Intellitest code coverage - intellitest

I am using Intellitest 2015 to do data driven testing. My method is having two parameter
MethodA(List class, string sourceType). When I am running the intellitest, the framework is passing arbitrary arguments such as control characters("\u0007","\u0008","\a" etc etc). I am preventing these strings by adding conditional statement at the top of my method. My Question is that when I am checking each special characters individually the number of block execution and run is more ie(39/87) but when I am adding these in a string[] array and checking all in one shot the number of blocks executing is gradually decreasing(18/87). How can i achieve maximum code block execution here. Can anyone help me on this?

What you are seeing is dynamic code coverage (
Please take a look at the following example of applying IntelliTest on a real world application to achieve full coverage:


Ruby on Rails coverage tool that shows what is not being covered

I am developing an application using rails. Since the start we are using rspec to test our application. And we are using simplecov as a tool to show our test coverage.
But simplecov only shows the percentage of coverage inside a file, My question is if there is a tool that shows what line of code is not being covered?
If you click on the file name, simplecov will show you the line that is covered (with green) and not covered (with reds).
We use this in my workplace:
Codecov is used to help developers determine what lines of code were executed by their tests. There are three primary terms used to indicate the results of your tests: hit, partial and miss.
The value of 54% comes from a calculation of hit / ( hits + partial + miss) = coverage.
A hit is a line (aka statement) that is fully executed by your
A partial is a statement (typically a branch) that is not fully
Example if true:... will always be a partial hit because the branch was never skipped because true is always true.
A miss is a statement that was not executed by tests.
A grade of 54%, in simple terms, says "Half my code is tested". Use Codecov to investigate methods and statements in your code that are not tested to help guide you on where to write your next test and increase the coverage.

Processing multiline events from a text file in Dataflow

I am attempting to build a dataflow pipeline to process a text file which contains events that span multiple lines. The dataflow SDK TextIO class assumes each line is a new event.
My plan is to create a new TextReader and register it with the DataPipelineRunner. This new reader will know how to aggregate the multiple lines into a single line.
I am pretty sure that this approach will work but I am wondering if this is the right way to do it or if there is a simpler solution?
The text I am trying to parse is:
==============> len:45 pktype:4 mtype:2
TIME_STAMP: 04/10/2015 06:30:17:420 val:1428661817
The result should be the last 4 lines concatenated together and the first line dropped.
Best regards,
Note that TextReader is an internal implementation detail class, so subclassing it would be highly discouraged and challenging to do properly.
The recommended way to define a new file-based format like yours is to subclass FileBasedSource using the user-defined source API.
In your case, I would recommend to base your class on the LineIO example from documentation, and wrap the LineReader defined there into your own class which would use LineReader as a helper for reading individual lines, but:
In startReading() it would skip until the line starting with "====>"
In readNextRecord() it would read lines until the next "====>" and bundle them into a single record.
Please make sure to carefully read the documentation to FileBasedSource and FileBasedReader: the parallelization mechanism relies on the consistency properties described there, which your format has to satisfy, for ensuring that records are not duplicated or omitted on the boundaries between adjacent processing shards. XmlSource tests are a good example of how to unit-test these properties.
Please tell us how it goes and report back with any problems or questions - we are very interested in feedback on this API.

Easiest way to debug objective-c classes in xcode?

I finished writing a class' .h and .m files in objective c in XCode and want to see if all the class functions are implemented correctly. I have not set up anything in the storyboard file yet but would like to test and debug the code. I'm looking to simply declare an object of the class type and to run some of the functions on it similar to using the command line with Python.
If there's no way to simply debug code using command line commands, what would be the easiest way to set up the storyboard?
You can use the XCTest to test your classes.
You can find all the information you need in the Apple documentation is actually pretty easy to use.
If you want you can check this tutorial as well.
If you want you can set break points as well and check that your code is executing properly. Sometimes when I just want to proof-test small classes I do it just setting a couple of break points instead of the XCTest classes but it all depends on your study case. If you have a decent amount of classes I would suggest to use XCTest to check that the classes are actually doing what is expected setting your assertions and the other conditions that XCTest offers as a framework.
Another way you can do your testing if applicable is using NSLog to print in console lines or values of interest at each stage of your code execution.
You mentioned the command line. If you set breakpoints you can use po objName to print the value or print varName to check values of objects and primitive variables correspondingly. po stands for print object and print well... There's different options if you feel comfortable using the console just set NSLogs at certain point of your code or set the break points and print the values using po or print commands in the console.
Here you can check the string format specifiers for NSLog which are the same ones used for NSString

How to avoid init_per_suite and end_per_suite to be counted as test cases in Common Test?

I have a test suite which has the init and end functions implemented in it.
When I run the suite it produces some html outputs to show the results of the test cases (pass and fail etc.) from the suite.
But in the log the init_per_suite and end_per_suite are also counted as test cases and their run result is shown in the log. Is there a way to avoid this? I guess there might be a flag in Erlang common test which can be used to disable this.
No, you can't disable it. Besides it may be important information if start_per_suite/end_per_suite succeeds or or fails.
Also you can see that start_per_suite/end_per_suite are not included in general numeration of testcases in resulting html. May be it'll help you if you want to parse the html output. Also you can sort cases by their numbers so the unnumered cases will be on the top/bottom.

Is it possible to display the call "graph" of an ant extension-point?

I have an extension-point defined in ant :
<extension-point name="foo"/>
A lot of tasks contribute to this point in several imported ant files :
<bindtargets targets="bar" extensionPoint="foo" />
However I'm kinda lost as to exactly which tasks are contributing. Is there a way to have ant report the tasks that would be triggered by a given extension point ? More generaly, is there a way to display the "call-graph" (or simply the list of dependencies) of an ant task ?
I tried using verbose options for ant (-v and such), with no luck.
First of all, you can try to debug the ANT process in your IDE using remote debugging by adding some parameters to ANT_OPTS (mine is set in ~/.profile):
And profiling may help. I found project Antro on ANT Wiki...
Maybe you can try it out. The project is said to be designed for ANT, which looks promising in solving your problem.
Also you can use Yourkit Java Profiler to do a CPU profiling. YJP can show the call graph of a java application, but I'm not sure if one can find out which are ANT targets.
The following document shows how to start a java application with YJP agent.
I know of 2 ways to get this information:
You can get the effective target/extension-point invocation sequence from Ant's console logger. To do this, place Ant's logging facility into verbose mode by passing -verbose on the command line to Ant. There are two lines, one after the other, that dump to the console immediately before most targets as they are invoked in your build script:
A line that shows a summary of the targets in the call sequence starting with the text, Build sequence for target(s) 'artifact' is [...].
A line showing the detailed call sequence (nested targets and antcalls included). This line starts with the text, Complete build sequence is [...]. This listing considers, as much as reasonably possible, the evaluation of any if and unless attributes of each target listed at the point the line is logged to the console.
Simply invoke your Ant build as you would normally with the -verbose option and your console should have the information you're looking for.
You can get a pictorial representation of the call sequence using a tool called Grand. However, it hasn't been updated for quite some time and thus doesn't support extension-points (which is what you're concerned with here). It will interpret antcall's, ant, and depend'encies. It doesn't evaluate the if and unless attributes but simply identifies potential execution sequence - more of a dependency hierarchy than an actual call graph. The project is on Github so an update to support extension-points may not be too difficult.
The graphic is rendered using Graphviz.
For an actual call sequence, use option 1.
This is pretty sloppy, but it works. Ant is actually pretty easily scripted, and if you are using at least Java 6 (or it might be Java 7), javascript support is built in and thus can be used right out of the box. This defines a task that will echo the dependencies of any target in call order:
<scriptdef name="listdepends" language="javascript">
<attribute name="target"/>
var done = [];
var echo = project.createTask("echo")
function listdepend(t) {
var depends = t.getDependencies();
while (depends.hasMoreElements()) {
var t2 = depends.nextElement();
if (done.indexOf(t2)==-1) listdepend(project.getTargets().get(t2));
var t = attributes.get("target");
if (t!=null) {
var targ = project.getTargets().get(t);
In your case, you can create a new target (or not) and call it like so:
<target name="listfoo">
<listdepends target="foo"/>
As I said, this is somewhat sloppy. It probably isn't very fast (although unless your target triggers thousands of others, it probably isn't noticeably slow). It won't handle antcall tasks (although it could be modified to do so easily) or respond to if and unless attributes. If dependencies nest too far, it may hit a recursion depth limit (but I doubt any project nest them deep enough).
The array is used to make sure that each dependency is listed once (ant would only run them once).
