Xcode 7.3: error: could not read CFBundleIdentifier from Info.plist (null) after pods configuration - ios

I've downloaded Telegram's code and I'm playing around trying to add Auth0 with it, so I tried to used pods, replicating the practice code.
After some pain regarding PODS_ROOT, I finally managed to get it going, only to encounter the above error.
And now I'm not sure what to do. This answer leads me to believe there's an issue with the info.plist file location, but there's too many:
I saw that the Bundle Identifiers for the Targets were blank, in contrast to the 'base' Telegram app (perhaps something to do with switching from config configuration to Pods-Telegraph?), which had values in it. So I copied over the Bundle Identifiers from the 'base' app like so:
And promptly ended with this new issue:
ld: library not found for -lPods-watchkitapp Extension
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
For reference:
Telegram (iOS version is Objective-C)
For replication, I:
Downloaded necessary files for each project. Telegram is missing some files scattered around the net, and Auth0 requires a (free) account for configuration.
Created a podfile for Telegram.
Modified it to resemble Auth0 podfile - Target main app only. If done right, this should replicate the error in question.
Filled in Bundle Filters (erased upon pod install), based off original values. If done right, this should replicate the UPDATE error in question.

Close your project . Open Again. Clean your project and try to run.
And if its not works then Search info.plist right click -> Remove reference . And add it again. and try to Build.
EDIT :- After installing pod You need open project from .xcworkspace in place of .xcodeproject .


Apple Mach -O Linker (Id) Error?

I am trying to build this xcode workspace which was built from Unity. And after modifying the project a little bit when I getting to the very end of building the project (linking) I get the Apple Mach -O Linker (Id) Error. I can't open the error tab to see what exactly is causing the error. All it says is "Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation). There are also two Apple Mach -O Linker (Id) Errors which occur but I have no idea how to solve them.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
I can't expand these tabs.. this is all I get told
This is the warning tab expanded, the two Apple Mach -O Linker (Id) warnings are the same
This problem has different solutions , one of them is to set Enable Bitcode to No . ( I don't know why by default it is Yes )
This problem is a ghost like problem . Clearing Cache , Restarting Xcode , Simulator and MAC ,Ensuring proper linking of Frameworks ,Changing app Architecture or , Sometimes just doing nothing can solve this problem .
This issue was connected to "Link Binary With Libraries". I've renamed the target, and there were two .framework files for the Pods. Thus, after removing the outdated one - the issue was solved.
For me the scenario was that I removed one of the dependency in my pods which was not required, after removing it I was getting error that the same dependency not found. So I went to delete its entry from the Project >> Build Settings >> other Linker Flags and then selected the same and deleted it as shown below in the Image. After removing from the linker Flags I started getting the Apple Mach -O Linker (Id) Error? and after trying everything for a day I realised the issue lies inside the linker Flags. Where on deleting any dependecy you have to delete the other line name -framework. you can check the below image to get the clarity.
So I suggest to keep an eye on it while deleting the dependecy from the linker flags, do delete the associated -framework too which lies below the dependency name. In my case it was ObjectMapper
If you just installed/ uninstalled a pod you might want to look at this. Here's what worked for me:
First make sure you are opening the .xcworkspace file not the .xcodeproj. But this is probable not what's causing the issue.
Delete the pod that was recently just installed.
In the project directory on Xcode, open the frameworks folder and if the pod which was just removed is still listed there as one recentlyremovedpod.framework, delete it from there also. This step is what made my project compile eventually.
Another possible cause is if you rename one of your targets (why did I do that?) and you're using pods. You end up with a version of your old target name in the Frameworks folder in your main project (not the Pods project), like pods_oldtarget_framework which no longer exists.
Just delete the old version (or name your target back to it's original and delete the new one), and you should be good to go.
For me it was missing frameworks. Try searching the errors you get on Google and find out which frameworks they're part of, then import them in the Build phases tab.
I was having the same issue, and resolved by
installing the latest CocoaPods
then do pod setup
For me I had the problem because I was using Xcode 9 (beta), then I open the same project with another Xcode 8.3. To solve the problem for me just Clean then Run again.
If building on mac for ios in unity, make sure that in the build settings you disable "Metal Editor Support" under other settings for the ios platform.
I used xcode 9.3 and I got this same error. But with 9.2 it works.
The error may happen because of incompatibilities between the artifacts produced by the two xcodes. The project that threw the error included a framework built with xcode 9.2
I added libstdc++.tbd to "BuildPhases >> Link Binary With Libraries". It works for me.
How I resolved this issue:
I exit Xcode then opened my project's .xcworkspace again.
While Xcode was starting...i saw warnings...xcode is smarter enough and ask you switch to recommended settings...Tap it and let him do the changes.
(Read warning seriously and with positive mind and then you will resolve it) 😊

Xcode 7.3.1 - Can't properly setup AWS

A year ago I had a project where I was using AWS. I forget exactly how it worked but it involved a BridgingHeader and no use of Frameworks.
I came back to this project today and none of the AWS stuff was working. I deleted all AWS/pod related files, got rid of the BridgingHeader reliance, cleaned the project, and proceeded to follow the pod-based instructions here:
However, the project still doesn't recognize any of the AWS libraries (getting the error "Use of unresolved identifier AWS...").
I saw a post by someone that suggested simply putting "import Framework" at the top of the files that use that Framework, but this doesn't work (it doesn't recognize AWSS3 when I put "import AWSS3", for example).
Then I saw advice that suggested figuring out the correct "Framework/Header/Library Search Paths" and so I created a brand new project, copied the podfile, and ran pod install. In this new project I am getting the error:
ld: warning: directory not found for option
for each of the AWS libraries.
When I go into the target build settings, I see that the Framework Search Paths have strings relating to the AWS libraries, but when I delete them I then get the error "ld: Framework not found AWSAutoScaling".
I tried giving the direct path to the respective folders but I get the same error.
I fixed the problem by opening the .xcworkspace file instead of the the .xcodeproj file.

1Password Pods iOS library not found

I resume an project from someone else in my company who make a iOS apps using 1password pods.
i have a build error , i search on the web but i dont found a solution.
maybe can you help me.
here the error :
ld: library not found for -l1PasswordExtension
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
thanks in advance
I've run into this problem a few times when using cocoapods. Some of the solutions on this SO post have helped me before Cocoapods ld: library not found for -lPods-Projectname
Also, the official cocoapods site has some help for this issue on their troubleshooting page https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/troubleshooting.html:
If Xcode complains when linking, e.g. Library not found for -lPods, it doesn't detect the implicit dependencies:
Go to Product > Edit Scheme
Click on Build
Add the Pods static library, and make sure it's at the top of the list
Clean and build again
If that doesn't work, verify that the source for the spec you are trying to include has been pulled from GitHub. Do this by looking in /Pods/. If it is empty (it should not be), verify that the ~/.cocoapods/master//.podspec has the correct git hub url in it.
If still doesn't work, check your Xcode build locations settings. Go to Preferences -> Locations -> Derived Data -> Advanced and set build location to "Relative to Workspace".
If all else fails, you can always try deleting the Xcode workspace and the Pods directory, then re-running 'pod install' to see if that clears things up.
Thanks Rob T, i edit the scheme and now it's work.
just before to run i made a pod install.

Remove fabric framework from ios app

I have been landed an iOS project from a client. The main task is to explore and see the user interface so that multiplatform app will be made from scratch with Xamarin.
I notice that the project uses third party framework called fabric. From what i see it is used from crash analytics. I don't need that and i don't have registration so i want to remove all dependencies from the project.
So far I did:
Deleted define ENABLE_FABRIC ( which removed some code from
AptDelegate, replaced logging messages with plain NSLog etc)
Removed some fabric script invocation from build phases
Removed reference from fabric framework in project
So i still have errors building my app:
(null): bad interpreter: No such file or directory
Does anyone know a quick way to get rid of this?
I know it's an old question but I want to help. When you install Fabric, previously Crashlytics, it asks you to put a script in project->Build Phases-> Run Script
it will look like this
./Fabric.framework/run 123456fd7ec....6e2170Q
I think you should remove that script and other Linked Frameworks and Libraries and then it possibly could run
Try deleting the files DerivedData path and clean build folder
then re run the application.
Also check once again the Framework search path in xcode settings.

Apple LLVM Error after trying to add google sign in

I tried following this example to the tee:
Swift iOS Google Sign-In
And even tried the pod try Google demo app but that doesn't even go past the splash screen before a SIGABRT.
I'm sure I am still doing something wrong but I can't figure out what it would be. I have added the bridging-header file as it suggested and when I command click on any GID referenced file it links me back to the source. I haven't fully connected up the UI components but I am assuming it should still be able to Build Succeed and launch the app empty nonetheless.
I have isolated it down to just the cocoa pod installation of Google related items. Even after adding the generated file GoogleService-Info.plist from the instructions to all targets and at the root of my XCode project I still get the same error:
clang: error: cannot specify -o when generating multiple output files
When I remove Google items from the Podfile it seems to run fine. I still have Alamofire, SwiftyJSON there so the pods are installing and being referenced just fine. I also have Facebook login working perfectly also! Just can't seem to figure out what's going wrong here...
The full error is again:
Apple LLVM 6.1 Error: clang: error: cannot specify -o when generating multiple output files
