hosting a laravel 5.1 application in live server - laravel-5.1

I installed laravel 5.1 on my local system and developed an application.
Now I have to host it on a live server. The live server we have is our own and has many other applications running on it.
I have just placed the laravel folder in a path now (nothing else), but it's not working as I expected.
I have read some answers that said I have to copy the public folder to the server's public folder and the rest to a folder - is that correct?
Do I have to install composer and follow the laravel installation process there also?
Can anyone please explain what I have to do to make it work there?

Of course you have to install composer in there in order to run composer install, update and other commands.
All instruction are already written in here.


how to code in Mac for 8thwall web ar and test it?

how to setup 8th wall project for web ar for Mac and use our system instead of using their web editor . I want to code in my computer and test and then upload that to their console rather then coding it in their web editor .
Steps to locally develop 8thwall webAR without using 8th wall cloud editor
Create a project using 8thwall dashboard and navigate to the dashboard settings and copy the appkey.
copy this base glitch get-started project and replace the appkey with your project appkey.
Navigate back to the dashboard and authorize your browser with the help of the dev-token.
You are ready to now use and test 8thwall development locally.
You can later self-host the project instead of copy pasting the code and reformatting according to the 8thwall cloud editor.
You can also directly remix any of the glitch projects as well which is a much quicker option.
NOTE: The glitch projects are under-maintained hence refer docs for latest SDK version as well as syntax changes
You can develop locally by choosing self-hosted project option with 8thwall, then downloading 8thwall's own web repository to tinker with. I struggled with the 8thwall docs to figure this out but the web repository makes locally development pretty straight-forward.
Follow the steps on the getting started guide ,
firstly you'll need to create an 8thwall account and self-hosted project.
Copy your unique App Key from the project settings page.
Clone the source code from the repo, replacing the app key in index.html file with your own app key (this lives in the header of the html file) :
<script async src="//"></script>
8thwall included a serve script, which serves your source code on local network over https. This means you can add your local URL as a trusted domain in your self-hosted project settings for testing.
you'll need to ensure Node.js and npm are installed to run the script
Using the serve script depends on your computer, (there's instructions here for Windows also) but for the case of Mac, open a terminal in your project directory :
cd <to_this_serve_directory>
npm install
cd ..
./serve/bin/serve -d <sample_project_location>
I use Node version 16.16.0 as I had issues with my current node version 18.12.1. You can get Node version manager npm package to help manage your Node versions.
What's great about this is when you run the serve script from your terminal, this generates a QR code so you can test your app on a mobile device over local network. Make sure you copy the entire Listening URL into your browser, including the port number. e.g. https://245.678.0.11:8080
Final thing to mention, don't include the port number in your trusted domains URL. e.g. https://245.678.0.11

How to Install a module on Drupal 8 in a docker environment when D8 asks for FTP credentials. (Devilbox)

Technology used:
- Windows 10
- Docker for Windows
- DevilBox
- Drupal 8.6.4
(Optional tech: cygwin to simulate linux commands).
When attempting to add a new module via URL or file upload in Drupal 8, the site asks me for FTP credentials and I have no more ideas where to find or set them.
I have a basic install of Devilbox running a brand new installation of Drupal 8. (Devilbox is a dockerized php stack).
To solve my problem I bypassed finding the FTP credentials.
I will change the accepted answer to the first correct answer that is not mine and a bypass.
First step, stopped using cygwin. Started using Powershell.
Next step, navigate to the site's installation within devilbox:
Then run command: composer self-update
Followed by:
composer require drupal/<drupal module to add>
Magically, module is under the modules page on drupal 8.

.Net Core application fails to publish to GCP App Engine becuase of MVC.Abstractions

This is my first foyer into .Net Core and App Engines, so please forgive me if I sound uninformed.
We have a .Net Core Application that we're trying to get published to a GCP App engine (obviously). when I run dotnet publish -c Release it builds just fine without any errors. When I test the program locally it runs just fine and I'm able to access it. However whenever I try to get it on GCP I get the following error:
Updating service [default] (this may take several minutes)...
ERROR: ( Error Response: [9]
Application startup error:
An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (ApplicationName.deps.json) was not found:
package: 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions', version: '2.0.2'
path: 'lib/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions.dll'
This assembly was expected to be in the local runtime store as the application was published using the following target manifest files:
Failed to deploy project WebApiDotNetCore to App Engine Flex.
We tried removing it from the dependencies JSON, and that just ended up breaking everything, so it is indeed required. It is installed in the project via nuget, so it should be included with dotnet restore. I've looked around and some sources seem to think that it's the installation of the dotnet core sdk, but I've tried it on three computers and always get the same thing.
Lastly, I should say this happens when I try to deploy through command line as well as directly through Visual Studio with the GCP SDK.
Has anyone experienced this error, or something similar? Any advice or guidance is very much appreciated.
As an update I was able to get this resolved aside from the fact that I get a 502 error when I try to load the application. Here are the steps I took for anyone else that is looking what to do:
Pre-reqs: Docker for Windows and Google Cloud SDK installed and running. Running turned out to be a pain with Docker for Windows. Many many restarts and reinstallations.
Open the solution and ensure that the startup project is set correctly.
Right click the startup Project, and select Add > Docker Support.
Select Linux in the popup window and allow the files to be created.
When complete, the Dockerfile should appear in the preview window. Do the following:
For me the first line read: FROM microsoft/aspnetcore:2.0 AS base. Change this to FROM microsoft/aspnetcore-build:2.0 AS base.
Additionally, check to make sure that the last line has the correct .dll name. Docker for Windows will put whatever the project name is rather than the class name, so for me my final .dll names were different than the project name.
Lastly, if your project has any dependencies that are required to run but not to build, then you'll need to manually add them. For me we have a couple of XML files that needed to be put in the app folder, so I had to add COPY *.xml /app/ and put those files in the same folder as the solution file is in.
If there's anything else you need to do to the Dockerfile I highly recommend this page. It's a how-to on all Dockerfile commands written in ENGLISH! (that was my biggest problem with all of this - I have little experience with Linux and even less with Docker and everything was written in Greek for me).
Create an app.yaml file. I just used the standard:
runtime: custom
env: flex
Copy the Dockerfile found in the startup project's folder into the folder with the solution.
Initialize gcloud to the right project, then navigate to the solution folder. The type gcloud app deploy app.yaml, and follow the onscreen guide.
for me it takes about 15 minutes to deploy the GCP, so depending on the complexity of your project it may take longer, though this one is rather complex.
Now I'm trying to figure out my 502 error... I've tried what seems like everything - changing the listening port in the application, exposing the listening port on the dockerfile, trying to get GCP to open that port, and trying half a dozen different ports. It's slow-going since it's such a chore to deploy each time.
Hope this helps anyone that was like me a couple weeks ago and had never even heard of Docker!
Which version of .NET Core is this? Also, have you tried to run in Cloud Shell? Maybe that will provide more clues on what might be wrong.
It looks that you don't have the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions library installed in your system. Using the .NET CLI, type the following command:
dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions --version 2.0.2
After that, to ensure the library is included, run the following:
dotnet restore
dotnet build
Try running it locally (it should work), and then use the dotnet publish -c Release command again.

Which folder should i put into filezilla for ROR?

I have the following directory structure:
Which files must I drag into remote site of Filezilla for this ROR project?
When deploying a ROR project you should must use a VPN server. Have you used git for your project? Try to deploy in heroku first. To test your site and have a good practice when deploying rails.
The answer to the question would be: everything
But most likely, copying everything is not gonna make it run, here is why: Rails applications live in separate processes that have to be specifically maintained. On your dev machine, you do this with bundle exec rails server. This is a key difference to how the apache php module works for php apps: There the php interpreter is embedded within the apache process and therefore shares its life cycle automatically.
If you have control over the server you are deploying to, I recommend to start with the Phusion passenger apache module. It takes care of starting your rails processes as needed. In case you are using ubuntu 14:04, I can't recommend to just apt-get install libapche2-mod-passenger because I had many problems with it.
If the server is maintained by somebody else, I'd ask this someone for a solution.
I hope this helps.

Turbogears 2 / Pylons

I am really confused i have a directory structure as follows.
under project is the python environment via virtualenv.
I have two additional folders live, and beta.
Live is served via apache wsgi and beta is served using paster.
Some how the live site is serving templates from the beta directory. To make sure i wasn't losing my mind I renamed the beta directory to wtfbeta expecting the server to throw an error helping me track down what went wrong.
Nope, instead it just falls back to loading the correct template from the live directory. (after service apache2 restart).
I am really stuck here.
This issue was related to both sites using the same virtualenv.
