How to copy paste my Mvc project? -

My project name called Hotel, and I want to create another project called Hotel2 containing all files of Hotel for testing purposes.
What are the steps to copy it without getting any errors?

I've tried doing this a few different ways. I've found the safest way is to create a new project, add the files/components you need, and copy the contents of the files from project Hotel to the blank/default files in project Hotel2.
There is no fast and easy way to do it. If you try any shortcuts, it almost always causes problems and more work.


Create a framework from existing iOS project

I'm new to iOS development and I got this project and need to convert it to a framework so that I can simply add it into different projects. Can someone please help me with this.
I tried different tutorials, but all of them is to create one from new projects
When you want to make a framework, or module, from a project, the first thing you’ll need to do is, if you don’t have one already, make an Xcode project workspace (File > Save as Workspace) . The next step is to add a new framework “project” to your workspace (that could’ve been why you saw some resources telling you to make a new project) with File > New Project and choosing Cocoa Touch framework. When you add it, make sure you pick your workspace under both Add to and Group. Then you will need to migrate in the files that you wanted to be in this module — make sure to choose copy items if needed.
Here’s an article with more specific details on the process if you need it:

XCode Project: should we put source code in separate folders for meaningful purpose

I'm a Java developer, and a new comer to ios development. In learning phrase, I try to download some sample projects (include from small one to medium one) for reading how often they do work in an ios project. As I see, often, they put all source file into one folder (include header file, source file, .storyboard file, xib file ...) and I see this will make your project become messy.
So, I come here to ask a question that. Should we put source code in separate folders base on their usage, to make project less messy, right ? For example, all custom core data model class files should put into Model folder. All View file (such as .storyboard, .xib file ...) should put into View folder. All Controller file should put into Controller folder ...
If you often do this, please tell me your experience, how you folder your code ? And does XCode support virtual folders (that in XCode IDE you see source code in folders, but in hard drive, they're just same).
Thanks :)
Xcode differs from Eclipse and Android Studio in maintaining a separate project-level division of resources into folders that need have no correlation whatsoever to the file system. Given that the lack of namespaces usually leads people to be very relaxed about what formally is and is not a 'package', it's a real wild west out there.
I tend to keep things organised by mental package — model, view, controller at the top level, e.g. maybe web services, persistent store under model, etc. But even then command+shift+O and type a symbol or class name is by far the easiest way to navigate a project.
Others might argue that keeping things flat is better because then you don't have to keep the file system layout in sync manually and open-by-symbol plus the class browser obviate the need for stringent organisation, presenting a hierarchical relationship without the need to get either the disk or the workspace into agreement.
You first have to make the difference between folders and groups. Folders are used to organize contents on your filesystem whereas groups are used to organize contents within your Xcode project. You can think of groups as virtual folders. I personally prefer to keep a flat structure on the filesystem and organize everything using groups. This way is slightly more straight forward to include header files and it doesn't force you to maintain both the filesystem structure and the xcode structure.
In you Project you ca do any GROUPS you want to make simple and clean your project, like my screen:
Is easy and simple and you have two ways:
1) in your project right click in to right column then select NewGroup
2) drag and drop your folder in to a column to create a folder reference:
this only if you want integrate in your project a root with inside files PHP, HTML, ASP and more, but attention because after you distribute your app, if a people open .app file they found inside your REFERENCE FOLDER with all your clear code.
I think this is it ;)
Folders makes your code and its management easily, like we have packages in Java that we use to accumulate some common classes and its supporting class files.
In the same way we can use folders to manage our classes in XCode.
However its not necessary, varies from developer to developer as well as the complexity of code.
Happy Coding. :)
The approach you are discussing about is correct.
As far as folder in code is considered. If you create folder within Xcode and dividing the codes based on folders. Than all the classes will exist together on hard disk. But if you create folders within the project using finder and than adding the folder than codes will be saved to their respective folders.
Hope it will help you. Happy coding :)

Difference between Xcode's file adding options

I was just working with a sample project that uses Tesseract OCR library. I followed compiling and building the library as it was mentioned in the link. There the author mentioned precisely to add files one by creating groups and other by creating references. At times we need to carefully check these values or else you will fail to compile. What is actually going on? I just want to know the reasons behind choosing each particular option?
Thanks in advance
If you choose Create groups the files will actually be located in one folder, but in Xcode they will appear grouped the way you had them in the folders.
If you choose Create folder Xcode will create folders in your project directory and the structure will be like the structure of the imported folder/folders.

Duplicating a project and changing its name

I was creating a new project that is a copy of another project. The thing is that when I want to rename the project, some connection problems appear when I want to execute my app. Can someone tell me a good way to replace all the names of the old project? The classe names are the same in the new one, so I don't have to change them.
I have done this recently and it was a straightforward process.
I suggest you start again. Make a copy of the project then click twice slowly on the project name in the project navigator. You can then rename the project.
Xcode then suggests which files/resources to change - you can accept all changes or amend if you like.
Once complete your project will build and run with no problems.

Is there a way to copy (parts of) a project to another project?

I have a large project tree and I decided to set up my tests in a different way. Setting up a new test project is easy but to copy hundreds of files from tens of directories is quite a problem. Is there an easy way to copy all these files from another project tree?
I would not duplicate the files that should be used without change in both test projects, but use separate (sub)folders for the test projects specific files and refer to the common units with a relative path.
Something like:
...\MyProject\Test1 and using '..\MyCommonUnit.pas'
...\MyProject\Test2 and using '..\MyCommonUnit.pas'
You do that for the first Test1 project, then merely saving it in another folder with the 'Save Project As' will duplicate the test only files and you can start directly modifying code in the new Test project...
