What can cause the top row of the iOS number pad to be a different orientation than the rest? - ios

The app I'm developing uses a UINavigationController to control a variety of UIViewControllers, some of which are displayed in portrait orientation, and some of which are displayed landscape. Once one of the landscape ones is displayed, if I navigate back through the pages to the root view, part of the keyboard is still displayed landscape:
...instead of how it should be (and originally is) displayed:
I've paused the debugger (attached to the iPod) when the root view is loaded after displaying the landscape view, and in lldb, run po [UIDevice currentDevice].orientation. It outputs 1, which is the value for UIDeviceOrientationPortrait. So although the device knows it's in portrait mode, part of the keyboard is landscape. I've never seen anything like this before, and am not sure what else to check.


How do you launch an iOS app in the current device orientation?

I'm working with Xamarin and am having troubles launching my app in the current device orientation.
I have a UINavigationController that I set on my main UIWindow as the root controller. I created a custom UINavigationController which overrides the methods :
If I hold my iPad in landscape mode and start the app, it will start in portrait mode and then rotate in landscape. I'd like to make it start in the same orientation as the device's physical orientation. From the doc I've read it seems that since iOS 8, everything related to rotations should be handled in the root uiview controller which is my custom UINavigationController.
And here's my problem... let's say I want to start my app in the current device's orientation and then block everything except Portrait once the app is loaded. I tried the 2 following solutions and none worked.
1- I put all interface orientations available in the supported interface orientations key in the info.plist file. I launched the app while holding the iPad in landscape mode. In this case, my app starts in the same orientation as the device which is cool. What is not cool is that it doesn't call my navigation controller method GetSupportedInterfaceOrientations anymore. So even if I change the return value of that method to Portrait only later one, it does absolutely nothing since the method is never called anymore.
2- I removed all supported interface orientations from the info.plist file. I lauched the app while holding the iPad in landscape mode. In this case, my app starts in portrait mode and then rotates to landscape. I want to prevent the rotation and just start the app in the current device's orientation (landscape). With this setup though, I can later change the supported orientation as the navigation controller method GetSupportedInterfaceOrientations is being called everytime we try to rotate the app.
In apple's doc, it says "At launch time, apps should always set up their interface in a portrait orientation. After the application (_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method returns, the app uses the view controller rotation mechanism described above to rotate the views to the appropriate orientation prior to showing the window."
The part where the view rotates to the appropriate orientation PRIOR to showing the window doesn't seem to work for me. It shows the window and then rotates it after.
So how do you launch an app in the current device's orientation (without the user seeing your first view rotate from portrait to whatever) and then be able to change the supported orientations later in the app? Example : I hold my iPad in landscape mode. I launch my app. First view I see is already in landscape mode. I can then rotate my iPad to change the view in portrait/landscape back and forth. Then I click a button which changes the supported orientation to Portrait which prevents me from changing the orientation to Landscape anymore.

iOS Orientation Change with ECSlidingViewController

I have an app that is a single view: a UIWebView that gets pdfs loaded into it. The pdfs are loaded from an ECSlidingViewController.
For some reason, when the app goes from portrait to landscape, the WebView remains in the same position and there is a large dark area to the left of the screen.
I have tried a number of techniques, but they each have problems. For example I can't simply reload a landscape view when the orientation changes, the user will lose their place in the webview. Any ideas?

Status bar and UI orientation didn't match

I have a problem in iOS. It's support all interface orientations. But when orientation-locked modal controller is presented (by calling [self presentViewController:UIViewController animated:YES completion:nil]), sometimes the UI orientation is messed up.
Here are the steps:
Orientate the device so it's in portrait mode (doesn't matter portrait or upsideDown).
Present view controller as modal controller. This controller only support landscape mode. The UI orientation obviously rotated to landscape. Keep the device in portrait (since the controller is forced to landscape, the UI will still show a landscape UI eventhough the device is in portrait).
Dismiss the modal controller. Now the main UI is in landscape mode. The problem is, this main UI is supporting all orientations (like stated above).
After doing some interaction (without changing the device orientation), the device orientation suddenly back to portrait, but the UI does not follow suit.
Here's how the final screenshot:
My current thought is that this is iOS bug. I want to look for another opinions regarding this bug. I've search around the net (bing and google) and found nothing.
I often saw this in apps, sometimes even in iOS itself (on homescreen etc)..
I think it's an iOS bug and we as developers can nothing do about it, just write bug reports.

iOS Orientation adapts to unapproved device orientation after Camera dismissed

I am currently writing an iOS app in which have the acceptable device orientations set to Landscape Right and Landscape Left, and in all of my view controllers, I’m returning only those two in the supportedInterfaceOrientations method.
However, if the user uses the in-app camera functionality (which is implemented via UIImagePickerController presented modally in full screen) and rotates the device to Portrait orientation to take a picture, the camera rotates to portrait mode (which is fine), and if the user clicks "Use Photo", when the modal view is dismissed, the view from which the camera was launched is somehow now in portrait mode (which is not fine).
After the camera view has been dismissed, the view controller from which it was launched has UIDeviceOrientationIsPortrait set to true. I am wondering how it ended up in this orientation, and how when a picture is taken, I can ensure that the presenting view controller remains in a landscape orientation. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I am currently writing an iOS app in which have the acceptable device
orientations set to Landscape Right and Landscape Left, and in all of
my view controllers, I’m returning only those two in the
supportedInterfaceOrientations method.
In iOS 6 and later, your app supports the interface orientations defined in your app’s Info.plist file
Have you tried setting it here? Then see if the problem still occurs.
Also, if this doesn't work, try setting the supportedInterfaceOrientations values in the viewWillAppear method of the ViewController that launched UIImagePicker?

Ipad view Alignment

In my iPad app, i am supporting only portrait mode except on one screen. I have tab bar at bottom, on click of any tab,it opens a small view of size 320.0 * 600.0, with table view. On selecting any row in small view, a full screen view opens up. Problem is that when i came on full screen view which supports all orientations, next time,my other view especially the small view comes up with frame size of 768 * 1024.
Any sugeestions or help is appreciated!
I'm guessing the problem is that you read the frame size while still being in landscape mode. If you are running things in the simulator, it probably jumps back to portrait when you dismiss the full screen? This forces the app back to "portait" mode without triggering the normal "willRotate" functionality, and could possibly mess up your code for keeping track of orientations.
Also keep in mind that most apps needs to support all orientations on the iPad to get accepted, unless you're making e.g. a game which is normally specifically designed for either landscape or portrait.
