Virtualbox port forwarding with docker - docker

I'm running virtualbox locally and I've used port forwarding like this ->
so that I can do
curl http://localhost:7000
from host to vm and be able to communicate with the application running in the vm and listening to port 7000.
Is it possible to make the reverse? I want to set a port forward to be able to
curl http://localhost:6000
from my vm and be able to communicate with the app that runs on host and listens on port 6000.
I'm using NAT.
I already know about bridged network and about using the network IP of my host. I can't use those. All I'm interested in is the above.
The reason of the limitations above is because I'm using dinghy with docker and docker-machine. If I change the network to something else than NAT the setup will break. Moreover I can't use something else than localhost since these are the defaults that the apps have and I need them to communicate as if they were running both on host.

Possible options:
Setup an SSH tunnel with ssh -R, see
Setup Nginx or Apache reverse proxy on the vm to forward traffic to host.
Force the VM to think localhost is your host ip by adding it to the /etc/hosts file (this has the potential risk of breaking other services that may depend on localhost being


How to access website on docker container(apache server) from other network?

Hello sorry for stupid question.. But i have googled it for a week and still can't find the answer.
Currently I'm using Virtualbox for ubuntu server 18.04 and I have installed docker on it. I have run docker apache server by using sudo docker pull httpd and sudo docker run -t --name apache -p 8080:80 httpd
And there is the problem. I can show the website by using curl but i can't access from the other network or other machine in different network.
For instance my virtualbox's ip address is and host pc which is window is
When i ping to each other it all works. But when i try to access from host pc i can't access
What should i check or do to solve this problem.
Thank you
For "" access on the host- Try opening TCP traffic on port 8080 of your virtual machine with firewall-cmd or an equivalent Ubuntu utility. "" should then become available on your host server.
For "" access from other devices on your home network(s)- You might need to both route the port of your VM to a port of your host (unless you have a pass-through NIC configured on the VM) on the VM manager plus open an additional firewall on your host server on the host port you've mapped to for access by other devices on your home network. After those steps on the host port "" should be the web server IP accessible by any device on your network(s).
For PUBLIC_IP:PUBLIC_PORT access from outside networks (external to your modem and available to the world)- IPs on your home networks can't be accessed from other networks. Access from other devices on your network is controlled by your firewall on your OS. Access from outside networks is controlled by port forwarding on your modem. I don't recommend port forwarding for a custom app unless you understand some of the security loopholes that can exist on a development web server. But to manage port forwarding go to http://INTERNAL_IP_OF_YOUR_MODEM and you'll get a management interface for managing your port forwarding settings. You'll also see your public IP on your router's management UI or by googling "my ip address".
You can map your modem's IP to an official www web domain with a web domain service like GoDaddy. You can map your internal IPs to internally known web domains by editing /etc/hosts files on the devices on your network.

Access Docker container via DNS name from corporate LAN

I'm looking for a way to access containers that are running on server in our company lan by domain names. By far I only managed to access them by IPs
So the setup is. Docker (for windows) is running on server (Windows Server 2019), network for container is configured with l2bridge driver, container's dns name, as specifiedn in run command, is cont1. It is accessible by dns name on the docker host (srv1) and by IP from my machine.
What can I do to access the container by dns name from my local machine located in the same lan?
I tried to use proxy (traefik) but it cant rewrite urls in the content, so web applications running inside the container are failing. Bacause of this I can't host multiple web application behind that proxy.
I know that it is possible to map container's port to host port and then it will be accessible from lan through the host name and host port, but applications I'm running are requiring many ports to be mapped (like 8 ports for each container) and with those containers being short-lived developer's environments it will be a hell to find a port pool when running new container.
So again if I can access container and its' ports by IP, is there a way to do the same by DNS name?
UPD1. Container host is a virtual server running on vmware. I tried to follow those recommendations and configure promiscuous mode. Thise doesn't help with dns though.
UPD2. I tried transparent network as well. For some reason DHCP can never assign propper IP and container ends up with autoconfigured ip from 168.x.x.x subnet.
You could create a transparent network and make the container discoverable on the network just like host. However, using host ports is what's recommended.
Did you try PathStrip or PathPrefixStrip with Traefik? That should let you rewrite the URLs for the backend.

how to block external access to docker container linux centos 7

I have a mongodb docker container I only want to have access to it from inside of my server, not out side. even I blocked the port 27017/tcp with firewall-cmd but it seems that docker is still available to public.
I am using linux centos 7
and docker-compose for setting up docker
I resolved the same problem adding an iptables rule that blocks 27017 port on public interface (eth0) at the top of chain DOCKER:
iptables -I DOCKER 1 -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 27017 -j DROP
Set the rule after docker startup
Another thing to do is to use non-default port for mongod, modify docker-compose.yml (remember to add --port=XXX in command directive)
For better security I suggest to put your server behind an external firewall
If you have your application in one container and MongoDb in other container what you need to do is to connect them together by using a network that is set to be internal.
See Documentation:
By default, Docker also connects a bridge network to it to provide
external connectivity. If you want to create an externally isolated
overlay network, you can set this option to true.
See also this question
Here's the tutorial on networking (not including internal but good for understanding)
You may also limit traffic on MongoDb by Configuring Linux iptables Firewall for MongoDB
for creating private networks use some IPs from these ranges: – – –
more read on Wikipedia
You may connect a container to more than one network so typically an application container is connected to the outside world network (external) and internal network. The application communicates with database on internal network and returns some data to the client via external network. Database is connected only to the internal network so it is not seen from the outside (internet)
I found a post here may help enter link description here. Just post it here for people who needed it in future.
For security concern we need both hardware firewall and OS firewall enabled and configured properly. I found that firewall protection is ineffective for ports opened in docker container listened on though firewalld service was enabled at that time.
My situation is :
A server with Centos 7.9 and Docker version 20.10.17 installed
A docker container was running with port 3000 opened on
The firewalld service had started with the command systemctl start firewalld
Only ports 22 should be allow access outside the server as the firewall configured.
It was expected that no one others could access port 3000 on that server, but the testing result was opposite. Port 3000 on that server was accessed successfully from any other servers. Thanks to the blog post, I have had my server under firewall protected.

Run docker container on localhost via VM

I'm new to Docker and Containers, and I'm trying to run a simple web app in a container but running into issues. My OS is Windows 10 Home, so I have to use the Docker Toolbox, which runs on a VM that only includes a basic Linux OS. When I spin up the container, it seems to start fine, but I can't view the app on the localhost.
$ docker run -p 8342:5000 -it jwarren:project
Hosting environment: Production
Content root path: /app
Now listening on: http://*:5000
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
$ docker ps -a
98cc4aed7586 jwarren:project "dotnet run" 8 minutes ago Up 8 minutes>5000/tcp naughty_brattain
I've tried several different recommendations that I found on the web, but none have helped so far. However, my knowledge of networking is very limited, so maybe I'm not fully understanding what needs to be done. I've tried accessing it with the default VM machine IP and the container IP. I understand that the port forwarding does not carry over to the container. Any assistance would be great, as this project is due on Tuesday, and this is the last road block before finishing.
I found the following post that was really helpful: How to connect to a docker container from outside the host (same network) [Windows]. Following the steps below worked perfectly:
Open Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager
Select the VM used by Docker
Click Settings -> Network Adapter 1 should (default?) be "Attached
Click Advanced -> Port Forwarding Add rule: Protocol TCP, Host Port
8080, Guest Port 8080 (leave Host IP and Guest IP empty)
You should now be able to browse to your container via localhost:8080 and your-internal-ip:8080.
Started up the container (Dockerfile EXPOSES 5000):
docker run -p 8080:5000 -it jwarren:project
Was able to connect with http://localhost:8080
There are few things to consider when working with a VM networking.
Virtual Box has 3 types of networking options NAT, Bridged and Host Only.
NAT would allow your VM to access internet through your internet. But won't allow your HOST machine to access the VM
Host Only network will create a network where the VM can reach the host machine and the Host can reach the VM. No internet using this network
Bridged network will allow your VM to assign another IP from your Wifi router or the main network. This IP will allow VM to have net access as well as access to other machines on the network. This will allow even the host machine to reach the IP
Now in most cases when you want to run Docker inside a VM and access that VM using the host machine you want the VM to have both NAT and Host only bridges
Now accessing your app on port 8342 needs few things checked
seliunx, firewalld, ufw are disabled on your VM (or properly configured to allow the port)
Your VM has a host only network or bridged network
iptables -S should not show REJECT rules
Some VMs come pre-configure to only allow port 22 from external network. So you should try access the app on <hostonlyip>:8342 or <bridgedip>:8342.
If you want to test if the app is up or not you can do the following
docker inspect <containerid> | grep IPA
Get the IP from this and run the command
curl http://<containerip>:5000/
This command needs to be execute inside the VM and not on your machine. If this command doesn't work then your container is not listening on 5000. Sometimes app listen to only inside the container. This means they will work only inside the container and not outside. The app inside the container needs to listen to
If nothing works you can try an ssh tunnel approach
ssh -L 8342: user#<VMIP>
And then you should be able to access the app on localhost:8342

Allow a container running via docker-machine to connect with Mysql or XDEBUG port on parent OSX system without using an OSX DHCP assigned ip address?

I've got the following setup:
OSX running MySQL listening on all network adaptors at port 3306
XDEBUG enabled IDE listening on port 9000 on the base OSX system.
docker-machine host running on the OSX system with the host ip
A debian based docker container with a mysql client running on the docker host and HHVM running with xdebug looking to connect to some lucky remote host on port 9000.
The ip addresses change frequently on the OSX system due to being assigned via DHCP, so I want the docker container to be able to somehow be able to hit the mysql server regardless of what IP the native OSX network adaptors get assigned (without manually updating it). Also, I need a stable ip I can provide my HHVM server.ini file a remotes host for Xdebug.
With running a base system of linux this isn't an issue as the docker host and the actual native machine running docker are one-and-the-same. Also, there are several ways for a container to learn of the host's ip so the issue isn't hitting the docker host.
However, in OSX running docker-machine, the host ain't the native OSX system, but instead is a VM running in virtual box (assuming you're using the vb driver, and who the sam hill blazes isn't?).
The only thing I could think of was to port forward request on 3306 to the docker-machine host ( which never changes) to the OSX's port 3306. Then have the container hit the docker-machine host for Mysql requests. IF this works, I could rinse and repeat for any port I port I need to link like xdebug on port 9000.
Does anyone know how to accomplish this or have another suggestion?
Figured a way out without needing to make any changes that provides a consistent ip to connect to on the base OSX system. Docker machine sets things up in such a way to make this possible.
Docker machine creates a virtualbox VM with 2 network adaptors, one set up as host-only, the other set as NAT. Don't know why it creates 2, but
The host-only adaptor provides the OSX an ip of and the various VM's using it get addresses starting with However, inside the VM network, you can't use the address to hit ports on the parent OSX system (not sure why, but guessing host only intends to be only communication between the VMs).
The NAT network adaptor is set so the OSX get's the ip and the VM get's With a NAT, you can route to the OSX system at from both the docker host VM and containers running on the host.
Since this address for the OSX machine doesn't change (unless you screw with the virtual box networking settings) bingo, got what I need.
