IOS UITableView right half cut off screen - ios

For some reason, no matter what I do, when I create a static tableview inside a UITableViewController, put content into the cells and run the simulator the right half of the screen is always cut off and I don't know why. Ive tried making new projects and remaking the storyboard but nothings working.
Here's what it looks like when I run the app
heres what the storyboard looks like.
I have content set to static cells
Anyone run into this problem or know how to fix it via storyboard (or programmatically but not preferred)?
Here are some more pictures of what another project looks like when I run it:
and here's what the storyboard looks like

You need to give constraints to your right button...
For that select your button and pin its edges to right, top, bottom and give width constraint like below
and here is autolayout tutorial link .. you can check that

I see the problem in giving constraints to the table not for the button.
Try giving constraints to the table like "leading space to superview,trailing space to superview,top space and bottom space to superview
The above solution given by me might fix for tableview inside UIViewcontroller.


Xcode Interface Builder Pin Tool makes UITableView disappear

I have a UITableView and I want it to hit the upper bar, the sides of the view and the Seek Bar below. When I add constraints with the Pin Tool, the UITableView simply disappears and I get no log output.
I use the Pin Tool like shown here:
After this, the table disappears. Why? Here is another picture of my setup, it's literally just up/down/left/right constraints, nothing else, what am I doing wrong?
Solved it by giving the top bar some constraints and giving the UITableView a "width" constraint - I have no idea why that works but now it scales nicely for every display size

How to set constraints to a tableView into a viewController?

I'm trying to place a tableView in a viewController, but im not able to constraint properly the tableView, i'm doing the usual things, i'm sticking the leading, trailing and bottom constraints to superview, and some space to the top superview. But as shown in the preview, table view does not look to be constrained, the effect that it brings for me is that when i put elements into content view, they extend along the right side i can not see them for small devices. Does anyone know what could be happening?
Thanks in advance!
StoryBoard Tree
After spending long time checking what happened i figured out that there is a Xcode fail on it, i run it in simulators and real devices and it works perfect, the bad thing is that everything i inserted into that view does not look as it should in the preview, but again, in simulator everything works fine. So, preview is not always as trusty as i expected and now i know it

Fitting a tableView into its parent UIViewController

I dropped a TableView into my ViewController using Storyboard and I want it to be filled without any margins like the lower ViewController with TableView in the image below.
I tried some suggestions from the answers in other similar questions but didn't work at all.
Some say I need to set PIN. and I tried it like below:
I've typed '0' for all 4 constraints but this is what I got:
This AutoLayout thing makes me really hard to layout things automatically, unlike it's name.
What should I do now?
Just Click on Resolve Auto layout Issues after that click on Update frames as shown into below image.
In the Document Outline, tap the yellow arrow:
Tap the yellow triangle:
Then select Update Frames, Fix Misplacement.
This will fix the misplaced view. Alternatively you could have resized the table view before specifying the constraints.
I recommend you have a look at an auto layout tutorial, for example link.

Equal Spacing from one another for Buttons in Xcode

I was wondering if anyone could help me...
I am trying to have perfect spacing between buttons for a soundboard app, but I cant seem to get it quite right even after using constraints etc.
I have attached an image to show you what I mean...
You Can Try Like This
i took 3 UIView on storyboard and give equal width of UIView than i put button on view and give button x centre by back view please see the attached screen shot of storyboard

UIDatePicker alignment inside static UITableView doesn't line up in storyboard vs simulator

I'm trying to learn how to embed pickers into table views and am starting off nice and simply with a static tableview where I've inserted a UIDatePicker within it.
Unfortunately I'm seeing odd behaviour with how the UIDatePicker aligns within the cell. If I line everything up nice and centred within the storyboard then when i run in the simulator i find the picker displays lower than centred and so looks messy. In the end by eye I've had to add padding to the cell beneath the picker in the storyboard to get it looking reasonable within the simulator when running. As shown in the following images.
Anyone any ideas why the storyboard layout isn't being honoured, or whether there's something I can change which would make them behave themselves better?
Apologies for the image resolution size.
layout of picker and cell in the storyboard
outline of my tableview in the storyboard
picker and cell shown in the simulator
Ok I eventually fixed this... i tried using some auto constraints having snapped the picker to the centre of the cell, sadly this didn't seem to help.
I then cleared the constraints and used the align button to add constraints for horizontal and vertical center in container. Added these constraints and now the picker is behaving consistently between the storyboard and the simulator.
Not sure why when adding it centred using the blue guidelines it didn't default to this sort of behaviour without the constraints but now I know.
Thanks to anyone who took the time to read my question.
