Getting substring value in Chef ruby - ruby-on-rails

I have a string that has the following value:
I am trying to fetch only 1.1.0 from the string. I am using the following code but it doesn't seem to work
substring = ucp-1.1.0_dtr-2.0.0.gsub('ucp-','')

String's [] and a simple regex will do it:
'ucp-1.1.0_dtr-2.0.0'[/[\d.]+/] # => "1.1.0"
This works because the search will stop as soon as it matches, so the first occurrence wins resulting in 1.1.0.
If you wanted the second/last occurrence then adding $ tells the regex engine to only look at the end of the line for the matching pattern:
'ucp-1.1.0_dtr-2.0.0'[/[\d.]+$/] # => "2.0.0"
The Regexp documentation covers all this.

substring = "ucp-1.1.0_dtr-2.0.0".gsub('ucp-','').split("_").first untried.

using regex with ruby string methods you can achieve this..
version = "ucp-1.1.0_dtr-2.0.0".scan(/[0-9_]/).join(".").split("_").first.slice(0..-2)
Or with your code you can try this..
substring = "ucp-1.1.0_dtr-2.0.0".gsub('ucp-','').split("_").first

Try this (verified):


ruby substring backslash plus "

So, I have a string like this:
str1 = "blablablabla... original_url=\"\"> ... blablablabla..."
what is the best approach to extract this original_url?
what I have done so far is this:
original_url = str1['content'][str1['content'].index('original_url')+12..str1['content'].index('>')-2]
it works, but it seems such like a poor solution, mostly I'm stuggling to find this substring /">
here's what I have tried so far
str1.index('\\">') # escaping only one backslach
str1.index('\\\">') # escaping both back slash and "
str1.index("\\\">") # was just without idea over here
I'm not a ruby programmer, so I'm kinda lost here
The best approach to parse xml namespaces is to use Nokogiri as suggested by #spickermann.
Quick but not elegant and not even efficient solutions:
str1 = "blablablabla... original_url=\"\"> ... blablablabla..."
# => ""
# => ""

Remove double backslash from string with Ruby

I have the following string:
string = "\"2014\\/jul\\/grandes\\/volvo-s-60-d5-momentum-1403253_2.jpg\""
that I want to gsub into this string:
string = "2014/jul/grandes/volvo-s-60-d5-momentum-1403253_2.jpg"
Here is how I thought it should work:
but this returns:
What am I doing wrong?
You have a “dot” in regexp for no reason. Instead of:
Or, credits to #sawa, try this instead:'"\\','')
Or, credits to #Chirantan:
is one possible solution. But I'm sure there are better ones out there.
Another nasty one using String#[]= method. This is just for fun :-
string[/["\\]/] = '' until string[/["\\]/].nil?
# or
string[/["\\]/] = '' while string =~ /["\\]/
But #gsub is better way to solve this. If you don't want to modify the original string, then use String#slice instead of String#[]=. That's it.

How can i get double quoted characters from a string in ruby on rails

If I have a string in a file:
str = hi "Sonal"
I am able to fetch this line of file in a string. Now I want to fetch the characters between the double quotes. i.e. Sonal. How can I do it in ruby?
try the following
'hi "Sonai"'.match(/"(?<inside_quote>.+)"/)[:inside_quote]
You can use regular expression like this,
This will match the characters under quotes.
or without regexp try something like this s[s.index('"')..s.rindex('"')]

string manipulation in ruby on rails

I have a string of the format,
and i need to edit this string using regular expression that the result string should start from http: ie the resultatnt string should be
please help
For these types of situations, I prefer to go with readily available tools that will help provide a solution or at the very least will point me in the right direction. My favourite for regex is txt2re because it will output example code in many languages, including ruby.
After running your string through the parser and selecting httpurl for matching, it output:
re1='.*?' # Non-greedy match on filler
re2='((?:http|https)(?::\\/{2}[\\w]+)(?:[\\/|\\.]?)(?:[^\\s"]*))' # HTTP URL 1
if m.match(txt)
puts "("<<httpurl1<<")"<< "\n"
str = "/d.phpsoft_id=369242&url="
Simple Answer
You need to do following
str = "/d.phpsoft_id=369242&url="

Ruby regex find and replace a number inside a string

How would I find and replace '49' when '49' will be an unknown id, using ruby on rails?
str = "select * from clients where client_id = 49 order by registration_date asc"
str = str.gsub(/someRegExThatFinds49/, replacement_id) # <------ Here's the concept
Looking for a syntax and example that's correct. Thanks.
This would work, using a copy of the string:
new_str = str.gsub(/\d+/, replacement_id)
Or, if you prefer to do it in place (modifying the string directly)
str.gsub!(/\d+/, replacement_id)
unknown_id = 49
puts "hello4849gone".gsub(/#{unknown_id}/, "HERE") #=> hello48HEREgone
str = str.gsub(/49/, replacement_id)
Or use the self-updating version:
str.gsub!(/49/, replacement_id)
Also, check out Rubular which allows you to test out regular expressions.
