Back button does not appear in viewcontroller - ios

I wish to simply add a back button to the view controller, when accessed from a TableView in my app.
I have embedded the resulting ViewController within the navigation controller, and the back button is simply supposed to appear as documentation notes, but it does not...

Remove the UINavigationController between FriendsViewController and IndividualChatController.
When you push a new navigationController, it creates a new navigation stack with its own navigationBar and therefore you don't see a back button in the navigationBar


How to keep NavigationController when performSegue from embeded tableviewcontroller

In the bottom left viewcontroller i have a searchbar at the top that call the tableview at the top , the problem is that i want to segue to the right viewcontroller with detail of it, but of course i'm losing my navigationController so when i'm into the right viewcontroller i can't go back anymore, how should i do to go back to my original Viewcontroller ?
Add Navigation Controller as the starting view in storyboard. And then Link RootViewController to it. This will ensure navigation bar in all the views coming next.
you may hide navigation bar in the view where not needed as
self.navigationController?.isNavigationBarHidden = true
push newViewController instead of presenting
Also please check, if you are presenting it modally. Modal segues take over the whole screen, so any navigation bars, tool bars, or tab bars that are in the presenting controller will be covered up. If you want a navigation bar on this modal controller, you'll need to add one specifically to it, and add any buttons you want to that new navigation bar (or tool bar). If you don't want to do this, then don't present it modally, do a push to it.

Swift/XCode 6.4: add back button to navigation controller in navigation bar

In my app I have this storyboard:
and I would like to add a back button from the second table view back to the first. So I inserted a Navigation controller in order to have a navigation bar in the second table view ad I have created a segue with its identifier from the second table view to the first. But then how can I add a back button? I have tried to drag a button from the library into the navigation controller but it won't let me do it...I had already done this but in this moment I can't remember how.
Please can you help me?
In above image you shared you are making your tableview controller as root view controller.You have to kept your navigation controller on root. As you can see in attached image and you don't have to make back button manually as navigation controller has its own default back button.
This example is right how to make storyboard.Try it
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.hidden = false
In setting of UINavigationController set up like on screenshot
If you're using a navigation controller and its default navigation bar, you don't add an explicit back button--the navigation bar does it for you. You can add a UINavigationItem to your view controller, on which you set a title, back button title, etc.

Right navigation item disappear when pushes JASidePanels

I am using the JASidePanels as submodule and I wanted to know if there is a way to keep the right icon on the navigation bar always visible and working.
For now I have my center panel which is a table view, and both left and right panels works.
But when I click a table view cell, it pushes a viewcontroller on it but the JASidePanel controls are lost... I cant slide it to the left to see my right panel.
Yes, I know that the left button will be replaced with the back button. This one is fine for me, I just care about the one on the right.
UINavigationController presents UIViewController (and subclasses). Each UIViewController is associated with an UINavigationItem that contains the information about the tool bar items and navigation bar items. This information is only used when that particular view controller is presented in a UINavigationController. If you want to put a button from viewController 1 in viewController 2, you need to assign the button to the UINavigationItem instance of viewController 2. Note that, if the action:target receiver for the button action is not viewController 1, you can easily create the UIBarButtonItem instance with the same characteristics in viewController1 for viewController2's UINavigationItem instance in viewController2's viewDidLoad method.

Non-Animated Storyboard Segues

I have an app in which there is a ViewController and once a button is pressed it goes to DetailViewController. In ViewController I have hidden the navigation bar to have more room to display an image while in DetailViewController it is necessary.
When I hit the back button in DetailViewController it goes back, however since it has a navigation bar and ViewController doesn't the animated segue looks bad. I was wondering, is there a way to make the default back button (that comes when embedded into navigation controller) give you a non animated segue?
try using [[self navigationController] setNavigationBarHidden:{YES,NO} animated:{YES,NO}]; in view{Will,Did}{Dis}appear instead of setting everything up via Xcode UI controls
You can get good results WITH animation using them too.
If you really want to remove the whole animation, though: Prevent the animation when clicking "Back" button in a navigation bar?

Moving a navigation stack to the more-tab

I have a UINavigationController on some tab of a UITabBar. When I drill down into the navigation controllers tableViews, move it into the more-tab, and then select the entry in the tableview in the more-list, i get the viewController that was visible at the time i left the tab i moved. Clicking on the back-button gets me back to the more-list, with no possibility to get back to the initial root view controller.
It would be perfectly okay for me to have the root view controller appear when i click on the item in the more-list, but i have no idea how to get notified when my viewcontroller is moved, since i am developing a library, and so have no reference to the TabBarController.
One of the ways is to implement tabBarController:willEndCustomizingViewControllers:changed: method in UITabBarViewController delegate. And watch for it. If such thing happend then reset you viewController and navigationViewController. This remove your UINavigationController stack, but application will work correctly.
