AutoLayout Equal Heights hides Subviews - ios

I have a UIView buttonView and gave it an equal heights constraint to the super UIView with a 0.4 multiplier. The frame is adjusted correctly but the subviews of buttonView are not visible. However, when I click on the position where the buttons are supposed to be then the actions triggers.
This does not happen when I change the buttonViews constraint to be a fixed height.
I can get more into details if you want but has anyone run into something similar?
There should be two buttons where the white space underneath the label is. When I click on the white space the timer runs but the button is not visible.

I took a look at the project and the issue I saw in a couple places was that auto layout and manual frame transformations are both used, which can be tricky. A couple specific things I saw that you will probably need to modify in order for the view to adapt and render correctly at different sizes / orientations:
1) The CustomAudioLearn view loads a view from a xib and adds it as a subview. However, it does not set constraints on this subview to make sure that the subview always hugs the edges of the parent view. So changing the size of the CustomAudioLearn view through auto layout in the storyboard results in the the xib-based subview always staying the same size. You should either add constraints to the subview or override layoutSubviews() in CustomAudioLearn and include self.customView.frame = self.bounds and self.customViw.layoutIfNeeded() in there. Also, I would suggest removing the line self.customView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
2) Similarly, the RecordButtonView sets its corner radius on awakeFromNib(), but after layout happens, that's no longer the right radius. So you should again consider overriding layoutSubviews() or similar location to adjust the radius every time the layout is updated.
3) Lastly, the superview of the RecordButtonView in the storyboard is set to a height constraint of 70 with a priority of 1000. If you want the RecordButtonView to expand for the space available, you should reduce the priority of that height constraint so that the proportional width of the RecrodButtonView and the 1:1 aspect ratio take priority in determining the height of the superview. Otherwise, it will always be 70 points, or there will be conflicting constraints.

The problem was that I set the rounded corners to half of my frame's width. The radius got so big that it completely hide the view. I changed it so that after the bounds are set I change the corner radius. Sorry for confusion but thanks for any help!


How maintain a circular uiview using auto layout without fixed height and fixed width

I am having issues maintaining a circular uiimageview when using autolayout without fixed height and width.
Example with fixed height / width inside a uiview container that has a fixed height.
storyboard constraints
Circular image
in viewwillayoutsubview
profileImageView.layer.cornerRadius = profileImageView.frame.size.height / 2
profileImageView.layer.masksToBounds = true
Example without fixed height / width inside a uiview container that has a fixed height.
Storyboard constraints
Circular image
Goal: What I am trying to achieve is create a circular uiimageview that scales for all device screen sizes. I believe the issue is that without fixed height and width my cornerRadius is not correct for a circle.
What would be the best way to achieve this without setting a fixed width and height as that does not work on all screen sizes.
The first problem is that you’re pinning your view to all the edges of its parent with a fixed margin.
That may well produce a square in your storyboard, but doesn’t necessarily on your device (it depends on if your parent is constrained as a square or not, which I can’t see in your screenshots). If the parent stretches it’s width to fit it’s own superview, but doesn’t adjust its height, then your image is stretched into a rectangle.
That looks like it is the case, as the image appears stretched horizontally.
I’d suggest you remove all constraints from your image view and start again.
Make the image have a width equal to, say, 0.8 of its superview, give it a 1:1 ratio, and center it horizontally and vertically with its parent.
The second problem, is that you may be setting the cornerRadius too early.
When the view is loaded from your Storyboard, its width and height are whatever it was in storyboard.
Once the view has been laid out in its parent, the width/height will be adjusted and you’ll be left with an incorrect cornerRadius.
To solve this, simply make sure you have a 1:1 aspect ratio constraint on the view, and set the cornerRadius in viewDidLayoutSubviews (instead of viewWillLayoutSubviews).

ios - How to auto-resize my view in storyboard? swift 3

I try to auto-resize my view with auto-layout contraints, but I have some errors of Y-position missing. I can't understand what is wrong, I attached my Y-position to the top of the view.
Thanks for your help, here is the screenshot:
The problem is that you don't set a fixed height but, if you can, ALWAYS AVOID to put a fixed height for a view. For an app that can fit all screen is better to use different techniques.
If don't want to set a fixed height on your view, you have two possible options:
Give to the view a bottom constraint. You should also set the distance between the bottom of your view and the screen (or another object below your view).
Use stackview. If you place your views into a stack view you will be able to autoresize the width and height of your views according to the screen dimension.
You must give a height for the view or construct it's subviews in a way that gives it a height by hooking constraints properly from top to bottom
when you have a y position error it means top, bottom and height issue
and when x it means leading , trailing and width issue
IF you want to create dynamic view drag a vertical UIStackView and give it a height and in runtime add items to it

UIScrollView - Need Constraints for x position/width, Need Constraints for y position/height

I have a view hierarchy that looks like this (based on other answers and Apple's advanced AutoLayout guide for working with UIScrollView):
The 2 steps required for ScrollView are:
Set up constraints for position and size (frame) of ScrollView: The same way you do it with any other view.
Set up constraints for content size: By making sure that there are constraints from the ScrollView's subviews touching all edges (leading, trailing, top, bottom) of the ScrollView, if you're doing this in interface builder and not programmatically.
Step 1 worked fine at first and this was the result:
No problems with position and size as expected. I just need to define the content size (content height and content width) now in Interface Builder with Step 2.
Now I add the constraints touching all 4 edges of the ScrollView like so:
Suddenly, the ScrollView doesn't know it's position and size (frame) anymore.
I've looked at other answers and followed the various steps, but can't seem to resolve this issue. Sorry I'm not able to post Storyboard screenshots because of privacy issues
Set the scroll view's top, bottom, leading, trailing constraints to its superview to 0.
Set the view that is inside the scroll view and set its top, bottom, leading, trailing constraints to its superview to 0.
Select the view that is inside the scroll view, go to the size inspector and set the "Intrinsic size" to "Placeholder".
Scroll views can be a little tricky at first. You really have 3 parts:
Actual frame of the scroll view
Actual frame of the subview(s) contained in the scroll view
The contentSize of the scroll view - that is, how far it should scroll in either direction
So, 1. is pretty straight-forward.
The second part also seems straight-forward, except that we tend to "pin" subviews to the inside edges of their superviews. In the case of scroll view subviews, those constraints are what defines the contentSize. You also have to make sure the subviews have a "size".
Starting with just one subview, you would:
set the scroll view's constraints as "normal".
set the size of the subview - just for demo purposes, set it to 100 x 100
pin all four edges of the subview to the four edges of the scroll view
Run the app. Assuming you set background colors so you know what you're looking at, you should see the scroll view positioned and sized as you'd expect... you should see the subview of 100 x 100 sitting somewhere inside the scroll view... and you will likely not be able to do any actual scrolling.
If you go back and change the subview to, say, 100 x 800, and still have its bottom constraint pinned to the bottom of the scroll view (the subview's superview), and run the app again... You should be able to scroll up and down for the full 800 pt height of the subview.
The way to think about it is: the scroll view's content - whether it's one or many subviews - has to define its own size, which will define the scrollable area (the scroll view's contentSize).
Hope that makes sense!

Remove one view's layout constraints but keep its subviews'?

Working on a project in iOS 8 using storyboard and auto layout:
In storyboard, specified constraints for this view and its subviews
In code, in response to touch events, I'm going to change this view's size by setting its frame
To make both 1 and 2 warning free, I'm doing the following when first changing its size with code:
[theView removeConstraints:theView.constraints];
theView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = YES;
theView.frame = CGRectMake(0,0,width,height);
If not doing the first line, Xcode will complain a whole bunch about constraint conflicts, however adding this line will remove all its subview's constraints as well. So my question is: is there way to just remove this uiview's constraints but not its subview, say a button on it still wants to center its self relative to this view's size and position?
First, you don't need to resize the view by setting frame otherwise what is the point of keeping the constraint at first place. You could have position that by simply having a correct initial frame.
Secondly, you have a mis-conception about "TO-WHOM" a constraint has been applied to.
say a button on it still wants to center its self relative to this view's size and position?
When you apply a position related constraint to a view you normally apply it to it's superview. Means if you want to position a subview in the horizontal centre of a view then the constraint is added on view not on the subview. That's why when you called a removeContraints: message on view that position constraint was removed and now your subview isn't bound to any constraint. However the width and height constraints are applied to subviews itself.
To solve this you need to make IBOutlets for constraint that you need to modify, which in your case should be width, height, horizontal x and top constraint; and then change the constant values for them respectively.
theView.widthConstraint.constant = newValue;

How to set layout constraints for variable hight calculated at run time?

I have a UIView with 3 UIViews as its subviews. I have set layout constraints for these subview as fixed aspect ratio. i.e if the screen size changes their width will change but aspect ratio will always be the same.
Now i have also made width of the UIView (the red one as shown in screen shot) changing as the screen size changes.
But i am struggling to make constraint for height of this view. what i want is its height should be set according to the total height of the subviews inside it.
since the height of the subviews will change if the width of the screen changes, because i have made their aspect ratios fixed.
As of right now i have made height of the Red superview fixed.
but i want it to be variable according the total height of all the subviews inside it.
Here is the screen shot of my viewcontroller and its preview.
As you can see there is some space remaining because of the fixed height of red super view.
Details of the constraints i have added so far are as bellow.
Main Red SuperView
**1st (Top), 2nd (Middle), 3rd (Bottom) Subviews respectively **
You can add a bottom constraint from the 3rd view to its superview, then you have to remove the fixed height constraint of the superview.
Add an outlet for the height constraint of the red view if you haven't done it already.
If you are doing this in viewDidLoad, call layouIfNeeded in controller's view.
call for every subview, setNeedUpdateConstraints and layoutIfNeeded.
Then calculate your desired red view's height (I would do 3*subview.frame.size.height + topPadding + bottomPadding) and set the red view's height xconstraint constant to this.
call setNeedUpdateConstraints and layoutIfNeeded on red view.
To support same behaviour in all resolution. you need to set layout as follow.
Red View
UIView Top
UIView Middle
UIView Bottom
hope this help you.
