i am parsing a requirement Module in Doors and i want to get the outlinked requirements so i did that :
Stream outfile= write("D:\\Users\\iiii\\" reportName ".txt")
outfile << "Spec Report Requirement IDs\n-----------------------------\n"
Object o
Module m = read(planSpecReportPath_inDoors)
Link outLink
ModName_ parentModName
for o in m do
for outLink in o -> "*" do
parentModName = target(outLink)
string h = fullName(parentModName) "\n\n"
outfile << h
however i ONLY get the linked requirement documents paths and can't get exact Req ID .
My question is if i want to get all outlinks to specific Requirement Module with Requirement IDs not just Requirement Document path , what shall i do , any help ?
you will need the perm
int targetAbsNo (Link)
So, in your example something like
parentModName = target(outLink)
int iTarget = targetAbsNo(outLink)
string h = fullName(parentModName) " (" iTarget ")" "\n\n"
I'm using the Analysis Wizard to create a LayoutDXL column which should list attributes (e.g. AbsoluteNumber) for each existing In-link in my current module. In one particular DOORS module, the resulting DXL code displays each of these attributes twice. This doesn't happen in other modules.
I did notice that the offending module doesn't have a defined set of LinkModules (as seen in File/ModuleProperties). Could that be causing some sort of loopback?
I've discovered that somehow the DXL code "thinks" there are two versions of a defined LinkModule, i.e. "Current" and "Baseline X" . These each link to different baseline numbers in the target DOORS module. I don't know how to fix that.
For reference, here's the DXL code generated with the Wizard. This is DOORS
// DXL generated by DOORS traceability wizard on 12 February 2019.
// Wizard version 2.0, DOORS version
pragma runLim, 0
string limitModules[1] = {"[serial number redacted]"}
void showIn(Object o, int depth) {
Link l
LinkRef lr
ModName_ otherMod = null
Module linkMod = null
ModuleVersion otherVersion = null
Object othero
string disp = null
string s = null
string plain, plainDisp
int plainTextLen
int count
bool doneOne = false
string linkModName = "*"
for lr in all(o<-linkModName) do {
otherMod = module (sourceVersion lr)
if (!null otherMod) {
if ((!isDeleted otherMod) && (null data(sourceVersion lr))) {
if (!equal(getItem otherMod, (itemFromID limitModules[depth-1]))) continue
load((sourceVersion lr),false)
for l in all(o<-linkModName) do {
otherVersion = sourceVersion l
otherMod = module(otherVersion)
if (null otherMod || isDeleted otherMod) continue
if (!equal(getItem otherMod, (itemFromID limitModules[depth-1]))) continue
othero = source l
if (null othero) {
othero = source l
if (null othero) continue
if (isDeleted othero) continue
doneOne = true
if (depth == 1) {
s = probeRichAttr_(othero,"Absolute Number", false)
if (s == "")
displayRich("\\pard " " ")
displayRich("\\pard " s)
s = probeRichAttr_(othero,"Object Heading", false)
if (s == "")
displayRich("\\pard " " ")
displayRich("\\pard " s)
I've seen the situation where objects DID have two links between them, this is possible with different link modules (Object 1 of Module A SATISFIES Object 2 of Module B and Object 1 of Module A REFINES Object 2 of Module B). While there may be reasons for such a situation, most often this is caused by a "link move" script that was not used correctly.
You should augment your code by displaying the name of the link module as well (variable linkModName). Perhaps this shows the reason for your observation
I'm working on a DXL program in Doors which supposed to output to a csv file all of source module, target, linkset and version of each (source/target) modules. I've succeed to output "source module, target, linkset but I couldn't extract the version of modules. Does anyone know how to do it ?
Here is my code bellow:
The following uses an output file which is in C:\Temp, but you can easily change that.
it works by matching modules using a grep string, again which you can change to suit.
I have different module types, and therefore I can just get the results on the prefix 'STR' in this case. I decided to have multiple scripts for different prefix modules, rather than dynamically pass the STR keyword.
You need to enter your folder and subfolders for the "modPathname"
then adjust the Regexp "GrepString" to suit your naming convention
alternatively you can bypass all this by hardcoding the values.
string filename = "C:\\TEMP\\STR_Baseline_Info.txt"
Stream outFile = write filename
string Modtype = "STR"
void PrintAndOutput ( string s)
// print (s) // Enable if you want output
outFile << s
void DisplayResults( string Modtype )
Item modItem
Module mName
Regexp GrepString = regexp2 "^" Modtype "-[0-8][0-9][0-9]"
Folder modPathname = folder "/EnterYourFolderHere/AnySubFolders/" Modtype ""
string fullModuleName , CommentStr , moduleName
Baseline b
PrintAndOutput "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
CommentStr = "This File is automatically produced via the " Modtype " Baseline Info.dxl script. \n" Modtype " Versions as of : " dateAndTime(today) "\n"
PrintAndOutput CommentStr
PrintAndOutput "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"
for modItem in modPathname do
if (type (modItem ) == "Formal")
moduleName = (name modItem)
if (GrepString moduleName)
fullModuleName = (fullName(modItem))
mName = read(fullName modItem , false)
b= getMostRecentBaseline (mName)
if (b != null )
PrintAndOutput moduleName " -\tBaseline : "(major b)"."(minor b)(suffix b) " \t " (dateOf b) "\n"
PrintAndOutput moduleName " \t### No Baseline Information ### \t" " \n"
DisplayResults ( Modtype)
The title may be a bit confusing but basically this is the problem: I am using Jena and a Pellet reasoner to produce property literals from a resource called Patient_Doug. The triple looks like this:
Patient_Doug-> hasSuggestion-> Literal inferred suggestion.
The problem is that the Protege Pellet reasoner comes up with three suggestions for Doug, because Doug is in a pretty bad way in hospital. The Protege reasoner suggests that Doug needs a Hi-Lo bed, an RF ID band and a bed closer to the nurse's station. Unfortunatly, in Jena, I can only get Hi-lo bed to print. Only one of 3 literals.
Here is some of the code.
OntModel model = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel( PelletReasonerFactory.THE_SPEC );
String ns = "http://altervista.org/owl/unit.owl#";
String inputFile = "c:\\jena\\acuity.owl";
InputStream in = FileManager.get().open(inputFile);
if (in == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("File: " + inputFile + " not found");
//inf and reasoner wont run unless i use hp libraries!
//asserted data properties
Individual ind = model.getIndividual(ns+"Patient_Doug");
OntProperty abcValue = model.getOntProperty("http://example.org/hasABCValue");
//inferred data properties
OntProperty suggestion = model.getOntProperty(ns+"hasSuggestion");
//print asserted data properties
System.out.println("Properties for patient "+ind.getLocalName().toString());
System.out.println( abcValue.getLocalName()+"= "+ind.getPropertyValue(abcValue).asLiteral().getInt());
//print inferenced data properties
StmtIterator it = ind.listProperties(suggestion);
//this iterator only prints one suggestion in an infinite loop
while (it.hasNext()) {
System.out.println("A posible suggestion= "+ind.getPropertyValue(suggestion).asLiteral().getString());
The code works fine but the iterator at the end only prints only one subggestion in an infinite loop.
I would be grateful for any suggestions.
This code works to iterate and print the many inferred hasSuggestions. The hasSuggestion SWRL rules are in the OWL ontology
OntModel model = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel( PelletReasonerFactory.THE_SPEC );
String ns = "http://altervista.org/owl/unit.owl#";
String inputFile = "c:\\jena\\acuity.owl";
InputStream in = FileManager.get().open(inputFile);
if (in == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("File: " + inputFile + " not found");
//inf and reasoner wont run unless i use hp libraries!
//asserted data properties
Individual ind = model.getIndividual(ns+"Patient_Doug");
OntProperty abcValue = model.getOntProperty("http://example.org/hasABCValue");
//inferred data properties
OntProperty suggestion = model.getOntProperty(ns+"hasSuggestion");
//print asserted data properties
System.out.println("Properties for patient "+ind.getLocalName().toString());
System.out.println( abcValue.getLocalName()+"= "+ind.getPropertyValue(abcValue).asLiteral().getInt());
for (StmtIterator j = ind.listProperties(suggestion); j.hasNext(); ) {
Statement s = j.next();
//System.out.println( " " + s.getPredicate().getLocalName() + " -> " );
System.out.println( "A possible suggestion... " + s.getLiteral().getLexicalForm());
I have the following snip of dxl code,
I would like to copy the object ID with the filter F3 is on. :
I dont know what I am doing wrong it gives me (ID) of all the object.
string Id
int x=0;
int y=0;
Id = o."SourceID"
Filter f0 = hasNoLinks(linkFilterIncoming, "*")
Filter f1=attribute "_TraceTo" == "System"
Filter f2 = attribute "Object Type" == "requirement"
Filter f3 = f1&&f2&&f0
print x ":\t" fullName(module(m)) "\n"
wOutKLHUntraced << Id "\t" fullName(module(m)) "\n"
First, you need to add the statement filtering on after adding the filter, so that the filter is applied. Then the filtered objects will be the only ones visible.
Then, you set "Id" way too early in the script. At line 4, "o" is set to
some object, I don't know which one, but certainly not the result of
your filter. Instead, after the statement filtering on, add statements
Object o = first m // the first object that is now visible
Id = o."SourceID"
My Script is running good, but gives different results : as I am running this script in a for loop for around 30 module :
Am I am setting somewhere wrong filters ?
Stream TbdUntraced;
string s
string d
Object o
string trac
int numReqs = 0;
string IdNum
string untraced
int x=0;
int y=0;
int a =0;
for o in m do
ensureInLinkedModulesLoaded(o,S_SATISFIES );
s = o."Object Type"
string Id
string Topic
Topic = o."_Topic"
Filter f0 = hasNoLinks(linkFilterIncoming, "*")
Filter f1 = contains(attribute "_TraceTo", "TBD", false)
Filter f2 = attribute "Object Type" == "requirement"
Filter f3 = attribute "MMS5-Autoliv_Supplier_Status" == "agreed"
Filter f4 = attribute "MMS5-Autoliv_Supplier_Status" == "partly agreed"
Filter f7 = f0&&f2&&(f3||f4)&&f1
filtering on
d = o."MMS5-Autoliv_OEM_Status"
Id = o."SourceID"
Topic = o."_Topic"
print x ":\t" name(module(m)) "\n"
TbdUntraced << Id "\t" Topic "\t"name(module(m)) "\n"
I would like to be able to change the Baseline attribute for all outlinks from a source module. Does anyone know of some DXL code that could be used to do this?
There must be an easier way rather than manually deleting previous outlinks (i.e. ModuleVersion BL [1.20] and recreating outlinks to a specific new baseline (i.e. ModuleVersion BL [1.21]).
for outLink in all (Object srcObject) -> (string linkModName) do {
targetVersion(outLink) ...
Thanks for any help.
Here is the dxl way to do it:
Link ol
Object o
Object othero
Module m = current
Module tMod
ModName_ tModName
ModuleVersion mv
Baseline b
int tAbs
// Current Version of the Links
string cVersion = "1.20"
// Target Major, Minor and Suffix
int tMajor = 1
int tMinor = 21
string tSuffix = ""
for o in m do
for ol in all(o -> LinkModName) do
mv = targetVersion(ol)
tModName = target(ol)
tMod = read(fullName(tModName),false)
if(versionString(mv) "" == cVersion)
b = baseline(tMajor,tMinor,tSuffix)
tMod = load(tMod, b, true)
} else {
ack "Baseline [" tMajor "." tMinor " " tSuffix "] was not found"
tAbs = targetAbsNo(ol)
othero = object(tAbs,tMod)
if(!null othero)
o -> LinkModName -> othero
delete ol
save m
Don't forget to insert the path to your link module and update the baseline information for the current and target if necessary.
You can omit the delete ol and flushDeletions() if you decide not to remove the old links.