I'm trying to build a model for eCommerce that would predict revenue for single click that comes via online-marketing channels (e.g. google shopping). Clicks are aimed for product detail pages so my training data consists of product details like: price, delivery time, category, manufacturer. Every historical click also has attached revenue to it. The problem is that revenue equals zero for more that 95% of clicks.
Historical data would look like this:
click_id | manufacturer | category | delivery_time | price | revenue
1 |man1 | cat1 | 24 | 100 | 0
2 |man1 | cat1 | 24 | 100 | 0
3 |man1 | cat1 | 24 | 100 | 0
4 |man1 | cat1 | 24 | 100 | 120
5 |man2 | cat2 | 48 | 200 | 0
As you can see, it's possible (and common) that two data points have exactly same features and very different value of target variable (revenue). e.g first 4 data points have the same features and and only 4th has revenue. Ideally, my model would on test example with same features predict average revenue for those 4 clicks (which is 30).
My question is about data representation before I try to apply model. I believe I have two choices:
Apply regression directly to click data (like in case above) and hope that regression would do the right thing. In this case regression error would be pretty big on the end so it would be hard to tell how good the model actually is.
Try to group multiple data points (clicks) to one single point to avoid some zeros - group all data points that have the same features and calculate target (revenue) variable as SUM(revenue)/COUNT(clicks). With this approach I still have a lot of zeroes in revenue (products that got only few clicks) and sometimes there will be thousands of clicks that give you only one data point - which doesn't seem right.
Any advice how to proceed with this problem is very welcomed.
With 95% of your data having zero revenue, you may need to do something about the records, such as sampling. As currently constructed, your model could predict "no" 100% of the time and still be 95% accurate. You need to make a design choice about what type of error you'd like to have in your model. Would you like it to be "as accurate as possible", in that it misses the fewest possible records, to miss as few revenue records as possible, or avoid incorrectly classifying records as as revenue if they actually aren't (Read more on Type 1 & 2 error if you're curious)
There are a couple high level choices you could make:
1) You could over-sample your data. If you have a lot of records and want to make certain that you capture the revenue generating features, you can either duplicate those records or do some record engineering to create "fake" records that are very similar to those that generate revenue. This will increase the likelihood that your model catches on to what is driving revenue, and will make it overly likely to value those features when you apply it to real data
2) You could use a model to predict probabilities, and then scale your probabilities. For example, you may look at your model and say that anything with greater then 25% likelihood of being revenue generating as actually a "positive" case
3) You can try and cluster the data first, as you mentioned above, and try and run a classification algorithm on the "summed" values, rather than the individual records.
4) Are there some segments that hit with >5% likelihood? Maybe build a model on those subsets.
These are all model design choices and there is no right/wrong answer - it just depends on what you are trying to accomplish.
Edited per your response
Regression can be significantly impacted by outliers, so I would be a bit careful just trying to use a regression to predict the dollar amounts. It's very likely that the majority of your variables will have small coefficients, and the intercept will reflect the average spend. The other thing you should keep in mind are the interaction terms. For example, you may be more likely to buy if you're male, and more likely if you're age 25-30, but being BOTH male and 25-30 has an outsized effect.
The reason I brought up classification was you could try and do a classification to see who is likely to buy, and then afterwards apply dollar amounts. That approach would prevent you from having essentially the same very small amount for every transaction.
I am trying to predict the bookings of a stand-up comedian cafe. There are a lot of features I can use which have an affect on the number of sales. (e.g. day of the year, weather, average sales last month, day of the week, average sales on the specific day of the week etc.)
However, one of the features that most correlates with the actual number of sales is the number of tickets already sold before the deadline. The customers are able to start making reservations 120hours (5 days) before the actual deadline of ordering (11:00 AM on the same day of the show).
I would prefer to use this data as input for my machine learning algorithm. Currently I created 120 columns in the dataframe. The columns define 120 hours before deadline untill the deadline itself. Column "hour_98" therefore shows the accumulated sales 4 days before the deadline. Column "hour_24" shows the accumulated sales 24 hours before deadline etc.
If I now would like to predict the sales 24 hours before deadline the columns "hour_24" until "hour_0" are all given "NaN" values. Since algorithms can't deal with NaN values I currently give these columns a value of 0. However, I tihnk this is too simplistic and will result in bad prediction model.
How do we deal with a changing input shape since we obtain more data if we get closer to the deadline of ordering?
Now from what I understand, you have a fixed number of columns, each representing the data from a predefined hour before the deadline. So in a sense the input data shape never changes, only the validity of some input features changes.
Provided you have a fixed input shape, with changing validity of the features (NaNs),
you can get around that issue by using a mask for each input feature.
For example a valid hour_24 can be represented as hour_24 = 20 and mask_24 = 1, and an invalid hour_24 can be represented as hour_24 = 0 (or whatever) and
mask_24 = 0.
The algorithm itself will need to learn where to ignore a given feature in respect to the related feature's mask.
This answer explains in more detail how to mask input.
I am currently working on a project where i need to predict next 4 quarters customer count for a retail client based on previous customer count of last three years i.e. quarterly data means total 12 data points. please suggest a beat approach to predict customer count for next 4 quarters.
Note:-I can't share the data but Customer count has a declining trend YOY.
Please let me know if more information is required or question is not clear.
With only 12 data points you would be hard-pushed to justify anything more than a simple regression analysis.
If the declining trend was so strong that you were at risk of passing below 0 sales you could look at taking a log to linearise the data.
If there is a strong seasonal cycle you will need to factor that in, but doing so also reduces the effective sample size from 12 to 9 quarters of data (three degrees of freedom being used up by the seasonalisation).
Thats about it really.
You dont specify explicitly how far in the future you want to make your predictions, but rather you do that implicitly when you make sure your model is robust and does not over-fit.
What does that mean?
Make sure that distribution of labels with your available independent varaibles has similiar distributions of that what you expect in future. You cant expect your model to learn patterns that were not there in the first place. So variables that show same information for distinct customer count values 4 quarters in the future are what you want to include.
I'm setting up a Google Sheet that will calculate the most effective purchase size of specific agricultural inputs (fertilizer, chemical, etc). I set up the price data in its own tab with a separate row for each input name + size.
To keep it easy for the user I'd like to require only the input name, # of gallons per acre, and acres and then have a formula spit out the total cost and most effective purchase (bulk if > X gallons, X # of 250 gallon containers + X 55 drums, etc). How can I use the input name plus a wildcard to find the appropriate purchase size?
I tried:
=ArrayFormula(iferror(INDEX('Data (Current)'!H2:H,SMALL(IF($A2&"*"='Data (Current)'!A2:A,ROW('Data (Current)'!A2:A)-1),1))))
...but it returns blank so I'm guessing the reference $A2&"*" to the input name isn't working properly. When I replace it with a string found in the 'Data (Current)' tab then it works fine.
=ArrayFormula(iferror(INDEX('Data (Current)'!H2:H,SMALL(IF($A2&"*"='Data (Current)'!A2:A,ROW('Data (Current)'!A2:A)-1),1))))
I expected the output to be the smallest value (in this case I think it's 5). Then when I change the last number to 2 or 3 it will find the next smallest value, in this case, 55 or 250. Then I can use simple formulas to interact with that and finish the spreadsheet.
Unfortunately, the actual output is nothing, or "".
Sorry if this isn't what you're looking for, as I had some trouble understanding your question.
Presuming what you want is essentially this:
I want to buy Y quantity of item.
I can buy item at cheaper prices if I buy in higher quantities, although sometimes they have a minimum order quantity.
What is the most optimal combination of the options I have to minimize the price I pay?
I'm unsure if there's a simple solution for this within Google Sheets alone. This might be treading more into Apps Script territory.
However, that's not to say that it's not impossible. I've "brute-forced" the above solution above with an iterative-like approach, for the "Chelated Calcium" product: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YSBiSx0IMr4T0R11Dqb-tqOhH4AOTTAWeH2yQfT4X5w
First, list the data in a standardized manner. This includes giving each same product something easy to look it up by. For example, on the Data (Current) tab, I've added 3 columns:
Product Common Name - This is used so that all items of different quantities can be found easily, without needing wildcards.
Gallons - Much easier to parse the data if it it's explicitly laid out.
Minimum Order Gallons - This is your threshold for Bulk. I've set it at an arbitrary 20,000 gallons for Chelated Calcium.
The data here is ordered least-effective first. How you do this will be up to you. In this case, I sorted by the Retail Cost Per Ounce parameter from your sheet, highest first. This eliminates any guesswork about which of the options are most effective, since you can just traverse your options in order. Note: The way I've laid out the formulas will only work IFF the same products are directly next to each other. It won't work if there are other products between them.
On the Field Level Tool tab, standardize your inputs to the Gallons unit. I do this in Total Gallons Needed column (I multiply anything with a "GAL" with 1, and "QUART" with 0.25).
For each item, determine the row numbers where the product begins and ends. This is marked by columns L (Least Efficient Index) and M (Most Efficient Index). I got these results by using the MATCH function.
Set up the iterations, from 0 to N-1. On this sheet, I've set up N=5 iterations, which means that it can traverse 5 different options of the same product only. Since Chelated Calcium only has 4 different options (5 Gal, 30 Gal, 250 Gal, Bulk), 5 is more than enough for this product. If you have products with more options, you may want to have more iterations.
The iterations are on the right side of the Field Level Tool tab.
In your case, you might want to put it on a different tab since the place I put it makes the file look very messy.
In each iteration, I perform the following steps:
To Fulfill - How many gallons still need to be purchased by this iteration?
ThisIndex - What is the row number of this iteration? This is determined by Most Efficient Index - Iteration Number. Remember that since we sorted in order of ascending efficiency, this means that the iteration starts with the most efficient option it can find first. There is a check to make sure that it only outputs a value if it is between the range [Least Efficient Index, Most Efficient Index]. Otherwise, it will be blank to avoid miscalculations by intruding into another product in the Data (Current) tab.
Retail Price, Minimum Gals, Gallons per Order - Simple data extraction for easy usage in the iteration, using INDEX (and indirectly, MATCH by virtue of ThisIndex).
Order - This formula does a couple of things, outlined below:
It checks whether there still remains a valid choice of product at this iteration. It does this by checking whether ThisIndex still exists. If the product doesn't exist, then it will be nulled. This is accomplished by using the IF function.
It will determine if there is a minimum threshold that must be met to purchase this choice. You can see in the 0th iteration, for example, that there is a minimum quantity of 20,000 gallons. If To Fulfill quantity is greater than or equal to the threshold OR there is no threshold, then a purchase is quantified by this column. The mathematics are simply to divide the To Fulfill amount by the Gallons per Order amount to determine the number of orders of this particular product choice. If there is a threshold but the To Fulfill amount doesn't meet it, then this iteration is skipped with a 0 order value.
If the item is already on its least efficient choice (ThisIndex == Least Efficient Index), it will do a CEILING function to ensure that the order is fulfilled. If not, it will do a FLOOR function instead. This is because you cannot order 3.5 units of an item, so they have to be rounded either up or down.
Expenditure - This is simply Order multiplied by the Retail Price, or how much money you spend in this iteration.
Remaining - How much of the product is left unfulfilled at the end of this iteration, to be used as To Fulfill for the next iteration.
Note: If you see formulas that are of the form =IF(ThisIndex, [calculations_here],), that is simply a check to nullify that calculation if ThisIndex is invalid.
Copy the iterations as many times as you want to the right. Something nice to do is to force the iterations to do a CEILING on the very last one to ensure that you never under-buy.
Generate a user-readable string for the purchase suggestion. You can see this on the Suggested Purchase column.
Calculate the Gallons Bought with a simple SUMPRODUCT over all the iterations.
Calculate the total expenditure with a simple SUM over all the iterations.
I hope this is what you were looking for. Regardless, it's at least a fun exercise on how much you can abuse Sheets. ;)
I need to build a data mart using power pivot for a duty free shop at Airport.
Sales manager is analying sales data using by flight number and by PAX, number of people per flight.
So, I don't know where to put PAX. In DimFlight or FactSales. It is addative, right?
Please explain me why and how should I put PAX into which table. DimFlight may includes airline, flignt_no, date, PAX. A flight may also land the airport more than once a day.
PAX is a fact describing a measureable value of a specific flight event. It should be in the fact table, not in the flight dimension. I would expect total capacity to be an attribute of the plane dimension associated to the flight event. (Flight number would likely be a degenerate dimension as it doesn't really own any attributes.) However, the PAX itself should be a measure in the fact table.
You can generate a junk dimension that has the banding mentioned by #Luis Leal to do some capacity analytics. You can even create a numbers dimension with an attribute for each group level so you can do more detailed banding. For example, an attribute for 1s, 10s, 100s, 1000s, etc. You can also calculate the filled capacity of the flight and point to the numbers dimension so you can group flights by 80% full, 90% full etc.
Nothing stops you from modeling it as both dimension and measure, so you can store it both on a dimension table and as a measure on a fact table. If you store it as a measure on the fact table, you can perform several analysis by the other possible dimensions, get insights as averages, max, min, total by x or y dimension, which would be very difficult if you store it only on the dimension table.
On the other hand,storing it in the dimension table enables additional "perspectives" of analysis, for example a common approach is to store in the dimensional table "interval" columns with values like:
from 1 to 1000 pax, from 1001 to 2000. This column calculated at ETL time depending on the value of the PAX. So why not use both?
I'm working on a data warehouse that seeks to capture website visits and purchase. We have a hypothesis that by identifying patterns from previous site visits you can get insights into visitor behavior for the current site visit
The grain of my fact table is individual website visits and we assign a 1 if the customer makes a purchase and a 0 if she does not. Our fact is additive. We would like to be able explore and understand how the actions of prior visits influence the action of the current visit so I'm trying to figure out how you would go about modeling this. On a particular site visit a visitor could have 1, 2 or 12 prior site visits.
So my question is how would I model a past visit dimension that includes the past visit date, past visit activity (purchase or no purchase, time on site, etc). Is this an example of a use for a bridge table.
A bridge table in a data-warehouse is primarily (exclusively?) for dealing with many to many relationships, which you don't appear to have.
If the grain of your fact table is website visits then you don't need a 'past visit' dimension, since your fact table contains the visit history already.
You have two dimensions here:
Time on site is presumably a number, and since you are treating purchase/no purchase as a boolean score (1,0) these are both measures and belong in the fact table.
The Customer dimension is for your customer attributes. Don't put measures here (e.g. prior scores). You should also consider how to handle changes (probably SCD type 2).
You could put your date field directly in the fact table but it is more powerful as a separate dimension, since you can much more easily analyze by quarters, financial years, public holidays etc.
Example Fact_Website_Visit table:
Fact_Website_Visit_Key | Dim_Customer_Key | Dim_Date_Key | Purchase(1,0) | Time_On_Site
Example Dim_Customer Dimension:
Dim_Customer_Key | Customer_ID | Customer_Demographic
Example Dim_Date Dimension:
Dim_Date_Key | Full_Date | IsWeekend
To demonstrate how this works I've written an example report to see sale success and average time spent online on weekends grouped by customer demographic:
COUNT(fact.Fact_Website_Visit_Key) AS [# of Visits],
SUM (fact.Purchase) AS [Total Purchases],
AVG (fact.Time_On_Site) AS [Average Minutes Online],
SUM (fact.Purchase)/COUNT(fact.Fact_Website_Visit_Key)*100 AS [% sale success]
Fact_Website_Visit fact
INNER JOIN Dim_Customer ON fact.Dim_Customer_Key=Dim_Customer.Dim_Customer_Key
INNER JOIN Dim_Date ON fact.Dim_Date_Key=Dim_Date.Dim_Date_Key