iOS keyboard prevent UIButton from reacting - ios

I have 3 views illustrated as in the image. View 2 is in View 1, and View 3 is in View 2. Something weird is happening:
When I click the textfield in View 3, the keyboard opens, and at this time the button in View 2 no longer reacts. When I click button 2 with keyboard open, its color changes (notifies me it is clickable), but the event is never fired. If I don't click the textfield to open keyboard, button functions normally, color changes and the event is fired.
However, button 1 in View1 always works normally, doesn't get affected by the keyboard. It took me a while to find out it's the keyboard that makes the difference but I just can't figure out why. Could someone help me a little?


Objective c - Create a tutorial bubble that will hide in background click

(First - i'm sorry about my english:).
I want to create a tutorial bubble that will pop up in some situations while using my app.
I need this popup to disappear when clicking or scrolling on every view in my VC, and i need that these buttons to do what they need to do in this click event and not only dismiss the pop up so then we will need to click on the buttons again.
I have 2 ways to do it, but every one of them have some disadvantage.
the popup view will have a transparent view with frame of the whole VC. this background view will dismiss the pop up in its touchBegin event.
but like that i can't click ob my buttons that below this popup background view.
the second option is to create the pop up without the background transparent background, so all the buttons will be clickable.
but in this situation i don't know how to listen all the buttons click event or table scroll event so i can dismiss the popup.

Touching an area of screen dismisses view controller

I've never seen a problem like this until now. When I first updated my app, this problem did not exist. It was fine. Since then there've been a couple of iOS updates, so it's possible this is where the problem began.
I basically have a few view controllers that proceed like a wizard from one step to the next, by either clicking back/cancel button or the next button.
There's a textView covering the main area.
Normally by touching inside the textView it would begin editing.
On this viewcontroller it's fine, that works. No problem.
On this viewcontroller and every subsequent view controller including tableviews with options to select, if you touch anywhere underneath the cancel and next buttons inside the view controller, it dismisses the view controller and goes back to the previous screen. There doesn't appear to be anything executed in my code when this happens. It just dismisses the view controller as if one pressed the back button. I know the back button code is not being executed because I printed a line in there.
The next view controller is a tableView and does not have a textView. It's got nothing to do with the textView. It just dismisses if I touch anywhere on the screen other than the next or cancel buttons. The next views are the exact same way. It's like a big invisible button is in the way of the screen blocking any interaction with the top half.
What's going on here? How do I fix this? It has never done this before and I didn't change anything.
Turns out that this was caused by using page curl transitions. I changed it to flip horizontal and it works now. Page curl transitions are obviously bugged currently.

View doesn't come back to normal position when 'little keyboard' button is clicked on the keyboard - iPad, Xcode

I have a view with 2 text box's for id and password. When the user tries to enter fields, view will move up and the keyboard will pop up. After clicking 'NEXT' pointer moves to the second text box, and when DONE is clicked everything goes back to normal position. Everything is working perfect until here.
But what's happening is, when i click on the little keyboard icon in the very bottonm right of the keyboard, keyboard is disappearing but the view stays in the same position and doesn't animate down.
I have the code for animating based on the initial position of the view
//Condition to execute when the keyboard is initially clicked
if (_pagerView.frame.origin.y == _pagerFrame.origin.y)
//Condition to execute when the 'Done' Button is clicked
if (_pagerView.frame.origin.y != _pagerFrame.origin.y)
What i need is, the view to come down to normal position when the little keyboard is clicked.Thanks

UIButton on left side of screen (in iOS 7 navigation slide area) not highlighted

I have a UIButton on the far left of a view controller (on a XIB), of say 100 points wide.
If the view controller is on a regular tab (i.e. not pushed on navigation stack) the button highlights as expected when tapped.
However, when the view controller is on a More-tab (so pushed on the navigation stack), the button is not highlighted when tapped on its left side (say the left most 50 points). The button does function, it's action is being called. But, when tapped on the right side it does highlight. (BTW, I think this is a general issue when the view controller is pushed from any other view controller; does probably not have to be More tab.)
After some research it turns out it's when I tap in the left screen area with which you can iOS-7-slide back to the parent view. Any ideas why this is, and how to make the button work properly again.
Thanks for your time!
I can confirm this bug with almost no code at all. All you need is an image file to serve as the background image. In the storyboard set this up:
Navigation Controller -> (root view controller) ViewController -> Button -> push segue... ->
ViewController2 -> Button
Put the second button up against the left side of its containing view (ViewController2's view) and set the image file as its highlighted background image.
Now run the app and tap the first button, to summon the second view controller's view. Tap the button at its right side: the highlighted background image appears. Now tap the button at its left side: the highlight background image does not appear, but the button is in fact receiving the tap (you can confirm that by giving it an action method that logs).
So, I would say you've got yourself a legitimate bug and you should report it to Apple. I'm certainly going to!
Unless you require the iOS 7 swipe-to-pop gesture, you can fix this bug by disabling that gesture recognizer:
self.navigationController.interactivePopGestureRecognizer.enabled = NO;

view resets when keyboard appears. ios 7

I'm writing an app where the controls provided can be hidden when required by the user to type text on the screen. the UI hides itself when the user taps the toolbar. but when he taps the text area all the changes made automatically undo themselves. the code just creates a textbox where the user taps and lets him type.
This is the first screen.
This is after the UI is hidden
And.. this is when the keyboard appears... the entire ui just pops up immediately.
Can anyone please tell my why this happens. and why my view resets everytime the keyboard shows.
