Expression was too complex to be solved - Help breaking it up [duplicate] - ios

I find this amusing more than anything. I've fixed it, but I'm wondering about the cause. Here is the error: DataManager.swift:51:90: Expression was too complex to be solved in reasonable time; consider breaking up the expression into distinct sub-expressions. Why is it complaining? It seems like one of the most simple expressions possible.
The compiler points to the columns + ");"; section
func tableName() -> String { return("users"); }
func createTableStatement(schema: [String]) -> String {
var schema = schema;
schema.append("id string");
schema.append("created integer");
schema.append("updated integer");
schema.append("model blob");
var columns: String = ",".join(schema);
var statement = "create table if not exists " + self.tableName() + "(" + columns + ");";
the fix is:
var statement = "create table if not exists " + self.tableName();
statement += "(" + columns + ");";
this also works (via #efischency) but I don't like it as much because I think the ( get lost:
var statement = "create table if not exists \(self.tableName()) (\(columns))"

I am not an expert on compilers - I don't know if this answer will "change how you think in a meaningful way," but my understanding of the problem is this:
It has to do with type inference. Each time you use the + operator, Swift has to search through all of the possible overloads for + and infer which version of + you are using. I counted just under 30 overloads for the + operator. That's a lot of possibilities, and when you chain 4 or 5 + operations together and ask the compiler to infer all of the arguments, you are asking a lot more than it might appear at first glance.
That inference can get complicated - for example, if you add a UInt8 and an Int using +, the output will be an Int, but there's some work that goes into evaluating the rules for mixing types with operators.
And when you are using literals, like the String literals in your example, the compiler doing the work of converting the String literal to a String, and then doing the work of infering the argument and return types for the + operator, etc.
If an expression is sufficiently complex - i.e., it requires the compiler to make too many inferences about the arguments and the operators - it quits and tells you that it quit.
Having the compiler quit once an expression reaches a certain level of complexity is intentional. The alternative is to let the compiler try and do it, and see if it can, but that is risky - the compiler could go on trying forever, bog down, or just crash. So my understanding is that there is a static threshold for the complexity of an expression that the compiler will not go beyond.
My understanding is that the Swift team is working on compiler optimizations that will make these errors less common. You can learn a little bit about it on the Apple Developer forums by clicking on this link.
On the Dev forums, Chris Lattner has asked people to file these errors as radar reports, because they are actively working on fixing them.
That is how I understand it after reading a number of posts here and on the Dev forum about it, but my understanding of compilers is naive, and I am hoping that someone with a deeper knowledge of how they handle these tasks will expand on what I have written here.

This is almost same as the accepted answer but with some added dialogue (I had with Rob Napier, his other answers and Matt, Oliver, David from Slack) and links.
See the comments in this discussion. The gist of it is:
+ is heavily overloaded (Apple seems to have fixed this for some cases)
The + operator is heavily overloaded, as of now it has 27 different functions so if you are concatenating 4 strings ie you have 3 + operators the compiler has to check between 27 operators each time, so that's 27^3 times. But that's not it.
There is also a check to see if the lhs and rhs of the + functions are both valid if they are it calls through to core the append called. There you can see there are a number of somewhat intensive checks that can occur. If the string is stored non-contiguously, which appears to be the case if the string you’re dealing with is actually bridged to NSString. Swift then has to re-assemble all the byte array buffers into a single contiguous buffer and which requires creating new buffers along the way. and then you eventually get one buffer that contains the string you’re attempting to concatenate together.
In a nutshell there is 3 clusters of compiler checks that will slow you down ie each sub-expression has to be reconsidered in light of everything it might return. As a result concatenating strings with interpolation ie using " My fullName is \(firstName) \(LastName)" is much better than "My firstName is" + firstName + LastName since interpolation doesn't have any overloading
Swift 3 has made some improvements. For more information read How to merge multiple Arrays without slowing the compiler down?. Nonetheless the + operator is still overloaded and it's better to use string interpolation for longer strings
Usage of optionals (ongoing problem - solution available)
In this very simple project:
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let p = Person()
let p2 = Person2()
func concatenatedOptionals() -> String {
return (p2.firstName ?? "") + "" + (p2.lastName ?? "") + (p2.status ?? "")
func interpolationOptionals() -> String {
return "\(p2.firstName ?? "") \(p2.lastName ?? "")\(p2.status ?? "")"
func concatenatedNonOptionals() -> String {
return (p.firstName) + "" + (p.lastName) + (p.status)
func interpolatedNonOptionals() -> String {
return "\(p.firstName) \(p.lastName)\(p.status)"
struct Person {
var firstName = "Swift"
var lastName = "Honey"
var status = "Married"
struct Person2 {
var firstName: String? = "Swift"
var lastName: String? = "Honey"
var status: String? = "Married"
The compile time for the functions are as such:
21664.28ms /Users/Honey/Documents/Learning/Foundational/CompileTime/CompileTime/ViewController.swift:16:10 instance method concatenatedOptionals()
2.31ms /Users/Honey/Documents/Learning/Foundational/CompileTime/CompileTime/ViewController.swift:20:10 instance method interpolationOptionals()
0.96ms /Users/Honey/Documents/Learning/Foundational/CompileTime/CompileTime/ViewController.swift:24:10 instance method concatenatedNonOptionals()
0.82ms /Users/Honey/Documents/Learning/Foundational/CompileTime/CompileTime/ViewController.swift:28:10 instance method interpolatedNonOptionals()
Notice how crazy high the compilation duration for concatenatedOptionals is.
This can be solved by doing:
let emptyString: String = ""
func concatenatedOptionals() -> String {
return (p2.firstName ?? emptyString) + emptyString + (p2.lastName ?? emptyString) + (p2.status ?? emptyString)
which compiles in 88ms
The root cause of the problem is that the compiler doesn't identify the "" as a String. It's actually ExpressibleByStringLiteral
The compiler will see ?? and will have to loop through all types that have conformed to this protocol, till it finds a type that can be a default to String.
By Using emptyString which is hardcoded to String, the compiler no longer needs to loop through all conforming types of ExpressibleByStringLiteral
To learn how to log compilation times see here or here
Other similar answers by Rob Napier on SO:
Why string addition takes so long to build?
How to merge multiple Arrays without slowing the compiler down?
Swift Array contains function makes build times long

This is quite ridiculous no matter what you say! :)
But this gets passed easily
return "\(year) \(month) \(dayString) \(hour) \(min) \(weekDay)"

I had similar issue:
expression was too complex to be solved in reasonable time; consider breaking up the expression into distinct sub-expressions
In Xcode 9.3 line goes like this:
let media = entities.filter { (entity) -> Bool in
After changing it into something like this:
let media = entities.filter { (entity: Entity) -> Bool in
everything worked out.
Probably it has something to do with Swift compiler trying to infer data type from code around.

Great news - this seems to be fixed in the upcoming Xcode 13.
I was filing radar reports for this:
... and Apple has just confirmed that this is fixed.
I have tested all cases that I have with complex expressions and SwiftUI code and everything seems to work great in Xcode 13.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your patience, and thanks for your feedback. We believe this issue is resolved.
Please test with the latest Xcode 13 beta 2 release and update your feedback report with your results by logging into or by using the Feedback Assistant app.


How to create Compiler warning for my function in Swift

I want to validate my inputs to function with some conditions and show as a compiler warning/error.
How it is possible?
For example:
func getPoints(start: Int, end: Int) {
I want to show compiler warning/error when someone tries to give input high for start than end.
getPoints(start: 3, end: 10) // No warnings
getPoints(start: 6, end: 2) // Compiler warning like: end value can not be less than start value
Actually this is for a framework purpose. I want to ensure that the parameters are not bad inputs.
Such a constraint can't be enforced at compile time. Take Range for example, which enforces that the lowerBound always compares as less or equal to the upperBound. That's just an assertion that runs at run-time, and crashes if it's not met.
I would suggest you just change your API design to use a Range<Int> or ClosedRange<Int> taking pairs of Ints to model ranges is a bad idea, for many reasons:
It doesn't communicate the semantics of a range. Two integers could be anything, but a range is something much more specific.
It doesn't have any of the useful methods, like contains(_:), or support for pattern matching via the ~= operator.
Its error prone, because when passing pairs around, you might make a copy/paste error leading you to accidentally use the same param twice.
It reads better: getPoint(3...10)
You can't generate a warning at compile time, since the arguments are not evaluated beyond checking for type conformance.
In your example, you have used constants, so it would, in theory, be possible to perform the check you want, but what if you passed a variable, or the result of another function? How much of your code would the compiler need to execute in order to perform the check?
You need to enforce your requirements at run time. For example, you could have your function throw if the parameters were incorrect:
enum MyErrors: Error {
case rangeError
func getPoints(start: Int, end: Int) throws {
guard start <= end else {
throw MyErrors.rangeError
Or you could have the function simply handle the problem:
func getPoints(start: Int, end: Int) {
let beginning = min(start,end)
let ending = max(start,end)
Also, I recommend Alexander's suggestion of using Range instead of Int; it is always a good idea to take advantage of Foundation types, but I will leave my answer as it shows some approaches for handling issues at runtime.

Performant, idiomatic way to concatenate two chars that are not in a list into a string

I've done most of my development in C# and am just learning F#. Here's what I want to do in C#:
string AddChars(char char1, char char2) => char1.ToString() + char2.ToString();
EDIT: added ToString() method to the C# example.
I want to write the same method in F# and I don't know how to do it other than this:
let addChars char1 char2 = Char.ToString(char1) + Char.ToString(char2)
Is there a way to add concatenate these chars into a string without converting both into strings first?
I also have considered making a char array and converting that into a string, but that seems similarly wasteful.
let addChars (char1:char) (char2: char) = string([|char1; char2|])
As I said in my comment, your C# code is not going to do what you want ( i.e. concatenate the characters into a string). In C#, adding a char and a char will result in an int. The reason for this is because the char type doesn't define a + operator, so C# reverts to the nearest compatable type that does, which just happens to be int. (Source)
So to accomplish this behavior, you will need to do something similar to what you are already trying to do in F#:
char a = 'a';
char b = 'b';
// This is the wrong way to concatenate chars, because the
// chars will be treated as ints and the result will be 195.
Console.WriteLine(a + b);
// These are the correct ways to concatenate characters into
// a single string. The result of all of these will be "ab".
// The third way is the recommended way as it is concise and
// involves creating the fewest temporary objects.
Console.WriteLine(a.ToString() + b.ToString());
Console.WriteLine(Char.ToString(a) + Char.ToString(b));
Console.WriteLine(new String(new[] { a, b }));
F# is the same way in that concatenating two or more chars doesn't result in a String. Unlike C#, it results instead in another char, but the process is the same - the char values are treated like int and added together, and the result is the char representation of the sum.
So really, the way to concatenate chars into a String in F# is what you already have, and is the direct translation of the C# equivalent:
let a = 'a'
let b = 'b'
// This is still the wrong way (prints 'Ã')
printfn "%O" (a + b)
// These are still the right ways (prints "ab")
printfn "%O" (a.ToString() + b.ToString())
printfn "%O" (Char.ToString(a) + Char.ToString(b))
printfn "%O" (String [| a;b |]) // This is still the best way
The reason the "String from char array" approach is the best way is two-fold. First, it is the most concise, since you can see that that approach offers the shortest line of code in both languages (and the difference only increases as you add more and more chars together). And second, only one temporary object is created (the array) before the final String, whereas the other two methods involve making two separate temporary String objects to feed into the final result.
(Also, I'm not sure if it works this way as the String constructors are hidden in external sources, but I imagine that the array passed into the constructor would be used as the String's backing data, so it wouldn't end up getting wasted at all.) Strings are immutable, but using the passed array directly as the created String's backing data could result in a situation where a reference to the array could be held elsewhere in the program and jeopardize the String's immutability, so this speculation wouldn't fly in practice. (Credit: #CaringDev)
Another option you could do in F# that could be more idiomatic is to use the sprintf function to combine the two characters (Credit: #rmunn):
let a = 'a'
let b = 'b'
let s = sprintf "%c%c" a b
printfn "%O" s
// Prints "ab"
A note of warning about this method, however, is that it is almost certainly going to be much slower than any of the other three methods listed above. That's because instead of processing array or String data directly, sprintf is going to be performing more advanced formatting logic on the output. (I'm not in a position where I could benchmark this myself at the moment, but plugged into #TomasPetricek's benckmarking code below, I wouldn't be surprised if you got performance hits of 10x or more.)
This might not be a big deal as for a single conversion it will still be far faster than any end-user could possibly notice, but be careful if this is going to be used in any performance-critical code.
The answer by #Abion47 already lists all the possible sensible methods I can think of. If you are interested in performance, then you can run a quick experiment using the F# Interactive #time feature:
open System
open System.Text
let a = 'a'
let b = 'b'
Comparing the three methods, the one with String [| a; b |] turns out to be about twice as fast as the methods involving ToString. In practice, that's probably not a big deal unless you are doing millions of such operations (as my experiment does), but it's an interesting fact to know:
// 432ms, 468ms, 472ms
for i in 0 .. 10000000 do
let s = a.ToString() + b.ToString()
ignore s
// 396ms 440ms, 458ms
for i in 0 .. 10000000 do
let s = Char.ToString(a) + Char.ToString(b)
ignore s
// 201ms, 171ms, 170ms
for i in 0 .. 10000000 do
let s = String [| a;b |]
ignore s

How to parse files with arbitrary lengths?

I have a text file that I'd like to parse with records like this:
name: John Doe
Education: High School Diploma
Education: Bachelor's Degree
Education: Sun Java Certified Programmer
Age: 29
name: Bob Bear
Education: High School Diploma
Age: 18
name: Jane Doe
Education: High School Diploma
Education: Bachelor's Degree
Education: Master's Degree
Education: AWS Certified Solution Architect Professional
Age: 25
As you can see, the fields in such a text file are fixed, but some of them repeat an arbitrary number of times. The records are separated by a fixed length ==== delimiter.
How would I write parsing logic this this sort of problem? I am think of using switch as it reads the start of the line, but the logic to handle multiple repeating fields baffles me.
A good way to approach this sort of problem is to "divide and conquer". That is, divide the overall problem into smaller sub-problems which are easier to manage and then solve each them individually. If you've planned properly then when you've finished each of the sub-problems you should have solved the whole problem.
Start by thinking about modeling. The document appears to contain a list of records, what should those records be called? What named fields should the records contain and what types should they have? How would you represent them idiomatically in go? For example, you might decide to call each record a Person with fields as such:
type Person struct {
Name string
Credentials []string
Age int
Next, think about what the interface (signature) of your parse function should look like. Should it emit an array of people? Should it use a visitor pattern and emit a person as soon as it's parsed? What constraints should drive the answer? Are memory or compute time constraints important? Does the user of the parser want any control over the parsing work such as canceling? Do they need metadata such as the total number of records contained in the document? Will the input always be from a file or a string, maybe from an HTTP request or a network socket? How will these choices drive your design?
func ParsePeople(string) ([]Person, error) // ?
func ParsePeople(io.Reader) ([]Person, error) // ?
func ParsePeople(io.Reader, func visitor(Person) bool) error // ?
Finally you can implement your parser to fulfill the interface that you've decided on. A straightforward approach here would be to read the input file line-by-line and take an action according to the contents of the line. For example (in pseudocode):
forEach line = inputFile.line
if line is a separator
emit or store the last parsed person, if present
create a new person to store parsed fields
else if line is a data field
parse the data
update the person with the parsed data
return the parsed records or final record, if emitting
Each line of pseudocode above represents a sub-problem that should be easier to solve than the whole.
Edit: Add explanation of why I just post a program as answer.
I am presenting a very straight forward implementation to parse the text you have given in your question. You accepted maerics answer and that is OK. I want to add some counter arguments to his answer, though. Basically the pseude-code in that answer is a non-compilable version of the code in my answer so we agree on the solution to this.
What I do not agree with is the over-engineering talk. I have to deal with code written by over-thinkers everyday. I urge you NOT to think about patterns, memory and time constraints or who might want what from this in the future.
Visitor pattern? That is something that is pretty much only useful in parsing programming languages, do not try to construct a use-case for it out of this problem. The visitor pattern is for traversing trees with different types of things in it. Here we have a list, not a tree, of things that are all the same.
Memory and time constraints? Are you parsing 5 GB of text with this? Then this might be a real concern. But even if you do, always write the simplest thing first. It will suffice. Throughout my career I only ever needed to use something other then a simple array or apply a complicated algorithm at most once per year. Still I see code everywhere that uses complicated data structures and algorithms without reason. This complicates change, is errorprone, sometimes makes things slower eventually! Do not use an observable list abstraction that notifies all observers whenever its contents change - but wait, let's add an update lock and unlock so we can control when to NOT notify everybody... No! Do not go down that route. Use a slice. Do your logic. Make everything read easy from top to bottom. I do not want to jump from A to B to C, chasing interfaces, following getters to finally find not a concrete data type but yet another interface. That is not the way to go.
These are the reasons why my code does not export anything, it is a self-contained, runnable example, a concrete solution to your concrete problem. You can read it, it is easy to follow. It is not heavily commented because it does not need to be. The three comments are not stating what happens but why it happens. Everything else is evident from the code itself. I left the note about the potential error in there on purpose. You know what kind of data you have, there is no line in there where this bug would be triggered. Do not write code to handle what cannot happen. If in the future someone would add a line without a text after the colon (remember, nobody will ever do this, do not worry about it), this will trigger a panic, point you to this line, you add another if or something, you are done. This code is future proof more then a program that tries to handle all kinds of different non-existent variations of the input.
The main point that I want to stretch is: write only what is necessary to solve the problem at hand. Everything beyond that makes your program hard to read and change, it will be untested and unnecessary.
With that said, here is my original answer:
package main
import (
func main() {
type item struct {
name string
educations []string
age int
var items []item
var current item
finishItem := func() {
if != "" { // handle the first ever separator
items = append(items, current)
current = item{}
lines := strings.Split(code, "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
if line == separator {
} else {
colon := strings.Index(line, ":")
if colon != -1 {
id := line[:colon]
value := line[colon+2:] // note potential bug if text has nothing after ':'
switch id {
case "name": = value
case "Education":
current.educations = append(current.educations, value)
case "Age":
age, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
if err == nil {
current.age = age
finishItem() // in case there was no separator at the end
for _, item := range items {
fmt.Printf("%s, %d years old, has educations:\n",, item.age)
for _, e := range item.educations {
fmt.Printf("\t%s\n", e)
const separator = "==================="
const code = `===================
name: John Doe
Education: High School Diploma
Education: Bachelor's Degree
Education: Sun Java Certified Programmer
Age: 29
name: Bob Bear
Education: High School Diploma
Age: 18
name: Jane Doe
Education: High School Diploma
Education: Bachelor's Degree
Education: Master's Degree
Education: AWS Certified Solution Architect Professional
Age: 25`

Expression was too complex to be solved in reasonable time - Swift [duplicate]

I find this amusing more than anything. I've fixed it, but I'm wondering about the cause. Here is the error: DataManager.swift:51:90: Expression was too complex to be solved in reasonable time; consider breaking up the expression into distinct sub-expressions. Why is it complaining? It seems like one of the most simple expressions possible.
The compiler points to the columns + ");"; section
func tableName() -> String { return("users"); }
func createTableStatement(schema: [String]) -> String {
var schema = schema;
schema.append("id string");
schema.append("created integer");
schema.append("updated integer");
schema.append("model blob");
var columns: String = ",".join(schema);
var statement = "create table if not exists " + self.tableName() + "(" + columns + ");";
the fix is:
var statement = "create table if not exists " + self.tableName();
statement += "(" + columns + ");";
this also works (via #efischency) but I don't like it as much because I think the ( get lost:
var statement = "create table if not exists \(self.tableName()) (\(columns))"
I am not an expert on compilers - I don't know if this answer will "change how you think in a meaningful way," but my understanding of the problem is this:
It has to do with type inference. Each time you use the + operator, Swift has to search through all of the possible overloads for + and infer which version of + you are using. I counted just under 30 overloads for the + operator. That's a lot of possibilities, and when you chain 4 or 5 + operations together and ask the compiler to infer all of the arguments, you are asking a lot more than it might appear at first glance.
That inference can get complicated - for example, if you add a UInt8 and an Int using +, the output will be an Int, but there's some work that goes into evaluating the rules for mixing types with operators.
And when you are using literals, like the String literals in your example, the compiler doing the work of converting the String literal to a String, and then doing the work of infering the argument and return types for the + operator, etc.
If an expression is sufficiently complex - i.e., it requires the compiler to make too many inferences about the arguments and the operators - it quits and tells you that it quit.
Having the compiler quit once an expression reaches a certain level of complexity is intentional. The alternative is to let the compiler try and do it, and see if it can, but that is risky - the compiler could go on trying forever, bog down, or just crash. So my understanding is that there is a static threshold for the complexity of an expression that the compiler will not go beyond.
My understanding is that the Swift team is working on compiler optimizations that will make these errors less common. You can learn a little bit about it on the Apple Developer forums by clicking on this link.
On the Dev forums, Chris Lattner has asked people to file these errors as radar reports, because they are actively working on fixing them.
That is how I understand it after reading a number of posts here and on the Dev forum about it, but my understanding of compilers is naive, and I am hoping that someone with a deeper knowledge of how they handle these tasks will expand on what I have written here.
This is almost same as the accepted answer but with some added dialogue (I had with Rob Napier, his other answers and Matt, Oliver, David from Slack) and links.
See the comments in this discussion. The gist of it is:
+ is heavily overloaded (Apple seems to have fixed this for some cases)
The + operator is heavily overloaded, as of now it has 27 different functions so if you are concatenating 4 strings ie you have 3 + operators the compiler has to check between 27 operators each time, so that's 27^3 times. But that's not it.
There is also a check to see if the lhs and rhs of the + functions are both valid if they are it calls through to core the append called. There you can see there are a number of somewhat intensive checks that can occur. If the string is stored non-contiguously, which appears to be the case if the string you’re dealing with is actually bridged to NSString. Swift then has to re-assemble all the byte array buffers into a single contiguous buffer and which requires creating new buffers along the way. and then you eventually get one buffer that contains the string you’re attempting to concatenate together.
In a nutshell there is 3 clusters of compiler checks that will slow you down ie each sub-expression has to be reconsidered in light of everything it might return. As a result concatenating strings with interpolation ie using " My fullName is \(firstName) \(LastName)" is much better than "My firstName is" + firstName + LastName since interpolation doesn't have any overloading
Swift 3 has made some improvements. For more information read How to merge multiple Arrays without slowing the compiler down?. Nonetheless the + operator is still overloaded and it's better to use string interpolation for longer strings
Usage of optionals (ongoing problem - solution available)
In this very simple project:
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let p = Person()
let p2 = Person2()
func concatenatedOptionals() -> String {
return (p2.firstName ?? "") + "" + (p2.lastName ?? "") + (p2.status ?? "")
func interpolationOptionals() -> String {
return "\(p2.firstName ?? "") \(p2.lastName ?? "")\(p2.status ?? "")"
func concatenatedNonOptionals() -> String {
return (p.firstName) + "" + (p.lastName) + (p.status)
func interpolatedNonOptionals() -> String {
return "\(p.firstName) \(p.lastName)\(p.status)"
struct Person {
var firstName = "Swift"
var lastName = "Honey"
var status = "Married"
struct Person2 {
var firstName: String? = "Swift"
var lastName: String? = "Honey"
var status: String? = "Married"
The compile time for the functions are as such:
21664.28ms /Users/Honey/Documents/Learning/Foundational/CompileTime/CompileTime/ViewController.swift:16:10 instance method concatenatedOptionals()
2.31ms /Users/Honey/Documents/Learning/Foundational/CompileTime/CompileTime/ViewController.swift:20:10 instance method interpolationOptionals()
0.96ms /Users/Honey/Documents/Learning/Foundational/CompileTime/CompileTime/ViewController.swift:24:10 instance method concatenatedNonOptionals()
0.82ms /Users/Honey/Documents/Learning/Foundational/CompileTime/CompileTime/ViewController.swift:28:10 instance method interpolatedNonOptionals()
Notice how crazy high the compilation duration for concatenatedOptionals is.
This can be solved by doing:
let emptyString: String = ""
func concatenatedOptionals() -> String {
return (p2.firstName ?? emptyString) + emptyString + (p2.lastName ?? emptyString) + (p2.status ?? emptyString)
which compiles in 88ms
The root cause of the problem is that the compiler doesn't identify the "" as a String. It's actually ExpressibleByStringLiteral
The compiler will see ?? and will have to loop through all types that have conformed to this protocol, till it finds a type that can be a default to String.
By Using emptyString which is hardcoded to String, the compiler no longer needs to loop through all conforming types of ExpressibleByStringLiteral
To learn how to log compilation times see here or here
Other similar answers by Rob Napier on SO:
Why string addition takes so long to build?
How to merge multiple Arrays without slowing the compiler down?
Swift Array contains function makes build times long
This is quite ridiculous no matter what you say! :)
But this gets passed easily
return "\(year) \(month) \(dayString) \(hour) \(min) \(weekDay)"
I had similar issue:
expression was too complex to be solved in reasonable time; consider breaking up the expression into distinct sub-expressions
In Xcode 9.3 line goes like this:
let media = entities.filter { (entity) -> Bool in
After changing it into something like this:
let media = entities.filter { (entity: Entity) -> Bool in
everything worked out.
Probably it has something to do with Swift compiler trying to infer data type from code around.
Great news - this seems to be fixed in the upcoming Xcode 13.
I was filing radar reports for this:
... and Apple has just confirmed that this is fixed.
I have tested all cases that I have with complex expressions and SwiftUI code and everything seems to work great in Xcode 13.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your patience, and thanks for your feedback. We believe this issue is resolved.
Please test with the latest Xcode 13 beta 2 release and update your feedback report with your results by logging into or by using the Feedback Assistant app.

Using NLoptNet in F#

Having found no examples online of NLopt being used in F#, I've been trying to convert the example given on NLoptNet from C# to F#. Having no familiarity with C# and very little with F#, I've been butchering it pretty badly.
Here is what I have so far:
open NLoptNet
open System
let solver = new NLoptSolver(NLoptAlgorithm.LN_COBYLA, uint32(1), 0.001, 100)
let objfunc (variables : float array) =
Math.Pow(variables.[0] - 3.0, 2.0) + 4.0
let initial_val = [|2.|]
let finalscore = ref System.Nullable() // ERROR
let result = solver.Optimize(initial_val, finalscore)
Here is the description of the error:
Successive arguments should be separated by spaces or tupled, and
arguments involving function or method applications should be
To be more specific, I'm trying to translate the following three lines of C# to F#:
double? finalScore;
var initialValue = new[] { 2.0 };
var result = solver.Optimize(initialValue, out finalScore);
Any ideas?
This error is due to the way that F# handles precedence - adding more brackets or some operators to clarify the order in which things are applied fixes the problem.
2 possible fixes are
ref (System.Nullable())
ref <| System.Nullable()
Just for completeness' sake here's a third possible fix:
let finalscore, result = solver.Optimize(initial_val)
This takes advantage of the fact the F# can treat the out parameter as a return value (in a tuple). I'm sure that there might be a case where an actual ref cell might be necessary. In recent F# mutable usually is enough. For some discussion see:
MSDN reference
SO Discussion 1
SO Discussion 2
Fun&Profit reference
