iOS Program Flow After InputAccessoryView - ios

I have an unreasonable delay (3 seconds) in my iOS application between the time a user taps a control and when the keyboard is shown.
To reproduce this, I give textfield #1 focus then quickly resign the keyboard with the keyboard resign button and tap textfield #2.
If I tap between the two fields without manually resigning the keyboard I don't see this delay.
I've tried debugging the app to see the program flow but I'm not good enough with the debugger to actually trace anything, I always end up in assembler.
I know that the delay happens after textFieldShouldBeginEditing returns and after inputAccessoryView returns, but before a kUIKeyboardWillShowNotification is fired. My question is, what happens between these steps? What does the program flow look like between the call of inputAccessoryView and the notification for UIKeyboardWillShowNotification?
I believe that if I could just figure out what IOS is executing in this delay I could come up with a work-around.

I honestly believe this was an IOS 8 problem. After changing the target to 9.3 this issue seems to have all but disappeared.


Navigation is delayed when keyboard is on screen - Swift 4 - Xcode 9

Is it possible that iOS have a little bug caused by the system keyboard?
I'll explain myself:
Navigation between views is fast as long as you don't load hard stuff in viewDidLoad/viewWillAppear, even in old devices.
BUT, there are two conditions where I'm getting an annoying delay:
When I show a keyboard in viewDidLoad/viewDidAppear (becomeFirstResponder)
When keyboard is in screen, and I pop the view.
It seems that while keyboard is showing/hiding, the navigation is frozen, because the delay is about the time of the keyboard's hide/show animation.
I tried endEditing(force: true), and resignFirstResponder in viewWillDisappear (when I pop a view), but didn't work.
I have an iPhone 6s, and I noticed that Whatsapp and Twitter have the same problem.
Thank you.
The App Store has the same problem...
Notice the delay when the back button is pressed with keyboard on screen...
Without keyboard:
With keyboard:

Should touchID be displayed if app minimized

Im implementing touch ID to "unlock" my app, and im not sure if ive run into an apple bug or something i need to handle myself. If i tap the Home button and minimize my app before evaluatePolicy can load the Touch ID prompt, it appears over the home screen.
![not enough reputation to display screenshot, so heres a link]
Successful/failure/cancel evaluation of this policy does nothing, but when i re-enter the app and cancel it again, touchID seems to be disabled forever until i restart the phone.
Anyone else running into this issue or have an ideas?
P.S. Theres an open radar where errSecUserCanceled is never returned from a cancel button tap, so right now i fall into my errSecAuthFailed case, which could also be the cause.
Answer is no. It should not be be displayed, when minimized.
The problem is IMHO that the code segment is being called again from your app when it goes to the background. For example loadView , didLoad and so on.
Try moving the code, that calls the authentication somewhere else in the program (different method).
For example, if your code uses a textView to enter password, you can implement the authentication within keyboardWillShow or similar.
Hope it helps.

iOS 6.1.5 UITextField - text not populating

My customer has a POS (Enterprise) app that was working fine on iPod6.1.3. Some of the devices were upgraded to 6.1.5 last week and began exhibiting a problem with taps on the keyboard not populating the UITextField. Unfortunately it is an intermittent problem and I do not have reliable steps to replicate, but I have seen it happen on a 6.1.5. device while running under the debugger. Here's what I know:
User taps on any of 7 UITextFields on the view. Keyboard slides up from bottom. Cursor starts blinking in the field.
User taps any key (including return). The key popover shows the key being pressed. Nothing appears in the UITextField.
Once the problem starts, it will persist until I quit the app (in this case, the app really quits with an exit(0) - required due to credit card security). Running the app again will most likely work correctly.
In the debugger, when things are working correctly I get callbacks to textFieldShouldBeginEditing:, textFieldDidEndEditing:, textFieldShouldReturn:, and textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString: as expected. When things don't work, I DO get callbacks for textFieldShouldBeginEditing: and textFieldDidEndEditing:, but I DO NOT get call backs for textFieldShouldReturn:, and textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString:. I checked the delegate for the UITextField in the shouldBegin and DidEnd methods - they are of course set to self.
Again, this behavior is new, and only in iOS6.1.5. There is nothing "fancy" going on in the view controller.
Any help would be appreciated.

Is it possible to increase keyboard first launch performance in iOS

There is always a delay (2-3seconds) on the first time the keyboard got invoked in application. Is there a method or a trick to improve this experience? I tried to use NSTreading, but it crashes on error "only perform on Main Thread" if I use [textfield becomeFirstResponder]; Any ideas?
As a general rule, do not try to touch UI elements from a background thread unless the documentation specifically states that it is thread-safe.
In your case, attempting to preload the keyboard in the background will not work. Keep in mind that the keyboard isn't created just within your application — it's shared across the system. That means if the system decides it needs to clear up some memory it will most likely "uncache" the keyboard if it's not visible.
If this is occurring in the Simulator, that's most likely because you're quitting the Simulator after every test run. As a result, the keyboard has to be loaded each time you run a test. If this is happening on a device, however, then most likely your device is frequently running low on memory.
That being said, if the instant showing is incredibly important, you could always try to use the old trick of making an invisible UITextField first responder, then immediately resigning first responder in order to force the keyboard to load.
maybe try a different keyboard? or try going into setting and looking at the input options, and go to keyboard. most of the time its because the programming is lagging, or you have more programms running in the background

Neither touchUpInside nor toutchUpOutside is called on palm press/lift over several buttons

I am implementing an IOS APP with a view that provides a keypad for controlling a remote device and if you push on 6 or 8 (UI) buttons at the same time by using your palm then the App gets a touchDown but does not receive a touchUpInside or touchUpOutside when you lift the palm.
Problem is I start a timer upon the touchDown to repeat keys, but I never get a callback to end key repeats. Does anybody know how to deal with this.
I realize this is an anal scenario, but if repeats don't stop on time then expensive equipment could be damaged.
I am not sure this has any bearing on the situation but I am using ios 6 on an iPhone 5.
Is touching them at the same time also a requirement? If not, set exclusiveTouch to YES on all buttons. If yes, check UIControlEventTouchCancel as well.
