Jenkins Pipeline Execute Multiple FreeStyleProjects in Parallel [duplicate] - jenkins

The script is not iterating through all the values of the 'modules' array.
class Module {
public String name = '';
public Boolean isCustom = false;
public Module(String name, Boolean custom){ = name;
this.isCustom = custom;
//creates array from the ext_module env var
modules = [];
EXT_MODULE.split(',').each {
modules.add(new Module(it, false));
println modules;
modules.each {
println "MODULE NAME ::::: ${}"
println "install custom";
} else {
println "install non custom";
This is the result of the run. The array shows 4 elements, but the code inside the .each black only executes once.
Running: Print Message
[Module#71f09325, Module#e1ddb41, Module#7069a674, Module#1f68f952]
Running: Print Message
MODULE NAME ::::: puppetlabs-ntp
Running: Print Message
install non custom
Running: End of Workflow
Finished: SUCCESS

The messages "Running: Print Message" and "Running: End of Workflow" indicate that you are using the new workflow plugin: This plugin currently has a bug causing at least some Groovy iterations involving a closure to be aborted after one iteration:

The workaround is to simply use an old school for loop (code below).
Also, NonCPS is another workaround.
There is an open issue for this matter. See here:
Update, Oct 24th, 2016
* Dumps environment varibles to the log, using an old school for loop.
import com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.NonCPS
def version = '1.0'
def dumpEnvVars() {
def str = "Dumping build environment variables...\n"
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : {
str += " ${entry.key} = ${entry.value}\n"
echo str
return this;

As of yesterday, the new Pipeline plugin was delivered in version 2.0 and correct this problem.
.each closures now work, but .collect still only iterate once.


Groovy value is not apending in jenkins pipeline

artifactVersion = getVersion('build.gradle')
println artifactVersion[enter image description here][1]
def getVersion(String fileName) {
readFile(env.WORKSPACE+"/"+fileName).split("\n").each { line ->
if ((line =~ /version (.*)/).count > 0) {
echo line
def m = (line =~ /version (.*)/)[0]
echo m[1].replaceAll('"','').toString()
println m[1].replaceAll('-SNAPSHOT','').toString()
return m[1].replaceAll('-SNAPSHOT','').toString()
from getVersion api am getting the version 1.0 and that am attached in the console
but that 1.0 is not appending to the artifactVersion
One problem in your code is that the return in getVersion does not return out of the function.
The curly braces in list.each{ } create an anonymous function. Calling return inside will only return from the current iteration of the each function. A normal for loop or a combination of find/findAll and collect (map in other languages) would be better.
See also Groovy Closures and list methods.

How to show timestamps in short format in Jenkins Blue Ocean?

Using Timestamper plugin 1.11.2 with globally enabled timestamps, using the default format, I get the following console output:
00:00:41.097 Some Message
In Blue Ocean the output shows like:
[2020-04-01T00:00:41.097Z] Some Message
How can I make it so that Blue Ocean uses the short timestamp format? The long format is somewhat unreadable and clutters the details view of the steps.
I've looked at the Pipeline Options too, but there is only the timestamps option which doesn't have a parameter to specify the format.
Note: This question isn't a dupe, because it asks for differences in time zone only.
⚠️ Unfortunately this workaround doesn't work in the context of node, see JENKINS-59575. Looks like I have to finally get my hands dirty with plugin development, to do stuff like that in a supported way.
Anyway, I won't delete this answer, as the code may still be useful in other scenarios.
Original answer:
As a workaround, I have created a custom ConsoleLogFilter. It can be applied as a pipeline option, a stage option or at the steps level. If you have the timestamp plugin installed, you should disable the global timestamp option to prevent duplicate timestamps.
Typically you would define the low-level code in a shared library. Here is a sample that can be copy-pasted right into the pipeline script editor (you might have to disable Groovy sandbox):
import hudson.console.LineTransformationOutputStream
import hudson.console.ConsoleLogFilter
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
agent any
// Enable timestamps for the whole pipeline, using default format
//withContext( myTimestamps() )
// Enable timestamps for the whole pipeline, using custom format
//withContext( myTimestamps( dateFormat: 'HH:mm:ss', prefix: '', suffix: ' - ' ) )
stages {
stage('A') {
options {
// Enable timestamps for this stage only
withContext( myTimestamps() )
steps {
echo 'Hello World'
stage('B') {
steps {
echo 'Hello World'
// Enable timestamps for some steps only
withMyTimestamps( dateFormat: 'HH:mm:ss') {
echo 'Hello World'
//----- Code below should be moved into a shared library -----
// For use as option at pipeline or stage level, e. g.: withContext( myTimestamps() )
def myTimestamps( Map args = [:] ) {
return new MyTimestampedLogFilter( args )
// For use as block wrapper at steps level
void withMyTimestamps( Map args = [:], Closure block ) {
withContext( new MyTimestampedLogFilter( args ), block )
class MyTimestampedLogFilter extends ConsoleLogFilter {
String dateFormat
String prefix
String suffix
MyTimestampedLogFilter( Map args = [:] ) {
this.dateFormat = args.dateFormat ?: 'YY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
this.prefix = args.prefix ?: '['
this.suffix = args.suffix ?: '] '
OutputStream decorateLogger( AbstractBuild build, OutputStream logger )
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
return new MyTimestampedOutputStream( logger, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, this.dateFormat, this.prefix, this.suffix )
class MyTimestampedOutputStream extends LineTransformationOutputStream {
OutputStream logger
Charset charset
String dateFormat
String prefix
String suffix
MyTimestampedOutputStream( OutputStream logger, Charset charset, String dateFormat, String prefix, String suffix ) {
this.logger = logger
this.charset = charset
this.dateFormat = dateFormat
this.prefix = prefix
this.suffix = suffix
void close() throws IOException {
void eol( byte[] bytes, int len ) throws IOException {
def lineIn = charset.decode( java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap( bytes, 0, len ) ).toString()
def dateFormatted = new Date().format( this.dateFormat )
def lineOut = "${this.prefix}${dateFormatted}${this.suffix}${lineIn}\n"
logger.write( lineOut.getBytes( charset ) )
Example output for stage "B":
I got the idea from this answer.

Verifying Jenkins calls while testing pipeline code

I am writing a Jenkins pipeline library, and am having some difficulties with mocking/validating an existing Jenkins pipeline step.
I am using jenkins-spock by homeaway to unit test, but I think my problem is more Spock related.
import com.homeaway.devtools.jenkins.testing.JenkinsPipelineSpecification
class PublishBuildLogSpec extends JenkinsPipelineSpecification {
BuildLogProvider buildLogProvider = Mock()
PublishBuildLog publishBuildLog
def setup () {
publishBuildLog = new PublishBuildLog(buildLogProvider: buildLogProvider)
def "Gets the log file contents for a specific job and build"() {
"the call method is executed with the jobName and buildNumber parameters set""JOBNAME", "42")
"the getBuildLog on the buildLogProvider is called with those parameters"
1 * buildLogProvider.getBuildLog("JOBNAME", "42")
def "the contents of log file is written to the workspace"() {
"getBuildLog returns specific contents"
def logFileText = "Example Log File Text"
buildLogProvider.getBuildLog(_, _) >> logFileText
" is executed", _)
"the specific contents is passed to the writeFile step"
1 * getPipelineMock("writeFile").call([file: _ , text: logFileText])
This is my unit test. I am attempting to say that writeFile is called with the text matching the contents of logFileText, ignoring what the other parameters are. I have tried numerous combinations, but always seem to get the same or similar response to response of:
Too few invocations for:
1 * getPipelineMock("writeFile").call([file: _ , text: "Example Log File Text"]) (0 invocations)
Unmatched invocations (ordered by similarity):
1 * (explicit) getPipelineMock("writeFile").call(['file':'filename', 'text':'Example Log File Text'])
This is to test this class
class PublishBuildLog {
BuildLogProvider buildLogProvider = new BuildLogProvider()
void setBuildLogProvider(BuildLogProvider buildLogProvider) {
this.buildLogProvider = buildLogProvider
def call(def jobName, def buildNumber) {
def contents = buildLogProvider.getBuildLog(jobName, buildNumber)
writeFile(file: "filename", text: contents)
I am at a loss as to how to validate this call. I have a lot of experience with Java and Junit, but I am relatively new to Spock.
How can I verify this?
For me your test passes. But there is one thing I find strange: You use jokers in a when: block where you should really use concrete parameters like in the first feature method:
when: " is executed", _)
Instead you should write:
when: " is executed""JOBNAME", "42")
For me this works just fine if I use this as a dummy class in order to make the code compile (because you did not provide the source code):
class BuildLogProvider {
def getBuildLog(def jobName, def buildNumber) {}

function lines after httpRequest are not executed in groovy jenkins pipeline

None of the lines after making httpRequest are getting executed. Everything else works fine in this function. What could be going wrong here?
However, network request is going fine and I am able to see the response in the console. httpRequest is being made via plugin
I've even tried CURL - but lines after curl are not executed.
def doPRCommentBasedTesting() {
def causes = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCauses()
def commentURL
for(cause in causes) {
if (cause.class.toString().contains("GitHubPullRequestCommentCause")) {
commentURL = cause.getCommentUrl()
commentURL = commentURL.substring(commentURL.lastIndexOf("-") + 1)
println "This job was caused by job " + commentURL
def url1 = "https://<git_url>/api/v3/repos/<owner>/<repo>/issues/comments/" + commentURL
def commentText = httpRequest authentication: '<auth_cred>', url: url1, consoleLogResponseBody: true
println commentText
println commentText.getClass()
println "hello world, how are you doing today?"
else {
println "Root cause : " + cause.toString()
println "==============================="
return 0
A non cps function does not have the ability to pause in between because it runs in a go. You need to put network call into a different function that is not marked as nonCPS and then it will work. In general the nonCPS block should be very small and limited to code that cannot be serialised

extract parameters from a jenkins previous build

I am working on Jenkins version 2.32.1 pipeline. I want to extract the parameters that were chosen in the previous build of my job.
In our previous Jenkins instance ( 1.627 ) we were using jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getItem(job).lastBuild.getBuildVariables().get(param);
For some reason this is not working in this version (I also tried disabling the sandbox).
Any pointers on how to accomplish it?
Simplified version of the previous script:
def build = Jenkins.get().getItems(org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowJob).find {it.displayName == 'YOUR_JOB_NAME_HERE'}?.getLastBuild()
build.actions.find{ it instanceof ParametersAction }?.parameters.each {echo "${}=${it.value}"}
Actually a little bit shorter version for those who want to get the params for the current build from the previous run and is working on new 2+ Jenkins versions.
To get 1 particular parameter:
def cls = currentBuild.getPreviousBuild().getRawBuild().actions.find{ it instanceof ParametersAction }?.parameters.find{ == 'cls'}?.value
Get all params respectfully:
def cls = currentBuild.getPreviousBuild().getRawBuild().actions.find{ it instanceof ParametersAction }?.parameters
Something like this might work, based on
def h = hudson.model.Hudson.instance
def r = null
h.getItems(org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowJob).each {project ->
if (project.displayName.equals('YOUR_JOB_NAME')) {
r = project
r.getBuilds().findAll { b -> // here we loop over all past builds, apply some filter if necessary
def p = b?.actions.find{ it instanceof ParametersAction }?.parameters
p.each {
echo "parameter ${}: ${it.value}"
For those who are not able to access getActions() due to admin permissions i.e. facing the following error:
Scripts not permitted to use method hudson.model.Actionable getActions
They can copy the parameter variables to the env and get them using build.previousBuild.buildVariables
stage('Prepare environment') {
steps {
script {
println("MY_PARAM in previous build: ${currentBuild.previousBuild.buildVariables["MY_PARAM_COPY"]}")
That's how I made it works, answer from #dan.goriaynov and #jherb caused some CPS closure issues for me.
(the gist of the code is to allow only greater TAG number than the previous one to be deployed)
stage('Validate build number') {
def previous_build = currentBuild.getPreviousBuild().getRawBuild();
def PREVIOUS_TAG = '';
for (int i = 0; i < previous_build.allActions.size(); i++) {
if (previous_build.allActions[i] in hudson.model.ParametersAction) {
PREVIOUS_TAG = previous_build.allActions[i].getParameter("TAG").value
if (PREVIOUS_TAG.toInteger() > TAG.toInteger()) {
error('TAG number needs to be greater than the previous one')
