = 8), it becomes even clearer:
I've got an answer and I'm gonna try it later. It seems promising.
You can write a dataset class where in the init function, you red the entire dataset and apply all the transformations you need, and convert them to tensor format. Then, send this tensor to GPU (assuming there is enough memory). Then, in the getitem function you can simply use the index to retrieve the elements of that tensor which is already on GPU.

Tensorflow RNN example limited to fixed batch size?

When looking at the RNN example at Tensorflow im having an issue with how the initial state is constructed. At build time of the graph we limit the graph to only handle input of one batch size. This is an issue for me since I want to be able feed in a single example and get a prediction for that single example.
The part of the code that restricts this is:
initial_state = state = tf.zeros([batch_size, lstm.state_size])
So my question is how can I expand the example so that I can use a variable batch size so that I can use the same model for training with batch size and then use single example for predictions?
This is how I'm doing this. You can pass the batch_size as a variable like this:
batch_size = tf.placeholder(tf.int32)
init_state = cell.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32)
where cell is one of RNN cells (BasicLSTMCell, BasicGRUCell, MultiRNNCell, etc). However, if you're preserving the state over multiple batches that won't work since its' size has to be constant.
The Tensorflow text generation tutorial explains how to do this (now TF 2.0). It seems that the batch_size becomes part of the built model, so you have to rebuild/reload from the saved weights with a new batch size:
To keep this prediction step simple, use a batch size of 1.
Because of the way the RNN state is passed from timestep to timestep,
the model only accepts a fixed batch size once built.
To run the model with a different batch_size, we need to rebuild the
model and restore the weights from the checkpoint.
model = build_model(vocab_size, embedding_dim, rnn_units, batch_size=1)
model.load_weights(tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir))[1, None]))
I don't know for sure why you have to do this, but I always assumed it's because batching for recurrent layers requires management of multiple, parallel hidden state pipelines, so it preallocates them.

How to split documents into training set and test set?

I am trying to build a classification model. I have 1000 text documents in local folder. I want to divide them into training set and test set with a split ratio of 70:30(70 -> Training and 30 -> Test) What is the better approach to do so? I am using python.
I wanted a approach programatically to split the training set and test set. First to read the files in local directory. Second, to build a list of those files and shuffle them. Thirdly to split them into a training set and test set.
I tried a few ways by using built in python keywords and functions only to fail. Lastly I got the idea of approaching it. Also Cross-validation is a good option to be considered for the building general classification models.
Not sure exactly what you're after, so I'll try to be comprehensive. There will be a few steps:
Get a list of the files
Randomize the files
Split files into training and testing sets
Do the thing
1. Get a list of the files
Let's assume that your files all have the extension .data and they're all in the folder /ml/data/. What we want to do is get a list of all of these files. This is done simply with the os module. I'm assuming you have no subdirectories; this would change if there were.
import os
def get_file_list_from_dir(datadir):
all_files = os.listdir(os.path.abspath(datadir))
data_files = list(filter(lambda file: file.endswith('.data'), all_files))
return data_files
So if we were to call get_file_list_from_dir('/ml/data'), we would get back a list of all the .data files in that directory (equivalent in the shell to the glob /ml/data/*.data).
2. Randomize the files
We don't want the sampling to be predictable, as that is considered a poor way to train an ML classifier.
from random import shuffle
def randomize_files(file_list):
Note that random.shuffle performs an in-place shuffling, so it modifies the existing list. (Of course this function is rather silly since you could just call shuffle instead of randomize_files; you can write this into another function to make it make more sense.)
3. Split files into training and testing sets
I'll assume a 70:30 ratio instead of any specific number of documents. So:
from math import floor
def get_training_and_testing_sets(file_list):
split = 0.7
split_index = floor(len(file_list) * split)
training = file_list[:split_index]
testing = file_list[split_index:]
return training, testing
4. Do the thing
This is the step where you open each file and do your training and testing. I'll leave this to you!
Out of curiosity, have you considered using cross-validation? This is a method of splitting your data so that you use every document for training and testing. You can customize how many documents are used for training in each "fold". I could go more into depth on this if you like, but I won't if you don't want to do it.
Edit: Alright, since you requested I will explain this a little bit more.
So we have a 1000-document set of data. The idea of cross-validation is that you can use all of it for both training and testing — just not at once. We split the dataset into what we call "folds". The number of folds determines the size of the training and testing sets at any given point in time.
Let's say we want a 10-fold cross-validation system. This means that the training and testing algorithms will run ten times. The first time will train on documents 1-100 and test on 101-1000. The second fold will train on 101-200 and test on 1-100 and 201-1000.
If we did, say, a 40-fold CV system, the first fold would train on document 1-25 and test on 26-1000, the second fold would train on 26-40 and test on 1-25 and 51-1000, and on.
To implement such a system, we would still need to do steps (1) and (2) from above, but step (3) would be different. Instead of splitting into just two sets (one for training, one for testing), we could turn the function into a generator — a function which we can iterate through like a list.
def cross_validate(data_files, folds):
if len(data_files) % folds != 0:
raise ValueError(
"invalid number of folds ({}) for the number of "
"documents ({})".format(folds, len(data_files))
fold_size = len(data_files) // folds
for split_index in range(0, len(data_files), fold_size):
training = data_files[split_index:split_index + fold_size]
testing = data_files[:split_index] + data_files[split_index + fold_size:]
yield training, testing
That yield keyword at the end is what makes this a generator. To use it, you would use it like so:
def ml_function(datadir, num_folds):
data_files = get_file_list_from_dir(datadir)
for train_set, test_set in cross_validate(data_files, num_folds):
Again, it's up to you to implement the actual functionality of your ML system.
As a disclaimer, I'm no expert by any means, haha. But let me know if you have any questions about anything I've written here!
that's quite simple if you use numpy, first load the documents and make them a numpy array, and then:
import numpy as np
docs = np.array([
'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five',
'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten',
idx = np.hstack((np.ones(7), np.zeros(3))) # generate indices
np.random.shuffle(idx) # shuffle to make training data and test data random
train = docs[idx == 1]
test = docs[idx == 0]
the result:
['one' 'two' 'three' 'six' 'eight' 'nine' 'ten']
['four' 'five' 'seven']
Just make a list of the filenames using os.listdir(). Use collections.shuffle() to shuffle the list, and then training_files = filenames[:700] and testing_files = filenames[700:]
You can use train_test_split method provided by sklearn. See documentation here:

How to handle gradients when training two sub-graphs simultaneously

The general idea I am trying to realize is a seq2seq-model (taken from the in the models, based on the seq2seq-class). This trains well.
Furthermore I am using the hidden state of the rnn after all the encoding is done, right before decoding starts (I call it the “hidden state at end of encoding”). I use this hidden state at end of encoding to feed it into a further sub-graph which I call “prices” (see below). The training gradients of this sub-graph backprop not only through this additional sub-graph, but also back into the encoder-part of the rnn (which is what I want and need).
The plan is to add more such sub-graph to the hidden state at end of encoding, as I want to analyze the input phrases in a variety of ways.
Now during training when I evaluate and train both sub-graphs (encoder+prices AND encoder+decoder) at the same time, the net does NOT converge. However, if I train by executing the training in the following way (pseudo-code):
if global_step % 10 == 0:
So I am not training both sub-graphs simultaneously. Now it does converge, but the encoder+decoder-part converges MUCH slower than if I ONLY train this part and never train the prices-sub-graph.
My question is: I should be able to train both sub-graphs simultaneously. But probably I have to rescale the gradients flowing back into the hidden state at end of encoding. Here we get the gradients from the prices sub-graph AND from the decoder-sub-graph. How should this rescaling be done. I didnt find any papers describing such an undertaking, but maybe I am searching with the wrong keywords.
Here is the training-part of the code:
This is the (almost original) training-op-preparation:
if not forward_only:
self.gradient_norms = []
self.updates = []
opt = tf.train.AdadeltaOptimizer(self.learning_rate)
for bucket_id in xrange(len(buckets)):
tf.scalar_summary("seq2seq loss", self.losses[bucket_id])
gradients = tf.gradients(self.losses[bucket_id], var_list_seq2seq)
clipped_gradients, norm = tf.clip_by_global_norm(gradients, max_gradient_norm)
self.updates.append(opt.apply_gradients(zip(clipped_gradients, var_list_seq2seq), global_step=self.global_step))
Now, additionally, I am running a second sub-graph that takes the hidden state at end of encoding as input:
with tf.name_scope('prices') as scope:
#First layer
W_price_first_layer = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([num_layers*size, self.prices_hidden_layer_size], stddev=0.35), name="W_price_first_layer")
B_price_first_layer = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([self.prices_hidden_layer_size]), name="B_price_first_layer")
self.output_price_first_layer = tf.add(tf.matmul(self.hidden_state, W_price_first_layer), B_price_first_layer)
self.activation_price_first_layer = tf.nn.sigmoid(self.output_price_first_layer)
#self.activation_price_first_layer = tf.nn.Relu(self.output_price_first_layer)
#Second layer to softmax (price ranges)
W_price = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.prices_hidden_layer_size, self.prices_bit_size], stddev=0.35), name="W_price")
W_price_t = tf.transpose(W_price)
B_price = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([self.prices_bit_size]), name="B_price")
self.output_price_second_layer = tf.add(tf.matmul(self.activation_price_first_layer, W_price),B_price)
self.price_prediction = tf.nn.softmax(self.output_price_second_layer)
self.label_price = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[self.batch_size], name="price_label")
#Remember the prices trainables
var_list_prices = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, "prices")
var_list_all = tf.trainable_variables()
self.loss_price = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(self.output_price_second_layer, self.label_price)
self.loss_price_scalar = tf.reduce_mean(self.loss_price)
self.optimizer_price = tf.train.AdadeltaOptimizer(self.learning_rate_prices)
self.training_op_price = self.optimizer_price.minimize(self.loss_price, var_list=var_list_all)
Thx a bunch
I expect that running two optimizers simultaneously will lead to inconsistent gradient updates on the common variables, and this might be causing your training not to converge.
Instead, if you add the scalar loss from each sub-network to the "losses collection" (e.g. via tf.contrib.losses.add_loss() or tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOSSES, ...), you can use tf.contrib.losses.get_total_loss() to get a single loss value that can be passed to a single standard TensorFlow tf.train.Optimizer subclass. TensorFlow will derive the appropriate back-prop computation for your split network.
The get_total_loss() method simply computes an unweighted sum of the values that have been added to the losses collection. I'm not familiar with the literature on how or if you should scale these values, but you can use any arbitrary (differentiable) TensorFlow expression to combine the losses and pass the result to a single optimizer.
