Type of data received from SQLAlchemy database to plot chart - highcharts

I am trying to plot a graph using highcharts in Flask. I have no problems when I give the data in the code itself. But when I retrieve the data from the database, it returns with a , in the end like
So, this is not passing the data to the graph and I have an empty space on the webpage.
This is the code I have used:
def index(chartID = 'chart_ID', chart_type = 'line', chart_height = 350):
chart = {"renderTo": chartID, "type": chart_type, "height": chart_height,}
series = [{"data": [tempg()]}]
title = {"text": 'My Title'}
xAxis = {"title": {"text": 'xAxis Label'}}
yAxis = {"title": {"text": 'yAxis Label'}}
return render_template('control/index.html', uptime=GetUptime(), chartID=chartID, chart=chart, series=series, title=title, xAxis=xAxis, yAxis=yAxis)
def tempg():
tempgrs = [tempg for tempg in Temperature.query.with_entities(Temperature.tempft).all()]
return tempgrs
Is it because of the extra comma at the end, that i'm not able to get the chart or is it any other coding fault.
Thanks in Advance.


Dart Chartjs Bubble Example

I'm struggling to get the chart.js dart port to properly render a bubble chart when serving the web app with the --release flag. Using dart2js seems to be breaking the chart, as it works perfectly with --no-release.
The chart renders in properly, and the axes look fine. It's just the data that isn't rendering in. No errors are thrown in the console.
I've tried two approaches to adding the data. One with a simple map, like so:
List<Map> myData = [];
myData.add({'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'r': 5}); //for example..
ChartDataSets dataset = new ChartDataSets(
label: 'outer',
data: myData
var chartData = new LinearChartData(datasets: <ChartDataSets>[
ChartConfiguration config = new ChartConfiguration(
type: 'bubble', data: dataset, options: new ChartOptions(
responsive: true,
legend: new ChartLegendOptions(display: false),
scales: scales,
I've also tried creating an class to hold the data, and handing objects to the input list:
class BubbleObject{
int x;
int y;
double r;
BubbleObject(this.x, this.y, this.r);
so myData becomes List<BubbleObject> myData = []
Any idea why the --release flag would break this approach, and how this issue can be fixed?
Thanks in advance!

Sankey Diagram unable to deliver using the json output

Using data from database I am trying to simulate the sankey diagram working JSFiddle.
I am assembling my data using the below code
// sdata.php
$con = sqlsrv_connect($server, $options);
if (!$con){die('Could not connect: ' . sqlsrv_error());}
$sql_query = "select * from test_data";
$result = sqlsrv_query($con, $sql_query);
$series = array();
$series['type'] = 'sankey';
$series['name'] = 'Gendata';
$series['keys'] = '[\'from\',\'to\',\'weight\']';
while($r = sqlsrv_fetch_array($result))
$series1 = array();
$series1[] = $r['PARENT'];
$series1[] = $r['CHILD'];
$series1[] = $r['DGEN'];
$series['data'][] = $series1;
$result = array();
print json_encode($result, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
My JSON looks like
["GROUP","COAL",24.46], ["GROUP","GAS",11.96],["GROUP","HYDRO",19.36],
["HYDRO","HYD",19.36], ["COAL","ER2",22.4],["GAS","NR",19]
My Chart rending code looks like
$(document).ready(function() {
var options = {
chart: {
renderTo: 'container',
showAxes: true
yAxis: [{
lineWidth: 1,
tickPositions: [0, 1, 2, 3]
title: {
text: 'Sankey Diagram'
series: []
$.getJSON("sdata.php", function(resp) {
options.series[0] = resp[1]; //option 1 to assign the data in series
//options.series.push.resp; //option 2 to push the data in series
chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options);
but I am failing. I am unable to find the error I am missing
Kindly help me.
Let me know if I can be of any further information.
From the code you have posted here, the error is your keys assignment.
You have:
But it needs to be:
"keys": ['from','to','weight'],
That is, the array should not be surrounded by quotes, because then it will be interpreted as a string.
In your PHP that would mean:
$series['keys'] = '[\'from\',\'to\',\'weight\']';
Needs to be:
$series['keys'] = ['from', 'to', 'weight'];
Working example: https://jsfiddle.net/ewolden/aeh02djx/

highcharts converting area range to multiple lines on plot

Need a hand deciphering the Highcharts methodology please.
I have input data that is a lot of records with three fields (timestamp, min, max) that I'd like to generate a plot from. Goal is to have two lines, one with max-vs-time and the other with min-vs.time, both on that one plot.
I got an arearange to work (fiddle here) but if I change the plot type to spline, I just get one line graph with min vs. time (i.e., it ignores the last data parameter).
Same thing happens when I mess with the Highcharts arearange example, so I'm guessing that my series is not defined correctly, but I'm not deciphering the right terminology to figure out how to ask the question yet I guess. Any help appreciated....
// data is timestamp,min,max for the day
// - this currently plots only the min for each day
// - intent is two lines, one for min and one for max
var data = [
[1186124400000, 57.2, 75.6],
[1186210800000, 51.8, 74.7],
[1186297200000, 53.8, 74.8],
[1186383600000, 56.7, 72.7],
[1186470000000, 59.0, 76.1]
var options = {
chart: {
renderTo: 'container',
type: 'arearange'
title: {
text: 'historical temperatures'
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime'
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'outsideTemp (F)'
legend: {
enabled: false
series: [{
legend: {
enabled: false
data: data
$(document).ready(function () {
var chart1 = new Highcharts.Chart(options)
You need to create two separate series.
So this:
var data = [
[1186124400000, 57.2, 75.6],
[1186210800000, 51.8, 74.7],
[1186297200000, 53.8, 74.8],
[1186383600000, 56.7, 72.7],
[1186470000000, 59.0, 76.1]
Will need to be two separate arrays, each with a single y value, and the same x values:
var data1 = [
[1186124400000, 57.2],
[1186210800000, 51.8],
[1186297200000, 53.8],
[1186383600000, 56.7],
[1186470000000, 59.0]
var data2 = [
[1186124400000, 75.6],
[1186210800000, 74.7],
[1186297200000, 74.8],
[1186383600000, 72.7],
[1186470000000, 76.1]
Updated Fiddle:
If your x values are at consistent intervals, you can use the pointStart and pointInterval properties and skip specifying the x values

highcharts not plotting json string containing x,y pairs (string, float). how to fix?

I just switch from jqplot to highcharts, because i couldn't find an answer for my problem with jqplot.
My problem:
I want to plot the following result from a json string. this string contains out of datapairs in the following format: yyyy00kw (year with 4digits, 00 for padding, weeknumber 2digits) and a value (could be formated to float).
because the x value of the pair could change to yyyymmdd (year month day) or yyyywwdd (year week day) it has to be a string.
My json string contains the following:
Here is my javascript code:
<script class="code" type="text/javascript">
var data = [];
var chart;
$(document).ready(function() {
//hier geht es los
$.getJSON("120925_sql_bauen.php", function(json) {
chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: {
renderTo: 'chart1',
type: 'line'
title: {
text: 'Wetterdatenprojekt'
xAxis: {
//categories: []
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'aktuelle Wetterwerte'
plotLines: [{
value: 0,
width: 1
series: json
Unfortunately highcharts shows no plot.
I hope, that highcharts doesn't have the same problem with strings then jqplot :-(
The problem is that you try to use your reply directly. You need to "remove" one layer of arrays. That is data should be json[0]
I updated my example: http://jsfiddle.net/GgNmY/2/
Regarding previous note that values should be numeric is only true for Y-axis (at least in earlier versions of Highcharts).
Edit: Here is to extract the data point (the values) and the categories.
var data = [];
var cats = [];
Here is an running example: http://jsfiddle.net/GgNmY/3/
In Highchart, you can set your series : data object in the form of the JSON input.
In such a case, if the JSON input is in the form:
Then the following attribute can be added in the chart definition:
data: json
Here is the running JSFiddle example

Highcharts not rendering data points

I'm pulling some data from a database that I'm trying to render into a Highcharts stock chart. The data is pulled from the database with PHP and passed to the chart with a $.get(..php/line-data.php) call, and the data retrieved is supposed to be the data that is rendered on the chart.
The data is being returned in the following manner, and I have verified this by logging data in the console. It appears as such, with the first value being the UNIX-to-Javascript converted date/time (x-axis), and the second being the value (y-axis):
[[1362639600000, 8],[1362726000000, 20],[1362985200000, 28],[1363071600000, 51],[1363158000000, 64],[1363244400000, 11],[1363330800000, 4],[1363503600000, 4],[1363590000000, 21],[1363676400000, 10],[1363762800000, 31],[1363849200000, 13],[1363935600000, 17],[1364194800000, 10],[1364454000000, 1],[1365058800000, 30],[1365145200000, 10],[1366009200000, 55],[1366182000000, 18],[1366268400000, 22],[1366354800000, 12]]
As an experiment, I tried just plugging this data straight into a basic demo Fiddle, and it seems to render fine.
So what am I doing incorrectly? Everything seems to be set up correctly, but it's not rendering. This is what I see:
Here are the relevant portions of my code. Yes, I know that mysql_* is deprecated...I'll change it.
$.get('../php/line-data.php', function(data) {
window.chart = new Highcharts.StockChart({
chart : {
renderTo : 'total_mentions',
margin: [20, 10, 10, 10],
spacingTop: 0,
spacingBottom: 1,
spacingLeft: 0,
spacingRight: 0
series : [{
name : 'Total Mentions',
data: data,
states: {
hover: {
id : 'dataseries',
tooltip : {
valueDecimals: 4,
borderRadius: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
shadow: false
[more options...etc.]
No problems with this code. It's pulling the correct data and echoing how I expect it to.
$expAddress = "URL";
$expUser = "USERNAME";
$expPwd = "PASSWORD";
$database = "DB";
$db = mysql_connect($expAddress, $expUser, $expPwd);
mysql_select_db($database, $db);
$ok = mysql_query("
DATE(created_at) AS create_date,
COUNT(id) AS total
subject LIKE 'word1'
subject LIKE 'word2'
if (!$ok) {
echo "<li>Mysql Error: ".mysql_error()."</li>";
else {
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($ok)){
$date = strtotime($create_date);
$date *= 1000;
$data[] = "[$date, $total]";
$tmp = join($data,',');
echo "[".$tmp."]";
Have you tried parsing your data (string) into a javascript object before setting it to the series[i].data?
series : [{
data: JSON.parse(data)
What you are getting from php through $.get is basically string and NOT a javascript array of array of numbers, which is what you want. It may look like that, but it is as simple as "5"!=5, but parseInt("5")==5 same is the case with json objects, you need to parse the string into such an object before javascript or highcharts can interpret it correctly, highcharts could do it on your behalf, but it is not designed that way.
Try his fiddle to get an idea of the data types in picture
var data="[[1362639600000, 8],[1362726000000, 20],[1362985200000, 28],[1363071600000, 51],[1363158000000, 64],[1363244400000, 11],[1363330800000, 4],[1363503600000, 4],[1363590000000, 21],[1363676400000, 10],[1363762800000, 31],[1363849200000, 13],[1363935600000, 17],[1364194800000, 10],[1364454000000, 1],[1365058800000, 30],[1365145200000, 10],[1366009200000, 55],[1366182000000, 18],[1366268400000, 22],[1366354800000, 12]]"
console.log(typeof data); //string
var parsedData=JSON.parse(data);
console.log(typeof parsedData); //object
console.log(typeof parsedData[0]); //object [1362639600000, 8]
console.log(typeof parsedData[0][0]); //number 1362639600000
When you paste the console value directly in the fiddle, you are actually pasting it as a valid javascript array, try using your console value wrapped by " quotes " and see that the exact issue is reproduced!!
Demo # jsFiddle
An alternate approach could be using the $.getJSON() method instead. jQuery does the parsing for you before it calls your callback method
Your problem is in either the output from the PHP script or when you receive the data in your Javascript (quite obvious).
First, don't do JSON by hand use json_encode (http://php.net/manual/en/function.json-encode.php). It's easier and it will guarantee that strings will be escaped properly.
Secondly, inspect your data variable with a debugger. You could also post the exact content of the variable to the question.
But basically, as long as it is working in the fiddle and not in your program you have not yet reproduced the error in your code properly in the fiddle.
For instance, you could replace data in your callback with the data you have in your fiddle to see if the code runs.
