Rails Active Record - Calling Distict Rows - ruby-on-rails

I have the following models
influencers (id, name, ..)
influencer_authorizations (id, influencer_id, ... )
influencer_metrics (id, influencer_authorization_id, date, count)
The relationships are as follows
influencers has_many influencer_authorizations
influencer_authorizations has_many influencer_metrics
I want to fetch the count of all the influencer_authorizations in the influencer_metrics with the latest DATE and sum to show the total followers of the influencer
What am trying
Finding all the Authorizations IDs
influencer_authorizations = InfluencerAuthorization.where(influencer_id: influencer.id).pluck(:id)
Now i am trying to find the latest Date's rows all the influencer_authorizations technically for each influencer_authorizations it should give back one row whose sum i want to calculate.
total_followers = InfluencerMetric.where(influencer_authorization_id: influencer_authorizations).order('metrics_date DESC').first
But it returns all the rows right now. The date is tricky as i each influencer_authorizations last fetched date can be different at times. So we need the lastest metrics records for each influencer_authorizations

Could this possibly be what you're looking for?
joins(influencer_authorizations: :influencer_metrics).
select("SUM(influencer_metrics.count) as followers, COUNT(influencer_metrics.id)").
where(id: influencer.id).
order("influencer_metrics.metrics_date DESC").
I'm not quite clear on the query that you described, as some of the wording seemed inverted from the schema relationships. It may be a starting point.
If it happens to not work as expected, try to remove the .limit(1) portion and see what's returned. We can go from there if you're game.


How to delete all logs except last 100 for each user in single table?

I have a single logs table which contains entries for users. I want to (prune) delete all but the last 100 for each user. I'd like to do this in the most efficient way (one statement using ActiveRecord if possible).
I know I can use the following:
.order(created_at: :desc) to get the records sorted
.offset(100) to get all records except the ones I want to keep
.ids to pluck the record ids
select(:user_id).distinct to get a list of all users in the table
The table has id, user_id, created_at columns (and others not pertinent to this question).
Each user should have at least the last 100 log entries remaining the logs table.
Not really sure how to do this using ruby syntax with my Log model. If it can't be done efficiently using ruby then I'll resort to using the SQL equivalent.
Any help much appreciated.
In SQL, you could do this:
ORDER BY created_at DESC)
AS rownr
FROM logs
) AS a
WHERE rownr > 100
) AS b
WHERE logs.id = b.id;
If the table is large, this will be slow.

How to show all records from multiple tables regardless of match on join statement

I am trouble figuring out the proper syntax to structure this query correctly. I am trying to show ALL records from both the SalesHistoryDetail AND from the SalesVsBudget table. I believe my query allows for some of the records on SalesVsBudget to not be pulled, whereas I want them all for that period, regardless of whether there was a corresponding sale. Here is my code:
SELECT MAX(a.DispatchCenterOrderKey) AS DispatchCenter,
CASE WHEN a.CustomerKey IN
(SELECT AddressKey
FROM FinancialData.dbo.DimAddress
WHERE AddressKey >= 99000 AND AddressKey <= 99599) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS InterCompanyFlag,
MAX(a.Customer) AS Customer,
MAX(a.Salesman) AS Salesman,
MAX(a.SubCategoryDesc) AS Subcategory,
SUM(a.Value) AS SalesAmt,
b.FiscalYear AS Year,
b.FiscalWeekOfYear AS Week,
MAX(c.BudgetLbs) AS BudgetLbs,
MAX(c.BudgetDollars) AS BudgetDollars
FROM dbo.SalesHistoryDetail AS a
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.M_DateDim AS b ON a.InvoiceDate = b.Date
FULL OUTER JOIN dbo.SalesVsBudget AS c ON a.SalesmanID = c.SalesRepKey
AND a.CustomerKey = c.CustomerKey
AND a.SubCategoryKey = c.SubCategoryKey
AND b.FiscalYear = c.Year AND b.FiscalWeekOfYear = c.WeekNo
GROUP BY a.SalesmanID, a.CustomerKey, a.SubCategoryKey, b.FiscalYear, b.FiscalWeekOfYear
There are two different data sets that I am pulling from, obviously the SalesHistoryDetail table and the SalesVsBudget table. I'm hoping to get ALL budgetLbs, and BudgetDollars values from the SalesVsBudget table regardless of whether they match in the join. I want all of the matching joining records too, but I also want EVERY record from SalesVsBudget. Essentially I want to show ALL sales records and I want to reference the budget values from SalesVsBudget when the salesman,customer,subcategory, year and week match but I also want to see budget entries that fall in my date range that don't have corresponding sales records in that period. Hopefully that makes sense. I feel I am very close, but my budget numbers doesn't reflect the whole story and I think that is because some of my records are being excluded! Please help.
I was able to accomplish this through playing with the FULL OUTER JOIN. My problems was there were more records in SalesVsBudget than SalesHistory_V. Therefore I had to make SalesVsBudget the initial FROM table and SaleHistory_V with a FULL OUTER JOIN and all records lined up.

PostgreSQL in Rails: sorting object by two date attributes in descending order

I have an index of active job positions. Currently, they're sorted by the most recent i.e. created_at. However, recently i've added in a renewal feature that updates a renewal_date attribute without updating the created_at.
What I want to achieve is to sort the list in descending order using both renewal_date and created_at.
jobs = Job.where(active: true).reorder("renewal_date DESC NULLS LAST", "created_at DESC")
With this code, the renewed job will always be at the top regardless of how many new jobs are created. How do I sort it so it checks for the date for both attributes and sorts it according to most recent?
Your code will order first by renewal_date with nulls at the end, and then will look at the created_at if two records have the same renewal_date.
I assume that what you want to do is something like "max(renewal_date, created_at)", which will take the "last modification date", or another custom way to compare the two fields.
If then, you can find your answer here : merge and order two columns in the same model
Job.where(active: true).reorder('GREATEST(renewal_date, created_at) DESC')
Let try a standard SQL, so it can work with all types of database:
Job.where(active: true).order('CASE WHEN renewal_date IS NULL THEN created_at ELSE renewal_date END DESC')

Report using Rails ActiveRecord group by

I am trying to generate a report to screen of accounting transaction history. In most situations it is one display row per record in the AccountingTransaction table. But occasionally there are transactions that I wish to display to the end user as one transaction which are really, behind the scenes, two accounting transactions. This is caused by deferral of revenues and fund splitting since this app is a fund accounting app.
If I display all rows one by one, those double entries look odd to the user since the fund splitting and deferral is "behind the scenes". So I want to roll up all the related transactions into one display row on screen.
I have my query now using group by to group the related transactions
#history = AccountingTransaction.where("customer_id in (?) AND no_download <> 1", customers_in_account).group(:transaction_type_id, :reference_id).order(:created_at)
as I loop through I get the transactions grouped as I want but I am struggling with how to display the total sum of the 'credit' field for all records in the group. (It is only showing the credit for the first record of the group) If I add a .sum(:credit) to my query, of course, it returns the sums just as I want but not all the other data.
Is there a way for me to group these records like in my #history query and also get the sum of the credit field for each respective group?
* Addition *
What I really want is what the following SQL query would give me.
SELECT transaction_type_id, reference_id, sum(credit)
WHERE customer_id in (21,22,23,24) AND no_download <> 1
GROUP BY reference_id, transaction_type_id ORDER BY created_at
I'm not sure you can do "ORDER BY created_at" and not include it in the select fields, but here is an example.
#history = AccountingTransaction.
select([:reference_id, :transaction_type_id, :created_at]).
where("customer_id in (?) AND no_download <> 1", customers_in_account).
group(:transaction_type_id, :reference_id).
To access the credit_sum you could do:
I guess if you'd like, you could create a method:
def credit_sum
As stated in comments you can access the attribute directly:

Rails 3 Select Distinct Order By Number of Occurrences

In one of my models I have a country column. How would I go about selecting the top 3 countries based on how many models have that country?
Without any further information you can try this out:
YourModel.group('country').order('count_country DESC').limit(3).count('country')
when you call count on a field rails automatically adds an AS count_field_name field to your query.
Count must be called at the end of the query because it returns an ordered hash.
