Using the wizard view, is it possible to hide the Submit button on all but the final section? - orbeon

I have created a form with 6 sections and configured Cancel, Next, Prev and Submit buttons in properties-local.xml.
It is usually not advisable to allow the end-user to submit the form until they have at least reached the final section. The only way I can see that this may be possible is to use buttons within the form and by checking which section is currently in focus.
I notice that this has been fixed for Orbeon 2016.1 (see Is it possible in orben to hide or disable the "send" button until a form is finished?), but just wondered whether there is a workaround for Orbeon v4.10?

With 2016.1, this requires the following conditions:
Use of the property.
Use the wizard's validated mode.
The documentation on this was missing. I have just added it. I hope this helps!


How to have one button do both "enable" and "disable" in MVC

I am new to ASP.Net MVC, and still trying to wrap my head around the controller and passing data to the view and back.
Here is my question. I have a model in my view with a property that is "isEnabled", which can be true or false.
I have an edit button, and an enable/disable button. Edit just takes me to a new view with a form.
I want the enable/disable button to change the property of the model to enabled or disabled.
Right now I have two separate buttons. When I click on them, it fires the appropriate action from the controller (EnableModel, DisableModel), and just reloads the current view.
How can I make it so, if the model is disabled the button shows and fires the enable action, and when it is enabled, the button shows and fires the disable action.
So here are the options I thought of.
1. Two buttons, I hide them as needed. I can use an if statement to check if the model is showing or not in razor.
2. Use javascript two to the above
3. Use javascript to physically change the button
What would be the best method?
Alright so looking back can't believe I ever even asked this haha.
I went the javascript route. I had a single button, and a simple onClick javascript class that would handle the toggling.

Is there a way navigate directly to a section in an Orbeon form?

This would save loads of time when testing a specfic section which is far down the form and the form is configured in a Wizard View.
I just wondered whether there is a querystring parameter or xpath setting to put in xforms-inspector which will save us endless clicks on the Next button! So far the best way I have found is to disable the Wizard View so that the form shows vertically.
This isn't currently supported, but it sounds like a worthwhile feature to have, and I've created an RFE for this feature.
I don't understand why you have to click next all the time, you should be able to just click on the section name in the table of contents.

jQueryUI datepicker redisplays after selection

The datepicker is managed by knockout-jqueryui in a Durandal view presented as a modal dialog. The calendar pops up when the corresponding INPUT is focussed, and hides when it is blurred. Data-binding works fine.
But when the user selects a value, the calendar closes, the INPUT updates and the calendar re-displays. It works, but it's annoying my users because they are mouse obsessed and the calendar obscures the control below, making it hard to click on it. Yes, I know they could press tab. I have pointed this out.
How can I stop the re-display? Ideally, triggers for display would be focus and keydown. I have no problem with configuring it to manual control and switching with data-bind="change: showCalendar, ..." or similar, if that's how one does this.
So, what's the usual way to go about this? If it's manual control as I describe above, what are some keywords to expedite finding the relevant section(s) in the documentation? (How to set it to manual and how to hide/show it manually.)
(I found show() and hide())
The showOn option for jQuery UI Datepicker is passed through by knockout-jqueryui.
It defines only two values, 'focus' and 'button'.
There is no explicitly defined mechanism to disable auto-display, but I found that a value other than the defined values has the desired effect. I am passing 'click'.
Manual control methods are show and hide.

Rails form select from two options with a button - custom form implementation

I have a website where I want users to be able to select what type of user they are during the registration process.
Specifically, the implementation I want is to have two buttons on the signup page, one called "Seller" and one called "Buyer".
The user should be able to select only one button and once clicked, it should stay highlighted (I know this is just jquery so not the issue).
The selection should be stored in a column in my users model called :type.
It seems pretty straightforward, but the "" form method seems to only implement a dropdown menu, so I am wondering how I can achieve this implementation of two buttons.
Since you're already going to use jQuery, you could add a hidden field for type, create 2 links and style them as buttons, and use jQuery to update the value of type when a user clicks one of the "buttons".

How to prevent shortcuts from firing when form is not active

I open forms inside tabs of a page control. These forms may contain actions with shortcuts. And I want these shortcuts to be fired only when the tab that contain this form is active.
I tried to override form's IsShortCut but it's not called. Form's OnShortCut is not called either.
I would like to avoid putting code on each action to check this.
I'm using Delphi 2010.
Set the State for the action lists on your hidden tabs to asSuspended. Only the action list on your visible tab should have a state of asNormal. That will prevent the shortcut keys from working. It also prevents those actions from updating, which may or may not be a good thing for your application.
Try setting the form's Enabled to false whan you switch away, and True when you switch onto it's tab. That should disable all the content on the form, including shortcuts.
Put all the shortcuts into actions and those actions into one action list per form. Then you can disable the action lists of the forms that are currently not active. (I don't recall the exact TActionList property to set or method to call or activating/deactivating it, but it is there.)
