How to integrate AWS Device Farm with TFS build - tfs

I am looking to integrate AWS Device Farm with my TFS Build. I have an .apk that I want to test on the Device Farm. Is there a TFS Build plugin similar to jenkins, if not then is there an API I can connect to in AWS to upload my apk and get results?

There is no default plugin or service to integrate AWS Device Farm with TFS Build. After you get .apk file from TFS build, you need to use AWS Device Farm UI or CLI or API to run the test.
Useful links:


Continuous integration/deployment iOS Android app

We have developed Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android app using Visual studio.
and we want a way to automate deployment as we have repository on bitbucket
On search we found there are Jenkins, and MacinCloud, Bitrise.
What will be best option to execute following process.
1. Get code from repository .
2. Build ipa,apk for both android and iOS platform.
3. Deploy to Appstore/Testflight.
Do any of above provide facility to configure and deploy app for multiple environment(DEV/ST/PROD).
To address your goals 1-by-1:
Get code from repository
You will want a CI/CD tool: Jenkins, Azure Pipelines, Bamboo will help you automate the build process. The first step in most of these tools will be to grab the source code from the repository.
Build ipa,apk for both android and iOS platform
You will need a Mac computer for the .ipa. There is no easy way around this requirement as you need XCode and an Apple developer account in order to build the signed .ipa for iOS deployments. The android apk can be built on pretty much any platform though. Because you will need a Mac, you may end up having to setup a remote agent for your CI/CD service in order to build on that machine.
Deploy to Appstore/Testflight
You can either script this part, use a plugin with your CI/CD tool, or use a 3rd party entirely. Some popular 3rd party options are Microsoft's Appcenter (formally HockeyApp) or Fastlane.
Do any of above provide facility to configure and deploy app for multiple environment(DEV/ST/PROD)?
Yes. All of the CI/CD tools mentioned above support this. Additionally, the Google Play store supports different release tracks, and you can setup different deployment strategies with iOS depending on the tooling you end up selecting.

How to use Amazon Device Farm with GoCD

We are planning to config CI for our mobile apps (both Android and iOS). I've tried to use Device Farm with our Java and TestNG scrips and it works well. However, I have no idea how to use your device cloud with our current GoCD to implement CI/CD for mobile development. I noticed Device Farm have plugin for Jenkins but not GoCD.
Could you guys please consult me in this case? Thanks alot.
AWS Device Farm engineer here. We don't have any plans (as of mid-2017) to develop a GoCD plugin. However, the service API is documented and publicly available and you can use it and the Jenkins implementation as a reference to build your own integration.

Continues Integration with IOS

I am looking for the best way to get my Xcode Apps on CI.
I already have a designated Jenkins server which is Integrated with BitBucket.
I want to know what would be the best option.
Do I use Xcode server or is there a way I can also use my Jenkins server to build my Xcode apps through a slave server that is run on a Mac?
Thank you for your Help.

Install Certificate on Build Server

We have a dream to automate our build process using Visual Studio Online Build 2015 (vNext).
We are developing Desktop application that has Windows Logo program. That's why we have to sign-authenticode every binary and msi-installer file. For that purposes ideally we have to install authenticoding certificate on build server. Please help me with some tutorial.
Instead of using Hosted Build Pool/Controller, you should set up one on-premise build server.
To work with Windows Logo program, the Windows Hardware Certification Kit is required. However, this certificate kit is not installed on the hosted build pool/controller, and you don't have permissions to install it on hosted server either. So, you need to set up one on-premise build server, install the certificate kit on it and register it with VSO. Please check this blog for the steps on how to register a on-premise build server with VSO:

Unity3D + Jenkins Configuration

I'm using Unity3D, Jenkins and Bitbucket private repository. Jenkins is installed in cloud service. I want to automate buildings and probably run some tests in Jenkins before pushing to repository.
I have configured Jenkins properly to such step that it works when pushing some changes to repository, but this configuration doesn't contain configuration of Unity3D Build Plugin. In order to get Unity3D Build Plugin working properly you must configure it by providing the directory of your Unity3D Editor. Problem here is that Jenkins is installed in cloud service and Unity3D Editor on my computer. If you want to configure Unity3D Build Plugin you must provide it's .exe file location. So my question is that is it possible to tell Jenkins that is installed in cloud service that Unity3D installation directory is located at my computer? If yes how it is done?
right now it's a limitation on the plugin. I hope to fix this. Open a bug in the issue tracker ( and let's move the conversation there!
