Not able to access public swift class through framework - ios

I created a project and imported it inside this framework. When i load this framework into a demo app, i am able to access the public class MyTest inside MyTest.swift file but not able to access the public class inside MessagesViewController.swift. Am i missing something? Can't we access files inside a project through a framework this way?

Restructure your project space so that you do not have your application inside your framework, then tackle linking files between the app and the framework.
Create a xcworkspace file to contain all of your sub-projects. For more information check out the Xcode Workspace section in the Xcode Concepts document
Open the workspace file and add your framework and app projects by dragging the xcodeproj files to the "Project Navigation" panel. Be careful when adding the files as Xcode as a tendency to place one project inside another, you don't want this.
Build your framework and then link it to the the app project. This will also make all you framework files available to your app project as long as they are public(see below for more details). Navigate to the FireChat-Swift app project target in the editor view then from the frameworks project open the product directory and drag the framework file to the Embedded Binaries section of the general tab.
Now your framework is linked with your app project. You will need to import your framework in your app's source code.
Add new files to your framework and remember they need to be public should you require them to be used outside of the framework - i.e. by your app.

Did you add MessagesViewController.swift to the Target inside the original Project?
To check it just open the original project, select MessagesViewController.swift and take a look at the right sidebar (Target Membership section).

I had this problem, and I fixed mine by going to my framework and adding target membership to Tests and UITests:
Strange fix, but I guess it works! 🤷‍♂️

This can also occur as part of a bug in Xcode, though I'm not sure what causes it - possibly dragging files from another project into your library. I just fixed this by closing down and restarting Xcode, then cleaning the build folder (hold down Alt then select the option from the Product menu).


No such module 'SwiftCharts' Xcode Swift 4

I have created an app in Xcode and Swift 4 that uses the external frameworks 'SwiftCharts'.
All works fine, however if I move the folder where the whole project and all its files are contained, I get the error message "No such module 'SwiftCharts'" appear after every "import SwiftCharts" in my project.
I need to submit my project as a university assignment but at the moment the only place the project will work is in my Documents folder on my laptop.
You can check the module by Right click the SwiftCharts and check by Show in Finder.
If it is not present in the folder, you need to copy it in the projects.
I would recommend you read about Embedding Private Frameworks in Your Application Bundle:
you normally specify the full path to the appropriate frameworks
directory. When you embed a framework inside a bundle, however, the
location of the framework is not fixed, so you have to use the
#executable_path placeholder to let the framework know its location is
relative to the current executable.
Open an inspector for your framework target and select the Build tab.
Set the value of the Installation Directory build setting to
From this link:
Managing external references in any project is essential to understand.

Xcode 7 is using my framework after I deleted it

I'm in the process of developing a framework. My problem is that the changes I make to my framework are not being reflected in my app. My app seems to be linked to the original framework I created and isn't updating when I update the framework. Even when I delete the framework from my project, xcode still seems to think it's there.
I created a separate xcode project intending to make an app that uses the framework. I copied the root folder of my framework project into my app project root folder and I drag and dropped the .xcodeproj into my App's xcode project. I added the framework from my nested xcode project in each of the following steps:
Build Phases>Link Binary With Libraries
Build phases>Target Dependencies
General>Embedded Binaries
I tried removing the framework from each of these locations.
I tried cleaning the framework project and App project.
I tried deleting the derived data in my app project and framework project in Window>Projects
I tried using a previous version of my app project that doesn't contain the framework in any way (not in the xcode project or root folder)
The ghost of my framework continues to haunt my project! Any help?
I suppose you must have tried deleting it from build phases as well... just in case though:
Go to Build phases -> Link Binary with libraries
Select the one you want to remove, press minus button down there.
Do it for all modules: as in Debug, Release.
You can also try deleting the older framework and emptying trash to be on the safer side.
I just made a mistake.
I was using the classes I built my framework out of rather than the framework itself. I thought deleting these classes and selecting 'Remove Reference' would stop Xcode from using them. I deleted these classes completely and Xcode told me they couldn't find the class I was looking for-- indicating it was using those files rather than the framework.
Also, in my AppDelegate I used
import "ExternalClass.h"
Which I believe is for classes that are in the project. I changed this to
import <ExternalClass/ExternalClass.h>
to import the header file from the framework instead.

How to create an Xcode project that is not an app but is visible in other projects?

I want to create a project with a handful of categories that add useful functionality to UIKit.
I want to keep this as a separate project so that it can be source-controlled separately (and eventually hosted on github, and downloadable as a dependency via cocoa pods...but let's skip this for now.)
But all the Xcode 6.1 project templates imply an app inside. When I select an empty project it complains about missing base SDK. But this cannot be set without a target present. It is quite confusing. I don't need a target. Do I?
The project should be just a shell for a number of categories + a accompanying summary header file.
I want to be able to drag this project as a subproject to any other proper app project, import the summary header file and expose those categories to the main project.
Any advice?
You need a target. Every source file that should be compiled must be a part of a target.
You could reference each source file from the target(s) in your app's Xcode projects, but that'd be tedious as you'd have to add to every project manually when you add source to your shared repository.
Either create an embedded framework project or a static library. Unless you are really going to share code between an app and an app's extension, go with the static library. It is a lot easier to manage.
Create a project that has a static library target, add the files to that static library.
Then create a workspace that has your static library project and your app(s) project(s) in it. Modify the app targets to link against the static library.

XCode - Workspaces

i'm developing a framework and i would like to know if there is a method for share the code across multiple project. Example : i have my workspace with my framework project and a test application project for the fw; then, i have another project of an app and i need to use the framework, but i want to link the framework so that when i modify the original code in workspace even the code in the project is updated without import every time the .framework file.
Is it possible?
If not, how can i do to share code across projects?
Yes, this can easily be done by importing files from the other project. You could create a group called external, right click and choose "add files". Make sure the option "copy items into destination group`s folder" is unchecked.
If you now change the files in the other project, the changes will be reflected in the dependent one.

Trouble Creating Cross Project Reference for Xcode 4

I'm trying to pick up some better code organization practices. Over time, I've developed a collection of utility-type files that I import into all of my iOS projects. Rather than continuing to copy them in, I want to setup a separate "Library" project which builds these files to a static library. Then, I reference the static library in my app's project.
In Xcode 4.2 I created a new project "JTLibrary" with a static library as the target, added some files, and it builds as expected.
Now, I created a new project "LibraryTest" which should behave like any other app project I might be working on. My understanding was that I should be able to drag the JTLibrary project into this project to create a cross project reference. Once that was done, I would link LibraryTest's binary against the static library from JTLibrary.
However, when I drag the JTLibary project into the LibraryTest project, it does not appear expandable. I expected I should be able to see the files in it, etc. See screenshot below:
Can anyone offer some insight to why the project appears like this rather than expandable? Once it is expandable, I should be able to see the static library in the app's project.
EDIT 11/7
It's worth mentioning that I'm working with a VERY basic project now. From the new project window, select Framework & Library >> Cocoa Touch Static Library. Add one function to the default class and build.
I can copy the header and .a files into another project and use them successfully, but if I try to drag the project itself, it appears like the picture above.
To create a subproject simply drag a project node from Finder into Xcode.
DO NOT open two Xcode instances and drag the project node from one to the other (that's why the subproject is not expandable).
