i m new at neo4j and i d like to upload a csv file and create a set of nodes. However i have already some existing nodes that may exist on that csv file. Is there an option to load the csv, create the nodes based on each row and in case the node already exists skip that row?
You can use the MERGE clause to avoid creating duplicate nodes and relationships.
However, you need to carefully read the documentation to understand how to use MERGE, as incorrect usage can cause the unintentional creation of nodes and relationships.
Merge will give you what you want, however you must be careful how you identify the record uniquely to prevent creating duplicates
I'll put the desired final form first as attention spans seem to be on the decline...
// This one is safe assuming name is a true unique identifier of your Friends
// and that their favorite colors and foods may change over time
LOAD CSV FROM 'data/friends.csv' AS line
MERGE (f:Friend { name: line[0]})
set a.favorite_food = line[1]
set a.favorite_color = line[2]
The merge above will create or find the Friend node with that matching name and then, regardless of whether we are creating it or updating it, set the attributes on it.
If we were to instead provide all the attributes in the merge as such:
// This one is dangerous - all attributes must match in order
// to find the existing Friend node
LOAD CSV FROM 'data/friends.csv' AS line
MERGE (f:Friend { name: line[0], favorite_food: line[1], favorite_color: line[2]})
Then we would fail to find an existing friend everytime their favorite_food or favorite_color was updated in our data being (re)loaded.
Here's an example for anyone who's imagination hasn't fully filled in the blanks...
//Last month's file contained:
Bob Marley,Hemp Seeds,Green
//This month's file contained:
Bob Marley,Soylent Green,Rainbow
Let's say initially create Order nodes through the csv file orders.csv
// Create orders
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///orders.csv' AS row
MERGE (order:Order {orderID: row.OrderID})
ON CREATE SET order.shipName = row.ShipName
Later I added more columns to the orders.csv, and I suppose I can add new properties into the graph this way:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///orders.csv' AS row
MERGE (order:Order {orderID: row.OrderID})
ON CREATE SET order.shipName = row.ShipName, order.customerId = row.CustomerID, order.employeeID = row.EmployeeID;
Here two new properties 'customerId' and 'employeeId' to be added to each node of Order. I tested this command, but it doesn't change the graph at all. Does merge function incrementally add into to the graph?
MERGE works on exactly the expression you provide it, so
MERGE (order:Order {orderID: row.OrderID})
will check for a node with the label Order and an orderID property set to the value (and type) of row.orderID. If this doesn't exist exactly, it will be created.
Because you are using ON CREATE... that line will only occur if the node is being created by the merge, not if it is simply found (matched).
You probably want to look at using ON MATCH... instead - https://neo4j.com/docs/cypher-manual/current/clauses/merge/#query-merge-on-create-on-match
ON CREATE is only used by MERGE when it needs to create something.
On the other hand, ON MATCH is used by MERGE when it does not need to create anything.
So, your new query should look like this (assuming that you added no new rows to the CSV file, but only columns):
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///orders.csv' AS row
MERGE (order:Order {orderID: row.OrderID})
ON MATCH SET order.customerId = row.CustomerID, order.employeeID = row.EmployeeID;
I just downloaded and installed Neo4J. Now I'm working with a simple csv that is looking like that:
So first I'm using this to merge the nodes for that file:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///Athletes.csv' AS line
MERGE(Rank:rank{rang: line.Rank})
MERGE(Name:name{nom: line.Name})
MERGE(Sport:sport{sport: line.Sport})
MERGE(Nation:nation{pays: line.Nation})
MERGE(Gender: gender{genre: line.Gender})
MERGE(BirthDate:birthDate{dateDeNaissance: line.BirthDate})
MERGE(BirthPlace: birthplace{lieuDeNaissance: line.BirthPlace})
MERGE(Height: height{taille: line.Height})
MERGE(Pay: pay{salaire: line.Pay})
and this to create some constraint for that file:
Then I want to display to which country the athletes live to. For that I use:
But I have have that appear:
I would like to know why I have that please.
I thank in advance anyone that takes time to help me.
Several issues come to mind:
If your CREATE clause is part of your first query: since the CREATE clause uses the variable names name and nation, and your MERGE clauses use Name and Nation (which have different casing) -- the CREATE clause would just create new nodes instead of using the Name and Nation nodes.
If your CREATE clause is NOT part of your first query: your CREATE clause would just create new nodes (since variable names, even assuming they had the same casing, are local to a query and are not stored in the DB).
Solution: You can add this clause to the end of the first query:
CREATE (Name)-[:WORK_AT]->(Nation)
Yes, Agree with #cybersam, it's the case sensitive issue of 'name' and 'nation' variables.
My suggesttion:
MERGE (Name)-[:WORK_AT]->(Nation)
I see that you're using MERGE for nodes, so just in case any values of Name or Nation duplicated, you should use MERGE instead of CREATE.
Here is my model:
Code to import data
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS from "file:///test.csv" as row
MERGE(column:ColumnName{name:row.Column_Name, Data_Type: row.Data_Type})
MERGE (domain)-[:HAS]->(data_file)
MERGE (data_file)-[:HAS]->(entity)
MERGE (entity)-[:HAS]->(column)
The problem I have now is that when two different entity nodes have same Column_Name but with different data types, both entity nodes points to a single node (matched by its Column_Name)
1. data_file-A has Entity-A, Column_Name: user_id (Data_Type: String)
2. data_file-B has Entity-B, Column_Name: user_id (Data_Type: Boolean)
When I run the import above, I expected that (1.) above should have an edge to node user_id whose data type is String, and (2.) should have another edge to another node user_id whose data type is Boolean. But this is not happening. Both point to a single node whose name is user_id
How can I resolve this? Is there a way to refer to the dynamic id created by neo4j while creating edges, so that I can create edges between those dynamic ids?
Something like MERGE (entity.id)-[:HAS]->(column.id)
i'm trying to solve a problem of the 1: many relationship display in neo4j. My dataset is as below
2,MSE 1,MSE,1
3,MSE 2,MSE,1
4,MSE 3,MSE,1
5,MSE 4,MSE,1
10,NPE 1,NPE,6
11,NPE 2,NPE,7
15,Cust 1,Customer,14
16,Cust 2,Customer,14
17,Cust 3,Customer,14
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///FTTH_sample.csv' AS line
match (child:ftthsample),(parent:ftthsample)
where child.child_id=parent.parent_id
create (child)-[:test]->(parent)
MATCH (child)-[childrel:test*]-(elem)-[parentrel:test*]->(parent)
WHERE elem.desc='FDP'
RETURN child,childrel,elem,parentrel
It returns a display as below.
I want the duplicate nodes to be displayed as one. Newbie with Neo4J. Can anyone of the experts help please?
This seems like an error in your graph creation query. You have a few lines in your query specifying the same node multiple times, but with multiple parents:
I'm guessing you actually want this to be a single node, with parent relationships to nodes with the given parent ids, instead of two separate nodes.
Let's adjust your import query. Instead of using a CREATE on each line, we'll use MERGE, and just on the child_id, which seems to be your primary key (maybe consider just using id instead, as a node can have an id on its own, without having to consider the context of whether it's a parent or child). We can use the ON CREATE clause after MERGE to add in the remaining properties only if the MERGE resulted in node creation (instead of matching to an existing node.
That will ensure we only have one node created per child_id.
Rather than having to rematch the child, we can use the child node we just created, match on the parent, and create the relationship.
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///FTTH_sample.csv' AS line
MERGE(child:ftthsample {child_id:line.child})
child.desc = line.desc,
child.type = line.type
WITH child, line.parent as parentId
MATCH (parent:ftthsample)
WHERE parent.child_id = parentId
MERGE (child)-[:test]->(parent)
Note that we haven't added line.parent as a property. It's not needed, since we only use that to create relationships, and after the relationships are there, we won't need those again.